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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1944)
Camp Adair Sentry Friday, March 17, 1944, Lassie with Writer's Cramp I POST CHAPEL NO. 1 Avenue D and 3rd Street North FRIDAY: 2000, Friday After- Inoon Service (Jewish); 2015, Sab bath Eve Service (Jewish). SAT URDAY: 1930-2030. Catholic Con cessions. SUNDAY: 0900. Catholic i Mass; 1000. General Protestant ¡Service. TUESDAY: 1915, En- 1 listed Mens’ Gospel Service: 2000, Jewish History Class; 2100, Tal mud Class. WEDNESDAY: 1915, Service Men’s Christian League Service. STATION HOSPITAL Red Cross Auditorium FRIDAY: 1845. Sabbath Eve- ning Service (Jewish). SATUR DAY: 1800-1900, Catholic Confes sions. SUNDAY: 0730, Catholic Mass; 1000, General Protestant I Service; 1045, General Protestant j Communion. Si*n«l Cnrps Photo Page Eleven Found His Hobby In The Stones Sgt. Martowski Finds Hobby 'Profitable'; Bl’SY YOUNG LADY, as one look at her desk will show, is " 9IST DIVISION SERVICES Mrs. Davida Marsh, Red Cross staff aide. Mrs. Marsh iv just pre paring the 7500th Red Cross membership card for Camp Adair ¡Chapel No. 7—C North at 1st * For most GIs the army brings military and civilian personnel, with many more thousands still to Weekday Masses, 1815; Sunday: be prepared. the death-knell to their most cher «--------------------------------- I Roman Catholic Masses, 0900; Lu 1100; Evening Service, 2000. theran Service, 1000; General Chipil'No. 4—27«th Inf. Regt., C ished hobbies, whether it be string saving or zoot suit wenring. But .Worship Service, 1100; Evening Ave. & 12th St. South. [Worship Service, 1900. •Mass, 0900; Devotions; Protest ¡for Sgt. Patrick Martowski, head Chapel No. 8—C North at 5th. ant Service, 1000 and 1100; Vesper quarters 91st Division, it was just j the beginning of a unique and What Sunday: Episcopal Service, 0800; Service, 1900; Service Men’s Chris ( The Evangelistic Christian Cen 1 General Worship Service, 0900; Ro- tian League, 1930; Mass daily promises eventually to be h profit able hobby. ter for Servicemen, located at Third 'man Catholic Mass, 1000; Lutheran 1730. Nearly 3,000,000 In the wilds ami swamps of Ore and Adams, Corvallis, was opened Service, 1109; General Vespers,jch“^i7TZT75th Inf. Regt.“«. gon, Martowski is collecting stones, Find Way Overseas March 4 and is now available to all 11800. Roman Catholic Mass, 1930. I Ave. & 8th St. South. GIs every afternoon and evening, iTuesday: S.M.C.L., 1990. Weekday] General Protestant Service, 0900 I not just ordinary stones, hut semi precious stones that can lie con- Washington, D. C., March 11 — under direction of Rev. G. O. Baker. ' masses, daily, 1930, except Tues- I Bible Class, 1015; Gospel Service ; verted with a little skill and ingen- To provide American troops with ¡day, 1830; Wednesday and Friday, | f 800 ~ ^ m bs ./ o 8O o ’ ¿"11'15; Fellow. The Center includes a large chap i uity into ring settings and brace- much-needed diversion from war- el, prayer room, large lounging tEpiscopal service, 1700; Wednes ship Hour, Tues., 1900. 1 lets and lockets. time experiences, the American room, tables and stationery for day, Lutheran service, 1800. Chapel No. 8—274th Inf. Regt., C 100 Semi-i’recious Pounds Red Cross ’ pu rchased more than writing. Chapel No. 9—C North at 9th. I Ave. & 4th St. South. And in the course of his eight- 2,760.000 pocket-sized books last ] Evangelist Leonard Philip, piano Weekday Masses, daily, 1745;| General ProteatHnt Service, 1000; month hobby he haM sent home year for free distribution to serv I and accordian soloist, will give a Sunday: General Protestant Serv- •Mass, 1100; Evening Devotions. no less than 100 inlands of jas icemen, it was anppuaced leemen. animunced toqpy todgy at musical program this Sunday at ice, 1000; Roman Catholic Mass,1 ' 2000. $ed ) Jv'a^jiomd | per. agate, and a dpzen other 1945 in the Center. 