Camp Adair Sentry , _____ Friday, March 17, 1944._______________ *_____________ __________ ___ Page Nte» High Post Officers Attend Post Commander's Dinner, Honoring General Livesay Shown to r) during Wednesday honoring General in G. I.ivesay arc Col. «lavs* f .>1 (1 Samuel I) U ■■ < — informal I .. I_ dinner 1.’ E. Il-Li a ■ Willia ■ ... Jos. I*. Donnivin, l.t. Col. Eugene Foster General l.ivesai. Pont Commander Col. I). Hays. Major General I John Dahlquist and ■ ■> Brigadier G eneral Ralph Hospital. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Dinner Honors 91st General and Staffs Sure, and it’s St. Patrick’s Day today, and in honor of Begorra, St. Patrick's Day Finds USO In Corvallis Celebratin' — Big Dance ! Florence (Pat) Merriam to New Post; Ann Caddy Acting Hostess at Club 2 Florence Coardy (PatI Merriam, of the real Camp Adair "pionee | long a highly-active member of first came to the Post in Jure. Commander Hays Host ‘the civilian personnel at Camp 1942. nnd worked for a time as:PX At Wed. Night Fete I Adair, this week left her post as I manager under Major Rudolph morrow night . . . New Pops Con-*■■------- ■ 1 ---------------- director of Service Club 2 to as Ayres, opening PX 2 in August- f> cert series begins in Corvallis Sun for each game, and the more GIs Major General William G. Live- sume a similar work at Muroc, In September, 1942, she was day . . . Regular Saturday dance and wives who attend, the merrier! say, Commanding General of the ; I Calif.. Air Base. Assuming her sworn into the ASF as an Army tomorrow night at AlBany USO j 91st Division, was honored guest ■ hostess and on September 11 the . . . Trip Sunday by Chemeketa SATURDAY DANCE at a dinner tendered to him and | club was officially opened—tfith USO, Salem, is to the state peni I To New Post i The regular Saturday night his general and special staffs by 12 GI benches and a grand piano tentiary . . . One of last of Che- I night dance will be held at Al Col. Samuel D. Hays, Post Com- as primary accoutrements. Sire* meketa’s weekly surprise programs bany USO from 2030 to 2300 to- ' mandcr, Wednesday. that time. Camp Adair's Ser' . 'e also on Sunday, 1530 . . . Other guests of Col. Hays and ! morrow, with junior hostesses for Clubs have been «quipped to g.iin ' dancing partners and a band to bis staff included Major General recognition as the most up-to-tbe* John E. Dahlquist. Commanding St. Patrick's Program furnish music. minute in the Ninth Service Cù i- General, 70th Division; Brigadier j ma nd. As a part of the Corvallis USO’s General Ralph Hospital. 91st Di- MOVIES AND SING During her periml on the Pc «t, St. Patrick’s Weekend program, varty Commanding General; and | . Mrs. Merriam has been active in the festivities will open tonight •A feature length picture and Col. E. C. Snow and Lt. Col. E. T. | , the development of club activities, with the popular square dance I short subjects will be shown at Henry. Commanding Officer and I i particularly in the creation of lyu- class, under direction of Miss Betty i 1400 and again at 2000 Sunday at ( Executive Officer, respectively. 7th Isieul revues and shows. She «a» Lynd Thompson of Oregon State, the Albany USO. The regular Sun ' Hq. Ill Corps. college. instrumental in developing the r.< w day sing will be held at 1900. Following dinner in the SCU Of ficers' Mess, at which General Live- weekly “Army Hostess on the Ar” The monthly formal will be on say and Col. Hays spoke briefly, show over KW1L and the success TUESDAY DANCE NIGHT deck Saturday night, with the mu ful Sunday music hours. sic of the Rhumba band of Matt j Tuesday dances at the Albany the group adjourned to the SCU Of Prior to her departure for Mu.- e, Carneval and his 70th Division ■ USO—time, 2030 to 2300—are be- ficers’ Club, where a program of I entertainment had been arranged. she will sjiend a brief leave in Eu boys expected to swing out. (coming more and more popular with Music was provided by the SCU gene with her family. At 1630 Sunday the first in a hostesses and GIs from Adair as orchestra. Entertainers included new series of Pops Concerts will well as Oregon State College and 1st Sgt. Ben Stein, 91st Division, | take place. This series will be a the Corvallis Air Base. KWIL’s as- master of ceremonies and dancer; , Acting Director monthly affair, taking place the sistance with emceeing and broad- Pvt. Dean Nelson, pianist, also of ; Florence (Pat) Merriam third Sunday of each month. Plans casting the dance music may be the the 91st; Pvt. Chico Salazar, 70th are under way for a gala opening, reason. Division, guitarist; and Betty ! place as acting director will lie I and the best civilian and Army