Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, November 19, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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    Pave Eight
Camp Adair Sentry
Friday’, November 19. 19-43.
Gl Show at Club 1;
Meisinger Gals at 2
Dottie Darling
Co. Helps Celebrale
EM Military Wedding
Busy Band Plays
Át Club, Dance in
Monmouth Sat.
The torrid 274th Regimental Or­
The occasion was the first en­
Bv Adele Adair
listed man’s military wedding in
chestra, after wowing ’em last
H itc
Adele again, with a tjuickie preview and review the 275th Infantry, and so the regi­
night at the regimentai-sponsored
about to be dished up in the way of GI entertain- ment took over to help celebrate
dance in Sei vice Club 1, will pro­
t t Service Clubs 1 and 2 during this week.
vide the swing for a daace and
the affair in a big way.
night, the ever-popu-*---------------------—— ------------------------
In a formal ceremony last Sat­
party honoring the regiment to be
buret programs will feature]
Club 1 way it’s game night. Bingo urday, Miss Betty Knapp and Pvt.
given tomorrow night by the stu­
sparkling floor shows and | has been played with lots of „
gusto Frederick Z. Carr, both of Zanes-
dent body of the Oregon College
ix-go'<1 orchestras for GI - l lately, and there ate other games, I ville, Ohio, were married by Chap-
of Education In Monmouth.
rs, plus Junior H'lBtesses, who ' too. Prizes, too!
lain Hardy in Chapel 5. The bride
For the second time, within a
will be • on deck. At (Tub 2 the lus- '
and groom left the chapel under a
month, men of the 274th will be
cious Mcisinger All-Girl Revue. I Club l’s weekly quiz battle will canopy of fixed bayonets formed
guests of the college group. In ad­
decked out in new costumes and be fought Wednesday night, with - by a Guard of Honor.
dition to the music of the 274th
new routines, will hold forth.
four girls of Dallas encountering
Following the wedding, Pvt. and
aggregation, committee arrange­
Club 1 has promised a more-or- four brawny EM of the Fir Tree I Mrs. Carr and guests adjourned
ments call for several surprises in
|< s GI floor show, emceed by one Division. Incidentally, the audience to the Recreation Hall for a party.
the way of entertainment. About
Cp). Eddie Faigin of the 91St and joinsjn the "audience quiz” and in Officers and men of Co. C and
100 men from the 2nd Bn. will be
featuring Pvt. IL L. McGuire, 70th, submitting questions through the Junior Hostesses from Corvallis
selected to attend the affair, with
in a kating number. Also Miss club’s Suggestion Box.
were on hand.
COs making their choices on the
Peggy Weekland of Portland,
Music was provided by the
basis of merit and progress in the
singer heard over Station KWJJ.
training program, Transportation
Meanwhile (Wednesday) Club 2 smooth 275th Orchestra, and a
The hot 70th orchestra will give at GIs swing out with folk games and buffet supper was served, topped
will be provided.
Club 2, and Club 1 "goers” will square dances, led on by 50 booti- | off with a huge wedding cake which
Signal Corps Photo
The 274th orchestra, which made
dance to the jive of the Fir Tie« ful girls from Oregon State Col- I was cut with a bayonet by the
WARBLING HIT of Tuesday’s ■ its debut a month ago, has already
lege. Miss Betty Lynd Thompson of bride.
at Club 1. was 3-year-old Doro­ won a large following. In its first
Corvallis is in charge of the group.
thy Wymore, above "giving out.” radio appearance, the combination
Mystery will be on the fire at Real old-time music, will be pro­
was heard over KOIN in Portland
Miss Sylvia Smith of New York
Club I Sunday night, with the old vided by the “Oregon Saw-yers”
as part of the 274th program there
time movie titled “Secret Investi­ of Albany.
and was lauded by officials of the
gator." Comes Monday, the movie i A new deal with the Wednesday- Lab and pharmacy at Station Hos-
'CBS outlet. Other bookings, in­
move- to Club 2 for its second free night session will be 45 minutes of
cluding officer functions and Serv-
formal ceremony held at the Cor-
A strictly GI floor show, ar­
ballroom dancing, instructed by
vallis home of Mr. and Mis Bar- ranged by the Red Cross and 70th I ice Club affairs, are on the fire.
Pvt. Robert Rivers, 70th. Time—
ney Gladstein.
EM, was presented at Station Hos­
Men of World War II forces will
A team of four gals will be vs. folk games, 7:30; ballroom danc-
The service was read by Chap­ pital Wednesday night before an become eligible to American Le­
four EM in Sunday’s gag show, 1 ing, 8:45.
lain Julius Kravetz of Chapel 1. appreciative audience of hospital
gion membership only when honor­
Truth or Consequences, at Club 2.
