Page Twelve Camp Adair Sentry Friday, November 19, 194-3. THE...................... UN PRIVATE.... CORNER.............. I Timmons Goes Scouting: ! 'Enemy’ Kills Hero Before He Kills Self I T .3 Bob Ruskauff Managing Editor Wayne Wagner’s squad from Co. i B, the 275th Infantry, to which our > redoubtable Pvt. Timmons is at- ; tached for rations, quarters and so- called duty, approached a wooded i area bordering along a deceitfully ' gentle creek. Wagner sent his men over one at a time. All. that is. except Timmons. “Timmons,” said Wagner, “you stay here!” The Kansas athlete, well trained now in military discipline, queried not .wherefore, but obeyed, "taking cover behind a large cluster of poison oak. A sergeant supervising the prob­ lem espied the tense, alert figure of our hero and hollered: "Hey. you, what are you doing over here?” Not knowing himself, Pvt. T. naturally answered, “I don’t know .... »> “Well, you obscenity of an ob­ scenity, get across that creek . .. and fast!” “I can’t swim,” protested Tim­ mons. “Get across that creek, you jeep. ■ before I boot you across!” whis- ' pered the three-striper—hoarsely. Thus encouraged, Timmons j plunged in up to his knees, crossed and took cover behind a bush. He was just getting settled when he I looked up and found himself star- ' ing straight into the barrel of Wagner’s rifle. Wagner was staring at Timmons | and cursing quietly. “Get back across there where I told you to ¡stay or I’ll bust-your skull in!” It required no further hinting for ♦ Timmons to get back to his cluster of poison oak, this time soaking himself to the hips. Snuggling under his cover as af- ; fectionately as a new-born babe to This week's pulchritudinous Post employee is a dancing, You will be hearing further from its mother, Timmons glanced sky­ Most of us will be enjoying mess roller-skating Salemite, who reportedly can only be reached by these swell GI literary lights: T/4 ward—once. He beheld a counte­ hull Thanksgiving dinners in tradi ­ appointment. Albert Scott, 91st Signal Co. and nance, a scowling countenance, A native Oregonian, from Wallowa, highly personable and T/5s Warren Chamberlain, 361st tional GI style but—Are you the that resembled not at all the be­ guy that has been thinking about attractive Miss Rosemarie Billings stands 5'5". tips the beam at Inf.; Bernie Smith, 362nd Inf.; nign face of a young mother when inviting that cute little welder 118 and is 19 years of age. George W. Wolpert, 363rd Inf.; gazing upon her first-born. down from Portland and— She likes the Oregon rain! A veteran of over a year in John H. Marolf, Hq. 91st Divarty. “Get across ....” surgery at the Station Hospital, she also loves her work and often Has the problem of providing a ♦ His wife wrote to his draft “O. K., sarge ....” feels like doing a little cutting-up herself. holiday dinner in the best tradition board, but he couldn't read the Back on the wrong side of the Her education. Rosemarie maintains, is very little, but “I letter, which he presented the board of a good host given you some con­ fateful little creek, now soaked CAN read and write." (hence, the Esquire?). Of other matters cern? ' in some hope, perhaps, of continu­ above the stomach,Timmons picked her "heart flies high with the Air Corps." Get it? Cast aside your fears, soldier, ing the highly enthusiastic life he himself up disgustedly and pro­ the Service Club Cafeterias are the had pursued for eight years, in claimed to all and sundry (but preference to toting a gun in the answer to your prayer — and one Are You a Photogenious? mostly the poison oak and spiders), supper de luxe, will set you back Army. That is why our heart bleeds Genius Earns $1.56 “I’ve just been killed by the enemy, for this Poinsett County, Ark., fa­ only 75 cents. and I'm damned if I'm going to Ball Studios, publishers of ther of seven. The letter, United cross that lousy creek again.” the Trailblazer magazine, an­ Press reports from the selective G/ GRIPES! So saying, he stomped off to nounce that they will pay $1.50 service bulletin, reads: await HIS turn to kill the enemy for any picture taken by a sol­ "Dear I'nited States Army: My Two different patches adorned some day.—Pvt. H. L. Michelson. dier which is acceptable for the husband asked me to write a the shoulders of the Alaskan vet­ 70th Division publication. recommend that he supports his WHAT'S IN NAME DEP'T. Both the negative and the erans who now wear the insignia family. He cannot read, so don't Philadelphia (CNS)—The judge print should be taken to the of the Trailblazer Division. Both tell him. Just take him. He ain't studio in PX No. 1. by the bua signified the Alaskan Defense Com­ asked a man why he registered for no giaai to me. He ain't done 7//Z mand of which the Attu fighters the draft under a false name. depot, for examination. nothing but raise hell and drink This opportunity for everlast­ were a part before joining the "Ashamed of my own,”. sajd the lemon essence since I married ing fame (and a little extra 70th. One, a seal juggling the let­ man sheepishly. “What is your him eight years ago. and I got ters ADC against a background of name?" the judge asked. "Julius money) is open to anyone. to feed seven kids of his. Maybe the Northern Lights, was designed Caesar,” was the reply. you can get him to carry a gun. by \\ alt Disney at the request of He's good on squirrels and eat- the northern soldiers. Somehow or ing. Take him and welcome. I other, the design was never offi­ need the grub and his bed for the cially approved by the War De­ kids, Don't tell him thia, but just partment and recently a new patch take him and send him as far as was issued. you can." Against a blue background, it j ♦ After such we feel something 1. The stars. shows the full-faced head of a coming on We think it may have 2. Patty means a little meat pie; grizzly bear and the yellow North ' something to do with the "De-Em- dolly means a platform mounted Star. Both insigne have become ♦ It is easy to understand why we phnaia of Sex" program, or some­ on wheels; sally mean* a trip or familiar to Camp Adair in the ten hear so much about "Target: Ber thing: T/4 John Regley. Hq. Co. of the jaunt. days the men have been on the lin" and “Target: Tokyo”— they ’re “Mary wrote a little poem. 76th Division, snared the $2 award­ post. X Beef both black spots. But no one read it twice ed via the Poet Exchange for artist ♦ Now that the divisions with the 4. Two. Nor mentioned it to anyone. T/S Eddie McConnelFa GI gripe of wolf insignia is gone, do you sup­ X Both. Where Are They Now? ’Cause it was too damned nice!" the week. For Sgt. Kegley** pet pose the WACa will venture to 6. Two. The child and the gripe was "doing those gran exer Lt. John Kimbrough. All-Ameri­ come to Camp Adair? Texas soldier in North Africa: rise* in the rain every morning, trunk. You would have to pay ex­ can fullback at Texas A. and M. in ♦ Definition*: Stockade—A small "Our job here, among other things, for instance the so-called rowing tra for the dog. 19-19 and 1940. has reported for body of men surrounded by courts is to promote g