Page Four Camp Adair Friday, November 19, 1943. Maestros: Of the Concert and the Dance Musical Pride of the SCU—Artists, 32 Strong Hifnal Corp* Photo HERE, ON AND in front of the recently-built Service Club 1 stage, is pictured the crack piece concert orchestra of Sl'l’ 1911. The outfit to gaining wide acclaim throughout the North»est l<.r its accomplished and versatile arrangements. It will present an h'»ur concert in Club I at 3 p.m Thanksgiving Day. K-9 Pin-up Girl of Week on Radio Show Photograph Be" On Post Lifted; With Restrictions Badges to Be Given Combat Infantrymen (Continued from page one) ing of any unit designation is for­ Signal Corps Photo bidden. AS PFC. ROBERT HENRY, who directs the orchestra, Infantry's Role Gets Weekly Trailblazer All still films exposed on the | fingers the keyboard. Sgt. William C. Wennes. who handles the Post must be developed and printed I 12-piece dance band, helps work out one of the new arrangements. Official Recognition Broadcasts Continue ,_________ . TABOO! Townsend vowed. “Remember: The role of the infantryman in Oregon's Own introduced a brand The following subjects are modern warfare is of “ epic pro ­ there are only two places in the v twist last night as the Trail- Army of the United States — ;el'S piesented for the radio liu- strictly taboo and under no cir­ portions.” “It is high time that we first and oblivion. We shall be nce of its weekly KEX broad- ! cumstances may photographs of recognize it in some visible way." With these words. Secretary of first. We shall have competi­ , a new style pin-up-girl-of-1 them be taken: U. S. Army personnel engaged War Stimson announced that two tion but we want that. We must »«<*r r’”*rd All "civilized" people are at war. iat; T 5 Fordyce Waldo, bantone Maj. Gen. William G. Livesay All savages at peace. who will also lend community sing- (Story, Page 1) ing: T 4 Howard Townsend, ac- companist and piano soloist, and Love Thy Neighbor, Soldier, But Don t Pvt. Robert Rivers, i monies. r ni IK-1 Red Cro make n >ws; lik any roon f., 91st Divisici in the T at least • ’ instituted tor tne POST BASKETBALL l.EAGl I le admitting sheep­ A Post basketball league is be­ :aken cii »n a ’.vrvtti azimuth and had gone ing organit«! for enlisted men of fivers’ Mess where the me sergeant “obligingly" let the HP's do the breakfast dishes bef.-l telling them it was all the SCU, 7th ILf and Hq Det. of a big mistake. the 4th Army and for >ther at­ And then there was the prison detail from the <62nd tached troops. mental, who. under guard, marched up tv No. 7 PX in the Officer sponsors and their man­ area every day for nearly a week, to police the area, be ore ager representatives met last night at the Field House with the Post covering they. too. had been off their bearings. o That is why little neighborly acts have ceased in the Athletic Officer to arrange the Division. It just ain't paying off!—Cpl- George Wolpert. league schedule. 70th G-2 Addresses Armistice Audience 70th Will Present Program to Thank City for Dayrooms Mess Up the Mess Sergeant's Mess Detai