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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1944)
TATE UESARY à 11944 Ill D-l ETTER EVEN IS Buy bonds . . . Remember a dime for the Infantile Paralysis Drive — ard attend the big Drive dance tonight at Field House. 70th Division rhumba hand . . . Big-time basketball game Sunday nt 1569 at Field House 91*1 all-stars vs. powerful ASTU quintet from Eugene . . . Coming-Sentry's all- out pictorial classic on "H om to Get Into an lpp<r Bunk." Match for it"’ À, Vol. 2 No. 41. Camp Adair, Oregon, Friday, January 28, 1944. Ill Corps CG Visits Adair All Hail the Conquering Hero $1.50 a Year by Mail 91 si Division Honors M'Carlhy DSC Presented by Maj. Gen. Millikin At Division Review Major General Millikin Inspects 70th. 91st And Special Troops An entire division of men paid tribute to one of the war's great heroes Saturday, as the 91st Divi sion pussed in review before Sgt, Kevin A. McCarthy ufter he had l>een personally presented with the Distinguished Service Cross by Gist Div. Phc Major General John Millikin. Wish General Millikin, who assumed SGT. KEVIN A. MCCARTHY. Guadalcanal hero pre-ented the Distinguished Service Cross by ing III Corps commander. Major General John Millikin. Ill Corp« commander, is «hown receiving the congratulations of his command of the III Corps troops parents, who came from Vancouver. Wn.. to witness the honor paid to their son. (At right): V | One of the most impressive cere following their transfer from the group of admiring Boy Scouts look at—and feel—the second highest award a man may win in the monies of its kind ever held in the 4th Army, came to his new com United States Army. 91.«t, the decoration marked this mand from the 33d Division, At country's appreciation to Sgt. Mc the time he commanded the 33d Will Major Who Called Pvt. Richard Hogan of Vancouver, Wash., Carthy for saving the lives of 18 Division, the organization was sta- Independence I SO. RSVP? Marines on Guadalcanal where he tioned in Hawaii. I saw some of the most bitter action Some three weeks ago n group The new commanding general, a of Adair GIs in a service center of that campaign. veteran of World War I, has held of Independence were apparent Major General William G. Live- As the individual who contribut * his present rank since July 11, 1941, ly wrongfully “bawled-out” by say, division commander; Brig. having been made a brigadier gen some individual for smoking, ed most toward civic liettei merit General Raymond E. 8. Williamson, •luring the past year, Pvt. Rich eral in October,940. They reported the incident to assistant division commander, an<l General Millikin entered the last their major, but through some ard A. Hogan, of Co. G, 274th Inf.. ( Col. R. W. Broedlow, commander of was named "First Citizen of Van- i war as a captain, was promoted to error the major called Independ- Sgt. McCarthy’s regiment, the ■ouver, Wn.,” by the Junior Cham- major in June, 1918, and to lieu ence VSO on the matter. 361st, all personally congratulated !>er of Commerce in that town early tenant-colonel in November of that The good folks of Independ the young hero. this week. year. Following the war he was “Showing Off." latest USO-Camp | ence would like to get the mat Parents Proudest Coming as a complete surprise to made a major in the regular army, ter straightened, through Rev. Shows production to hit Adair, will But the proudest of them all promoted to lieutenant colonel in play two performances Monday atJ were Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy Lloyd H. Vickers, who would ap 1934, and to colonel in 1939. preciate a call at Corvallis FIRST CITIZEN Theater 2 and two on Tuesday at ’ w ho came from their home He was graduated from West , 1597-M, from either the major Theater 5. Time 7 and 8:30. and Vancouver, Wash., especially Point in 1910, graduated from the | or any of the unidentified EMs it's FREE, of course, to all GIs. see their son decorated. Cavalry School, advanced course, I involved. Billed as a fast-moving revue i The ceremony liegan with an in 1925, was a distinguished gradu- > with girl«, gags, music and magic, spection of the troops by the ate of the Command and General “ Showing Off" list« a ca.-t of 14 viewing officers. Then Sgt. Mc- Marine Hitch-Hikes on Staff School in 1926, graduated pei former«, topped by the emcee Carthy was presented to General from the Army War College in Solomon Islands—From ing and comedy cf Morton and Miiiikin and General Livesay by 1931, and served as a general staff 'Canal to Bougainville Auslev, who have played night General Williamson, commander of officer from December, 1938, to clubs in New- York, San Diego and the troops. Pfc. Jack E. McReynolds, son of August. 