Camp Adair Sentry Page Five Friday, November 19, 1943. Empee Hates to Leave Mother POWER PLAY IS RIGHT CANNONEERS IN ACTION Trsilblurr “k;i< < ANNONEERS OF THE 276th Infantry Regiment claim enough power to »mash any line. This crack crew as demonstrated in action read- (from left to right) Pvts. Mike Vukish. No. I man. who sets the elevation and does the actual "trigger pullin' " on indirect firing; Robert Stroup. No. 5, who handles direct firing; Acting-Cpl. At illiam McPherson, chief of section; Pvts. Ralph Burns, No. 2, loader; Ken neth Trombley, gunner; Ted Zelazny, No. I; Chester t annoy. Arthur Weerkmeister and Brant tt hife. No. 3. who prepare the ammunition for firing. Signal Corns Photo WISTFULLY. “EMPEE." THE Post MP's new German shepherd detachment mascot, says “adieu” to her mother, Patsy, who w ill have to stay at home at the Post Stables to take care of the rest of ihe pups that were sired by Wolf, of the K-9 Corps. The formal presentation of the official mascot took place last Monday when the owner. Maj. J. H. Brandt. Post property officer, presented the young dog to Capt. Gilbert A. Waite. Post adjutant. Lt. George Kressaty. commanding officer of the MP Detachment, in turn, received the new member of his company from the Adjutant. Liaison Plane Section Of 70th on New Field By Pfc. H. L. Hanson ly proven its worth in this war. One of the little publicized On the African front, they fair- branches of the Army is the Liai ly “got in the Germans' hair." son Plane Section of the Field Ar- I and when they went up to ob- tillery. The little “Grasshopper”, serve, enemy batteries would planes composing this section have cease fire for fear of giving aw ay become virtually the eyes of the ■ their positions to these "elevated O.P.'s." artillery. These Taylor Cub planes can ob The section which is attached to the 70th Division Artillery recent- J serve where it would otherwise be ly settled in a new home just impossible, but in addition have southwest of the 882nd FA Bn. many other valuable uses. In the evacuation of sick and Hq. Having moved planes and equipment to its new field, the wounded, they are priceless, land section is now able to work in clos ing and taking off where other er conjunction with the Trailblaz planes cannot. They are just about er artillery training units. It Ì8,| the best means of convoy control, moreover, taking advantage of flying from front to rear of the column and keeping them together. smoother and better runways. For dropping messages and »ret Elevated OPs The liaison plane has definite- ting into tight places with emer- The SERGEANT Said, 'Swab That Deck, Sailor!' .'tignai «. irp» Phwtn DRE AMS COME TRUE, after 2» y car. in the Ar«y, for tst/Sgt John Easterwood of tbe Med. IM «TIMI. He', ahsays wantrd to gire a «aitar ordre and as thè ramera «ho» «. he o finsi U doing it The onluckv bell botto« boy« are Scarne« Second < ta-« Franklin Rag-data. of Miti City. Ore, and t alvi* Sa «nel. of ¿.tata Ore TWh -ere ho.pit.Iized -ben tbe. ,-t óek .bile o. taave but «bile awaittng fartber arder, no- that tbey are «HI ar>4. tbe »aitar« «ake tbemsdves asefH around thè Sta bon Ho-pital. HERE SOMEONE OFFERS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Do you think that faith and hope are dead? Of course, you don't! Further proof lies in this re cent notice seen on a barracks bulletin board: “Any enlisted man who wants to work on his furlough instead of going home may do so by con tacting S. Sgt. Benjamin Tow sky at Post Headquarters for full particulars.” That, friends, bespeaks a faith before which one can do little but stand in reverence. Here the Big Boy Digs in I | gency food, first aid equipment and i supplies, they can’t be heat. More over, they can be equipped with skis, pontoons or wheels and will operate in any climate. The Trailblazer Division has 10 I Truilbluzer »’hit • PREPARED FOR FIRING is this 105 mm howitzer with of these L4-H planes, as they irt-e Acting-Cpl. William McPherson, standing center, aa straw-boss of officially known. In charge of the the operation. Working the elevating mechanism, left, hi Pvt. Mike .section is Capt. W. L. Keller, and Vunitch, while S/Sgt. William E. Smith shows the rest of the ere* he is assisted by Lt. Lewis. T/Sgt. how the weapon is lowered into firing position. Harris is supply ser»reant for the section, and T/3 Hassman is the 3-in-l Man chief mechanic. Enlisted men with each FA Bat- ' talion pilot these observation and liaison planes, These men must first, however, go through an in- tensive course of training. Ten Man of 276th Cannon weeks with the Air Corps are fol- Co. 