Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, November 19, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    Camp Adair Sentry
Friday, November 19, 1943.
Page Two
Camp Adair Sentry Il s A Great life .... ByT-5lyn<li
Notes From a Soldier's Sketch Book
In »nd Around
Adair, Oregon
Mountmg Guan
The great universal time saver
is love at first sight.
« • *
Capt.: “I’d like to talk to some­
one with a little authority here.”
Pvt.: “I’m your man, sir. I’ve got
Addre - communications <to “Camp Adair Sentry, Post Head­
as little authority as anyone."
quarters, Camp Adair, Oregon.”
• « *
Al! articles represent personal opinions and are npt official unless
A GI haircut isn't so bad after
specifically credited to the War Department. News material furnished
it grows on you.
by the Public Relations Office is available for general release.
* « *
Horse sense is something that
Subscription rates by mail 6 mo. $1 — Year $1.50,
keeps horses from betting on
The Sentry subscribes to the matrix and news facilities of CainD
Newspaper Service.
* ♦ »
A kiss that speaks volumes is
Special Services Officer
Major Vari B. Forsman
Capt. Frank L. Moore
Post Exchange Officer
seldom a first edition.
» » *
Pvt. Snafu asked his CO if he I
Public Relations Officer
( aptijâh.' H 1). McKay
"Private Beagle, your Good Conduct Medal is scratching me.
T 4 Jwhr Stump, T 5 Ted Lewis
Public Relations Office
could have a furlough “to help my
wife move,”
?/.! Hob Ruskauff
Managing Editor
m sorry, Pvt. Snafu,” replied
Pfc. Lionel Kay, ( pl. Benjamin Hirschkowitz, Pvt. Wm. Sandlin
Egad!'Yank' Uses the “I’ CO,
“but I've just received a
........................ -..... -...Associate Editors
T/6 Don Lynch
........................ . .......... . .Staff Artist
Cartoon by Lynch letter from your wife saying that I
she didn’t need you at home to help
Staff artist T 5 I.ynch, whose ' She said that you would be more
cartoon feature has long graced bother than help. So you can’t have
the Sentry's page 2, to say nothing the furlough.”
Throwing as good a highball as '
Veteran of Massacre Bay Gets Letter from Friend "THANKS
about his being the guiding genius
could, Pvt. Snafu edged toward '
behind the murals now taking form,
(Editor's Foreword: The following was submitted as a
the door: “Sir,” said Pvt. Snafu,
Saturday), CBS
-01». not an editorial. But the letter therein IS AN EDITOR-
“there are two fellers in this here '
Service Club 1. has crashed the
company that are downright liars.
I \l more than editorial. It is a powerful testimonial to Amcri-
Army bigtim? (artistically speak­ I am one of them. You see, sir, I
cm bravery—to guts!)
1. Is the accuracy of the obser­ ing. that is l. "Yank” saw fit to
ain’t even married!”
Men who have lived in the ferocity of battle often lose contact vatory clocks (i.e. the Naval Ob­
reprint one of his cartoons, on page
villi their injured buddies when those men are segregated and returned servatory clock in Washington)
17 of its Nov. 26 issue.
o some hospital in the States for treatment. But Unrfe Sam's mail checked by the sun, the star- r the
The cartoon appeared in the Sept.
ometimes turns Good Samaritan and reunites foxhole friends through moon ?
Sentry. It depicts four GIs play­
■ 11espondenee that travels further than Gulliver's imagination.
2. The girls' names, Patty. Polly ing cards in what seems to be a
Such is the case with Sgt. William Carrott. Co. L, 274th Inf. and Sally, are also common words
arrott, a veteran of the bloody Massacre Bay battle on Attu, was re- in the English language. What do hospital recreation room. The game
is interrupted by a nurse who re­
mited in spirit with a friend through a letter which travelled thousands they mean?
marks innocently: "Now, let's see.
>f miles.
