J Cargp Adair Sentry Friday, November 19, 1943. Page Eleven i-LM-ma-a-u-i—n-i. - i-jruii.!----------------------------------------------------.j_—. Another of Post's Original Cadre to Go—T-3 Ka nouse Werewo//? T 3 Orvile Kanouse, chief en­ listed surgical technician at the Station Hospital, is leaving Camp I Adair very shortly for another as­ signment. Kanouse, who was only a private first class when he came this Post was part of the “original cadre” which arrived from Ft. Lewis, Wash., in June, 1942, when Camp Ï LEAVES ADAIR e _________ < ■ . . Why Wait for Rubber Rafts and F om Holes? Let us pau.sr at this Thanksgiving time and dedi- I cate ourselves to Him . . . It is natural for man to believe in Deity. Innately, he is a worshipper. His. problem^;* tn find God and tie reconciled in and to Him. War has played a great part in this experience. The Mystery Religions of the Orient are the pro­ ducts of this motive. It affects the lives of many in these tunes. Many seek God only when they are in a hard place, and adversity is the dominant factor. The most worthy motive is love. Man should know that God is a God of love and in return wants man to seek love and worship Him, “ Some flagrantly repudiate God. There is no place and time for Hint. Many because of the lack or the wrong kind of knowledge fail in their responsibil­ ities. Many believe in God and mean to recognize ’ Him but fail to appreciate the values involved and put off or neglect their r*«|»cm*ihilii) Toq fqf |ind, honor and worship Him consistently.. Many are miraculously finding God in 'this Ame of emergency. Would it not be much better for the world to know that God "so loveth the world that He gave His only begotten Son. that whosoever be- ■ lieveth in Him should not perish but have everlast­ ing life" and wants it to love, revere, honor and worship Him? Why not honor Him in our lives, revere und worship Him in our homes, churches, chapels now. and be ready for any emergency? .' . . Why wait for rubber rafts and fox holes? — Chaplain, Capt. Thomas H. Vaughn, Assistant Pont Chaplain. , 0900 & 1015; Bible Class (In Re. Hall) 1015; Protestant Evening Service 1900;/Mass 0800 & 1115; j Confessions Sat. 1900-2100; Thurs., Protestant Service 1500; Mass. 1630. Chapel No. 6—274th Inf. Hegt. C The first in a series of ",\|«^ive Ave. & 4th Street South. Son” programs will be presented •Mass 1100; General Protestant I I Service 0900; Protestant Commun­ by men of Minnesota Sunday night Who Would've Known I ion Service 1000; Evening Devo­ at 7 p.m, in Chapel 3, D Ave. and Our Pfc. Johnson Was 7th St. South, according to Chap­ ! tions 1900; Protestant Weekday i lain Carl H. Linden. The services i. Service Wed. 1900 . Such A 'Sight To See' will be open to everyone. Major General John E. Dahl- TRAII.BLAZER DIVISION FIR TREE DIVISION Last week the Sentry ran a “hor-1 quist, commanding general of the Chapel Services CHAPEL SERVICES ror picture" of something resern-1 Trailblazers, will be principal POST CHAPEL Chapel No. 7—C North at 1st. bling a werewolf (whatever a' Avenue D and 3rd Street North . Roman Catholic Maas 0801): Gen­ speaker of the evening. Minnesota werewolf resem-! songs will be featured. Jewish Services, Friday. 19 Nov. eral Worship Service 1100; Gener­ bles) on page 1.1 Missourians will be spotlighted 2015. al Vesper Service (joint with Above you see, next week. T/3 Orville Kanouse Chapel No. 2—Div. Hq. & Special AAA) 1900. what was under- i Troops. I) Ave. at 3rd & Ith St. 1’hapel No. 8- ■C North at 5th. neath—none oth-' Adair was only a Tent City. FRIDAY: 8:00 PM„ Friday Af­ So. W eekday Masses daily 0616; er than Pfc. Em-1 A native of Chicago, he entered •Mass 0745; Morning Worship Confessions 1830 to 2000 every ternoon Service (Jewish): 8:15 est (Bud) John-1 military service in January, 1942. Service 1000 & 1100; Service Men’s Evening; Episcopal Communion P. M., Sabbath Eve Services (Jew­ son, Co. I of the I He is a graduate of the surgical 10800; General Worship Service ish); SATURDAY 7 ".0 I’M to Christian League 1900. 275th Regt, who technician’s course given at Letter- i Chapel No. 3—Div. Arty—D Ave. 0900; Roman Catholic Mass 1000; 8:30 P.M., Confessions; SUNDAY: used to be pro- man General Hospital in San Fran­ 9:00 A. M., Catholic Mass; 10:00 i General Vesper Service 1800. I duction manager , and 7th Street South. cisco. A.M., General Protestant Commun­ Chapel No. 9—C North at 9th. General Protestant Service 1000; Sgt. Russell L. Churchill will as­ I of a Chicago advertising agency. ion; TUESDAY: ’ 7:15 P.M., Kn- Weekday Masses daily 1745; His spare time hobby was horror > Evening Worship 1900; *Mass 0900; . | Sunday Mass 0900; General Wor- listed Man’s Gospel Service; 8:00 sume T 3 Kanouse’s duties when makeup. He did work for Universal j ^sa‘>’ a,’d .