Camp Adair Sentry Friday, April 14, 1944. Crowd Chapel for Good Friday Services SOLDIERS OF THE 7*11 Division's I'rvtmunl Replaee- iwent Training Benter crowd Chapel 7 for Goad Frida; Services with Chaplain Samuel E. Maddox in Mie palpit. Attendance in Chapel 7 was typical of te io wg ii of Trailblazers who attended Easter devotions in 79th Dmaion chapels. Book Review: 'German Strategy for World Conquest' at Fast Libraries Page Eleven New Chaplains Added to Trailblazer T-0 IDESE ARE NEW CHAPLAINS recently added to the staffs of Trailblazer chapels in the process of bringing them to T/O strength. Left to right. Chaplains George J. Higgins. Rid- ney, Nebr.. Artillery; Janies P. McGugin, Hickory, Pa.. Dir. Hq.; William D. Waugh. Becker. Mia»;. 275th Inf.; and Gillette F. Vandegrift, New Brunswick, N. J„ 276th Inf. 'Take God Along Life is made up of a series of meetings and partings, comings and goings. In the Army the tempo of such activity is quickened. War forces millions of people to leave homes, loved ones, friends; to meet new friends, see new places. Tis frequently easier to meet new people, to explore new surroundings than it is to leave the old. But I would like to put this question to you; Have you learned how to leave? The prophet Isaiah gave this bit of advice, as Moffatt translates ft, to a people whom he yeas calling to leave the city of Babylon: “Nor need you burry forth, flying like fugitives, for the Eternal goes in front of you and your rear-guard is Israel's God.” I would like to place it before you as a formula for the art of leaving. Whatever the occasion is for departing we give much thought to what we are taking with us and who is accompanying u6. Surely there is no better companion than God and no better equipment'than The knowledge that He goes before, as well as fol­ lows after. With His guiding presence we can face hhy future, even death itself. "So live that when thy summons comes to join The ianumberable caravan that «loves To that myaterious realm, where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death Thou go not. tike- the quarry slave at night. Scourged to his dongeon, but sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him aad lies down to pleasant dreams.” God’s word furnishes the formala. Christ is the pattern. In the spirit of these we can, on any occa­ sion, say with Shakespeare, "parting is such sweet sorrow."—Chaplain L. R. Vann, Hq. 70th Infantry Division. By CpI. Robert T. MacDowell Hq. 70th Inf. Div. Know your enemy! That is the basis of al] our present military training. Only' by knowing your enemy can you expect to know how­ to overcome him in battle. With this all important po i nt* ...... ....................... in mind, we recommend that you The reader will have marry of read the Library’s recently ar­ his psychological mysteries solved rived book, “German Strategy of t>y this historic volume. After read­ World Conquest,” by Derwent ing it, there need be no doubt in Whittlesby, Prof, of Geography at anyone’s mind as to -the necessity Harvard university. While reading j of grinding our diabolical enemy “German Strategy,” the world ap­ into the earth and of reducing the pears as a platform whereon Ger­ Germans to a helplessness which man lecturers strut, depicting the will not, for a thousand years, dis- greatness of Germany, declaiming turb the world’s peace. upon its ideas as to how the world i should revolve around it. He thor­ ¡0090; Protestant Service. 1 I oughly proves, by quotations from i 1100, 1900; Christian Science, 1400 | more than 175 German authors, (Wed. 1980). statesmen, military leaders, and ed­ Chapel No. 3—Divarty, D Ave. i. , ucators, that her plans are no idle I» 7th St. So. I pipe dreams of conquest smoked up (ANS)—Spilling bombs on the ’Mass. 1000; Episcopal Commun- i A prize of *50 in the national by pompus Nazis in dove gray uni­ enemy at the rate of 80 tons an ion. 0900; Protestant Service. 1100; j servicemen’s playwright contest, forms. or by the Junker puppeteers hour during the month of March, sponsored by the National ThenVr Evening Service, 1980. of Kaiser Wilhelm. Instead, it -is the U. S. Strategic Air Forces in Chapel No. I—27Rth Inf. Regt.. < Conference, has been av'ardcd ‘ to a constantly growing scheme ex­ Europe, aking with British-based Pfc. Jack R. Guss. 362nd Infdntry. Ave. & 12th St. So. tending beyond the days when the bombers of the Royal Air Force, ’Mass. 0830; Devotion*; General | it was announced by the Orttb'r- Teutonic Knights drove the Poles set a new bombing record of more Protestant Service, 1000 and 1100; enee this week in releasing names out of what is now East Prussia in than 60,000 tons dropped on enemy Vesper Service, 1960; Service Men’s of winners in all clasaificatione ex­ the twelfth century. tciritory in one month. Yank air­ J Christian League, 1930; Mass daily, cept the long plays diviaion. ------------------r- men accounted for 30,172 tons, an Documentation of Writings 1730 RihlM ®»vdy Group, Thursday Submitting a one-act play en­ POST CHAPEL NO. 1 The recent volume was not official headquarters summary re­ Avenue D and 3rd Street North 1909. )'e titled “The Double Weepeha,” Pfc. I published as Ameriean propa­ veals, and destroyed 1,081 enemy FRIDAY: 2000, Friday After­ I Chapel No. 5—275th Inf. Regt C Guis is one of four cash prize trin- ganda. for the work is a docu­ planes. Ave. & Sth St. So. i nets in that category, whiA had Carrying the air battle to the noon Service (Jewish): 2015, Sab­ mentation of * 1er man writings on General Protestant Service, 0900 I 21* entries. bath Eve Service (Jewish). SAT ­ the science of “Geopolitik.” The enemy on 26 days of the month, the URDAY: 1930-2030, Catholic Con­ and 1015; Bible Class, 1600; Gospel I Awards in thc skits and black- (Service, 1900; "Catholic Mass, 1115; I outs division brought a *19 prize greatest names in German mili­ Eighth Air Force, based in Eng­ fessions. SUNDAY: 0900, Catholic j Fellowship Hour, Tues., 1900. tary, political, and literary his­ land, and the 15th, in Italy, exceed­ j to Sgt. Cecil Bimkrant, with the Mass; 1000, General Protestant | Chapel No. «—274th Inf. Regt C Special Service Office of the 96th tory are observed stating their ed their February record tonnage Service. TUESDAY: -1915, En ­ doctrines of Prussian supremacy by more than 6,000 tons Febru­ Ave. A 4th St. So. Division, formerly at Adair. Btrn- listed Mens' Gospel Service; 2000, General Protestant Service, 1000; krant’s entry was one of 27 vrin- over Europe first, then over the ary's total of 905 enemy planes des­ Jewish History Class; 2100, Tal ­ troyed was said to be considerably world. "Catholic Maes, 1115; Lutheran ser­ , nrrs in a field of 133 entries. more than Germany’s current mud Class. WEDNESDAY: 1915, vices. 0900 ami 1900. Other classifications irtcluded Quotations from Hitler, Colin i fighter plane production. Service Men’s Christian League Chapel No. 7—Catholic Mas«, 1000; mum—An inflation-, conscious woman walked Into a ■ Chapel Na. 1 Ave. D tr 3rd St. No. _ _ I I Jewish Services, Friday, T015. ; post office and ordered a ‘ large No. 2 — IHv. Hq. * Spec. j quantity of air mail stamps “I Ihet'thspel . ■ ter get them now,” she said, “be-1 Trps.. D Ave. * »rd St. So. "Mass.