3. Name the original a la mode which one of you boys was it that The Editor:
In lured on the third day of the struggle with the Japs, Carrott dish, served without ice cream and
Have heard so much regarding
»a removed with shrapnel wounds in the hip..Brought back to the commonly found on menus today. I gave the marked cards to?”
the Western Defense ribbon and
S. he spent nearly three months at a large Army general hospital
would appreciate advising if there
4. If 1 were giving an ostrich a
'here he was decorated with a Purple Heart medal. Asked what he
pedicure, would I find two. three or Concerning the recently enacted is such a ribbon, who are those
houglit was the greatest contributing factor to the American victory
four toes on each of its feet ?
legislation providing for increased that are allowed to wear it. and
■ >n Attu. Carrott replied: "Guts!” and cited this treasured letter as
dependency allowances, last week’s what is the color—W. G. Taylor.
i j
. .
fi ? ■
There has been no medal author­
these acts legally possible: to vote Sentry stated that men of the first
October 17, 1943 by proxy, to be married by pro4y ? three grades who take advantage ized for men serving within the
Dear Friend,
■ »*
6. How many of the following of the new law must waive both territory under the jurisdiction of
Burkett just receivtd a letter from his folks and they can you take on a regular lailn ad subsistence and quarters payments the Western Defense Command.
said you had seen them anti gave them your address. I have ticket without extra charge: a now authorized for the three high- ; For service entirely within the
three year old child, a bull dog, a est enlisted grades.
limits of the continental United
dten wondered what became of you and how you were get­ 150 pound trunk?
States the only ribbons that can
ting along.
vlwJ owl , VDi '•
(Answers on page 12)
statement is in error. First three be worn, provided that one meets
I am OK except being a little beat up and weak in the
graders subscribing to the new «1- '■ the qualifications, are for the Good
lowances need only Waive thvir Conduct and the American Defense
lieipl. I rpamyjett to go through all 21 days of the battle i
quarters payments.
but it sure told on me. The boys’ were sure game and after i i
where au­
the first day they wouldn’t stop for anything.
thorized, will continue in force.
As you know, we have been out
As you know, Sgt. Thomas took over the platoon after
Q. Is is possible for soldier« sta­
maneuvers for the past two
you left and did very well up to the last day of the battle. tioned overseas to send war bonds
One good thing . . . he didn’t suffer any. I never felt 86 home as Christmas presents?
With measured tread I walk
While we were out in the desert
my post
A. Yes. Any member of the
damn much like crying in all my life as when he got it, for
we heard about a lot of fellows
all that took him to that hill that morning was guts and he armed forces now serving abroad Whilst fleeting thoughts race getting Good Conduct Medals. We
may buy war bonds and have them
thru my mind
had plenty!
didn’t get any though.
delivered to relatives or friends in
Precious mem’ries of bygone
There's a bunch of us fellow,
We haven’t any of the old officers in our Company but the U. S. by Christmas. The bond .
here, and we think we’re pretty
have some good new ones to replace them so I am ready to sales are handled by the mail order 1 That must return: Dear Fate, good. How do we go about getting
get some more of those slanty-eyed b......... ! I am in the first gift section which the Army Ex­
Re kind!
Do you have to apply for it? If
—Cpl. Dan Kaplan
platoon now as Platoon Guide and after almost three years change Service operates for over­
seas personnel. All the soldier ha-
Camp Post Office
so, where can we get application
in the Company wind up being a stranger.—A True Friend,
to do is buy a bond at the nearest
blanks? And what are the require­
Sgt. Reid Clay son. Army Exchange which forwards
ments ?
the name of the recipient and the
Barnie Rappaport. Jr.. Pfc.
donor to a New York bank The
E. 'Mist Inf. Rtgt..
bank delivers the bond together all-powerful jeep is now doing still
with a gift card bearing the name another jeep.
