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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1944)
Camp Adair Strtry Friday, February 11, 1944. Graduation Exercises for PSTU Students Page Three It's One, Two, Three, Kick! as 70th 'Chorus' Rehearses Signal Corps Photo PVT. ELMER L. RICHARD, a Klamath Indian from Sones- har. Calif., receives his certification of completion from Major Ernest J. Shellman, CO of III Corps Provisional Training I'nit No. 1 Pvt. Richard was one of 82 men who completed the prescribed 12-week course in eight weeks. Certificates Awa rded Graduating PSTU Men Completing the 12-week course of study within an eight- week period. 82 men of the III Corps Provisional Training Unit No. 1 received their certificates of completion from their commanding officer, Major Ernest*------------------------------------------------- R. Shellman, at appropriate exer-| jtej schooling or, in many cases, cises conducted in Theater 3 last • no schooling at all. Upon comple Saturday afternoon. tion of their studies, they return The entire student body, most of to their parent units better able to whom will be graduated within the 1 serve their country and themselves. next four weeks, witnessed the pre-1 The course of study is equal to sentation of the certificates. the first four grades of elementary The exercises were opened with school and in 19 such units through- an invocation delivered by Maj. '•lout ths country upwards of 100,000 Lloyd V. Harmon, Post chaplain. i men have been aided. Most of the As principal speaker. Majo^ 1'"truc“tois' are drawn right from Shellman urged the men to con | the ranks of the Army. Specially tinue to improve emphasizing the prepared texts are used and in set- fact that the studies they have just |ting up the program the Army had completed were just a good begin the aid and advice of prominent ning. He cited the example of Lin civilian educators. coln who had but one year of for In addition to making better sol-, mal schooling and became not only diers, the net effect of the pro-1 one of our greatest presidents but also a writer almost without equal. gram will be to undoubtedly raise The student body of the PSTU is 1 the literacy level throughout the drawn from units throughout this nation. TruilbUzer Photo AREN’T THEY LOVELY? These seductive, enticing bits of fluff will have al) their charms on parade in “As You Were.” the huge. 30-act 70th Division variety show due for Theater 5 the nights of Feb. 18 and 19. Left to right, Tec.vs Jack Sisson. Ed Bryant, I’fc. John Klefstad, Ter'» Jean Thompson. I’fc. Richard Smith. F. L. Schneider and Pvt. Norman Doyle. At extreme left is director Pvt. Bob Rivers. ------------------------------------------------- ♦ ------------------------------------------- Captain Asks Deferment As Essential War Worker Just seven days after being promoted to the rank of cap tain, William K. Moulton, of the 91st Div. Hq. Co., received a notice from his draft board in Arcata, Cal., stating that he had failed to register under the Na tional Selective Service Act. Capt. Moulton joined the 184th Inf., National Guard, in 1937, and became a member of the Regular Army when the 184th was called into active service. He received his commission Oct ober 2, 1942. When Capt. Moulton received the notice he coolly replied, It is not unusual for a man to he "They can’t draft me, I have an able to write home in his own hand I essential war job.” for the first time as a result of the I schooling received in the PSTU classrooms. Trailblazers Set Fast . Pace in Show * “The newest addition to your Hit Parade is the fast coming ‘I Want to Go Home,’ taken from the all-soldier musical corned v. ‘As You Were,’ produced and written by soldiers of the 70th Division in*------------- ■------------------------------- —• Camp Adair last February.” Berke and CpI. Dick Miller, both of This might well be part of the Co. L, 274th Inf., took part in script of one of the nation's better- some of the scenes which w ere shot known programs and radio's musi in Camp Upton. N. Y. They claim cal hall of fame for popular num that "As You Were” will prove to bers in the near future. At least be as good if not better than "This that is the confirmed opinion of all Is the Army.” the east of the Trailblazer’s forth Featured in the musical end of area of the country. Many of the coming two-act, 30-scene musical men are foreign born and lack a comedy, and visitors who have at the production will l>e T'Sgt. Wil working knowledge of the English tended the various rehearsals of the liam Rodenbaugh and his 15-piece language. Others are native born show and its eight original num division band and Tec4 Matt Car but were handicapped through lim- ber» during the past three weeks. nevale and his popular rhumba One of the many tuneful old and band- sKl- Rodenbaugh, along with new melodies, "I Want to Go Pvt. Charles Ashlock, 279th Engr. Home,” will l»e sung by Tec<> Ken Bn., and Pvt. Davies, 70th Div. neth Burns, of the Hq. 4 Hq. Btry., i Band, arranged the music for the “Wait’ll