S 'Sgt. Rudolph I.. Gross attended
patients, who joined in a songfest ably discharged or after the ter­
Audience participation is also fea­
Thanksgiving Day will see pro­ Sgt. Finke) as best man.
before the program.
mination of hostilities, according
tured, with first and second prizes grams at both Clubs tied in with
Emceed by Pvts. Mickey Ehren­ to a release from American Legion
awarded by audience applause. the Post-wide observance. Club 1
In a formal wedding Sunday in feld and "Red” Colton the show- headquarters.
A big songfest is .scheduled.
! will feature the Trailblazers’ popu­
Marks Episcopal Church of included Pvts. Jimmy Hall, pianist;
Thousands of applications have
lar weekly radio show, while Club
Medford, Miss Lois Katherine Ford, Chico Salazar, Mexican singer; been received at the headquarters
Step right out if you can sing or 2 promises the 91st band for your
of Medford, and Maj. Sam Schlan- dance routines by Pvts. Joe Jones and are being held until the appli­
dance or tell jokes or oh, well— dancing pleasure, along with spe­
key Jr., of the 91st (¡-2 office, were and Johnny Pulliam.
cant is legally eligible.
you're wanted as a volunteer for cial entertainment, No hostesses
Monday night’s Talent show at have been invited, so it’s bring
A reception was held following
Club 1. Cigarettes and candy are your own partner.
the ceremony at the Hotel Holland,
given to all contestants, and first
There you have it, and happy Medford, and the couple is honey­
and second prizes awarded. If Thanksgiving Day to you! See you mooning in San Francisco. They
you’re bashful, at least join in the next week.
will be at home in Corvallis.
big songfest preceding the show. i
GUADALCANAL DIARY—The Crosby’s and Benny Carter’s or­
best blood and guts picture of the chestras are among the stellar at­
Miss Esther Wyatt and Lt. Ed- year—powerful drama of men on tractions.
| ward J. Ruffo, 362nd Inf., 91st Guadalcanal, depicting America’s
Tuesday night marks the appear­
Division, were married last Thurs- first victorious offensive in World HOUSE -Part of a double feature,
ance of a Plat Division band on the
i day in a formal wedding in the War II. A great all-male cast, a but this is the best of the popular
downbeat at (Tub 2 for the infor­
Church. story taken from the book by an Aldrich series. Running the haunt­
mal mid-week dance. Gals from
Salem ind the Post invited. Over the new ly-decorated Day Room of The bride is from Medford, Ore., on-the-scene INS correspondent, ed house theme through all its old
I Co. M, 274th Infantry, will be and Lt. Ruffo hails from New smashing hand-to-hand conflict angles, the show nevertheless de­
York city.
j held tomorrow night.
with treacherous Japs and other velops new twists and is gag-pack­
The best man was Lt. William J.
Completion of redecoration plus
magnificent action shots combine ed. It’s about a super-vitamin de­
Schooley, of the same regiment as
' new furniture gives the room the
to make this one of the greatest ac­ veloped by the father of Henry’s
the groom. Ushers included Lts. M.
.appearance of comfort. Efforts to
tion pictures of all time! It’s like girl. When he’s under its influence,
Jerome Rieger, Michael I. Kush-
■ provide the men with facilities
BATAAN, only more so. Excellent. everyone thinks Henry is a mon­
Frank, George
were initiated through the Red Jones. Walter
Don’t miss it.
ster but Henry and a goon loose
(Hospital Area)
Fleming, of the
Cross hik I active support was given | 362nd Inf., and
THOUSANDS CHEER—Story of in the haunted house. Excellent.
Stephen Long of
by the parents of Pfc. William the 70th Division.
a colonel’s daughter who falls in For fun and gags, see it!
Shop will be open
Fletcher, a member of the Com­
love with a private, this musical
G rover-Morrill
extravaganza has everything — Those three screwballs, the Ritz
for appointments pany from Portland.
Another wedding in the ■ 91st Di­ top-flight stars, hit songs, hilar­ brothers, somehow fail to get
Major General John E. D.ihlquist.
from 11 to 6 p. m.
