Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, April 07, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    Camp Adair Sentry
Friday, April 7, 1944.
Page Six
Strike! Not Baseball, This Is Bowling
Camp Adair
Brain Power for 275th Infantry Softball
Rirn**l Cnr”» ’’hnto
WORKMEN PUT IN the final licks inside the big building
ea-,1 of Field House, where shortly Camp Adair bowling fans will
fmd their “heaven on earth." Announcement of opening date will
be made shortly.
Bowling Pins to Fly
At Camp Adair Soon
New Bowling Alleys
Will Open Under PX
Who Wos It? Why,
i Ball Star Andrea
The mystery of the sixth man in
I the page 5 picture in last week’s
Sentry was solved not once but
i many times after we came to light
; last Friday morning. He is none
GIs are looking forward to the 1‘ | other than Pfc. Tony Dandrea,
opening of the new Post Exchange l' 276th Infantry softball pitcher.
Bowling Alleys, w hen they will lie j
Pfe. Dandrea formerly pitched
able to do some plain und fancy , at Columbus, Ohio, has appeared at
bowling right here in Camp Adair, i Soldiers' Field, Chicago, and bids
Tne new alleys, 16 of them, will j
to be one of the main stems in soft-
be nly part of the Camp recrea- I ball competition when the 276th
tior. facilities. Eight of the 16 al­ Infantry goes into divisional league
leys will be put into operation at | action.
the opening. There have also been
facilities installed for the purpose
of >-erving snacks and drinks to
j The most interesting comeback
hu- gry GIs.
of them all is that of Pepper Mar­
The finest equipment has been tin, now 40, who says he is ready
installed in these alleys at the es­
to burn up the basepaths again for
timated cost of $28,000, which
the Cardinals. The old Pepperpot,
came from the earnings
for years the fastest runner and
Post Exchanges here in
loudest belcher in the National
League, should be good for 80
Bowling leagues will be »tailed
games if his chest holds out. That’s
after the alley» are once in opera- '
where Pepper always caught those
line drives—right off the old drum.
Enlisted men who are interested
in working a« pin boys will report i oiM»n-John»on Ought To
to Lt. William H. Ross. Post Ex- 1 Help I'oat-War Planning
chgige Officer.
Hollywood (CXd)—Ole Olson
Martin Comeback
Yank Soldier Has 50°o
Better Survival Hope
V.' a s h i n g t o n (CNS i
wo; ruled American soldier ha«
twi-e as good a chance of survival
in this war as he had in the last
one, a War Department survey
has disclosed.
Despite the use in modern war­
fare of the most deadly weapons
ever made by man. only 3.7 per
err.* of the Americans wounded
in action have died, as compared
with 6.1 per cent in World War I.
the survey shows.
Si CT al Corp« Phot«
HERE’S THE 275TH ATHLETIC COUNSEL which will guide the spring softball program
Left to right. Tee. 5 Raymond Cox of Service Office, Tec. 5 Calvin Nelson of 2nd Bn.. S/Sgt. Leonard
Michelson of 1st Bn., and T/Sgt. Keith Marshall of Special Troops. Members who do not appear in
the picture are S/Sgt. lion McKenzie of 3rd Bn., and Sgt. Robert Onella, sports writer for the 275th
MP State Softball Champs Strategy Board
Golden Gloves Awarded
To Pvts. Prindall and
Basone of Trailblazers
Golden Glove awards were pres-
ented to Pvt. Charles Prindall. 135
pounds, and Pvt. Frank Basone.
154 pounds, both of Company C,
275th Infantry.
The awards were given for win­
ning divisional championship in the |
recent 70th Division Golden Glove
Boxing Matches and were present­
ed to their winners by Tec Ray­
mond Cox, athletic director of Ser­
vice Company, on the stage of the
regimental recreation hall during
a program Monday-evening.
Another champion. Pvt. Samuel
Munda, 127 pounds, formerly of G i
Company, has been transfered to
another camp and will receive his
award by mail.
Camouflage blinds the enemy!
For surprise- attack blend with
your background.
and Chic Johnson. Hellzapoppin
scamps, have designed some new
trie ks for their forthcoming show,
Jerks Berserk. Examples: Eight
seats in the third row will collapse
and drop customers into the cellar,
drinking fountains will spout hot
water, dachshunds will be trained
to steal lady customers’ shoes.
How’s That. Again?
Hollywood (UNS)—GIs in Alas­
ka are nice boys, but they're shy,
according to Ingrid Bergman, easy-
to-look-at movie star who recently
returned from a tour of camps in
that theater. “We practically had
to chase them.” she added.
Trsilblaur Phon
THE STRATEGY BOARD of the Post MP softball tea»,
which last year defeated the Colored Giants of Portland in a
killer-diller finish to win the Oregon State Softball championship,
here map the strategy which they hope will carry them to the
same or greater heights this season. Although many players are
gone, a good nucleus of the winning 1943 team remains. left to
right, are Pfc. Jean Nalda, Pfc. George Guidice, Lt. George Kres-
saty, Cpl. Jim Fitzgerold. Sgt. ‘Ttabe” Arnerich.
Big Guns-& Runs
Mark Pre-Season
SCU So ft ba lling
A schedule and other details of
league competition will be worked
out in the early part of next week
i when representatives from the re­
spective teams meet.
Glancing over the teams and the
plA^er strength it looks, from here,
Flashing all their big gdns the like the highly touted MPs, who
I SCU softball league started out took the Oregon state champion-
I the week with practice and pick- ship last year, and the powerful
i up games. Runs and more runs Medics will be fighting it out for
was the theme of play. The MPs top honors. But at this stage of the
blasted the officers. The officers game and with teams with lots of
¡in turn bombarded Post Headquar- ? _ marks
_____ for power, anything car
ters. But a« teams from the Quar-| happen.
i termaster. Headquarters Co., and ‘
the Medics whip into shape a league
Camouflage blinds the enemy!
that will provide plenty of good
Cover windshields and headlights.
softball will be well on its way.
Your Mother—
— Mothers Day is May 14 —
have it made right here on the POST
★ ,
The Ball Studio located in PX No. 1 is open
•rom 1 till |o each day except Wednesday
Lmtaw Miases
"show me where Tokyo
botare me brodder got Ml de Infantry.”
THIS GIRL with the beauti­
ful «tare, we could u«e (yew and
how !) at Adair. She carries the
name of Pat Starling because
»he's a Hollywood darling. The
reason we’re printing this pic so
appalling « )w»t because (that’s
I it! Toa're right!) her shoulder
strap is falling.
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