Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, February 18, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    Camp Adair Sentry
Tage Three
Friday. February 18. 1944.
Unsung Heroes Work Backstage
Flame Thrower in Action
Effective March 1. the night
reduced-rate period on long dis­
tance telephone calls will begin
» at 1800 instead cf 1900. the Pa­
cific Telephone Company has
just announced.
This change has been designed
1 primarily to spread the evening
traffic lead and to assist service
men in their night long-distance
telephone calls.
Camp Adair men. particularly
(these from eastern points, will
benefit in tiiat they will be able
to put through their calls one
hour earlier and >til[ la e ad­
vantage of the lower evening
Exclusive ’Sad Sack’
In New Trailblazer
Trailblazer Photo
THE CHORI S ENTHRALLS the audience, the singing star
conies back for another encore and the hero takes a bow. But the
highly-important backstage work goes on unseen and unapplauded.
Here is part of the stage crew busily painting scenery, etc., in pre­
paration for the opening of “As You Were,” Trailblazer show at
Theater 5 tonight and tomorrows night, l.eft to right are Pvt. Howe
Todd. H & S Co., 270th Engrs.; Pfc. Merrill Murphy, same Co.;
(pl. Ernest Johnson, Co. I. 275th; Sgt. Howard Townsend, producer,
and Pvt. Edward Mitchell, director. Mrs. Pat Meriam. one of the
three most responsible for the show, is not pictured.
Mag Will Appear on
Pay-Day This Month
TrailbUrer rh*»to
BEAUTIFUL, BUT DEADLY; photographically pretty, but
certain death for the entrenched foe. This picture was shot during
a course of instruction i.n the flame-thrower by the 70th Division
Chemical Warfare Section last week. Upl Ernest Miller. 276th Inf.,
looks closer but is actually 15 feet »«»>. waiting to toss his demoli­
tion charge into the pillbox to destroy any of the enemy left after
the initial onslaught.
“Sad Sack” has joined the 70th
Sgt. George Baker's world-fam­
ous creation, heretofore found ex­
clusively in the pages of “Yank,”
will make his appearance in the
new Trailblazer Magazine, out on
pay-day this month, it was an­
nounced this week.
Recent news releases of activities in the far-flung Pa­
It’s an original “Sack,” drawn
especially for this issue of the 70th cific battlefronts have contained articles and photos of the
*------------------------------------------------ picture mag by Sgt. Baker.
(Continued from page 1)
use of the flame-thrower.
talent, some of whom have played
' ------------------------------ “
Any soldier who cannot be in | In step with the tempo of pro-*--------
to big-time audiences throughout
camp on pay-day may leave the ‘gressive modern warfare, the per-j restricted, the Allies have u most
the country.
names and addresses of relatives 'sonnet of the Trailblazer Division efficient weapon, he added.
Directors of the show include
to whom he wishes the magazine has been receiving instruction in
“It is a psychological weapon in
Sgt. Howard Townsend, well-
to be sent (with postage) at his ' the technique of handling and oper­ its demoralization of enemy per­
known pianist and former archi­
company orderly room; Price of ating this weapon during the past sonnel almost as much as it is a
tect from Los Angeles^ Pvt. Ed­
two weeks.
destructive weapon,” the Chemical
Three years of consistent ad­ the magazine will be 25 cents.
ward Mitchell, dramatics director
According to news dispatches Officer explained.
There will be more than 130
vancement through every enlisted
and producer of several big shows
grade culminated in an appoint­ pictures of Trailblazers and their 'this instrument, which made its
The sixty-five pound weapon is
in Cleveland; Mrs. Pat Merriam,
activities in the new magazine, I appearance in World War I, is a one-man load and may be operat­
ment to the rank
director of Service Club 2; and
some full-page size, some even
of WOJG for Ro­
ed by one person, but to provide
Sgt. Bill Rhodenbuugh, orchestra
larger. Text and captions will ac­ ¡total victory of World War II, Lt. assistance in handling the flame­
bert L. Agrell.
company the photos, giving a well-
Until last week a
thrower and w provide protection
The show is not restricted to
rounded version of GI life in the ■ said,
master sergeant
for the operator, a two-man team
soldier personnel only,, the Special
liquid sunshine of Oregon.
