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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1943)
OREGON STA rE LIBRARY 2 9 1943 we yet have A rock foundation on which to build our house of the four freedoms! A nation of people, who have by now proved that — in the sum total cf their intelligence, their instinct, their bravery and their belief in themselves—they possess a might that is invincible. We have the realization of our many weaknesses. But we know, thank God, that they are over-shadowed, as they always have been, by our strength. Thus, now. during a test which time will prove the greatest we have yet faced, or are likely to face, for the survival of a nation and a creed, we have proved — That with more humility and yet with more confidence than we might ever justly proffer in the lusher times cf peace, we have cause — at Camp Adair today; and throughout this world today — TO OFFER THANKSGIVING, as Americans! The Sentry flat? has been altered slightly h ith the insertion of a reu insignia—or haven’t you noticed? 1 he four leaf clover of the Ith Army re places the old IV Corps insignia. Kinds pretty, don’t you. think? It seems that three of the units whose insignias grace our flag have turned to nature to provide the inspiration. Vol. 2, No. 32 -------- __— 'Touch' Football On Post at 1430 Pvt. Bill Shakespeare Refs, as Artillery and Inf. Champs Battle Top-flight “touch" football will take place today on the post it 1430, with bleachers on the artil lery field sufficient for 3,000 sol diers to plank the tokus after Thanksgiving dinner—and stand ing room enough for others inter ested. It’s free and invitation to all EM on the Post is extended to attend the battle; the Turkey Day game between the Field Artillery and 276th Infantry champions of the Trailblazer division. See details on Sports page. 316th Engrs. Will Be Hosts Today to Farfti Home Kids Three companies of the 316th Engrs. Bn. of the 91st division will play host each to ten kiddies of the W.C.T.U. Child Farm Home (near Corvallis on the Albany road), to day at their Thanksgiving celebra tion, it was learned late yesterday. It will be something new and wonderful for the children, all of whom are under 14 years of age. Each kiddy will be “sponsored” by a "big brother soldier” and their day, all of it, will be stricUy GI. Companies A, B and C will be the hosts. Children will arrive at about 11 a.m., be shown over the Post, join with EM in their special Thanksgiving Day dinner. After-. noon will be devoted to entertain ment and a picture show. $1.50 a Year by Mail Camp Adair, Oregon, Thursday. November 25, 1943 I Thanksgiving Message From Our Post Commander We should be thankful: That we live in a country that is ever cognizant of us as individuals. That we live in a country which is planning ahead for the day when the present conflict is terminated and the interests of the discharged soldier, his replacement into soeietj’ and his future are being considered. That we are supported by a large mass of willing civilians, who not only are sacrificing much in the way of conveniences and luxuries, but are foregoing rights, such as holidays, vacations and good living conditions, to do everything in their power to furnish those things necessar.v to keep our forces on the offensive and thus bring this conflict to a successful close. That we in the Army Service Force are given the opportunity to serve in the armed forces and relieve the actual combat forces of much of the drudgery, head aches and administration necessary to train their uni.ts and carry out their missions. That our country has not been invaded by ground, sea or air, and that our families and dependents are adequately provided for and free from injury from our enemies. That we are prpvided with military leaders who are gifted, capable and free from politics and are demon strating their abilities on all the active fronts, after many years of devotion to their duties and preparation. That we had a Regular Army capable of furnishing leadership in meeting the emergency, and civilians will ing to devote their leisure time years of study to assist that Army in this grave crisis, together with business men willing to assist, at great sacrifice to themselves and their families, in augmenting the services by their knowledge and experience. In fact, that we live in a flexible, progressive nation and not in a subjugated, retarded, strife-torn country under a dictator’s heel. That we are Americans. —Samuel D. Hays Colonel, FA