A Camp Adair, Oregon, Friday, March 17, 1944. BAND ARTISTS TO BE AMONG 'THOSE PRESENT' Vol. 2. No. 48. ITEMS OF Calling your attention to Page 5, end the pictorial series of the recent Trailblazer trek to Yakima . . . a"d to the fact, again, that there will be 500 Junior Hostesses from a dozen Oregon communities to help (¡Is enjoy the “Battle of the Bands" tonight at Field House , . . and to Army Day, April ti . . . and to remember, this is "lleii Month.’’ Hel11 lied Cro- - $1,50 a Year by Mail IN BATTLE OF BANDS Quinn, 70th: Come What May Revue En Route OF BAND NIGHT Ex-Chester Adair’s Biggest Dance Tonight; Ace Musicians Vie in Rhythmic Battie GIs and their gal friends will be welcome to dance tonight to the best music Camp Adair can offei during the Field House "Battle of . - . the Bands.” Second Adair Visit In apologia, the Sei 'by regrets that a completely composite pic For Several of Cast; ture of top artists from all Post Here Mar. 31, Apr. 1. bands could not be obtained for The blasts of winter will be as nothirg to the blare of rhythm that rocks the roof this issue. There’s such a thing as “Come What May,” newest of training in the Army y’know, and |of Field House tonight when a lair portiorof Adair’s 10 dance organizations lock horns in the first, last! and only “Battle of the Bands.” VSO-Camp Show’s variety offer it takes precedence over all else. ---- ---------------------------- 1--------------------------- ♦ Despite training programs which ings, has been booked for show are keeping quite a few soldiers of ing at Camp Adair. At Theater 2 Good St. Patrick's Day to You, Says Murphy this Post (and this definitely in on March 31 and at Theater 5 on cludes many of the bandsmen) April 1. it will play admission-free, pretty busy these days, at least to all GIs. five bands, possibly eight, will be A lively, funny and well-cos able to give forth tonight. tumed revue, “Come What May” ( 3*1 Hours Dance, Rhythm has been rated high in advance no- ; The program will begin at tices. 2000 and from then for the next Low Fun—High Kicks 3*z hoprs, there bids to be more Built around low comedy and torrid music and warm dancing high kicking, in-the-groove sing- ' than has been seen on the huge imp1 trick and rhythm dancing, gy m floor. timely and topical ad-libbing, In the Battle of Bands, the ag sw^ng and sway music—all of gregations will be classified as these promise a snappy and fast (over 10 pieces) and small bands, moving evening's entertainment. each to receive as first prize »25. “Come What May” brings back plus a trip to Portland, during to Adair for another visit several which the bands will present a half- performers who were with the hit hour program over KEX-KGW. Ada Leonard show some time back. (UonttnneC on page 4, column 1) One of these is Catherine Westfield, whose puppet specialty consists of six almost life-size dolls, fashioned (Continued on Page 3 Column 1) THE WORLD THIS WEEK 91st Drive Nets $6,277 to Date The 91»t Division’s answer to the Red Cross War Fund drive came on the cold, hard terms of dollars and cents in the cash regis ter this week as the Finance Offi cer announced that the units have turned in over »6.277.88 already in the campaign, with pay day over the 17 days or so. The 363rd Inf., leading, has given a total of tly<12.13 so far, while the Artillery (despite lesser per sonnel I is hot on their heels with •1.134 S1 to its credit. The 361st I Inf. has »1431.90 and the 362nd Inf has rung up »142x34 Special Troops have contributed $1470.60 Monitored by Teel John Stump The great Allied an .i.sault oa the continent, the .weepig Russian drive along the tnlite Ukraine, arid new diplomatic moves, browg t the enemy to tue lowest eb!> in the world this week . . . In a surprise overture. Premier Stalin sent a message to Badoglio, (Conti; ued on page 2, columns 3-4) St RE AND TODAY we give )M Me of Mr two Irish colleens—obe’s Dorothy liaise Mor phy. Woe-eyed »top who always celebrated Mt. Patrick’. Day beeaase "all of my folk» are Irish sad aa is my daddy, whose name in Bradley.” Aad if Dorothy Louise isn't enough daughter of Erin for year reedin' eyea. )m can turn to page 12 aad find another —t. OH WHAT A LOVELY MESS—SERGEANT! S Sgt. V. Musante, Mens Sgt. of Company A, 36^nd Inf., prom ised his men a “real Italian din ner” the other night W hen sar dine«, tails and all. appeared on the table, some of th«' men won dered just what part of Italy war being represented’