I in 7th Headquar-
is necessary for each weapon.
Service Office explained yesterday.
The cover picture will present a
' ters III Corps, he
It may be used advantageously
Civilians can attend the show
spectacular incident in Trailblazer
[is now attached
assault upon fortifications,
whether they are accompanied by
to the 150th Ord.
such as concrete, steel, timber and
soldiers or hot. Admission price is
All in all, the new Trailblazer
I Bn.
eartK emplacements, along with
15 eents.
Magazine looks like the biggest,
casualty effect upon enemy person-
A native of
beat book ever to be put out by a
M i n n e a p o lis,
w 0 AfTeU
The wastes so carefully segre- , ne), Col. Day said. Pill boxes are an
Minn., Mr. Agrell attended the division in training, about itself. I gated in your mess hall; the worn 'easy target for the flame-thrower
University of Minnesota, major­
‘out cltthing and equipment you iq the hands of an efficient operat­
ing in botany.
turn in for “salvage”; the cans, or, it was pointed out.
' His first assignment was with
Ordinarily the equipment of com­
and wrappings in which
The full military band of the
I the 10th FA of the 3rd Division,
bat engineers only, nearly every
91st Division will present a con­ I later transferring to IX Corps
front-line unit in the Trailblazer
If a couple of SCU men are see­ waste material in all forms is sold
cert Sunday at 1500 in Service Club
Headquarters at Ft. Lewis. He ing double these days, it isn't any­ and the funds realized from these Division will have a fair knowledge
1, it was announced yesterday.
was also with the IX Corps Spe­
of the operation of the flame­
Under direction
CWO G. C. cial Troops 1st Hqs. at Camp thing they might have been drink­ sales add up to quite a tidy sum.
The sale of waste material at thrower when the current course
Brown, the band will present a White and the 2nd Hqs. at Camp ing.
To Tec 5 Elmer Hummel who Camp Adair last month returned of instruction is completed.
well-ounded program featuring Adair. He lias been at Adair
Assisting Col. Day in the classes
his time in QM clothing almost $3,700 to the government.
T 'Sgt. Derold L. Simmons as solo­ through the subsequent adminis­
warehouse came a rare gift on The entire program is in line with are 1st Lt. Anthony J. Apruzzese,
trative changes in the various
the Army’s strict policy for the^ ^gt. Marcellus I. Holtel, Teel
Included in tiie concert will be units that now belong to the III Valentine's day. His wife presented
him with a pair of strapping young­ conservation, re-use and final dis­ Edward H. LaVelle, Sgt. Harold
“The Doughboy March,” by Mrs. I Corps 7th Hq.
Vroom and Pvt. Marry Stephens.
sters—both boys. Their names
position of all materials.
Olga L. Livesay, wife of the com­ |
—--------------- ■ —
James Valentine and Joseph Valen-
manding general, 91st Division;
> tine.
this waste material is exclusive of
"Washington Gray’s March”; “Con­
Not to be outdone, a late bulletin savings effected through salvage,
certino,” by Sgt. Simmons, accom­
| from the medics informs us that .repair and reclamation which
panied by the entire band; “Pomp
the wife of S Sgt. George Silver- 1 amount to a far larger figure.
and Circumstance,” by Elgar;
So that a better understanding man presented him with a pair of
The magnitude of the activity
If you smell smoke emanating
“Merry Wives of Windsor,” by Ni­ i between citizens of the surround- lovely girls last Tuesday.
| can he gleaned from figures re­ from Service Club 1 on Wednesday
colai; “Soldiers on Parade, by De i ing community and the men of
This will serve to introduce the
Luca; “The Volga Boatman,” ar­ I Camp Ailair may be developed, a I two fathers to each other and we cently released by the Ninth Ser­ night, don't lie alarmed. The build­
rangement by Glenn Miller; “Rosa­ i brand new series of weekly radio I dare say they have done an excel- vice Command. For the six-month ing it insured.