1100. •Confessions before Mass and semi-precious stones, f rom-ithv- Headquarters. Chapel No. 10—I) North at 9th | on Sat., 1900-2100, at Chapels 4 environs of Camp White and Many of the handy-size books «/tn- 14 Sunday: Roman Catholic Mass, 6 and 6. Camp Adair. were put in kit bags given to Yank Prisoners May 0930; General Worship Service, It all started back alCamp White troops at ports of embarkation by Send E mergency Cables 1000; Lutheran Service, 1100. Wed Christian ‘Mcience when Sgt. Martowski was sitting Red Cross workers, thereby provid nesday: Mass and Stations of the "Matter” will be the subject of through some of those training ing the men with something to re (ANS)—Soldiers in German pri Cross, 1800. Friday: Rosary and' the I.esson-Sernton in nil Churches classes sitting on .vtoties, thou lieve the monotony of the voyage son camps and their families at Stations of the Cross, 1800. !of Christ, Scieiitist, on Sunday. sands of them. He was Intrigued overseas, where they were made home may now use Red Cross fa Chapel No. 11—D North at 6th. The Golden Text will he, "Turn by their beauty: he got interested. available to thousands of men. cilities to send emergency cables, Sunday: General Worship Serv- ye not unto idols, nór make to your He studied them at the camp li» Worn copies of the books in Red it was recently announced. 1020; selves molten gods: 1 am lhe Lord i brary Hnd at libraries’in lhe near, Cross libraries attest to the crav The regular postal channels are lice, 0930; Bible Study Group, Eve- your God” (Leviticus 19:4). Roman Catholic Mass 1100; bv towns, und before long ha had ing of troops for something to open to families of prisoners but •uing Worship Service 1830. Wed- discovered that in the gravel fill The 1 ak -" h -S( i mon .dso will in read, the Red Cross explained. the transfer of men from uuupoi- ... 1900; Wa.V i'ary to permanent camps, or theft neadaÿ: S.M.C.L.. Way of the • thldr the following correlative pas- ’there were bright colored agates, sages from the Christian Science petrified wood, obsidian and other FILIPINO < HOOSW removal to hospitals, often delars , Cross, 1900. TR a TLBLAZFR DIVISION textbook, “Science and Health with stones that could be made into QUICKEST way home delivery of postal mesaages. -,, Chapel No. 1 — AVe. I» & 3rd St. No , Key to the Serijitww*" by Warv | jewelry. San Francisco (CNS)—“Do you I The Red Cross cables may be Martowski envision* an extensive Jewish Services, Friday, 2015. Baker Eddy: “ The Bible declares: the'used only if regular mail service want to go into the Army? Army?’ ’ ’ the field for lhe production of syn judge asked Simon Salting, a Fili- 1 fails, if the prisoner has been re- Chapel No. 2—Div. Hq. & Spec •All things were made by Him (th' thetic jewelry by the special pro . . . . ' . . j i __ 1 __ l.. ill -- D Ave. & 3rd St. So. divine Word): and without Him Trps., pino arraigned on a draft evasion ported wounded or seriously ill. or •Mass, 0800; Mormon Service was not anything made that was cessing of semi-precious stones. charge. ; if an extreme emergency exists at 0900; Protestant Service, 1000; made.’ This is the eternal verity of “They can duplicate almost any- “No,” replied Salting, “I want to home. Emergency cables now per Is Spirit the thing.” he said, “by lhe light beat go home.” I mitted by international agreement Christian 1 Science, 1400 (Wed divine Science . . . __ __ ____ _ __ matter? Sci-jtreatment and coloring. I have sourer or creator of He hesitated. “Maybe,” he said, already average more than 2000 a 1930). Ave. & cnee reveals nothing in Spirit on- ¡already bought special abraaiyes. Chapel No. 3 — Divarty, D “I get home quickest if I join the month. <if which to create matter” (pp I emular saw*, diamond dust an<4 7th St. So. Army. I guess I do that.” ! ---------- - ----------- (enemy wheels.” Service •Mass, 1000; Protestant 480. 274). PS.—He’s in now. , Patronize the PX and save. 91st 61 Uncovers Semi-Precious Stones Here Potket-Sized Books Distributed by ARC Evangelist Center Open in Corvallis by Milton Canili creator of Terry and the Pirates What You Hear Is ARoome