Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, January 14, 1944, Image 1

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Vol. 2. No. 39.
Among things to do: See the Trail*
blazer- \STl hai kethall game. Satur­
day (sports section for details); undei- .
score next Thursday to see the
nationally-broadcast Coca Cola show
at Field House: do your part in the
fourth War Loan Drive and the
Infantile Paralysis drive.
Camp Adair, Oregon, Friday January 14. 1944.
$1.50 a Year by Mail
Coca Cola Program Here Next Thursday
91 st Holds Premiere Firing of New Anti-Tank Gun
Two 1 Vi-Hour Shows
Slated at Field House
The Coc« Cola company will bring a pause that really
refreshes to Camp Adair next Thursday night.
In two programs at Field House, the beverage company
will present their "Victory Parade*
Spotlight," featuring Brown
and his fained»dance and broadcast ’
band. The program is broadcast
nationally over the NBC Blue net­
Lynn Gordon, advance man for
the Coca Cola people, will arrive at
Adair Jan. 17 to complete plans.
Dope Bucket Review
Here is the dope on the big enter­
tainment feature:
THE ANTI-TANK CO. of the 363rd Infant-y mans the new 57-mm. cannon which was fired
for the first time at Camp Adair by the unit. Bee luse no range has been constructed for this new
weapon, it is being fired with a special attachme it w hit h allow., the u-e of a smaller calibre shell.
Old Meets New as
Post to Participaterin . 91st
Div. Holds
Fourth War Loan Drive Portland Reunion
Perhaps the unidentified ser­
geant who gave a humorous
answer to one of the questions
in a written test conducted by
l.t. Bernard II. Dyer of the 70th
Div. Hq. Co. last week came
closer to the actual truth, in his
subtle way, that the actually
correct answer would.
In answer to the question.
"By what means does a platoon
or squad leader control his group
in combat?” the Trailblazer
genius came through with this
bit of philosophy:
"He hopes and prays that
everything will come out all
It will, of course, be free. Plans
are underway to pack Field
House both times. For the first
show, which is to be broadcast.
EM are to be at Field House not
Inter than 1615. The Broadcast
will begin al 1K30 and the stage
show will carry on for a full hour
after the broadcast.
Ihe second show, which will he
identical to the first, will start at
At present plan, there will be no
■ lance. The shows are complete in
¡themselves and th,- whole Hffair
gives promise of being one of the
I greatest entertainment features to
! play this Post.
The Coca Cola show is largely
built around Mons. Bndhsi "strict­
ly swing" hand, which features the
inimitable Butch (Knock Me A
Kiss) Stone, who sings like some­
body you never heard before or will
again. Lovely Roberta l.w and
Gordon Drake sing the ballads.
For the performance an entire
script has been built around Camp
Adair. Dining the broadcast one
|GI of the Post will lie selected for
an interview.
Twenty-six years o." history were
spanned Wednesday night when
Major General William G. Live-ay
and representatives of the major
which will be conducted in joint*
appeal to civilians and military bond purchases is considered one units of the Slat Division journeyed
personnel of the Post.
of the achievements of 194.\ it was to Portland to meet members of
This was revealed yesterday by pointed out by Maj. Walter I.. Roch. ' American Legion Post No. 52 made I
W O Glenn Higgs on his return War Bond Officer of the Ninth up solely of World War I veterans
from a conference held in San Service Command, in a first of the of the 91st Division.
“We came here tonight,” General
Francisco Tuesday and Wednesday year message.
Livesay told the veterans in a short
for war bond officers and civilian
informal talk, “to capture an in­
supervisors of the Ninth Service
spiration from you. For 26 years
the name of the 91st Division and
Post In Gain
i "Powder River, Let 'er Buck" has
As a result of the 3rd War
Bringing valuable experience gained in the movement
Loan Drive and fairly sustained
An extra USO show for Camp kept you together. I want to get
purchasing since, the Post per- ! Adair may be held Wednesday some of that spirit rubbed off onto of supplies and personnel during the historic African cam­
paign. Lt. Col. W. Bruce Pirnie has arrived at Camp Adair
rentage for civilian personnel .night at Service Club 2 and cither me and my staff tonight.”
