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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1944)
2 ORFGC*' ~ATE LIBRARY f A e d a d e e Vol. 2, No. 43. i C;tmp Adair, Oregon, Friday, February 11. 1944. — — *r $1.50 a Year by Mail Victor Mature In Bond Drive Tomorrow New 363rd CO Takes Over Duties Star fo Appear At Club 1 Rally New, Retiring COs View 274th Parade To Autograph Bonds And Tell Experiences Of Coast Guord Duty Former film star Victor Mature, currently a chief boatswain’s mate ' in the Coast Guard, will make a personal appearance at Cemp Adair tomorrow afternoon, at Club 1. in conjunction with the 4th War Loan Drive rally to be hel 1 there. Vic, fresh from 15 months of convoy duty in the N< rth Atlantic, will relate seme of his experiences (naval, that is) to his many fans Trailblaser Photo IT WAS \ typical Oregon afternoon for the regimental J’hntr» and admirers on this Post and au COL. W. FULTON MAGILL. right, this week took over tograph all bonds purchased at the ' parade honoring outgoing 271th Inf. CO. Col.-Thomas II. Gibson (extreme left) and his successor, l.t. Col.'Raymond E. Bell (right). command of the 363rd Inf. Reg. from Lt. Col. H. A. Austin, left, rally. He will be assisted at the ! Brigadier General Hubert N. Aoung. 70th Division assistant CG; «ho has been regimental commander since the transfer in January service club bond rally by SPAK Col. Charles II. Owens, chief of staff; and Col. Albert C. Morgan. of Col. Paul Murray. Joan Weinberg, ex-radio thrush I (O of 276th Inf., stand from left to right between them. Pouring rain dampened the uniforms of the high-ranking group as the from New York City. •■«eiment naased in review. Plans for the big rally include a ■ half-hour radio broadcast over sta- i tions KGW and KEX from 1500 to I 1530. A recording of the program will be made on the Pepsi-Cola re A soldier who “rubbed elbows”I cording machine and sent in to the with the 363rd Inf. in World War | state war bond committee, w'i< WAS HE OR WASN’T HE? I, while the original 363rd was The CO thought he had a little i will use it to show Oregon’s civil- preparing for overseas duty at section 8 material on his hands. | ians what Adair’s soldiers are do Paying tribute to their departing Commanding Officer, Fort Lewis, Wash., now is com-1 There stood Cpl. Sherman U. ing to baek their own all-out war I men and officers of the 274th Inf. Regt, honored Col. Thomas manding officer of the new 363rd Dionne of Cannon Co., 276th effort. R. Gibson with several event“ within the organization this I Inf., here at Camp Adair. He is Inf., shouting into a GI can: Five coeds from Oregon State week. ♦ Col. W. Fulton Magill, Jr, 48. College, Peggy Keown, Alice Ann “Cpl. Dionne! Cpl. Dionne!" On Tuesday afternoon a specialrpresenteel his wife with a fitted Col. Magill took over his new “Well, sir,” explained the Bauer, Jeanne Harding. Ione John regimental review was held. On 1 travelling case, a gold pen and post this week, replacing Lt. Col. i abashed non-com, “nobody ever sen and Darlene Fairchild, have the vuc reviewing icicnmn stand .- iiiv muun-vuvrwi were Briga- | pencil set, set «mi and the much-coveted H. A. Austin, who was in tern-1 calls me corporal. I wanted to volunteered to sell bonds during dier Geieral Robert N. Young, 70th cowhide regimental insignia, auto- porary command since the trans see how it sounded.” the afternoon rally. ( I [,¡„¡,¡01, Division executive executive officer; officer; C„L Col. ! graphed by all officers who have fer of Col. Paul Murray’ in Janu The CO couldn’t make up his I The U. S. National Bank of Cor-1Charles H. Owens, chief of staff; 1 served in the 274th. l.t. Col. Bell ary. Col. Magill and Col. Murray mind about that section 8. vallis is also sending authorize ! (Co|. Albert C. Morgan, 276th Inf. I made the presentation, were in the 31st Infantry together | bond-issuing agents to issue bonds commanding officer and l.t. Col. Se.*ving in th« United States in Hawaii. i 44th through three years of service immediately upon purchase.THERE uavmond E BelI executive officer Army’for more than 27 years. Col. The Colonel was a 1st Lieuten in Hawaii, returning to the United WILL BE NO WAITING FOR i I of the o7j»h 274th «h.