Page Six I » » I » • I I : I I I » » I » Friday, March 17, 1944. Camp Adair PORTS Co. E Leads 362nd In Fitness Test Program By Teca Bernie Smith There has been an unusual amount of puffing, grunting and groaning« over in the direction of the 362nd Infantry the past two weeks, but out of it all has come some pretty re- markable information. The Regj. ment, you see, has just completed its session on the Physical Effi. | ciency course. Under the personal supervision of Regt’l. Commander Col. J, w. . Cotton, and managed by Lt. H. 1 Hassell, A & R Officer, the phys­ ical fitness test has proved most j satisfactory in developing a com- , petitive spirit among the men who ! participated. Each individual, pla- ' toon and company score was mark- i ed on a competitive basis, thus I making it clear to all participants 1 just where they stood at all times. Near World Record! Tied for top honors with 680 out of a possible 700 points, (the world's record is 693.'), are S/Sgt. Victor Volpa of A Com­ pany and Pvt. J. D. Sutton, of F Company. To accomplish these high scores it was necessary to Half-Way Mark Finds score a hundred points in all Many Units in 100% events except the 300-yd. run. Both sped through that one in As Camp Adair participation in 39 seconds! Sirnal Corps Photo tile 1944 American Red Cross War IN ANOTHER CASE where a private whois a staff sergeant. Pvt. Willard LaMarche, Co. In second position. Pvt. Frank Fund Drive passed the half-way 363rd Inf., defeated S/Sgt. Harold Whitehouse. Co. D, 363rd, to carry off the 91st Division ping DeMay, of C Co., ayd Pfc. A. mark, satisfaction with the results *ng championship in a brilliant four-game finals match, 21-15. *'*-17 ‘»n.oo ‘»1-17 thus far attained was expressed on Whiteley, of E Co., share the hon- ors with 675 points each. Pvt. all fronts. In commenting on the Camp Thomas Owen, of C Co., is in sole Adair phase of the drive. William possession of third place with 668; E. Grainger, Jr., Field Director in Pfc. Manuel Sigueros, C Co., in charge of Red Cross activity on the fourth spot, and Pvt. Orville Ror- W» teg Treading — ailing heavily cn <.n opponent« oppo~ —' post, stated that he had «¡»countered em, Hq. Co., in fifth place. (Five top scorers from each with some plain and fancy table splendid feeling and cooperation . t w was just a ease of a private’» , system, the tournament consumed tnnis, Capt. . Irving Katzman of in all units and activities and indi­ company were to have met in n.. ;ral >1 superiority over non-com- , g six jx round, rounds with LaMarche elimin-1 elimin- the 316111 Med. Bn. this week cations are that returns will ex­ competition for official Regi­ mental honors last night. At micsioned officers lust Tuesday | ating in turn Tec4 Martin Radella. Tec4 stepped into the 91st Division Of- ceed those of last year. n vht as Pvt. Willard LaMarche, Regt’l. Hq. Co., Pvt. Herbert Walff, ficers’ ping-pong championship as i To civilian employees of Service press time this morning, the re­ C< F, 363rd Inf., plowed through a Cannon Co.; Sgt. Leo Reible, and ! he outdistanced a field of 28 rivals Club 1 and Guest House 1 went the sults were not yet compiled.) r:.<< of 12 swat-artists and finally Whitehouse. The runnerup on the 1 for the coveted singles trophy. He distinction of subscribing 100 per Although many individual scores put the lid on S/Sgt. Harold White- other hand clipped in succession 1 also collaborated with I.t. Harland cent on the first day of the drive. were high, it was the average Complete figures are not yet h.;«e down the line 21-15 and 21- ■ cient manner in which he prepared In fairness to those units striv­ is E Co., with an average of 510.83. ¡21-16, 21-17. 17. But as he sensed the champion- gas and smoke screen.-, during the And in the doubles show he and ing to attain the 100 per cent goal, i Company H is second with 507.90, si. p slipping, Whitehouse tightened recent 2nd Bn. problems. S 'Sgt. his partner, Lt. Nelson, defeated the list of units that have already , and Company B is third with 501.00. up in the third game and set La­ J. C. Brooks, of G Co., 362nd Inf., Lt. A. A. Barbatta and Lt. John I done so is being withheld tern- ‘ The others follow : Marche 22-20 in a classic deuce tilt. was commended this week by the Churella 19-21. 