Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, April 14, 1944, Page 13, Image 13

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    ^°Page Twelve
Friday, April 14, 1944.
Timmons' Newest. He
Camp Adair
Ooh! Look What The Next Trailblazer Maa Is Printinq!
DON'T LOOK TOO HARD just now. men.
because luscious and lovely Betty Lou Swarthoul
will be in print again, around pay-day, when the
newer and bigger Trailblazer .Magazine (edition
No. 4) goes on the stands. And there'll be more like
her, though we doubt better for the magazine is
going in for what we’ve been partial to all these
years. Leg art. Plus plenty of other things we are
informed. Betty Lou. who is a very nice girl indeed,
is a student at Oregon State College and Pfc. Chester
Gartski. ace Trailblazer photog who made this shut,
keeps telling himself. Period.
By S/Sgt. Leonard H. Michelson
“This is a siufple problem in in­
filtrating,” said the lieutenant,
“just follow your azimuth. We don’t
want you to get wet or catch cold.”
tec s /XoA AVzctZ’zrz
“I smell a mouse,” said Tim­
mons. “Such consideration ovee-
♦ “This way, please.”
whelms me. I wallow in mud and I
There was a story riding the sleep in the rain and now they say
airlanes pnd the press this week I shouldn't get my feet wet. I don’t
that somehow struck a note that believe it.”
rings. It is Americana. Whatever
"We will not cross the bridge,’
there be in this war, the American
said the Sergeant, “it is mined or
way of life will exist after war. something. Timmons, you will be
For Americans are that way.
our scout. I expect you to find a
It concerns Bill Miller. Sounds crossing that is no more than neck
Yankee, doesn’t it? It is. Bill deep.”
Miller is. He used to be an usher
“You can find more ways of get­
at Roxy’s Theater, New York. Not ting me killed; now it's going to be
today. He’s a tail gunner on a by drowning. When we get into
combat there’s a certain sergeant
But habit is strong. Last week a I who had better start ducking.”
Pride Leads Patrol
Nazi plane got on their tail. And
The pride of the 275th led the
Bill Miller was heard to say: “This
patrol across the swampy ground
way, please.”
to the right flank and up the
Miraculously, almost, the Nazi hedge line to the creek, “ft looks
plane swerved — directly into a1 very wet and cold. Sarge. Maybe
stream of Bill Miller bullets, and we oughts go back and take the
was knocked down. A strictly new bridge.”
American way of ushering.
“It’s only four feet wide, Tim­
mons. Go ahead and jump. Didn't
♦ Gather ye roses while you may. you hear the machine guns ? he h ollered. “if you don't I'll From Down by the Rio Grande Comes Sgt.
come up and tie you to that tree.'
We feel grateful for the kind They've got the bridge covered.”
The firing ceased.
words of William E. Grainger, Jr.,
“Look. Sarge, before I leap to
The second scout crawled back.
Field Director of American Red my death. I've a favor to ask of
Crop« at this Post.
you. I want you to get me trans­ “Timmons told me to tell you tha’
There must be something about Texas. Meet M/Sgt. Mario Hidalg
he is dead again. What should he
Returns are still incomplete but ferred into combat.1
Co. F, 274th Infantry, who paints pictures of all things he remembe
“What for? What’s the matter do?"
the month-long Red Cross drive
“Go back and ask him if he's from "Texas, down by the Rio Grande.”
has netted in excess of *17,000 dol­ with this place? Are you crazy?”
made a will and settled all his af-
The amazing thing is that Sgt.* ■" 1
lars, an increase of more than The Kansan sighed. “I’d rather get
, fairs. The colonel will court mar­ Hidalgo is likely to start painting nately somehow the horses weri
100'r over the drive last year. Mr.
tial him if he dies before doing horses and, as tie says, "They may I transformed into I.onghorns.'
Grainger gave the Sentry lavish die gradually.”
that. You can also ask him for his
come out cows.” It is the more | You can see that artist Hidalgi
credit for its part in this accom­
girl’s address.”
plishment. We are grateful, of a draw leading up to the woods, i The Kansan rejoined the patrol strange, then, that he is acciaimed never fights an idea. He jusl
course. Yet our mission is to in­ Probably covered by a machine in the woods. “Look, Sarge,” he by other Post artists as a "force- rides along with it.
He started with the horse cava
form and, if the cause is worthy, gun. Don’t take it. Try the one on snid. “I’ve been killed by snipers, ful, primitive painter.”
the right."
ry, went thence to the 91st ar
to do it a.« well and completely as
More than an artist, M/Sgt. then the 70th..
"And if it’s covered too, I get ( machine guns, mortars and artil­
we can.
lery. Every problem it is the same Hidalgo is an athlete. Back in the
killed again.”
