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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1944)
Friday, January 14, 1944. PaiT« Six Pfc. Hoard, of 346th, Partner, Prove Able with Bird: Runners-up in Oregon Badminton Tourney Pfc. Richard M. Hoard, of the 346th Field Artillery, carried off second honors in the Oregon State Badminton Doubles Tournament last week as he and his partner, John Batt», were stopped only in the finals by Al Brown and Rus sel] Hill of Portland. The tourna ment was held in Portland. Winner of the Men’s Single Handicap Championship for Ore- gon. 1942 anil tl.e Class I! Men’s Doubles Championship for Port- .and, 1941, Hoard also plans to enter the 1944 Portland Tourna- ment early in February. He will enter the Men’s singles, the Mixed Doubles and the Men’s doubles events. Although he has only one night a week to practice. Hoard neverthe less has proven stiff competition for the best swat-artists in the state. He is a native of Portland and has been in the 91st Division 14 months. 70th Five Developing Celtic System of Ploy SPORTS Walloper 91st 'Biffeteers' in Training for Tourney “Biff” experts throughout the 91st Division were this v.-eek putting the finishin? touches on their pugilistic style- in preparation for the forthcorving all-division boxing toonu ■ponaored by th« 91Mt*------------------- --------- — Division under the direction of the Division Athletic aid Recreation Losing Ace Center I officer. Apt to Be Costly i Elimination bouts to determine i the team to represent the respec For PSTU Cagers By I’vt. Edmund Arnold tive units are already under way. “The kind of basketball we’re playing is a brand that I Always a big thing in the division, few fans around here have seen,” says Pvt. George Chestnut, Loss through knee injury of I this year’s tourney promises to be coach for the scintillating Trailblazer five. “It isn’t high one of the most successful. Enter- Cpl. “Sky” Sheffield, 6’2” center school ball, or even college ball. •------- - ------------------------------------- I ing the lists will be many of the ( and spark-plug, is expected to provu anymore. It’s a mature, soldier he asserted as vehemently a* he I former champions who captured costly to hopes of the PSTU No. 1 ly name." | team in the post complement bas- can in his non-vehement drawl. titles in the tourney last year. ! ketball league. Cpl. Sheffield aver- V, hen Coach Chestnut talks “We have never had a man foul out . The championship team for last . aged 20 points per game for his about basketball, his remarks bear of a game even, and usually there [ year was the 363rd Infantry. And five. ninth Fnc . out Pi« Ph'Or the ring of authority acquired in are more called on our opponents [ under the baton of S/Sgt. Damen HE WON THE welter»eight 13 years of experience as player, than there are on us. The PSTU team had won twice Figueroa the 1944 team is groom championship of the 91st Division coach and referee. Most of that and dropped nothing as weekly “We play aggressive ball, we ad-1 in 1942 and Pfc. Manuel Florez, ing for its second title. experience was rung up in the na mit that. We’re even proud of it I hard-punching leather slinger of standings were complete, but the In the single events, the list of loss puts the struggle for leader tion’s hotbed of basketball, Indiana. . . . that’s the way soldiers should I the 362nd boxing team, has fully- The six-foot-four, Hoosier-spok play.” says Chestnut. “There’s a I matured plans of doing it again champions will include Pfc. Manuel ship pretty much up to the 71st in the Divisional tournament Florez, rugged lightweight that en coach began by playing four strong psychological effect on our which gets underway soon. Evacuation Hospital five and the captured the butterfly title last I 457th QM teams. Each have four years of high school ball at Odon, opponents from our style of play, year. Sgt. “Slugger” Meyers, the . wins and aren’t scheduled to break Ind. He played three years for In- and they’re more worried about middle weight champ, and Pvt. I the deadlock until they meet late diHra State College at Terre Haute what we might do than by what MP Heavyweight Henry Trupillo who took the ban I next week. and then went into profession com we a-tually do do. But you can put Real Threat in tarn crown. petition. ! this down, we’re the United States Three teams with two wins and Four years with Kautsky’s All- j Army, and we’re out to win!” I one loss are 511th MPs, SCU QM Future Tourney Ar.iericans, a year with the Detroit Minnesota Norse ¡and the SCU MPs. The 198th AA I American league pros, a year | has a win and 2 losses. Drawing When the promised Camp Adair with the world-famous New York Trailblazer Five Minnesota, famed for its Scan j blanks on the win list thus far are _ post-wide boxing tournament rolls Celtics, anil then he forsook the background, is represent ■ |Btry. D, 198th AA, 740th San. Co. AAeetS AS I U Team around, the 511th Ml* Bn. boasts dinavian courts for coaching. ed in the 275th Cannon Company a real heavy-weight contender in by a sizable contingent of Norweg and SCU HQ teams. He coached one very successful Tomorrow Night Teams have completed four Pfc. Floyd Gibbons, hard-punching. ians and Swedes.- Of the twelve sea-on at Anderson College and weeks of a 13-week schedule. ;210-pounder of Co. B. Gibbons is! then coached pro teams, proving as Minnesota men in Cannon Com The battle-tested Trailblazer 26, scales 6 feet 3 inches. valuable to the All Americans on pany, nine bear typical Norwegian League games are regularly sched uled on Tuesday and Thursday eve the bench as he had been on the 1 hoop squad, fresh from last week’s ■ The Columbus. Ohio, fight vet- names. over the previously un- eran has been in the Army eight I nings at Field House. court. He ha- a reputation as one , victory , |w.l*n , ... di i i ..... i They are Pvts. Orris Knutson, JI IK an,- Plvlaalr« at U 8 n p.m. m * ..... ..