Camp Adair gentry Friday, March 17, 1944, SURE BUT THESE IRISH GIs FIND NO SHAMROCKS HERE Page Thre-* HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PVT. CURTIN Trailblazer (left) and Signal Corp* 1'ho* •< SIRE AND BEGORRA (everybody's supposed to say that on St. Patrick < Day) the three beautiful figures above, especially the one in the middle, are suppose • to be ICO percent products of Ireland. Not only that, Pvt. George Curtin of the 91 it Division (right), shown down on his uppers looking vainly for a shamrock in the oed of Adair, is a St. Patrick's boy. born 22 years ago. while Pvt. Redmond C. Forbes e-i* the Trailblazer Division was born right on the ould sod of Ireland. The reason we p.t Pat Starling. L'nited Artists starlet, in the middle is because Pvt. Curtin and I*' Forbes said they’d like it that way. bejabers. Whoinell wouldn't? 4 -------------------- - ------------------------ Come What May Revue En Route Newswoman Pvt. Forbes Was Bom in Erin Co., Tyrone. Get It? --------------------------- Begorra! A Son of Erin Would Get His Irish Up When He's Hit With KP on St. Patrick's Day “Am I Eirish. you say? Me, Pvt.*----------------------------------------------- ; George B. Curtin of the 91st Di For everyone with a drop (or. vision, Eirish? Sure’en I wouldn’t even a suspicion) of Irish blood in be responsible for me actions if (Continued from Page 1) his veins, today is the day for the you was to be sayin' that again! after celebrities whose manner- wearing of the green. But no one I was barn today: 22 years ago on Fort Benning (Ga.)—Tec4 Riv isms they ape. will be celebrating St. Patrick’s the greet Sent’» Day and if that ard N. Keith, formerly of Hq. C .. Day more enthusiastically than wouldn’t be makin' me Eirish, I'm 368rd Inf., has won the right to Another return engagement is Pvt. Redmond C. Forbes of Co. E, wond'ring what would?” that of the team of Russell and wear the world-famous Wings i I The burly 1st Sgt. of Co. D j274th Infantry. Farrar, a pair of feminine song sa Boots of the l’nited States Ar .y tirists with a flair for clever patter For Forbes was born in Erin, ‘leaned back on his well-known swiv Volunteer Paratrooper. singing. ' County Tyrone, in fact, in Ire el and growled. I He made his fifth and qualify, g "An Begorra, what could lie a land. Ten years ago, he came over Hobby Lobby Klein jump, a night tactical leap idei - more fitting way to be a celebratin' to America and became—not the Howard Klein, whose exploits cal to actual combat work in Si traditional Irish cop—but a cook the occasion than with a three-day cily, completing his four week.- f in the field of hypnotics have pass? I would be afer shurkin ’ me in several of the large New York been aired over the Hobby Lob sacred dooty as an Eirishman by jump training March 3. City hospitals. by program and recorded in wirkin’ during feast time. And be 9 After seven years of cooking he Time, Life and other magazines YES INDEED DEPT. sides me public is demandin’ me became the head elevator starter is a featured performer in "Come Lincoln. Neb. (CNS) — Draft presence at Service Club 1 Satur INSCRIBED TO "THE second for a big Park Avenue building. What May.” best Army newspaper" was thia day night and I can't be a dis- boa nd officials, rummaging througn The Wen Hai Troup, brought to photo of Pfc. Betty Davis. Ft. The Army, having no elevators for sapointen 'em. their instructions, were puzzled to America by Ringling Brothers Cir Belvoir. Va., who is circulation him to start, moved him back into “They’re even bakin' a cake in discover that they must now c n- manager of the Post publication. the kitchen where he holds forth cus and featured by them for three Ft. Belvoir Castle, and who visit honor of me and Pat's birthday. siiler for deferment al) persona ’’<■• years, bring to “Come What May” ed Adair this week during her now again. And with him not bein' here. I’ll gaged in the production of tet-,- The Irisher is unmarried, has a naturally be havin' to represent inethildianiinodiphenylemethane their Chinese novelty bar and jug furlough, For them kind words, we thank her. Wonder w hich is brother and a sister in Manhattan, gling act. us both. You wouldn't be wantin' the "first best” Army sheet? and “lots of brothers and sisters me to let ’em all dow n, w ould say nothing of the whole plate n A fine violinist and formerly con I back in Ireland.” Several brothers you now—especially St. Pat not j as you claimed! You are still n COVERED—2 WAYS! cert soloist with the Boston Sym |KP today and tomorrow. New York (CNS)—Three polite and uncounted nephews and nieces even here?” phony Orchestra, Marion Bur “I suppose, Pvt. Curtin, that it ( "But ------------------- - --------------- blasted all, ,---- Sargent Ker./.i- roughs has played for servicemen robbers removed $5,000 from the arc in the British armed forces. is hard for you to remember that blatz, that's just plain racial pr • !- throughout New England. A mem office till of a local manufactur little diiTicuity difficulty you involved your your- , judice, begorra if it ain’t! I-------!” Camouflage blinds the enemy! j nine ber of “Come What May,“ she ing concern, tipping their hats and possesses an understanding of pres reminding the employees that “you Don't take "short cuts.’’ One man’s self in yesterday when you slugged | I “That, my dear Curtin, just c vt ent day musical tastes. Pianist and might as well take it easy. You’re tracks can reveal a well-concealed Pfc. Doakes for saying that an | you a Sunday KP—NOW GJi’l' I Irishman «Hadn't lick a stamp to OUT!” position. musical conductor is Henry Flugge. covered by insurance.” Ex-363rd Gl Wins Wings and Boots Roaring the Chorus of 'The Doughboy,' Official Regimental Marching Song, Entire 361st Joins Its Voice Sigr.l Corps Pl.t. THE ENTIRE Mist Infantry Regiment of the 91«t Division shown in their recent "song fest" as they gave voice tn their official regimental song. "The Dougl " lyrical marching ballad written by Mr». Olga Livesay, wife of the Division com-mander. Col. R. W. Breed low. regimental commander, shown upper left, personali tenda rted the «ing.