Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, March 17, 1944, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page Ten
Gamp Adair Sentry
Friday, March 17r 194 L
Soldier Goes to Navy
Members Tonight;
Gala Party 27th
Theodore the Wolf
It will be "member night” at the .
SCU Non-Coms club this evening, '
but on next Friday a “double deck- ,
er” party is planned to exceed the >
record-breaking “Mairzy Doats”
affair held last Friday.
This was the announcement of.
1st Sgt. Jack Vinson, president,!
who returned from furlough to |
challenge S, Sgt. Mike Holzman’s !
statement that the club had held
the best social affair of all Jime I
during his absence.
Adding to "Mairzy Doats” charm 1
were 32 feminine guests, plus the
symphonious music of Tcc4 Joe
Sieff’s talented Medics musicians.
Spec. Trps. Sgts.
Dance Sat. Night
. . you mon ar» all alike*
Chinese Trailblazer Believes Napoleonic Maxim
Anyway He Finds Cooking Easier Than Hiking
The 70th Division Special Troops
Trailblazer Photo
Sergeants’ Club will be the scene
IT WILL RE no more “head set” and crackling light signals
of another special dancing party
for Pfc. William G. Wofford, Co. A, 274th Infantry. This week the
19-year-old rifleman was notified of his Congressional appointment
Saturday night when a bevy of
to the Naval Academy at Annapolis and will soon leave to attend
USO girls from Salem will be in
prep school at Bainbridge. Md.
attendance again to augment the
affair, S/Sgt. Edward J. Cpnnors.
president of the club, announced Navy Appointment for Soldier:
Admission to the dance will be by
membership card only, Sgt. Con­
nors said. Members were also re­
quested to wear their Class “A”
Soldiers often become candidates for Army officers’ schools, but
uniforms. A five-piece orchestra it’s a rarity when a GI gets an appointment to a Naval school.
will furnish the music and enter- I
This unusual experience came to a Trailblazer last week when
tainment for the dance.
I Pfc. William G. Wofford of Co. A ♦------------------------------------- •-----------•
274th Infantry, was notified of his months as an Army private in
_ _ _
congressional appointment to at- Camp Adair.
Tcc4 Lay Fong, who firmly be-*
lieves Napoleon’s old maxim that
Lay Fong Goes
an Army travels better on its
stomach than on its feet and tries
to prove it with his good cook­
ing, was transferred Monday from
the Trailblazer Div. Hq. Co. to the
70th Provisional Training Center,
where he expects to give more rest
to his weary hut willing feet.
The amiable Chinese, wh<> has
bben n first cook in Hq. Co, since
the Trailblazer cadre arrived in
The 19-year-old rifleman from
Camp Adair last May, has been
little Rock, Ark., received the
patiently waiting, as only an Ori­
To Master Sergeant
i award by certificate instead of
348th F\ Bn.: Orville O. Caster.
ental can wait, for either a dis­
To Technical Sergeant
34 8th FA Bn.: Sylvester C. Gro«ch.
charge or a transfer to SCU, which
j (examination because of his schol- •
362nd Inf : John T. Alien.
lastic record.
he mixed up constantly and always
To Staff Sergeant
He graduated from Will Rogers :
347th F \ Bn.: ______
Roland ..
.1. ____
referred to as “CCD.” He was non­
Eric J. Huval.
3 48th FA Bn.: Joseph E. Brridinger. High School in Tulsa, Okla., in
committal but still in a quandary
Jumps 1). Goodwin, Robert J. Conners, 1942, later attending Drury College
this week after winding up in the
William Jf. Jenniufr-.
362nd Inf.: Zeb H. Smith. Donald L. in Springfield, Mo., for one year on
PTC whether he or someone else
Spurlock. Kenneth D. Henderson, Lloyd
a scholarship. He was inducted
B. Collins.
wasn't still mixed up as far the ab­
To Sergeant
from his home in Little Rock, Ark.,
breviations are concerned.
348th FA Bn : Carl J. Gardiner.
362nd Inf.: Omer D. Hurt, Je*« Me in July last year, arriving in the
Fong's big ambition, so he says,
Trailblazer Photo Gowen. Fete S. Chavez. Alvis C. Full­
mer. Dale C. Goodman. Harvey W. Far­ 70th Division with the fillers near­
has been to get out and hike with
TRANSFERRED N O W is quhar, Vern G. Albertson
ly two months latei.
all the rest of the “nice Amelican . Tec4 Lay Fong. 33-year-old na-
To Technician Fourth Grade
346th FA Bn.: Grover C. Tucker Jr.,
He will leave within a few days
boys,” but his feet have consistent­ live Chinese who goes from 70th Samuel
Kirkham, Robert G. Landen«.
