Camp Atlair Sentry Friday, February 11, 1944. Bond Sales Zooming In 91st Artillery Page Five Eight More Reasons Why You Should Buy War Bonds J 91 si Attacks on War Bond Front Oregon State Coeds Help in Big Rally Latest communique received f com 91st Division Headquarters indl- cates savage attacks have lieen The 91st Divarty enlisted the help made on “Berlin” from five points of eight charming members of in the 4th War Loan Drive. New Kappa Alpha Theta sorority at gains s h o w n on the campaign OSC, who took over the Artillery map in Division Hq. have lieen Rec Hall Saturday and Sunday to to boost bond sales $13,600. prominent in the 363rd Inf. and Divarty. The tally to date is The red-legs just couldn’t say no $388.347, and the division object when these lovely salesladies ex ive is Berlin, $500,000. plained how easy it was to buy The 361st Infantry has reached “the world's best investment.” its objective by buying $112,640 At an all-artillery formation Sat worth of Bonds. The quota was urday, Brigadier General Ralph $100,000, and they are now deep in Hospital, 91st Divarty commander, the heart of “Berlin” with their told his troops that war bonds were demolition squads undermining the not only the safest investment to heart of the city. M Company is day, but also one of the most pro the advance party, with $9,850 in fitable since the interest they bear bonds, and is led by Pfc. Franklin compares favorably with most civil S. Riley, who bought $6,000 worth ian financial institutions. The four personally. artillery battalion commanders also FLASH! The 362nd Infantry is addressed the formation. “This War Bond rally climaxes 4 I .n-r-r X- ..zxx.r. Biffual Corp« Photo also in the city of “Berlin” via \ LCD EL) BOM) selling octet from Oregon State College (Corvallis) spent last Saturday Waldenburg with a return of the 91st Division Artillery’s pro morning helping the 91st Divarty reach their objective. Berlin. They are. left to right. Harriet $100,075. gram participating in the 4th War Erickson. I.ouise Lau. Barbara Anderson, Joan Menig, Margaret Krebs, Joe Anne Hoare, Evelyn Attacking from a third front is Okerberg and \ irginia Meyers. Loan Drive,” explained Lt. John 363rd Infantry with $69,250. T/Sgt. Timmons, artillery war bond offi Gordon H. Dobbins of Sv. Co., us cer. "This bring the artillery’s total Charm Sells Another Bond ing a few commando and hand to sales to ilate $57.670/ 'hand tactics, is leading the regi ment with a $1,300 purchase. The 91st Division Artillery drove the Nazis back in a speedy retreat Appear on Program last Saturday morning when eight lovely young bond saleswomen With Vice President from OSC assisted their sales Special Troops are having a Trailblazers joined Tuesday with The $7.120 cash quota for bond little trouble while storming the Henry L. Wallace, vice-president of sales in the 274th Infantry was German block houses and the heavy oversubscribed on the first day of the United States, in promoting the gun emplacements near “Banders” sale of War Bonds in Portland. the 4th 'War Loan Drive with the in Denmark, but this week smashed The vice-president, in the city on purchase of a $10.000 War Savings that objective with a showing of Bond by Pvt. Arthur Grossman, of a nationwide tour of war plants $48,951, and now their reconnais Reg. Hq. Co. in that organization. ! and installations, spoke to huge sance units are approaching Pvt. Grossman, a native of Port crowds at the Victory Center at “Odense” and the $50,000 mark. land, is one of the most ardent noon, sharing the platform with the bond purchasers in the 70th Divi Trailblazer Band. sion. It was he who anonymously In the adjacent area, detachments bought a $50,000 bond during the of men from other units of the 70th 3rd War Loan Drive several months Division, under direction of Major ago. In civilian life Grossman was Harvey Blythe, Special Service Of The War Bond Drive is going a diamond dealer and has consist ficer, staged a day-long demon full blast at the 275th Regt. Under ently preached and practiced that stration of infantry weapons. Hlgnst Corps Photo the direction of each company com bond savings are the best insurance The band furnished music for a mander, every company is striving ARMED WITH PENCILS, Series E application blank-, and for a system of free enterprise radio broadcast of Vice-President to do its bit to knock down Hiro plenty of charm. Joe Anne Hoare has just sold a bond to Lt. E. 8. after the war. Wallace’s noon-hour speech, ih hito and Hitler off the thermo Watson. a* Brigadier General Ralph Hospital. 91st Divarty com A gigantic regimental rally is which he stressed the need for mander. approves tactics used. meter in front of Regt. Hq. being planned by the 274th Special larger bond sales to pay for more Mr. Hawes, Warrant Officer of Service office in co-operation with of such weapons as the Trailblazers the regiment, reported that while Sgt. Raymond V. Beckman and Lt. were showing the crowd. Aiming Straight for the Axis exact figures cannot be given, he George C. Bottoms, co-ordinators has learned that many of the men of the 4th War Loan Drive in that have written home to the “little Cast your vote today! Help se regiment. woman” to okay further purchases. lect the Queen of the Picturo4’ram< for the Valentine's dance. Go to church on Sunday. • One $10,000 Sale Puts 274th Over War Bond Quota Trailblazers Aid in Portland Bond Rally 275th Bond Drive Going Full Blast 70th MP Officers Set War Bond Pace WILL HELP ADAIR'S 4th WAR LOAN DRIVE If any Trailblazer need* a good example for buying War Bond* in the 4th War Loan drive, the 70th M P platoon is hereby nominated. The 70 men in the platoon have already purchased over $1.1810 rash in bonds and Lt. C. H. Owens, Jr., who Is in charge of the drive there, predict* that the total Will r$aeh well over $1,500. He is setting an example for the exemplary platoon with his $250 worth of (Minds, and Lt. Walter C. Berger ha* salted away a $500 bond during the rim- I ARMY OHJECTIVEH Thine »re the objective» of the War Department in it* phane of the Fourth War Loan Drive. Tr»in>l»r»r H im « Chief Boatswain’* Mate Victor CREDIT FOR THE clevere«! bond-«a le« “thermometer” in the 4th War l.oan Drive gees to 27Mh Inf. When the «hell from the gon being fired b? <>l. < harte« H. Bentley flower right) resche« the top of the regimental qonta it »ill «trike the piane from which Hitler and Hirohito ore leaning oat. Kgt. Milli« E. Diece left. CpL Jame* Clone? look on. .1. Increase in the enrollment of civilian employee* under the Claaa A Pay Reservation Plan to a minimum of 10 percent of gros* payroll by at least 90 per cent of personnel. 2. The initiation of or increase in Claaa K allotment* among all military personnel. 3. The purchase, for cash, of at least one additional bond by all civilian and commissioned personnel.