Commanding IN BE HOI SING The World This Week The OPA ¿nd* in a word to the wise. Monitored by T/4 John Stump Regardless of how desperate ALLIED AERIAL OFFENSIVE against the enemy took precedence you are to obtain a room. house over ground activity on the battlefronts of the world this week ....' or apartment, don't wave under IN ITS 90th AERIAL ASSAULT of the war. Berlin was staggered the Landlord's nose a bonus over Monday night by the greatest weight of bomba ever dropped on the the legal ceiling rent. Nazi capital. Fires were still burning from Wilhelmstrasse to the It is a violation of OPA rrnt industrial suburbs when, for the second time in a row. hundreds of control regulation, to do th». British bombers dropped tons of explosives on the battered city.1 and if the landlord should ac Some believe a campaign is under way to flatten the city as a war cept it. he would be guilty, too. (Continued on Page 2, Columns 1 and 2) ¡¡Day of Celebration i Embraces All Adair This afternoon—when the last of the light and dark meat have been carefully stowed away and the KPs wade into the debris that only a Thanksgiving dinner can provide—Camp Adair entertainment will be thi ♦------------------------------------------------- order of the day. guests of families for Thanksgiv In dayrooms and recreation halls ing Dinner. On th« Post: throughout the Post parties and Both Service Club« are going gatherings — planned and im all-out for soldiers and their guest«. promptu—will hold the spotlight. At Club 1, activity will begin Throughout the Willamette Val early with a concert by the full ley hundreds of men will be the SCU Military Band under the baton of Pfc. Robert H. Henry scheduled for 3 o’clock. Evening will feature the Trailblazer «how and Radio Broadcast, getting under way at 8. The Division Glee Club, the 70th Officer’s Wives Choru«, the Trail Again this year the Elgin Na blazer Military Band and two tional Watch Company is toasting orchestras will be featured. This the men in the armed services and will be followed by an informal their families at home with a two- dance for all. hour variety program, consisting of Dance at Club 2 music, comedy and drama, on At Club 2 dancing will claim Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, No attention for the entire evening vember 25, from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. with a dance orchestra. Bring (PWT) over CBS. The program your dance partner because host will be beamed around the world esses have not been provided. Inter by short wave through arrange missions will feature a songfest ments made hy the Armed Forces and novelty program with a punch Radio Service. bowl an added attraction. The cast reads like a veritable This evening and throughout the "Who's Who-” of Hollywood and > rest of the week Officer’s Clubs Broadway. Participants in the two- and Non-Com groups throughout hour holiday extravaganza include the Post have planned diversions Robert Young. Lena Horne. Jose appropriate to the occasion. SCU Iturbi. Elsie Janis, Alan Reed, ' non-come will celebrate tomorrow George Bums and Gracie Allen, the right with a "dance and feed" for Pied Pipers. Ginny Simms, Jack members and their ladies. Douglas, Edgar Bergen and Charlie This afternoon will witness the McCarthy. Ed Gardner, Jimmy first game played for the Trail Newell, Alvino Rey, Susanna Fos blazer Football Trophy. On the ter and Ken Carpenter. Field Artillery Gridiron at 2:30. the Elgin will sponsor a similar two- Division Artillery Champions will hour program on Christmas Day. tussle with the 27Jth Infantry. Radio 'Who's Who' On The Air Today I —-------- —------------ —---------- If CpI. Bonvicino Keeps New York Time And Baby Keeps Oregon Time-H's SNAFU ---------------—------------------- ■ ■ ...J Six months ago, when T 5 Joseph was an hour late for a subsequent A. Bonvicino of the Trailblazer date Since. Joe has kept his wrist Headquarters Detachment visited watch set at Bronx time and vows I his beloved Bronx and his more never to change it. iieioved Elena, he ran into a ro- To complicate matters, however, , mantic mishap that he doesn't want and this may snafu the whole , repeated —all because he forgot to deal Mis* Elena Fangi, the girl change his watch from Central Who wears the ring he bought, de i Time to what he calls "Bronx eded recently to “start keeping Time.” Oregon time from now on ,, then " That precious hour nearly cost she write«. “I kw.p tlavk him his one-and-only because he * your movements, too." '