Yesterday, M/Sgt. Hidalg
We accept your appreciative
thing. I hereby tender my resigna­ 91st Division, he placed fifth in
Isn’t It Better?
in rank, was to har
words Mr. Grainger, with permis­
The sergeant patted Timmons tion from your squad; you don't ^he Division decathlon. He made
sion to pass them on to the right­ on the shoulder, “Teamwork, my even give me the Purple Heart.” master sergeant as an operations departed for paratroop school
Ft. Benning, Ga. .
ful recipients—the enlisted men. boy. Isn't it better than one man
“Timmons, I want you to get the sergeant after going on cadre to
Rig Picture. This is all training/the Trailblazer Division.
officers and the civilian personnel die and the rest live?”
of Camp Adair.
The 275th fair-haired boy frown­ The Aiore often you get killed on
One of a family of 14, which in­
ed. “Yeah, but why always me? (this side, the less often it will be cludes seven girls with four
♦ Corvallis, besides being a very And what wiU happen to my girl
'brothers in the Army, Hidalgo was
I “You mean in combat I’ll get
pretty town and besides having a friend ?”
, born three-quarter* of a mile from
"If she's pretty as her picture. killed only once?” asked Timmons. the Rio Grande and is as Texas as
few spots that cling to the absurd
“Yeah, that’s right,” replied the
practice of charging 10 cents for I'll be happy to see her through her
they come. He will be 27 May 25.
coffee (for each and every cup. grief. Now get going.”
Started to Be Horses
The melodies of Latin Americ
The Kansas flash proceeded slow­
mind you), has numerous unique
the deep south give next Thurs
name combinations among its busi­
tives depicts a bunch of cow boys day’s Trailblazer radio hour, “Ore
ness firms. Offhand, we recall All- denly opened fire at a range of
Anderson, Ind. (CNS)—A tax by a camp fire at night with gon's Own," (KEX, 2030 to 2100
bright A Raw, druggists and Dar­ about fifteen yards. Timmons hid
ling's on Third St. We have prom­ in the tall grass as the hidden en- payer asked the local tax office if some Longhorn cattle in the a distinct perfume of magnolia
he could claim on this year's in­ background. “I started it to be a and mimosa blossoms. The 70tl
ised ourselves one day to meander cry continued to shoot.
“Stop Damn Shooting!"
come tax return his *1,200 annual picture of some horses for a military band, its dance and rhum
along the business thoroughfares
“Cut out that damn shooting,'
“depreciation” on his wife.
friend.” he said, “but unfortu- I ba combinations and its concert or
and jot down a few more. But It
chestra will team up for the hour
has been so rainy lately.
“La Sorella,” fiery tango by th.
'Paints Town' — Named for Famed Lillian Langtry
band, and “La Cumparasita” b¡
♦ Besides, when you consider our
the concert group will gtve th
neighboring communities, why not
Good Neighbor touch, while by th.
take Dallas. The other evening two
bayous and canebrakes come melo-
of the loveliest creatures you could
, ties of a Stephen Foster rhapsodyj
imagine visited the SCI' Non Coma
| i n c I u d i n g “Old Black Joe.”
club at its anniversary party. We
“Swanee River” and "Jeanie with
learned that Dallas and area ad­
the Ligh t Brown Hair.”
jacent has 27 churches and a total
1 ikewi -e. with a southern flavor
of only 3 beer halls. We also learned
I is “Juba Dance" by the band.
(again) what a stinking job we
are doing as publicity agent for
the Non Coma club. According to
S Sgt. Mike Holtman. prominent
among director«, we should be
sticking our neck in the sand some­
An Artist With Lots ol Texas in His Soul
Latin America to
Be Honored in 70t
Thursday Air Sher
♦ But we are not taking this too
seriously for we are sure that this
is where we heard a lissome mem-
)>er of the unpredictable sex make
so bold as to cry:
’•T’hell with virtue! I'm gonna
liecome a camp follower!”
“< gb. Dirty. SmeHy.** V »quote
Philadelphia (CNS) — Girla at
home need not worry about service
man /ailing in love with beautiful
nmkietn in the Solomon Islands,
Explore i <k* Johnson rriMurwi a
Philadelphia woman'a club. “The
•xwwsi there.” she said, "are ugly,
dirty and smoMy.”
I* That MacArthur tn Nimitz to
. Halsey combination bids fair to
; outdo Tinkers to Evers to Chance
I in the little matter of twin-k.liings.
♦ Judging from the sper<> of the
I German retreat the road from Rus-
:sia must be down-hill aS .ne way.
BEHIND M/SGT. MARIO HIDALGO. member of the Art Workshop. is hi« memory preture of
the fa«»«» Tela» town of Laagtry (Pop. IM). ohich »«« named for the renowned Lillian Langtry
by her admirer, the noted Judge Roy Reau, who in the early days represented aU that aaa “law went
of the Perow“ In the pirtare in seen the little bouse which Judge Beaa used an a bar. church and
courtroom Director«« and simplicity are the prime attribute« of krtiot Hidalgo, who h ako con
♦ See by the papers t'tut the draft
j boards are now going to forget all
about deferment«- wonder if that
.applies to “preferments" too?
♦ That “old woman —lived in a
shoe" must have had a friend 'n
the ration board