Commander of the 70th Division, vision was celebrated Saturday ious comedy skits—plus a 40-min- across their best gags in this, but
and appointments ba- been invited to attend the af­ night when Miss LouAnna Morrill ute Army show. Photographed in the hot songs of Frances Langford
by telephone may fair. as well as other unit officers. of Los Angeles and Sgt. Lionel F. technicolor. If we need to say more, and smooth dancing by the Rogers
Grover. Hq. Co., and also from Los Eleanor Powell. Kathryn Grayson. troupe are on the credit side.
be made only dur­
T 4 and Mrs. Sydney Frankel, Angeles, wqre married. The cere­ Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland, Red Story of a night club operated by
ing those hours, by of the Post MP Detachment. are mony was read in the Methodist Skelton, Ann Sothern. Lucille Ball. crooks, but all's well that ends well.
Lena Horne and Kay Kyser’s, Bob Fair,
calling Post 4216 announcing the birth of a baby Church of Salem.
daughter. Miriam. Wednesday in
Passau, New Jersey.
GIs Entertain at
Station Hospital
For Your 'Must' List: 'Guadalcanal
Diary'; Other Top Films Scheduled
274th Will Open
Newest Dayroom
Beauty Shop
at PX 17
Open to Military
No. 1
Thursday nights. 9-9:30. Station
KEX. "Trailblazers on the Air”;
1190 on your dial.
6 4 8, Sun. 1:30
No. 2
6:45 & 8:45. Sun. 2:15
I <>l> O —Dance in Field House, 8-19
Junior Howtesses- Movie,
"Lads I ikes a Chance.'’ for patients at Rial Cross Aud.. 2 and 6:30 p.m.
S \TI RD< share! Show» at both Service Clubs. "Track Meet"
(pai tv I foi patients at Hospital at 6-30 pm.
SI NDAA Recordings, singing at Clubs. Symphony Hour at 11.
< lub
Oldtime movie and snagfent. Club I. Snn«fe«t and I rath or Con.
sequence* at ( lub 2. Rook review in Hospital lounge f<n patients at 0:30 |
MONDAY—Talent night, at Club 1. Oldtomr Movie at Club 2
Make record evening for patients at Hospital, 7 p. m. Classical record i
hour tn lounge. 7 p in.
Tl I SDtl tiame night. Club I. s p.m. Informal dance. < lab 2.
Medel in krt tt«rksh<»p. i h»h I, « p.m. “1- Everybody Happy?" movie '
fAr patients at Hospital. 2 and 0:90 p m.
WEDNESDAY Quis contest. (’tab I. Square dancing and folk
< tub 2. Spot t night I toariunnentai for palienta lei Rosjntal.
THI KSDtA Dance and special program at Club 2. TraMblarer
Radio «how, Club I, GolJbrick Bros Circw«. by patients in Hospital at
7 p.m
Never a Dull Moment
Ritz Bros. France« Lang-
ford Mary Beth Hughes
Son of Dracula
Lon Chanev
Louise Allbritton
Thousands Cheer
K. Grayson-Gene Kelly
Kay Ky^er and Orchestra
Thousands Cheer
K. Grayson-Gene Kelly-
Kay Kyser and Orchestra
Henry Aldrich Haunts
\ House Jimmy Lydon
(•ildersleese on Broadway
Wednesday Guadalcanal Diary
Preston Foster-Lloyd Notar
W illiam Herwiix
Guadalcanal Diary
No. 3
6 4 8. Sim. 1:30
No. 4
No. 5
6-30 A 8:30
Sun. 2 p.m.
6:45 & 8:45, Sun. 2:15
Northern Pursuit
Errol Flvnn
Julie Bishop
Northern Pursuit
Errol Flvnn
Julie Bishop
Never a Dull Moment
Ritz Bros.-Frances Lang-
ford-Mary Beth Hughes
Son of Dracula
Lon Chanev
Louise Allbritton
Thousands Cheer
K. Grayson-Gene Kelly-
Kay Kyser and Orchestra
Ihousands Cheer
K Grayson Gene Kellv-
Kay Kyser and Orchestra
Henry Aldrich Haants
Prestai Foster-Lloyd Nolan A HeaseJimmy LvdOn
William Ketwiix
•••Idersleese Ua Bread* ay
The Iron Major
Pat O'Brien
Ruth Warrick
Find The Blsckwrilnr
Jerome Cowan-F. Emerson [
Mr. Mugg Steps Out
Northern Pursuit
Errol Flynn
Julie Bishop
Northern Pursuit
Errol Flvnn
Jutie Bishop
Son of Dracula
Lon Chaney
Louise Allbritton
Never a Dull Moment
Ritz Bros-Frances Lang-
ford Mary Beth Hughes
Thousands Cheer
K Gravnon-Gene Kelly-
Kay Kyser and Orchestra