‘•'^.fl­ the latter leaves. ' ' feasiona sit 1900-2100; Weekday I l*WP S«™« 1009: General Vespar P.M., Jewish History Clato; 9:00 pictures; created stunts that drew P.M.. Tnllnud Class; WEDN . Mas»«* Mon. & Tues. 1830; Novena ^rv_ic5 .‘^l <^n‘r crowds outside of theaters, plus \---- m---- --------------- ---------- Thursday 1900; Bible Study Wed. DAY: : 7:16 P.M.. Service Men’s There's Such a Thing publicity work, theatrical and dra­ Devotion Tuesday 1900. 1900; Confessions Sat. 1500-1700 th Christian League Service. Chapel No. I — 276th Inf. Regt. As Being Too Good a matic study. 1900-2130. STATION HOSPITAL i He is 29, was born at Lake j C Ave & 12th Street South. Chapel No. 10—D North at Mb. Cook! Trickel's Tale Red Cross Auditorium "Mass 0900; Confessions Sat. ' George, N. Y., is also a trick-shot; Roman Catholic Muss 0715 & FRIDAY: 6:45 P. M„ Sabbath 1900-2100; Catholic Devotions Wed. Dick Trickel, mess sergeant of archer who wants to pursue the Wed. 1900; Lutheran Service 1000; 0900; General Worship 1000; Lu­ Evening Service (Jewish); SAT­ the 274th Cannon Co., was puzzled hobby in such spare time as he has j General Protestant Service 1100; theran Service 1100; Confessions URDAY: 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M , by the new faces that were regu­ at Camp Adair. He’s good enough I Vesper Service 1900; Service Men’s Saturday 1500-1700 & 1900-21410. Confessions; SUNDAY: 7:30 A.M., larly turning up in his dining hall. to put an arrow through a pheasant| Christian League 1900; Bible Chapel No. 11—I) North at 6th. Catholic Mass; 10:00 AM., Gen­ General Worship Service 0930; eral Protestant Service; 10:45 A. He didn't give it much thought, but | f|ying at 50 vards ,or “ pva*ant Study tlass Thurs. 1900. Roman Catholic Mass 1100; Con­ i M., General Protestant Commun­ there was something strange about 390). Chapel No. 5—275th Inf. Regt. C fessions lield in Chapel No. 10. ion. it . . . " | C Ave. & 8th St. South. , , . , NO.COAT OF ARMS At length, he investigated, only j ^ ew GROUPS Episcopal Communion Service POST CHAPEL NO. 1 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE to discover that the savory odors '0700; General Protestant Service Avenue I) and 3rd Street North "Soul and Body” will lie the aub- WASHINGTON — An order is- of his superlative cooking were | ject of the lesson-Sermon in all like an open invitation to all the isued by the War Department speci­ Churches of Christ, Scientist, on fies that coats of arms will no gourmets of the Tegiment. Sunday, November 21. longer lie approved or authorized Unless it’s already been done, So. sleepily he turned on the road The regimental epicures were , for organizations which bear colors The Golden Text will lie, "Know even considering a petition of re­ or standards until such organiza- someday is going to murder the fronting barracks 464. and played ye not that your body is the tem­ commendation for the Legion of , tions have had military service bugler (or the guy who woke him his serenade. ple of the Holy Ghoat which is in •Merit, the citation to read, “for upon which to base such a design. up in the black, foggy dawn Tues- , From each Im track came a you, which ye liave of God, and thumping sound. It was the bar­ initiative and judgment beyond the When an organization having a day morning to blow reveille for • rack sergeant hitting the floor. It ye are not your own?" (I Cor. regular line of duty.” coat of arms is redesignated, the scu tan.) was a cold morning. Here and there 619). But Trickel can only draw so War Department, on recommends- Among the citation* which will The official waker-upper came lights went on. Then there were many rations and so (they say) a JfThe appropriate command- I comprise the Lesson-Sarmon is the i to the black bunk of the SCU band other sounds. Then the lights went surprise roll-call is coming one day. .er, » will redesignate such design in i.gcuipg,, »here the bugler of the off. following from th* Bibl*; "No man Those, other than the Cannoneers, accordance with the approved hi*-' . can enter into a strong man's day, Pvt. Doakes, slept. Pvt. Doakes had done his duty caught dining in the Cannon Co. tory of the organization. welL He slogged back towards his house, and spoil his goods, axespt “Time to get up,” be hissed. mess hall will suffer a dire fate. The War Department has also Pvt. Doakes, half asleep, grabbed barrack. Under the street light tie he will first bind the strong man; Just what, we are not free to say. banned the manufacture of distinc­ and then he will spall his bousa” But you know these mess ser-! tive insignia, whether of metal or his pants, GI shoes and his bugle looked at hie watch again. Oh, (Mark 3.27). and headed through the murk goodness! He'd blown reveille an Reants , .. plastic. This does not apply to the towards parade grounds. Under a hour earlj