Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, March 17, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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    Camp Adair
Friday, March 17, 194-L
Page Four
Bands of Adair: Best
In his own. inimitable way. our Pvt. Paul Rosenberg git
you a picture of most of Camp Adair’s active dance b-jaT;
of which are compo-ed of musicians with reputations in the ¡ m
and jive, or else the more solid, musical world of yesterday, ft
Rosenberg also gets you "in the mood” for whatever folk»»
with an inspirational nrelude ai^'ear»"<r on tjsee 12, however.
SCU Band (Large)
A dance banc with literally
1 everything — boasting a member -
1 ship of former name band men this
I outfit can really send you, whether
in torrid swing or sweet, dancing
ballad. Tec 5 Alfred Dominguez
j puts his all into the tenor sax and
'creates pure jumping beat; then
a Bob Chester sideman, Pfc. Phil
i Stinger, ups the beat on the skins.
I They are really off when former
! Henry King horn man. Tec/5 Dick
Vartanian, blasts a terrific trumpet
as he keeps the jam session roll-
j ing. Playing arrangements by 88’s
I man Pvt. John Shuster, Dominguez,
‘ and tenor sax, Tec/4 Reed Dunn—
they feature strictly dAnce numbers
with jive added for the hep.
Bringing forth smooth mellow,
background are Pvt. Eric Kessler
on bass, S/Sgt. Bill Wenness,
leader extraordinary, on alto sax;
Pfc. Schnitzer, Tec/4 Dale Durbin,
on tenor sax. The trombones of
Tec4 Dick Davis, Pvt. Fred Pepe,
and Pfc. Bell Jennings blend in with
the trumpets of Pfc Santos Alvarez
and Pvt. Bob Smith to create per­
fect listening and dancing har
ALSO AMONG FAMOl’S maestros of music to compete in tonight's Field House Battle of the
Hands" are (top left) Tec5 Leo Juarez. 70th Div. band, formerly Jerry Wald: Pvt. Dave Orwitz
(lop right), medics trumpeter. ex-Whiteman and considered the west’s best; Harold Rupp of the
70th rhumba band (bottom left) formerly with Ben Bernie and (bottom right) Tec.» Robert Hage­
man. former Chuck Foster sax artist, now of 70th rhumba band.—All Signal Corps Photos.
Siell's Medics
'Battle of The Bands' Tonight
♦----- 1-------------------------------------------
70th Dance Band
Really giving out in the way of
smooth, sweet and torrid beat is
Sgt. Bill Rhodenbaugh’s 70th Div.
dance band. Featuring terrific foil­
ing tenor sax by Tec5 Leo Juaruez
and mellow, facsinating 88’s by
Pfc. Ken Davies.
The horn blasting of a former
Boh Chester sideman, Tec5 Bob
Cozine, makes the feet move and
the mind ask for more. The kid is
» sensational. Each movement of his
fingers and lips make you think
of the greats of horndom, James,
Elman. The combination of Cozine
on trumpet, Juaruez on tenor sax,
Robbins on alto sax and former
Benny Goodman guitarist, Tec4
Sam Herman, is tops, be it ballad
or jump.
Blending into rhythm background
¡are one time Bob Chester, tube­
man, Tec5 Johnny Quinn, Teco
Dennis Barriti on bass, Pfc. Kenny
Dehlin on alto sax. Tec5 Cleve
t ,
... ,
Hamby , on . tenor sax, ...
Pfc. Bill W al-
ters, playing unusual baritone sax.
To support the brass are Tec4 Don
Miller and Tec5 Dave Black on
trumpets. Tec4 Al Pollard, Tec4
Gene Whistler, and S/Sgt. Dale
Dalling make up the trombone sec­
tion and complete the list.
In the spotlight among musicians
is Tec4 Joe Sieff’s Station Hospital
band. Featuring a combination of
five former name liand musicians,
he I eally cuts loose. Cpl. Irvin Fish­
man, ex-Tommy Dorsey tenor sax
and clarinet man, is out of this
world. The blasting horn of Pvt.
Dave Orwitz is considered one of
the best in the nation. He was voted
the most versatile hornman on the
companiment during intermis­
Pacific Coast. Beating the tubs
Three experts named yesterday j sions.
is 19-year-old Pvt. Jack Morrison
to pick ’em are John Steen, Profes- :
I', <•’>/Clan nee (Jlnik. '<l<t Div.
«or «>f Instrumental Music, L’ni-1 nivarty Hq. buttery, versatile and who took seven state champion­
versity of Oregon; Prof. Delbert experienced MC, will be at the mic­ ships on the skins. The arrange­
Despite heavy training schedule
Moore, Oregon State College and rophone as Master of Ceremonies, ments are done by Fishman and
Pvt. Jerry Marks, who also blends throughout the year Warrant Of­
AW Berkowitz, Musical Director,
Each hand
_ __ will
be ________
allowed _ 20 the KM’s and is a professor of
(Continued from page I)
|lem, Monmouth, Dallas, Albany
Each participating band leader
and Independence, it was revealed
ill be given an inscribed baton,
by Margaret Blodgett, in charge of
reading "Rattle of I Bands.
