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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1944)
■ A Vol. 2, No. 44 ARY COMING VP! Premiere of "As You Were." 70th Division musical extra vagnnBa, to night and second showing tomorrow at Theater 5 . . . 91st and 70th boxing teams will tangle Wednesday in the Field House ... is YOl'R unit over the top in the 4th War Loan Drive? t>nly a few days remain. Camo Adair, Oregon, Friday, February 18, 1944. $1.50 a Year by Mail ‘As You Were’ Gala Premiere Tonight Glimpse into Trailblazer Musical Revue Trailblazers Present AII-GI Musical Revue 50 Top-notch Entertainers in 30 Scenes Onstage Tonight, Tomorrow The curtain at Theatre 5, located at Fifth St. South and E, will part tonight at 2000 on one of the moat entertaining shows ever to hit Camp Adair when the Trailblazers present ♦"As You Wore.’ first Major m II- 1 soldier production attempted by the I enlisted men of the 70th Division. Packed full of laughs and music, i the two-act 30-scene mt; ical com- Jedy will be given tonight and to- Less than $00.0(10 and only minor I morrow night at the same open- engagements stand between the | ing time. 91st Division and 4ts objective, The cast of more than 50 soldiers "Berlin,” in the 4th War Loan lias been tehearsing diligently for Drive. Communiques yesterday more than a month and how has showed that the division has ac- the show polished into a fast counted for $442,7>il toward “Ber stepping, first-rate musical produc lin”—$500,000 in bonds. tion. The campaign map in division Taking the sad-eyed, hapless GI » TrailblaMy Photo i HQ. on which movements of the through bis regular Army HERE, GIRLS. IS what the boys do in that well-known latrine. Adding things that nature left rfbt gntf-wnhtfacting thin - thM Hvintr ctnwttHon'v-pw* w>. ^ttoaaw.4ieia. .XaBMMMg*knr<* Jgileft— --. .-t, -4Vve - aD-aifcin* naM. »ty charted. to the rime he departs for distant mirrors making themselves look pretty. This picture «as shot from a scene in tonight's high-step ¡indicates that the 561 st Tn?., still shores, the musi-comedy picks ping all-soldier musical comedy, sponsored by the 70th Division. Left to right, the actors are CpIs. 'leading the drive with $117.240, is highlights in the average soldier’s Robert Nelson. Thomas Carlson, Pvt. John Hayes. Pfc. James Madsen and Sgt. Mike Berke. -'employing demolition tactics in life, in this case a guy named “Berlin.” Close behind and also in "Joe,” and gives humorous angles GUE8T HOUSES CROWDED; the city is the 362nd Inf. with to the experiences he encounters RESTRICTED AREA SET Because of and overcrowded $110,500, while the 363rd is storm and the boners he pulls, adding up condition in the Guest Houses, ing the outskirts of "Berlin” with to one of the most laughable pro ductions to be based on Army life. it was announced yesterday by , a tally of $39,425. Division Artillery, with total re The advance ticket sale, which the Special Service Office that The man of the 70th Division*------------------------------- - 1 no one who lives within a 100- Au ins of $66.693, is steadily ad l>egan Monday morning, indicateti today was Sgt. William Shakes- u/' _ r O1-a. mile radius of the Post can be vancing on the city from the west, yesterday tht the Trailblazer show peare, vvIllfierS Ol z I Si f ill r, Co. V/V • H. I A 9 276th w I ’Jvtl Inf., 1 11A — former — — ’admitted as guests in either of I while Special Troops, attacking will play to full houses both Notre Dame All-American, and the the Guest Houses. This move from the north via “Odense,” has nights. Officials in charge of the sole Trailblazer to be selected for will enable the Post to provide a showing of $58,753. sale pointed out, however, that Greatest advances were made there would probably be seats Infantry officers candidate school Q — D a I mmsa J Conn better accommodations for out- out of all the thousands of fillers . KeleOSCCl 300(1 during the past week by the 362nd available at show-time each night. of-state visitors. J (Continued on page 11, column 2) who came last summer to Camp ; Winners of the 91st Division Entirely original from beginning Adair. | “Why I Right” essay contest. < to end, "As You Were” is packet! Shakespeare’s selection