Medals are
(Continued freni Page 1)
Good ,,___
At Camp Shelby, Mississippi,
I of the sender.
oa<! to Rome and regained ground lost and won new positions in the
they’ve protected the jeep with awarded in accordance with reg­
Venafro sector. Allied warships re-entered the Gaeta Gulf to bombard
(J. Are all men classified below quarter-inch armor plate and use ulations prescribed in AR
-nc’ny rear positions, while Xllied planes attacked enemy defenses and the general service level automati­ it, driverless, to pull moving tar­ 68.
Ordinarily the recommenda­
\di latic shipping
cally discharged from the Army '
gets around at 25 mph. while Gl’s
Illi- HEROIC VLI.1F.D GARRISON on the Dodecane»«“ island of
A. Not at all. Personnel physi­ bung away at the target with every tion for its issuance will origin­
I eios capitulated when British and Italian troops ended their four-day cally elassifieri below the general kind of anti-tank weapon up to ate with the company command­
er and will be submitted to the
tefeiiM- in the fan- of overwhelming German air and land strength, service level may be- assigned three-inchers.
commanding officer. No special
hu reduci’ g th. Vllied foothold ill the Aegean to the little Samos where their limited abilities can
The jeep has a bunch of Rube
Islatui ...
be used to advantage without re­ Goldberg contraptions on it which form is prescribed.
The medal may be awarded to
IN Rt SSIA. new and reformed German infantry regiments forced tarding the training of combat allow it to be stopped and started each enlisted man who. on or af­
the Red Army to abandon territory in the region of the northern troops.
by levers from the outside.
ter Aug. 27. 1940. had or -hall
' krainc loiniiiunications centei of Zhitomir, imperiling th«“ Russian
have completed 3 years of active
"c-iwaui drive t«>ward the Polish Isirtler. Over th«“ week end, however, force troops. winning the first round of the battle for Bougainville,
Federal military service or after
the Rus-iaiis succeeded in capturing Zhitomir, itself, in an all-night retained a firm grip on the island's west coast and were fanning out Dec. 7. 1941 has or shall have
fight. Soviets weii’ closing on three great Nazi strongholds - the fall front their bridgehead there. General MacArthur said the new raids
completed 1 year of continuous
of Korosten and Gomel is expected momentarily. Russian forces were end the chMvces for the Japs at present to interfere with naval opera­ service of continuous active
bombarding the city of Gomel and battling in th«“ streets of Rechitsa, tions in the Solomons ....
Federal military service while
the western defense bastion of Gomel. In the battle of the isolated
the United States is at war.
< rimea, Soviet force- were fighting north and south of the town of .he French Riviera rail route with concentrate«! assaults on Cannes,
It is a reward to those enli-ted
Kerch ...
and hammered Berlin. Hanover id the Ruhr in Germany. The surprise men who have demonstrated ' fi­
IN THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, th«“ war with Japan mowd American bombing raid on Sofia. Bulgarian capital, was consniered delity through faithful and exact
with ever -retsloi ti-nipi In an important Allied victory in the battle , as a possible opening move in an American-British-Russian drive to performance of duty, efficiency
fqr Hatiaul. Allieii air forces destroyed 88 Japanese planes, oue cruiser, deal knockout blows in southern E urope. On the Mediterranean ait through capacity to produce de­
two itesiniyvrs and damagevl 12 other warships. In a double wrekend front. Jugoslav and American bond
blasted an enemy air base in sired results, and whose behav­
«tal>..Japanese poaHtaaa in the Marshall and Gilbert Islands group were Greece near Athens, while American Fortre
i med the campaign ior has been such as to deserve
hit with Auicrwau iand-ba-vu plane». American Marines and ground . tq buri a >aivv of bmum cu liw Eiru^Bi .a air field iu lual are*.
I emulation, '
A weekly newspaper published by »nd for the military personnel
of Camp Adair, Oregon, under the supervision of the Post Public Rela­
tions Office. Financed jointly by the Post Exchange and the Special
Service Office.
This Means Guts-U. $. A.Guts
The World This Week