. 'these arrangements.
Allair, March 17, 1944." Selection i
Microphone Misses
will be made by points, according
Three girl vocalists. Pat Cru-
t.» arrangement, tone, showman-
ship. etc., it was announced by zon. Betty Lundy and Virginia
X apt, Russell G. Floss. Post Special Steed, all with microphone exper­
ience. will render, solos to ac­
Service Officer.
91 si Dance Band
Raila» St alien KEX, Portland.
TW .'txti junior hastesaes who will
lielp the boys swing ami kway to
the variegated dance rhythms to­
night will hall from Corvallis, Ku-
gone, McMinnvllle, Lebanon, Sa-
minuses of
ot playing
ptaymg time
time at
at a
stretch, according to latest plan.
Then they will break down., and
the suereeding hand, which is set
up on another stage, will start
1 ,<™|lty plus himself .on bass ami
guitar. a former Horace Heidt man
Sgt. Sieff This good dancing
smooth listening outfit jumps from
start to finish
RkKl> ’KM IM) <»F I RHYTHM —more ex-playen* with n»mr
«h<, n.lw nlax at
Goodman, IM. Jack Morrigan (MrdirO nko
«even *tatr dramming rhtmninr^i
< ni M
the 174lh band; Teel Armvnd Kubbtit*. * hv handler the ikvricr Mkk” fur the 7tthe band *
ficer Gregor's 9lst dance band has
come through with flying batons.
No womier—with men like T/Sgt.
Devoid Simmons, former Wayne
King. Ben Bernie also sax man.
King, Ben Nickols*—ex, Pvt. Dean
Nelson on the black and whites;
also with "x.antiy ’ Hugdahl gh
out on the mellow trombone,
aggregation ranks tops »t‘fi
Combining solo sax and tr
none with a background of toh
trumpets by Tec4 Gayton Robtail
Tec4 Lee Hickin. S'Sgt. Ro
Douglass. Giving terrific sun
are Tec4 Jimmy Dalton on
skins. Tec4 Lee Bobbins on 1
Tec4 Ralph Root on vocal
guitar. It all adds to music Mei
for perfect dancing.
The combination of Simm
former Claude Thornhill man, T
Martin Bergeron rolling,tenort
Tec4 “Randy” Hugdahl. Tec5
well Mark and Pfc. Ted Pollock,
trombone give the band their I
• jumping power.
70th Rhumba Band
Music of the latins is the the
of Tec 1 Mattie Carneval’s 70th D
rhumba band—blending a rhytl
of three tenor sax, trumpet, drum
| piano and bass. Tec4 Carneval, fo
mer Henry King pianist, is te
rific. His fingers flow over tl
melody as the rest of the bat
joins in. “Adios,” ‘ Besame Much«
are an example of the music 1
. Cpl. Harold Rupp on sweet, sei
timental trumpet was former
with Ben Bernie and Gene Autre
The rest of the striking band ii
I eludes Tec5 Cleve Hamby, Tec
. Bob Hegeman. Pfc. Fred Yahn («
tenor sax), Tec4 Kenneth Cool«
! drums and Tec5 Dennis Barrett«
bass. A real combination of rhumb
I kings.
'Solid' 274th
Giving out with nothing but »oil
jump is the 274th dance ban
Featuring the jazz banjo played b
leader, firmer “Wingy" Manon
man.TecS Kenny Millar, and spnrk
plugged by trumpet, drums, pu»
and clarinet, this outfit really send
the beat. Without reading a n*
this aggregation is strictly plat
ing from the heart and soul a»
plenty good. Pvt. Guy Skinner,®
Paul trumpet man. blasts the horn
Tec5 Charles Sparks gives ozto
he nevys
keeps on inertu
ine «ruins
— -
drums as ne
, , beat;
. D
, Freddie
i '..^ ij :
P um U
mg the
2. _ _
former band leader, is bass
Correll's 275111
’ Strictly out of this world »
SASgt. Frank Corrells’ jumpW
275th outfit. Featuring hmtseWai
torrid, bouncing horn with a Mdb
ground of Pvt. “Boogie Moof*
Peabody on 88’s, Pvt. Bass on >
jiving guitar, Pvt. Neel on rhytta
bass, and Pfc. Hobeu -givutf t*1
but hat on the skins, make
aggregation “hep" to the beat. F®r
intermission purposes Pvt- J«*r
sen, an a mellow sweet accomar.
keeps the cats in the mood. ■’
them feel like dancing.
_ _____
1 aomancing.
. .¡th Be«»T
Ter4 Sam Herman {•< th) formerh
Me*rX. *P*rk plur of SCI’ band; TecS Charte« Spark*. t“bm
ij . u