was an- sponsored jointly by regimental with new gags depicting the serio- nounced this after <s a uijt, big field nuuiivm kill» week, nwA, atirt itvtu . and division orientation offices.1 >omic Army life of serial num of applicants had been carefully { will be announced early next - ber so-and-so, interspersed with screened and interviewed. Only one week, following final judging by | eight original songs and a musical candidate was allotted the 70th Chief of Staff Col. J. P. Donnovin background. Division, under the drastically-cut and Major General William G. | The cast, selected from enlisted I quotas now in force. ■ Livesay. “We are ready to defend against the use of gas by the men from every unit in the divi His selection was made on the From the 162 essays received at | 11 enemy, ,____ _____________ and we can retaliate to the tune of 10 times—any sion, consists of top-notch male basis of outstanding excellence and division orientation office, the ten thing the enemy thing the enemy wants wants to to send send over.” (Continued on Page 3 Column 1) all-around proficiency as a soldier best were sent to Col. Donnovin Col. George W. Wannamaker,' Wannamaker.* -------- ---- ------ and non-commissioned officer, plus Judges included Capt. H. H. Storms Chemical Officer, HI Corps, made III Corps Official Visits Adair demonstrated qualities of leader- aI(d Capt. Robert Greenburger. I the statement during his official in ship. | special service office, and Lt. John 1 spection visit to the 70th and 91st Shakespeare's gridiron record Hofmann, orientation officer. Di I Divisions last week. was one of the brightest in the vision prizes will l»e first, a $25, galaxy of great Notre Dame foot- I war bond. second, $15 in war i While here, he witnessed a dem ball stars. He played varsity ball stamps and third. $10 in war 1 onstration of the use of new flame throwers against concrete pillbox for the South Bend Irish for three stamps. type fortifications. seasons, *33, '34 and "35. and was Each infantry regiment held it« Col. Wannamaker was assigned selected on a majority of the prin own contest. Winner in ... the — 361st ------ to the 2nd British Army in Bel- cipal All-America squads in the was Pfc. John F. Moehlenbrock,, ^jutn during World War I, later final season, among them Asso Co. K, who received the regimental ^r¥P,j wjth the 1st American Divi- ciated Press, United Press, All America Football Board and prize of $10. Winners in the 362nd 1 „¡on ¡n France. He subsequently be- Inf., who will receive a $25 war j eame director of the 1st Corps over Hearst. Possibly the topmost peak of his bond and a three-day pass, first <eat ra, «-hool. career as a college athlete came in place, and a $25 war bond, second, . He was called to activa duty in the Ohio State game of '35 when, were not announced. Prizes •” J 1940, a* assistant chemical officer with less than 30 seconds left to 363rd Inf. are the same as the for the old 4th Corps Area, liecame play, he rifled a pass 35 yards to division awards, and winners will chemical officer for the Corps (Continued on page 11. column 21 be released later. Area, then was assigned to his TrailMaser PkaH« present post with the III Corps in July. 1942. ASSISTANT DIVISION COMMANDER Brigadier (eneral Progress in concepts of Chemi Robert N. Yeang looks on (left) as CoL George W. U anaamaker. cal Wdrfare is emphatically on the Monitored by Ter4 Jaba Rtwmp Chemical Officer, III Corps, discasoes flame thrower with Lt. Cal. The ewemy appeared at bay as actaoam en the battle!rants mounted practical side, he said last week, Harry C. Day. < hemiral W arfare Officer. 79th Divtsiww. ('apt- W. declaring that this part of war in greater furry m the world this week . . . H. Maasm. Ill Carps, and Lt. lathawy J. AprtMMdh. ■■sisUat divi Aaotber all-owt battle for Room ia raging The Germans opened making will play an increasingly sion Chemical Officer, inspect eqaipavewt. right. M/Sgt. M. T. important role from here on. (Continued en Page 2, Column. 3 and 4) Holtel operates flame-thrower. • — ~ 91st in Outskirts Of 'Berlin* With $442,811 in Bonds Former All-American Leaves Adair for OCS Essay Contest to Chemical Officer, III Corps, in Post Visit The World This Week