Page Four Camp Adair Friday, November 19, 1943. Maestros: Of the Concert and the Dance Musical Pride of the SCU—Artists, 32 Strong Hifnal Corp* Photo HERE, ON AND in front of the recently-built Service Club 1 stage, is pictured the crack piece concert orchestra of Sl'l’ 1911. The outfit to gaining wide acclaim throughout the North»est l<.r its accomplished and versatile arrangements. It will present an h'»ur concert in Club I at 3 p.m Thanksgiving Day. K-9 Pin-up Girl of Week on Radio Show Photograph Be" On Post Lifted; With Restrictions Badges to Be Given Combat Infantrymen (Continued from page one) ing of any unit designation is for Signal Corps Photo bidden. AS PFC. ROBERT HENRY, who directs the orchestra, Infantry's Role Gets Weekly Trailblazer All still films exposed on the | fingers the keyboard. Sgt. William C. Wennes. who handles the Post must be developed and printed I 12-piece dance band, helps work out one of the new arrangements. Official Recognition Broadcasts Continue ,_________ . TABOO! Townsend vowed. “Remember: The role of the infantryman in Oregon's Own introduced a brand The following subjects are modern warfare is of “ epic pro there are only two places in the v twist last night as the Trail- Army of the United States — ;el'S piesented for the radio liu- strictly taboo and under no cir portions.” “It is high time that we first and oblivion. We shall be nce of its weekly KEX broad- ! cumstances may photographs of recognize it in some visible way." With these words. Secretary of first. We shall have competi , a new style pin-up-girl-of-1 them be taken: U. S. Army personnel engaged War Stimson announced that two tion but we want that. We must »<el. during the broadcast from | Instead of talking to his civilian badges have been authorized for in maneuvers. i vice Club 2. have someone to excel!” infantrymen who have carried the audience as a soldier to civilians. Equipment or material. Ginger shared the spotlight with “Discipline is what differentiates Major Elias C. Townsend, assistant Personnel, airplanes, trucks, • war into the teeth of the enemy I William Shakespeare, who a soldier from a gangster.” he as chief of staff and head of the Trail The expert infantryman badge w on his All-American exper-i tanks or munitions in transit. serted. “An undisciplined outfit Wrecks of any kind of mili which bears a miniature silver rifle blazer Division G2, spoke as sol I may be able to fight, but an undis me at Notie Dame to venture a dier to soldier to a large Armistice mounted on an infantry blue field ew predictions on the division I tary material. will be awarded to officers and Day audience at the Albany High ciplined outfit always fails—at the e h football finals which open | ■ time it is needed most!” School auditorium. ir.nksgiving Day. through the Camp Adair Post Ex men who have attained established Discipline carries over in the re- He did it by the old Army method In a vai ied musical program, the change and will not be taken to standards of proficiency and whose ■ a Bund, under Chief Warrant any outside studio for developing action in combat has been rated of "simulating." His very attentive ' lationship between soldiers and satisfactory. The combat infantry- listeners were newly-entering “fill ! civilians, too, he said. Pointing out "'I er Norman R Olson, opened and printing I man badge, a higher award, is re ers” in the purely hypothetical that the people of Albany and Cor show with the march "Old Unit and organization pictures I. ry Triumphant," then welcomed may be taken by the Post Photo served for those whose conduct in “Twelfth Battalion” of the 70th vallis have shown nothing but good kespeare with the Notre Dame grapher who is under contract to combat is exemplary or whose com and he gave them their first mili will to men in uniform, he asked his “12th Battalioneers” to repay ' ■ ory March and then played the Post Exchange but they can bat action occurs in a major opera tary orientation. First he “talked them through” that courtesy in kind. March of the Gendarmes.” Strains not be released for sale or