The source, however, will be the
munde Overture," by Schubert.
I broadcasts will get under way Tues­ | ler.t job keeping things balanced. period ending Dec. 3). a sum con­
siderably in excess of t’j million strong gley matter of the brain
day night at 2045 via KWIL.
|dollars was realized from the sale trusters of the Trailblazers Hq.
The quarter-hour broadcast will
I of all types of waste material. versus that of the Fir Tree Divi­
| originate in the KWIL studios at
I From kitchen wastes alone almost sion. It will l>e the night of the
| Albany, and will be under the di­
quiz program super-de-luxe.
I $30,000 was received.
rection cf the Club Director, Mrs.
This it the first time the Hq. of
. Margaret Blodgett.
Free legal advice is available to
“The Messian. by Handel, will
the two divisions in Camp Adair
Purpose of the broadcast, entitled , al) military personnel at Post Judge
Sydney, Australia (CNSl Ser- , have had a contest of wit and in-
be presented by the Salem Civic I “Paging Private Jones, ' is to bring I Advocate's office in Post HQ each
Chorus of 300 voices Sunday af­ i home to the people of neighboring Monday ami Friday evening be- vicemen in some parts of the , teliect. We wouldn't lw a bit sur­
ternoon at 1530 in the Leslie Jun­ [Cities the work of the Service Club 1 tween the hours of 1900 and 2100. Southwest Pacific can buy a steak prised if one member of the win- ■
ior High School auditorium.
'in establishing recreational and This service is rendered free by dinner with two vegetables, des­ • ring team weren’t chosen as the
It is under Gie direction of Dean . educaticnal activities for the Army I the Oregon State Bar association. sert and coffe* for 25 cants, thanks guest GI Quiz Expirt'on the radio
to the Red Cross, which fixes prices program “Information Please” to
Melvin H. Geist, with Professor personnel stationed on the Post.
All military personnel desiring
American clubs and rest rooms give Mr Kiernan and Mr. Levant
Maurice Brennan at the organ.
legal advice are urged to phone the
a little competition.
The following are soloists: Sgt.
| Post Judge Advocate at 2988 before on the basis of cost.
Minneapolis (CNS( Charles M. 1600 on either of those days.
Fordyce Waldo. 70th Division, bass
Officer! speaking tn rookie dur­
baritone; Josephine Albert Spauld­ Peterson fell on the sidewalk, in- i Tonight Attorney Custer E Rosa
Bougainville (CNS) — The Japt ing inspection): “Don’t you know
ing. mezzo soprano; Evangeline juring his hand, and he couldn't of Salem will be on hand to advise
Merritt, soprano, and Michael Car-' shave for a couple of weeks. Now GIs having problems of a legal 1 recently dropped 12 bombs by mis­ better than to point an efnpty gun
nature. A phone call before 1600 I take on their own positions near at me?”
olan. tenor.
Rookie: ”1 know air, but you see
The public is invited without, barber bills be ran up during that thia afternoon will secure an ap­ the American beachhead at Em­
I period.
it ain’t empty.”
press Augusta Bay.
iTrailblazers Schooled
In Flame-Thrower Use
Trailblazers Present
AII-GI Musical Revue
III Corps M-Sgt.
Appointed WOJG
In 150th Ord. Bn.
jSalvage Sales Net
High Cash Return
91 st Militory Band
In Concert Sunday
Two Sets of Twins
Do GI Papas Proud
New Radio Series
On KWIL Tuesday
Chorus to Present
Handel's Messiah
91st, 70th Brain
Trusters in Quiz
Legal Advice Free
To Adair GIs