*1. . t In — civilian day» ■ 1 he rated . . beaten Albany Plylocks. at months. , ... u x- i of the nux t ca| able referees in the | Arthur Larson. Walter Nelson, tomorrow night tangles at the Field conquests over some fairly well- n t v . . , Mi< West. When the Liberty freighter .. ... ., ,, • „ „ !. . • Dlck Engeswick, Orville Floberg, House with th« University of Ore- . known heavy timber, including a c-,..,, P ,. Play Celtic System . _ icTi........ i i , ..A .... . r ntz Brandberg, Herbert Chalberg, Charlie Paddock was launched in ASTI squad. six-round KO over Muddy Walker, ci, >, . , D , The Trailblazers are bring- gon TL................... m ......... m________ i vn -C I Glenn Bergstrom and Roy Omt- California it carried as an extra ac The game will be free to mill- 10-round KO of Cleveland ’ s Frankie J veilt ._p vt . p. Holcher. a new style to Oregon.” he says. cessory a pair of spiked track shoes ¡Sims and decision over Eddie “We play the old Celtic system. t.ry and civilian personnel. once worn by Marine Capt. Charlie _ Army , o vi i Sims, who fought and a The U. of . O. Specialized “ * Joe Louis, , On defense we have a shifting, All visitors at the Station Hos Paddock, the world sprint star who ,, .. sports , one of f the I four-round KO . of . Jack Kranz, who pital must first obtain passes at was killed last July in a plane man-to-man set-up. Our offence Training Unit once stayed eight rounds with most powerful service squads in ! is the eastern style. the Information Desk. crash in Alaska. 1 "We work the bull in a semi- Oregon. Coach George Chestnut ( Louis. He has mixed it three times with circle around the basket, We .t- is pushing the Trailblazers through Gib- # _n 1 97st Special Troops Launch Basketball Tourney tempt to get the defense crowded vigorous sessions th.s | into a small aiea under the hoop week in preparation for the tilt, . . I Detroit in 1939. fought a 12-round and when they screen each other, Should the Trailblazers win this Columbiw in 1940 and we break fast under the basket and one, they will have established fjnaHy K0(1 Belinger at Sault Cage competition in the Special Field House. St. then back out to the semi-circle themselves as a force to be reckoned Headquarters Company, division I Marie in eight rounds. Troops of the 91st Division was again. with in Pacific Northwest basket- mounting again this week follow . champion, will battle with the 791st “This places a premium on ball hall circles. ing close on the heels of the all Ordnance company to open the handling and especially 0:1 using It will lie the first of two games Sports Slants division tourney which was held series. Second game, also to be the head. I figure that with a team between the two service teams. The ; By Camp Newspaper Service Christmas week. The occasion is played today, will feature the Divi of -oldiers, all u coach should do is second will be played at the Uni- j Lt. Joe Hunt, on leave from the the new Special Troops Round sion Quartermaster against the make substitutions. I’m not here versity, Eugene, on February 12. Navy, adder) the Southern Califor Robin tournament which is sched Signal Company. The last will be to teach the boys basketball, and A preliminary game will be nia midwinter tennis championship uled to get under way today in the the MPs vs. Reconnais.-ance Troop. I’m surely not here to do their to his court laurels the other day. played at 7 o’clock. ma ter-minding for them.” Hunt, who won the national singles ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniii»«*|||lllll,ll,l,lllllllT The Lineups Toughest problem of the 70th championship last summer, defeat Coaches George Chestnut of team has l>een finding practice ed Bob Falkenburg of Hollywood, titre that does not conflict with the Trailblazers and John A. national junior titleholder, 6-2. 4-6. Warren of the ASTU team an training. Many men only get two 6-4, to take the coast crown. hours of practice a week, and al nounced starting line-ups as fol lows: Try your PX for Clothing Needs. though Coach Chestnut holds prac Sgt. Joe Sage. 25-year-old New’ Trailblazers, forwards. Allen York municipal golf champion.1 tice four evenings a week, he never Remember the PX operates for your benefit bringing ha his whole team out at one time. and Conover; center. Mendel; who had been missing in action Will Stick to Style guards. Esposito and Mel. you items at a lower cost. since Nov. 5 when a Flying Fort-! "None of ray team has ever ASTU, forwards. Nail and ress on w hich he was bombardier played thia style of ball, and none Moylan; center. Meyer; guards. was shot down in action, is a pris Undershirts had ever played together before Cuthbert and Kramme. oner of war in Germany, his par-I we started. Each of them natur ents have been notified. Shorts ally thought the system he’d Handkerchiefs been playing was the best, hut Fred Apoetoli, BMlc, was named ft boxer of the year in the 19th an we’ve got to stick to one style Sox ao we use the Celtic.” he said. nual ranking* of The Ring maga Chestnut moves his huge frame Sweatshirts zine. published by boxing expert "The man who think* quickly on Nat Fleischer in New York. Apos- and speaks slowly with a Cap Covers ..... typical inid-west twang. The only the football field will think quick toli. the California bell hop who time he ever gets aroused is when ly in the jungle or on the battle once held the world’s middleweight Overseas Cans _ ' Jtiis team is accused of playing field." crown, won the mythical title for "•* thr . gh as it was in its recent Al- This was the gist of an address his meritoriua action in combat Pfc 1 -•» dassic. , A complete line of clothing can be found at PX No. 1 made in Washington Wednesday to against the Japs. Last year the nod ' J i' " *'"• ' pl*> rough, and I have the “Touchdown Club” by Secre went to Marine Sgt. Barney Ross, and PX No. 2. in San I ' •fpuchvd a man to play dirty.” tary of Navy Frank Knox. hero of Guadalcanal. I Three Cages Games Slated During Day Soldier! Fighters Bred by "Fighting Sports