1939. Montreal and the Loew's and War- i The official War Department ci 1 Mr. E. G. McReynold«, Chief of the The III Corps, his new command, i U. S. Guards on this Post, was so ner circuits. tation was read, followed by the is composed of the same units that anxious to join his outfit, the 3rd Making their second tour with national anthem. Then the actual until recently made up the 4th Marine Division, at Bougainville Camp Shows are Sylvia and Cle- presentation was made by General Army. mence, a comedy kma-kabout acro- Millikin. that he hitch-hiked from Guadal l>atic girls’ tepm, who have been’ Perhaps the most thrilled mem- canal. DIDN'T LOSE PURSE. FOR SURE featured with several name bands. tiers of the audience were a group Left behind to join his unit at a Another highlight will be the of 10 Boy Scouts that were on hand Pittsburgh (CNS)—Sitting in the later date. Pfc. McReynolds mi«sed “bounce” tunes of the three Brian to witness the occasion. Groups of living room of his home, Clarence two ships. Finally, in desperation sisters, a blonde, a brunette and a the youngsters crowded around the Zeiae heard a woman scream. He he made a deal with the Seabees, red-head. This singing trio will give hero to fee) admiringly of his dashed into the street and found whereby he would help load and forth with jive and sweet numlx-rs medal. The sergeant made quite that the woman was his 35-year- unload the ship in return for a ride. On his arrival at Bougainville. ( a hit with them. too. old wife. She was sitting on a man. Pvt. Richard A. Hogan "He grabbed my purse and slugged ; he was given a rousing reception me,” she explained. "Then I guess by Japanese planes which bombed | Hogan, notification reached him the ship he was on. (through the regimental headquar I lost my temper.” ters of the 274th which brought him in from the field on Tuesday- Once more, through courtesy of The bottling concern plana to morning. the Pepsi-Cola. soldiers of Camp ' tay on the Post for some time and Monitored by Tec4 John Stump A letter from the Jr. C. of C. ad (Adair will be able to send free the intention is to giadualiy make THE ALLIES DROVE EVER CLOSER to their final objective— vising the regiment of this signal I records of their voice back to the the rounds of every day room on in the air and on the battlefronts of the world this week—with the honor was read to Hogan by Lt. I loved ones at home, starting Tues- the Post. This will make it easier spotlight turned on the new display in Italy.... Jay C. Underwood, adjutant, while, for many GIs to record their voices. WITH A NEW AND SPECTACULAR leap-frog landing on the later. Col. Thomas R. Gibson, 274th . day. I On that day J. D. Weldon, record- "To record is very simple,’' said west coast of Italy, Allied forces gained the plains of Rome. British CO, extended personal congratula ' ing engineer, will arrive from Fort peter G. Stevenson, Oregon terri and American troops of the 5th Army stormed ashore, landing between tions and a three-day pass. | Lewis and set up a headquarter* torial representative. "AH the sol Netturno, 31 miles below- Rome on an 80-mile stretch from the Tiber One of Vancouver's outstanding [here. For the first month Pepsi- dier ha- to do is go in and either River, and the Gulf of Gaeta—while the Allied air force battered Nazi events of the year, a dinner will I Cola’s "Recording Hq.” will be at speak his own piece or. if be wants, air resistant-e for hundreds of mile« around. Netturno and Villetri— honor Hogan tomorrow. I.a't year's j Service Club 1 and for the first read some prepared letters.” You only 19 miles from Rome—fell, and the armies drove 12 miles inland award went to Edgar Kaiser, son The Appian Way. coastal road to the capital, is now within artillery !gf the nation's great industrialist. I week you can make records there • an -ir.g, whistle, tell stories, do any evening. anything except give away mili range. The Germans abandoned Cassino which may indicate a Naz: A graduate of the University of withdraw al. Other Sth Army forces in Lin Valley opened a drive Washington Law School in 193«. to have led to his being ranted tary secret-. If you make a mis take. just make another record. to draw the Germans’ attention from the coast. H'»gar. began to establish a repu , "First Citizen.” P- p. i Cola pays the postage and THE AIR WAR AGAINST NAZI EUROPE continued with the tation in Vancouver almost imme At Camp Adair, Pvt. H gnn is a softening-up of the French invasion coast, especially the Pas de Calais diately. His activities as member rifleman in Co. G, 274th Inf . but does the wrapping. It's the easiest letter you can area, target« in western Germany, and diversionary raids on Berlin, of ’he city’s Library Board. Chair hopes soon to qualify for some in which British. American. Canadian and Norwegian airmen partici man of City Planning and last work in either the Judge Advocate write, lietaiis of which day moms pated. The German city of Magdeburg absorbed a huge British year’s president of the Juniot General Itept. or Military Intelli the recorder will be in will be carried in the Sentry. (Continued on Page 2. Columns 1 and 2) Chamber of Commerce are believed gence. Major General John Millikin, commanding general of the III Corps, made his first official visit as corps commander to the 70th Infantry Division. 91st Infantry- Division and other troops at Camp Adair this weekend. Voted 'First Citizen' USO-Camp Show On Post Monday, Tuesday—FREE! The World This Week Free Voice-Recording Machine Comes To Post Tuesday via Pepsi-Cola Co.