347th FA Bn.: Vincent C. DeFao. Eu- for the Naval Academy Prep
ly refused to function after two Hq. Co. to PTC. Hikes got Lay rene
Fong, who said. "Me like the Mandrn I*, Sampson, Anton R. Redjin School at Bainbridge, Md., where
miles of road pounding.
infantly, but Double to hike.”
ski, Melvin E. Zieber, Marvin II. Chris- he will be stationed for several
So Fong has been building GI
348th FA Bn.: Harlan II Meers, .lames weeks before going on to the mid- [
muscle and morale with his excel­
A. Lowe.
dies’ next class at Annapolis.
To Corporal
lent cooking since he was inducted
346th FA Bn.: Joseph T, Tleniirer.
Looking towards his future life
in October, 1942, keeping his com­ ing that the two names he had
347th FA Bn.: Alvin D. Fergnsun.
.'14 Sth F \ Bn.: ______
Norman _ _______
A Hairman.
as a sailor, Wofford dryly remark­
bat buddies on their own two feet. were sufficient for his purposes. Arthur
R. Washburn, Lester A. Ledoux.
362nd Inf.: Perry B. Butler, Sam ed about the wetness of the wea­
Fong came to the Army with an
Discussing his married status,
ther here, saying that already he
excellent culinary background, too, Fong said he preferred to remain
To Technician Fifth Grads
FA Bn.: Thomas J. Keemle. Rol- has been more or less initiated into
owning and operating his own a bachelor, because in this war a • nd 346th
J. Stelzner.
347th FA Bn.: Louis Orlicki, Frank the Navy after having spent six
Chinese restaurant in Sacramento. “single man bettel” as a soldier.
Talarico, Glen H. Spink.
He likes to keep this a secret, He refused to elaborate further on
34«th ^F
r*. \ “
Elwood * * L. Schmidt,
though, liecause he gets too many what he had lined up or whether Stanley Muten.
To Private Tirât
First Class
F\ Bn Jn«»er T Rabon Mil
unfilled requests for the very un- he was engaged, but he did say. ton 347th
E. Satterfield. Edwin O. Sundberg.
GI dish, chop suey.
with his Joe E. Brown grin, that
The 33-year-old cook, whose uni­ he would "aftel the wall, melly
Sgt. Cantrell Carries
versal popularity with the Trail­ anyhow.”
A Load; Mere 4 Miles
blazers is exceeded only by his gens
iality, was born in Canton, China,
With 2 Machine Guns
which the Japanese have pounded
unmercifully at intervals during the
Sgt. Robert K. Cantrell of
past several years, destroying part
1275th Infantry’s Company I will
of his homeland and killing some of
soon be known as “The Human
hts relatives. Only when he dis­
X party and dance will be held < Weapon Carrier" if he keeps
cusses the Oriental enemy does he louiorgpw night for non-commis­ ¡the way he is going now.
sioned officers of the 275th In- i It seems that he came out just
lose his composure.
Asked about his middle initial, i fantfy and their ladies at the regi- three greenbacks ahead after the
Fong said it was too much “wolly. I n < ntal KOO < tub. M Sgt. John N. Regiment's last extended bivouac.
Dimas announced yesterday.
Xnd all he had to do was carry two
A contingent of girls frpm Cor- ¡<21 machine
■ vallia will be in attendance at the 1 miles —with
I party, music for which will be 'saysl.
Lasts — Founds
' furnished by the rhythmic 275th
Pfc. John K. Pidcoek. the
Wants — Salea
Sgt. Dimas said
I who had to shell out, says he plans
at cetera
to check up un all the other eg-
piano movers in the company be-
FOR SALE: ”45 Graham 6-cyl-
Pvt. A. Hawkins, of Serv. Co., fore he starts making any more
Inder, 4 door sedan. 80" r rubber, 382nd Inf., ia a firm believer m
, wHd bets. — Cpl. Walt Werwath.
runs good. 1200. Phone 2942.
| the old saw- about “turnabout is
LOST: One red fountain pen fair play.** At least he is now.
l.ast Saturday night Hawkins
Newark. N. J. (€NS>—A 300-
around P.\ K by the telephone
booths. Finder notify Pfc. Eugene took a Salem minister's daughter pound pig was given to the highest
Pieffitt. Hq. Co. 2nd Bn.. 342nd Inf. out to see the town. On Sunday bidder in a war bond auction here.
Lent Sunday morning between 0330 morning «he took him to see the The runner-up got a picture of
inside of the ghurvh!
and 1130.
Frank Sinatra.
GI Goes to Annapolis
275th NCO's Party
Saturday Night
Pillow Tops
Reduced to