tai- --------- Erickson of Corvallis, dancer. I Ann Caddy, who has lieen recrea ent has been lined up, they tell us. 7/jof Shme tional and social hostess of the Club, and who came to the Post Gen. Chennault Sees | Just wait ’til you see the “Stars . with a wealth of experience in this Surprise Program of Tomorrow” twinkle at their I Japs Licked From Air type work, from an instructorship What may be one of the last of|***k»y broadcast Saturday mom- China (CNS)—Maj. Gen. Claire .at -Stephens College, Columbia, Mo. Cbemeketa’s weekly surprise pro- ing at 11M in the Little Theater L. Chennault believes that the Al IThis was the announcement yester- grams, now that spring weather cn third floor, George White lies can destroy Japan from the air [day by Capt. Russell G. Floss, Post will bring outdoor activities on Center, Portland. with only one-tenth of the air force (Special Service Officer. If you’ve never seen a “Stars of Sunday afternoons, will take plaee Mrs. Merriam, who rates as one now being used to wreak havoc on this Sunday at 1530. It promises > Tomorrow” program, you’ve missed Nazi Germany. excellent entertainment. {something! It’s a KGW presenta According to a United Press dis Perfect Gift In Gratitude tion, and a few minutes of each patch, the commander of the U. S. India (CNS1 — Home safe at his show are given over to GIs Who TRIP TO STATE PEN’ 14th Air Force is eonvinoed that if base after parachuting from his want to take a chance before the A trip to the state penitentiary he can knock out the enemy ship "mike. ” is the scheduled educational event ping lanes in the South China Sea bbrhing jdane, a pilot drew his Hf- for the Chemeketa USO, Salem, and Yangtze River and the rail qu<u ration, hustled over to the CONCERT SCHEDULED with the bus leaving the USO buihl- roads in northern China, Japan’s parachute shop and presented the Sunday a concert will be given I industry and her army will col whole bottle t<> the private who had ing at 1400. packed his chute. During this popular educational at 1730 in the main floor lounge of lapse “easily.” - ---- trip, it will be possible for service George White’s Center by ghe ■ i —- --------.... ------------ men to buy myrtlewood articles Tamiesie Concert Orchestra, under made by prisoners. All proceeds direction ef Sylvester Tamiesie, from sales go into prisoner’s ac one of Portland’« well-known con counts for the time when they are cert violinists, formerly a member “We have come a long way in a far-reaching, complex jolt . . . which haa required of Portland’s Symphony Orchestra. released. vast organization. Today we Bet our sights on future targets , . . how long it taken, ho * Your favorite numbers will be in-1 much it costs is the individual concern of each of us , . . and let us not be deluded by I’ALM READING SERVICE - eluded in the concert, which prom-1 thoughts that the war is won. ♦---- --------------------------------- ises to be excellent. One of the little-publicized ser-1 "We fight for simple things." j second anniversary of formation of men'« «oals. The summrr soldi tr vices given by volunteers at the in short, "for town meetings, for ! the ASF on March 9. and the sunshine patriot will, n PORTRAIT. SIR? • he right to organize for any de Chemeketa USO, Salem, is palm i In a stirring talk, delivered at this crisis, shrink from the ver ■ That’s what you’re liable to be cent purpose, for the right to I Ft. Belvoir, V«., and broadcast, ire of their country; but he th, reading by Madame Rahn from iked if you happen to be in the work at jobs of our own choos General Somervell recited that stand, it now, dene 1700 to 2200 every Sunday. Her lounge, George ing. to read the books we WANT (“these rights, privileges, traditions and thanks of man readings are both interesting and 5th fl< Wednesday af- to read. We fight for the high ire precious enough to fight a txl i Tyranny, like hell, White' helpful. privilege of throwing pop bottles I h - for They are not easily wor conquered ; yet we h Eileen Cron al the umpire.” Words Ring Tadai solation with us, thi Friday Night Bingo! He said, “Tom Payne’s words a the conflict, the mor ASF Birthday triumph.* rue now as they were th ive in summary high- address given by Lieu- "To my, tn y night beside the Delawa rirait and the captain.,, the M'rgt anta ar <1 General Brehon Somervell, he wrote them on a drui Ming general of Army Serv- with a stubby pencil; the privates, Mnd to I ail our «ivilaJl rces, to commemorate the These are times that tr 1 >. - - • 11 lion* ’ ’’ the big day for all Irish GIs . . . Corvallis USO is sponsoring a full weekend program, with the monthly formal dance to ASF Address by Gen. Somervell