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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1943)
"■€CV rÀ' J3RARY MEET THE WIFE Thrt is title of another light brought by Portland Civic Theater to t amp \dair Jan. 9 at Theater 2. AI-» hold < pen either Monday or Tuesday ri eninr». t > attend “Dim Ystir lights." I SO tamp Show coming •• i heaters 2 (M) and 5 (T). r^n Adair. Oreron. Fnchv. December $1.50 a Year by Mail ' i * [¿ft ' gt ,*'4 i. I’Rr.TTi SALLl HEiMOOD, »ho was born in Oregon though reared in Canada, and is amog the lovely lasses who help make l*X No. H such a popular place, expresses the wishes that go heartily to every GI of this catnonment. The wish this year is the same, but it is a hope for the future. Happy New Year—Victorious Year. 'Trailblazer' On Sale Today I I ! » / Dim Your Lights', USO Show, Due Monday, Tuesday FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTICE Lt. Col. C. R. Steele. Post Fire Marshal, has ordered that all Christmas trees anil decora tions must be removed from buildings by next Monday. Jan- “Dim Your Lights.” newest of 3. the L’SO-Camp Show musical re They should be taken imme It’s going to be “first come, first Vues. is on tap for Adair GIs at served" in the distribution of the I diately to the burning ground Theater 2, 6th St. North and C, on in the old rock quarry directly Trailblazer Magazine today. Only Monday night and at Theater 5, west of the West Gate over 10,000 copies will be available foi 5th St. South ano D. on Tuesday pass. Signs along the road will .some 15.000 men. and the market bight. direct traffic to the disposal is booming. There will be two performance* dump. Distribution is through com- each evening, at 1900 and again at Decorations from the hospi panics this time, and GIs are urged 2030. and following established tal area should he burned in to make reservations with their custom, admission is free to all the open field directly south of first sergeants. The magazines the Fire Station on Walter Reed I ‘ervicemen. • will be released immediately after In revue form, brimful of song, Way. • the men are paid off. dance and comedy, the featured DO NOT TAKE DECORA- Because so many men of the 70th performer of "Dim Your Lights" nONa TO THE JNCINEKt have expressed a desire to keep a is the far-fanned magician. The TORS. complete file of the Trailblazer Great Lester. As the main attrac (Continued on «owe 3. column 41 tion in his hag of tricks. The Great I Lester will strap his young lady ' assistant to a platform and move a J The World This Week three-foot buzz-saw through her j body. ALLIED HOPES WERE OF THE HIGHEST a» the last week of The mi iter of ceremonies is Al the old year came tn a close: the time table for the -trategy of war Herman, who work A in black-face and peace was set. the great offensives in Europe and Asia grew in;an(j bat entertained audiences intensity, and the world turned to the new year in anxious anticipation throughout the world. of the long awaited western invasion .... The Hoffard Si-ter». Marx ,n<* . GENERAL EISENHOWER. WHO WILL LEAD the Allied second Eva, will present their own special front in Europe, predicted that the Allies would win the European brand of acrobatic dancing per war in 1944. Assisting him will be Admiral Ramsay, named Allied formed succesefully in big-time Naval Commander-in-chief, and Air Marshal Leigh-Mallory, appointed variety theaters and supper clubs (Continued on Page 2, Columns 3 and 41 throughout the country'. Monitored by Tec4 John Stump Varied Post Events Will Usher in 1944 Timely Message "I confess that I mi »elf am -ometime« bewildered b) con flicting statements that I see in the pre»». One day I read an 'authoritative* statement that ne 'hall sin the »ar this year. 1343. and the next day come« another statement equsl- ly 'authoritative.' that the »ar »ill -till he going on in 1949. "Of course, both extreme» — of optimism and pessimism — are »rung. "The length of the »ar »ill depend upon the uninterrupted rsmtmaaaee of »li mit effort on the fighting fronts and here at home. The effort is all one." —The President of the I nil eel State». Washington. D. July 2k. 194». Although no all-Post party ia planned this time, Adair will fit- tit.gly observe the New Year. Primarily, both the 91st and 70th Divisions and unlta of the 4th Army will have a receaa on January 1. Ordinary Post functions wiii be maintained with »hort »Laf/a. With the exception of PX 2, which will lie open from 10 a. in. to 5 p. m. and No. 17, which will be closed all day tomorrow, the Poet Ex- changes will maintain regular hours. Kpeciai entertnc ernt is pUnned at t«Mli Service < lube, which wiR remain ‘flien to watch the New Yep* in. A special program premen ted by GI artists of the 91st Division is announced for Club > 1. At Club 2 an evening - long extravaganza, which includes a one-act play “penthouse style," i a musical fan. ta-y and exhibition ‘lancing, planned. The fact that today is payday may have something to do .with plans for a large percentage of GIs to visit neighboring communi- th* Station Hospital «everal itmu. fl on page J, column •)