Harold W. Childs, the Legion and will shortly assume the post < f*
picked up to 64.16 participation .Tuesday or Thursday at Station
supplier and personnel for two aer­
and to 9.13 of payroll, only a ! Hospital, it was indicated late yes­ Post commander and a veteran of Director of Supply.
The movement of huge quanti- ial routes across Africa anil was
shade under the 90 and 10 ratio terday, following information that the 363rd Inf., officiated as the
which has been considered neces­ five performers from Show No. 71 old and the new rubbed elbows. ' ties of supplies to the African on his way by plane to supervise
sary to put the war loan drive will appear through courtesy of Col. R. W. Broediow, commanding theater of operations require.! the the installations.
Is Rommel Hsmmered
Northwest Sector, Western De- the 361st Inf., met Harry Hudson closest cooperation between the I
over the top.
arrived in Africa in June,
Response to the plea for war . fense Command.
Lt. Col. K. V. Larsen, division , Air Transport Command arid it was 1*42. at a time when Marshal
surgeon, shook hands with Fred j with thia work that Col. Pirnie vVas 1 Rommel was hammering at Alex­
• concerned.
andria and threatening Cairo
page 5. column
Col. Pirnie Ix-gan this work when and worked on the "central
i he was stationed at the Boston route" from I.ago», on the Gold
Quartermaster Depot. A large con- | (oast, to Khartoum and on to
voy had just moved off to Ireland I Cairo and also on the Leopold
when.Col. Pirnie suggested that it| route.
To dispose of “unfounded ru­ ! the United States, men will be
was bis turn to go overseas. Ten | A veteran of World War I, Col,
mors" regarding furloughs for
allowed a second furlough."
days later he had arranged for all
(Continue«! on p> ge 9. column 3 •
EM of the 70th Division. Maj. I From five to seven per cent of I Infantry an<_ artillery battalions
Ge«. Jahn E. Dahlquist this week the strength of a company or bat- ! of the 362nd regiment of the 91st
said in a letter to al! unit com­ , tery will be allowed on furlough at division will help Corvallis “kick
off" Tuesday in the fourth War
mander« that furloughs will be j all times, the letter continued.
Monitored by Teel John Stump
Length of furloughs will be seven Loan Drive, with a parade through
granted until “every man has re­
PLANS FOR WINNING THE WAR and peace were laid at home
ceived one unless his conduct has I days plus travel time, and will not the streets of the town and a while Allied gains on the battl. fronts abroad continued in th« world
been such as to preclude . . . | exceed 15 days except for men “go- weapons display in the afternoon. this week ....
I ing to homes situated on the east- The divisional baTid will play.
' -m seaboard.”
In a big “bond night" program PLANS in his “state of th* union” message as the 76th Congress moved ,
Gen. Dahlquist said that fur­
“Men granted furloughs must un­ at the Whiteside theater, to which into its second session in Washington. K*- » nt
•' br<aa>*«*' • pc.r*
loughs will not be terminated on |
derstand that their appearance and admission will be by bond. Briga­ program was a national service) law requesting >> gislation allowing
March 15 or any later date, unless
conduct while away from the divi- dier General Ralph Hospital, divi­ the drafyng of men and women foriru work.
/ **'
urgent military necessity requires.
. «ion must keep up to the standard sion artillery commander, will
IN ONE OF THE GREATEST air batttea of the war, mo(/ tha- f
Second Furloughs—Ma? be
if the division. We will be judged speak. The parade of troops in the 700 American bombers dealt smashing, dcstroctiva blows of til* ha«.0*’
"When all men hare had one ¡by how men wearing the Trail- afternoon ceremony will be under of German plane production. shooting down over 100 enemy aircraft**'*
furlough." the general'a letter blazer insignia act and look when Lt. Col. Charles Pettee, regimental j<„ln)r «4_the war s greatest toll. Three important fighter plan.- l'
said, “if the division is «till in ,on their own.
(Continued on Page 2, Columna 4 and 5)
Camp Adair’s own phase of the 4th War Loan Drive
will start January 18 to continue over a two-month period.
Bonds bought until February 29 will count in the drive,
Col. Pirnie New Post
Director of Supply
Every Trailblazer to
Receive His Furlough
Troops of 362nd
To Help Corvallis
Start Bond Drive
The World This Week