> who has ■■■umwl assumed Gibson has won an enviable repu ant with the 44th Infantry at Fort States in 1924 as a Captain. From BONDS PURCHASED AT THE I command of that organization. tation. Commissioned a 2nd Lt. in Lewis in 1918 while the original 1924 to 1927 he was on organized RALLY! | It was originally planned also to 1917, he served overseas in France • In charge of the arrangements for 91st Division trained in an adjoin , reserve duty and then he went to l present the Legion of Merit award and Germany. He was awurded the ing area. Many times, the Colonel I Fort Benning, Ga.. as a student of- the big day's activities is Mrs. Mar. to Pfc. Clarence E. Maxwell, 2nd Distinguished Service Cross, the garet Blodgett, hostess of Club 1. related, he observed the Powder I (Continued on page 11, column 1) I Bn. Hq. Co., named for that honor second highest honor in the U. S. River boy»-train, and he was on . in a recent war deportment order. Army; Silver Star (three times); hand when the Fighting 91st en ! Hospitalization of Pfc. Maxwell Purple Heaht; Victory Medal (five trained for overseas in ’18. I prevented the presentation by Col. 'stars); Campaign Medal; Croix De The Colonel is a regular Army I Gibson, who made the original Guerre with Palm and the Fourra- officer. In 1917 he left the Uni I recommendation, the first jn the gere. versity of Washington College of pbth Division. Assigned to the 70th from Fort Law. in his junior year, to serve latter in the evening a farewell ! Benning, Ga., where he command- his country in World War I. After With balloting entering the final | Ruby Richards, fountain man-1 stages in in the the Club Club 1 1 contest contest to to de, de- [ ager of PX 3, leads at the halfway i ; party was given at the 274th Offi- .•d the 1st Student Training Regt., an officers’ training course of 90 I stages ' ! cers’ Club by Lt. Colonel Bell. As Col. Gibson took command of the days, he was commissioned a 2nd termine the “Queen pf the Picture mark. Running neck and neck for I la token of esteem, the regiment (Continued on page 7, column 3) Frame.” the outcome is still a nip i second honors are Velma Hoskins i Lieutenant. The Colonel remained with the and tuck affair. I and Jean Clark, closely followed by ' I Louise Polk and Bobliette Fisher, ' ; who are just about tied for third It is a sincere pleasure for me tv declare Saturday, 12 Feb ‘ place. ruary. “Valentine Bond Day" at ( amp Adair. Monitored by Teel John Stump Runners-up, but certainly noti ALLIED CLOSING IN AGAINST the enemy—though checked in out of the contest, are Ixila Good- I ran think of no better gift to send to one you love than a «hare in a free world. A Mar Bond is not only the best gift you Italy—continued on land, sea and in the air in the world this week.... ! wyn, Gloria Fischer. Sally Hey - UNITED STATES NAVAL SURFACE VESSELS moved their sea i wood and Jean McReynolds. ran buy. It is by far the best investment you ran make for your (and her) future—and you are lending money that will put back offensive doser to the Japanese homeland, bombarding the coasts of : You still* have time to make Parammhiru, 1200 miles north of the Japanese capita! the closest < your vote count so get in there in your hands on the battlefield the best war materiel that will that American surface vessels have ventured to the main Japanese and put in a plug for your favor- help you insure that future. island on which Tokyo is located. Allied bombers struck at Wake, ite». AU of these girls have ap I urge all officers, enlisted men and civilian personnel of Helsinki, Finland's capital, was raided by Russian bombers in an air peared in the Sentry's “Picture t amp Adair to visit Service ( tub 1 on Saturday and join Mr. offensive to knock Finland out of the war, while others raided Riga. ! Frame" and their photographs have Mature and Spur Weinberg on Valentine Bond Day—by investing capital of Latvia .... been placed on a bulletin (ward in in all the War Bonds you can affoed. THE ALLIED AIR WAR AGAINST Nazi Europe is going full Club 1. You will find a ballot box SAMl EI. D. HAYS stride with boenbers shuttling back and forth across the channel. near the hostess office, and regis- Colonel, Field Artillery Commanding I (Continued on page 11. column 2) (Continued on Page 2, Columns 3 and 4> New CO of 363rd Inf. Recalls Unit in 1917 Lt Col. Bell Takes Command of 274th uuiiu Still Time to Ballot For Pic-Frame Queen The World This Week - R CO Names "Valentine Bond Day"