publi tion. It is similar in design with a Sharing the speaker’s platform oiu this march have been incor- cation until passed by the Post In wreath added. the fundamentals of “Attention,” Three inches long and one-half "Parade Rest” and “At Ease,” with Major Townsend was Major i ited with th*« of the theme telligence Officer. i inch wide, the badges are designed then stressed the mental attitude General William G. Livesay. com i .’, "Oh, Susanna.” Only Signal Corps and other I Sgt. Bill Rodenbaugh's swing- military personnel authorized to to be worn above the left breast of a new Army man. mander of the Fir Tree Division. s grew nostalgic in recalling use cameras in the performance of pocket in the same position as the American Legionnaires of the Al "We are going to be the best wings of an airman. ll< tween 15th and 16th on Carey” battalion in the Division.” Maj. bany Post arranged the program. their official duties may possess k in old Cheyenne, and the photographic equipment without i inbateers did a medley of Cen- registration. Current Look Magazine SPEAKS IN EUGENE ' A met lean favorites. Vocal numbers furnished two Special Service Edition With our two hands we'd like to is ispoto. The Trailblazer Glee choke ( lull presented a well-received And gladly, too, the bore Including a "Servicemen’s Fol or.ert version of " ‘Drums in My Who reads this column anil re Heart,” and from this group a Thanks of the 70th Division to lies of 1943," lots of pin-up girls marks, quartet, direct«! by T 5 Fordyce Portland's Junior Red Cross, which and Joe Louis' own story about his "I've heard that gag before!” Waldo, sang "Day and Night." has already equipped eight day post-war plans, the current issue The "Trumpeteers Three." Sgt. Cpi. Hugh Smith wrote and an rooms, spending $7000 of $20,000 of Look magazine is a special one Oscar Ariessen. Cpi. David Black nounced the show which was di projected to furnish a total of 14 that has been edited just for serv »nd Sgt. Don Miller did Ravel's rected by Day Foster, War Pro day-rooms. four talented Trail- icemen. Bolero." gram Director for Station KEX. blazer artists will appear in Port Among the more interesting of land today. the many picture-features is an ar They will play at four different ticle by John Gunther, “So You W/7/ Soy Thank You to Portland Rose City schools — the Lincoln Want to Come Home. Soldier?", High School at 9:45 a. m.. Sabine and one by Paul Schubert about High at 11 and at Jefferson High "The Greatest Navy in the World.” in two shows, at 1 and 2 p. m. The troupe to appear I pictured This is a funny world. to the left), will include Pvt Chf- Its wonders never cease; ford Berge, former concert violin- Cul Courtes» Kngene Ret>«<*r r’”*rd All "civilized" people are at war. iat; T 5 Fordyce Waldo, bantone Maj. Gen. William G. Livesay All savages at peace. who will also lend community sing- (Story, Page 1) ing: T 4 Howard Townsend, ac- companist and piano soloist, and Love Thy Neighbor, Soldier, But Don t Pvt. Robert Rivers, i monies. r ni IK-1 Red Cro make n >ws; lik any roon f., 91st Divisici in the T at least • ’ instituted tor tne POST BASKETBALL l.EAGl I le admitting sheep A Post basketball league is be :aken cii »n a ’.vrvtti azimuth and had gone ing organit«! for enlisted men of fivers’ Mess where the me sergeant “obligingly" let the HP's do the breakfast dishes bef.-l telling them it was all the SCU, 7th ILf and Hq Det. of a big mistake. the 4th Army and for >ther at And then there was the prison detail from the <62nd tached troops. mental, who. under guard, marched up tv No. 7 PX in the Officer sponsors and their man area every day for nearly a week, to police the area, be ore ager representatives met last night at the Field House with the Post covering they. too. had been off their bearings. o That is why little neighborly acts have ceased in the Athletic Officer to arrange the Division. It just ain't paying off!—Cpl- George Wolpert. league schedule. 70th G-2 Addresses Armistice Audience 70th Will Present Program to Thank City for Dayrooms Mess Up the Mess Sergeant's Mess Detai