'Right on Bubble' lowed by liaison pilot training for the artillery at Ft. Sill, t)kla. Fol The hard-hitting United States lowing graduation from Ft. Sill, the men were assigned to the 70th. Infantry is putting new power into “Best To Be Had" its punches these days, and the Capt. Keller is proud of his Cannon Co. of the 2T6th Inf. Regt. ' men and is not stinting in praise is providing plenty of that power for them. “The men. and espec ially the pilots of our air section, for the Trailblazer Division. The Cannon Co. was just recent- ! are the best to be had—all high •typ< and efficient personnel, as ly incorporated into the infantry,I and the 70th Division has a group well as good soldiers." In the part of the section that of gunners that are to coin a works with the 882nd FA Bn. phrase—“right on the bubble,!' as S Sgt. Steenerson is the pilot, T/3 , they've had a chance to train with I Nardini is the mechanic, and Pvt. their guns from their first days at j i Adair. Himilowitz is the ground crew ' Their weapon is a wicked 105- helper. TrailbU|er p)u»io For the 883d FA Bn., S Sgt. mm. howitzer. For the l<enefit of, SGT. KENNETH A. KROHN Graff pilots, T 3 Riplowaki is me non-cannoneers, a howitzer is a of < o. D, 276th, who recently got chanic, and Pvt. Isaac is the help- short-barrelled cannon. This par- | the Purple Heart for wounds re ticular job is erpiipped for direct , ceived in the Attn attack, la now er for the ground crew. Tn the 884th. the pilot is S Sgt. or indirect fire. It is adaptable to . showing 'em how one han can • do a three-man iob by putting a Loveland, the mechanic, T 3 Ne- high-trajectory firing and will act 1 *• mm. mortar in action In only like a big brother to the mortars. • meth, and ground crew helper. Pvt. 16 seconds. The Trailblazers can fire four Ferree. S Sgts. O. E. Marks and J. N. rounds per minute and ran main- HAMBI RGERS!—IN SOUTH Marks are both piloting for the tain sustained fire of two rounds SEAS 725th FA Bn, T 3 Mierzcjewski is per minute till the Japanazis yell South Pacific (CNSl Joe's the mechanic, and the two ground “Uncle!” It can reach out --------- place, a quiet little hamburger crew helpers are Pvts. Ekland and (censored) yards to drop its high joint on a South Pacific Island, explosive shells where they'll do gives the American touch to this Telles. plenty of damage. area. ARNl'LFO GOT WISE QUICK! The weapon weighs well over a Joe is Joseph Maurice Hayden of Los Angeles (CNS) — Arnulfo ton and is towed by a 6x6. But Middlehoro, Mass., a commissary Perez was walking along the street when it is maneuvered around by steward in a Navy Seabee outfit minding his own business when its »run crew, its weight automati (construction battalion», who per two men—on« of them in a cop's cally gains at least another ton. suaded his officers to buy a herd uniform—jumped out of what ap The boys of Cannon Co. solemnly of cattie he spotted on the island. peared to be a paddy wagon and testify that this is a fact they have Joe then enlisted the aid of Sea- pushed him into it. Several blocks verifies! by persona) experience. bc«s in building his hamburger “All we want now,” they say “ia stand, which he operates 74 hour-* away they took Sd out of his pock et and threw him out again. “I a chance to show just how »—«tent daily. Hr now serves 400 pound. ,.f knew then," said Arnolfo, “that it we can make this »«lasted infan- fresh beef daily--aU of it ham ua«n't a genuine patrol wagon." tiy!" burger. Infantry Packs New Power With Cannons