21-17, 21-16, 21-16. poraily. It can be said, however,. Co. «19 1- 11 veyer. LaMarche tipped the Division Commander. Maj. Gen. The tourney called for three out that a good proportion of the units | J'® 4414» 441.91 set es again in the fourth when he William G. Livesay; by the Regi- of five, and when Barbatta and that have made their returns have AT In 426.9' subscribed 100 per cent. s “ r did an encore on his 21-17 for ths- mental Commander, Col. J. W. Cot- ( hurelte tipped the second game, cr vn. | ton, and by his Battalion Com- the/ couldn’t recover and the title „ K _ -«Ttl* ■an on the traditional bracket mander, -Mai. E. K. Thompson. l went to Katzman and Nelson. IHo C.1 Id Biflrti.u Runner-up and Champ, 91st Ping Pong Tourney 91st-96th BOXING j BOUTS CANCELLED The boxing joust between the 91«t end 96th Division scheduled to hit the Camp White ring last I Tuesday has been cancelled. This was announced early this week by the 91st Division Athletic and Recreation officer. A crew of 15 boxers front the 333rd and 362nd Infantries had originally been billed for the road trip and were to leave March 12 and re­ turn on March 15. The journey would have been the first of its kind for a division athletic team. I Posi Response Good In Red Cross Drive Pvt. LaMarche, 363 rd, Med. Officer Takes Pina Pong Title!““5** 362nd Sgt., Attu Will Champ Defend His Title? Louis Still Ronks Tops ----------------------------- I The big talk in the work! of sport today is the possibility. Tech. Sgt. Charles E. Johnson, of Sgt. Joe Louis, heavyweight champion of the fistic world,' of I. Company. 362nd Infantry, has Aefending his long-held title against the heavyweight ruler another decqration for his already of the British Isles sometime in the* ------ -------------------------- weighted chest. He can. with per­ m ar future. handling of the cagy Jack Black--------- satisfaction, hang ar. Expert l The word going around now burn—will he miss the clever medal up there with the ribbons, «’ -ng the so-called ring generals minds of Julian Black and John for he made Expert with the carbine is hat Louis la about through as Roxburruijarb. his long time man­ | this week. And how! Sgt. Johnson received a personal far aa serious ring competition is agers. Wilk he- l-v the same cool c< cernesi. They claim the boxing fighting machine he once was or commendation from his Regimental shows and traveling he has done did the lay-off really hurt him? i Commander, Col. J. W. Cotton, for throughout the country (the Joe has always been a clean cut. ■ attaining the highest score with the B nber and his troupe were at hard working boy. He took his work Carbine by any competitor in the A air Oct. 28) has taken a lot out seriously and to every performance history of the Regiment! Sgt. John­ of him and the result is that he is gave his t-eSt and in most cases his son. firing the standard 40-round course prescribe«! by WD TC No. 87, n> the “Bomber" of old. best was much too good for the made the “possible" 200! Anticipate Hout man he was fighting. Stop a minute, brother, and til the boxing world and more We who have seen Joe in his figure that out slowly. Hack away ► our soldier« in England are fighting «lays know he is a great | the alphabet that precede« that s-xious to nee thin fight come champion and a great guy White I ‘ possible" 200. and what have you s'oel because they beliese l.oui* I got? Just this: Sgt Johnson nailed i« «till every bit tbe champion it is not up to me to say or to | th«- bull's eye 40 consecutive times! h- • ■« when he came into the think out loud on a contest of any A veteran of the Attu battle, ►a rvice. kind. I am going to stick my neck I where he was an acting weapons will be interesting to those out and say : “If Louis defends his i platoon leader. Sgt. Johns-,n has e- nected with the boxing world title in England, the boxing world I prove«! invaluable to L Company t< ee juat how thia will work out will find him the great champion , as a soldier and as a popular mem- — ill the champ miae the smooth he waa ha»t duya." I ber of the outfit. PX Warehouse and Office Relocated This week the Post Exchange moved both its office and ware­ house to new quarters. The Post Exchange office, for­ merly opposite Post Hqs. building, has been moved to 1st Street South and D avenue, building T-7-452. The warehouse, formerly on H avenue across from the Post Fi- nance building, is now situated - f COMMENDED S/Sgt. Ortis R. Karriker, of Company E, 362nd Inf., was com­ mended this week by Col. J. W. Cotton, his Regimental Commander, for “his thorough knowledge of first aid which he exhibited dur­ ing the 2nd Bn. Defensive prob­ lem on March 1st and 2nd.” across the street from the new of- fice quarters. 200 Out of 200 Is 100 Percent Sipi. Corn p *»'« FOHM ™AT enabled him t. make that ehmn» possible is displayed by T/Sgt. €. E. Johnson of Co. L, 36-nd l»l. Ill* record—!• coimecative ball's eye» firipg the carbine 75°. fro" P°*'’ions, A ceteran of ever three years service m Alaska and the Aleutians. he participated ia the battle for Atta