ya see my picture in Divarty, when the show is present ' musical. ed in Theater 5, Friday and Satur the new Trailblazer . . Assisting on the production staff are ( pl. Bennett Foster, Svs. Co., That’s the burden of many a day, Feb. 18 ami 19. The more-fhan-two-hour show 274th Inf.; Cpl. Ernest Johnson, ------------------- ; Trailblazer’s boast this month, Officers and men of the 362nd Inf. said “hello and wel- based on the fact that photograph- was written by Sgt. Howard Town Co. L, 275th Inf., makeup man; 1st come” this week to their new Executive Officer. Lt. Col. John J er. have been circulating through send, Div. Hq. Det., and is lining Sgt Lipert, 570th Sig. Co., elec •J. Janak, who waa assigned to the unit last Friday, following,the division like beer through _ l a directed by I’vt. Edward Mitchell, trical arrangements; .Pfc. Merrill the assignment of Lt. Col. H. A.*“ - ------------------------ ---------- — ! px . snapping scores of shots of also of Div. Hq. Det. Mrs. Pat Murphy, HAS Co., 270th Engr. Bn. Merriam, director of Service Club 2, and Miss Ann Caddy, hostess at Austin to command of the 363rd EXECUTIVE OFFICER 70th GIs at work and play. is music adviser. Club 2, in charge of costumes. Maj. Inf. While giviny a snappy picture Included in the cast of more than Harvey Blythe and Lt. C. G. Com- Col. Janak was called to active I record of recent activities of the 50 soldiers are two of the original untzis, Div. Spec Serv. Office, take duty exactly three years ago as a 1 men of the 70th, the aim in the members of the well-knoivn "This minor roles in the show and are captain, and was assigned to the new book, due on payday this Is the- Army” show. Sgt. Mike consultants. Armed Forces Replacement Center month, is to represent as many at Ft. Knox, Ky. Upon activation separate outfits as is possible. of the 6th Armored Division dt Ft. » 70th Division £artooni«ts and/ I 316th Medics Infiltration 'Casualty' Knox in January, 1942. he was re or writers have until Wednesday. assigned to that now-famed outfit. February 16 ONLY in which to He achieved his majority in June of submit cartoons or literary ma that year and shortly after became terial for the next is^ue of the Executive Officer of the 50th Ar On the night r>f Feb. 2. 1944 . Lt. On the watch for possible booby Trailblazer Maga zine. Material mored Infantry Regiment. On muMt be strictly CI. the funnier ‘Glenn D. Sheri añil. Co. B. 3 16th trap«. March 18, 1943. he was promoted the better—or. if you don't feel 1 Med. Bn., was pre? eRted wit h n Then nix.’.k■nly, a smarting «en- to Lt. Colonel. nation in! hi» 1 eg. Gritting his teeth. funny, plat it straight. Submit | “Purple Heart” mud«* of flov In addition to his wide exper material Public Relations tiffice. The award was nuide by Lt. A r- he »¿lentily attempted to carry on. ience with the armored forces, Col. | uch- Fortui »atei) fOth Division Hq.. by 1700 Wed Ithur H. Kerims at a moi the gunfire soon Janak has had con-iderable exper [ irg and imprei»»¡ve cert* nesday. ceased, iund Ftis men were able to ience as an administrator and as Name* will be printed, an inno ’he Station Hos pital. assist b in» t o a waiting vehicle an instructor. From October. 1943, the that swi ftiy t ran«ported him to the vation. Trailblazers will see them This citation win carne I selves training, to January of this year, he was an night of Jan. 26i, 19 H. ür ’<ier low-1 .Station Hosplitai, where, after a Kixnal « nrp. Pho gun- lengthy exam mation, the surgeons Officer of the Advanced Class at eating, on detail, e ering skie«, midiit the era* Lt. Ctl J. J. Janak the Infantry School. Ft. Benni ng, the morning. The) fire and the airid clouds of 1 removed the cause of his suffer- Georgia. Following that a: i<n- from Advanced Infantry School at live many » memi mg a p der smoke, Lt. Sher land left >f barbed wire! ment. he put in a brief period with Ft. Benning. were aMigned a* nights spent in f He U now <comfortably corivale»* protective sheltirr of a dlitch ard the III Corps Special Troops Executive Officer» of the 2nd and digging in on the cold, cold ground. 1 started aero«« the open ground, ring in Ward1 B-21 at the Station The home folks will like it, too. 'on a mission cor:iceived am1 ordered ■ Hospital Lt., the entire battalion is Simultaneous with Col. Janak's 1st Battalions, respectively. Capt. assignment to the unit, was a gen- Charles Coleman, formerly execu- Better than any letter, the maga ; by Div. Hq. Foil owe«! by « uceeniMive proud oi you, and the men who fol- eral shift of staff officers at 362nd tire officer of 1st Bn., was appoint- zine will show what life is like at waves of men, he inched hi» way lowed you through the Infiltration Majors R- E. McAdams and J. W. ed Regimental S-2. to round out Camp Adair, from good deals to through the slippery, clinging Course that night wish you speedy ! mud. hugging the ground and ever recovery. snafu. Pittman, who returned this week the shuffle. Lt. Col. Janak, 362nd, New Executive Officer 70th Mag to Record Division Activities Earns'Purple Heart'