Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, November 19, 1943, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page Ten
Friday, November 19. 1943.
Camp Adair Sentry
Co. K, 276th, Buys $941 of Bonds to
Build Its Own Ship for Trip Across
3rd Bn, 274th Inf.
Plans Another
Drill Competition
■ with interesting statistics and
By Pfc. Arnold J. Fine
i Starting a campaign to build its stories. Individual M-l honors
I own transport for the trip “over were captured by Pvt. Roy V. Ce-
Another of the highly competi­
! there,” Co. K, 276th. purchased darlund, Co. H. whose service rec­
tive cl< -<■ order drill contests will
$941.75 worth of war bonds last ord will contain an Expert’s re­
1» held by the .'¡id Battalion of the
port. Pvt. Cedarlund scored 205
274th Inf. Saturday. Nov. 27.
The transport building idea was out of a possible 210—and buddy,
Platoons will perform before a
the brainstorm of 1st Sgt. Charles tha’s shootin’.
board of judges selected by Major
R. Gunn and caught ón like wild-
Paul D. Harter, 3rd Battalion Com­
Members of the Cannon Co. un­
fire, with 103 men of the com- derstand what is meant by the term
mander. and the winning unit will
pany investing their extra dollars, “Boom Sticks” after firing the
be selected on the basis of appear­
¡Careful checkup of the total re- 105-mm. howitzers. The commands
ance, in addition to proficiency in
vealed that the average contribu- “Shell HE”; “Charge 4”; “Range
executing the Manual of Arms.
, tion was more than $9 a man.
In the first of these contests, the
12000’; “Def 15 right”—“Fire at
I Sgt. Gunn believes that if all the j will," brought thrills to the first
first platoon of Co. K, under S/Sgt.
regimental companies unite on the , timers.
Boland, took coveted top honors by
drive, the monthly collections
a close decision.
, would run well into the five figure I
| Told among the AT Co. fillers
| A list of the bond buyers is to during a break were the details of
I lie placed prominently on the bul- a skirmish between a rugged dough­
boy and six sailors. Afterwards
: letin board.
. . .
the soldier was heard bragging
Free movies are shown twice a
about the effective job he accom­
week at the Station Hospital for |
plished in splattering five of them
i Four enlistee, men in the 276th all over the floor. “How many?”
the men of the Medical Detach- j
Bloody Axe Regiment jumped from
mi nt, who otherwise have no near- 1
inquired his topkick. “Five,” an­
privates to T 4. They are Pvt. swered the tough dogface. “What's
by entertainment between week- !
"Rupp says it's the only way he can read an aerial map.
Ivan F. McElwain, Cannon Co.;
the matter,” replied the Sarge,
, Pvt. William R. McLaurin, Hqs.
On Tuesday and Thursday eve­
“are you limited service?”
Co. 2nd Bn.; Pvt. Joseph P. Rogu-
nings, Pfc. John Laucirica checks,
over his 16-mm. projector in the
sa. Co. M.; and Pkt. Richard H.
Medics classroom and gets set for
Hopkins, Co. M.
Co. D's mortar platoons are rav­
a capacity crowd.
ing’ over the abilities of their Sgt.
Whenever Dimples, Kay, Yvonne, couldn't resist the temptation of a
I'lie moviez, which are provided
Most of the companies returned i Ken Krohn who came thru with a
Dottie need some attention; or cool, refreshing dip.
from their two weeks on the range I possible 200 out of 2C0.
for by the Hospital Fund, have been or
ft isn't that the cooks and baker,
booked for the remainder of the if “Lulubelle,” should blow a muf­
year, and it is hoped that, ut that fler on the way over from Bend. have any objections to going over
time, a new schedule will be lir­ I they cun always be taken care of the obsfacle course. It’s just that—
. at the 275th Motor Pool.
ranged for 1944.
i well, as one of them puts it: “Af-
| The “gals” are 1 *4 and 2’s-ton- ter all. man's place is in the kitch-
; tiers, and any trouble they might I en! P»
The first of the "Do Not Open fillers last week-end saw more
■ run into never stumps Captain I (
; Until Christmas” packages arrived than 50 of these men assigned to
j Lustgarten, Sgt. Dillard or any of
at the Regimental Post Office of the 274th with several of them
j'the 20 other master-mind mechan­ Decorated Vets Arrive
Last Friday, your reporter was the 274th Inf. last week, presag­ wearing gold stars on service rib­
ics of the 275th.
There are eleven proud men buzz­
These men take pride in their confronted by a group of soldiers ing record-breaking volume of holi­ bons, signifying action in a major
ing around the company area of
ability to keep a total of 222 ve­ outside of Regimental Hqs., all day mail.
the Trailblazer Division's 770th
Service records in the 274th Inf.
Special orders have been issued
hicles rolling all the time. Hauling wearing the insignia of the Alas­
Old. Co. Reason: they were pre­
1000 to 1500 men out to the ranges kan Defense Corps. Their chests . to every mail clerk in the regiment Personnel Office indicate that the
sented with Good Conduct Medals
daily might be a first-rate problem were bedecked with, ribbons, “Asi­ I that will save many a headache largest percentage of the men are
by their Company commander, 1st
to other motor pools, but accord­ atic-Pacific," “American Theatre I when the incoming flow gets heavy. Regular Army enlistees with vary­
I.t. Clyde A. Kuebel.
ing to Sgt. Dillard, that comes un­ of Operations." “Pre-Pearl Har­ It is expected that all unit clerks ing degrees of service and training
The men who so proudly pro­
der the heading of minor head­ bor," expert medals in bayonet, will call for their company mail behind them.
claim: 1st Sgt. William M. Jack-
and rifle. Hash marks decorated , every two hours during Christ-
One man has served for nearly
aches for the 275th.
son, T Sgts. Percy A. Springer,
their sleeves; and they ranged in mas week, and the personnel of 23 years, and others, from six to
They consider themselves experts
Aristide Gagnon, Marlin Hinter­
rank from corporal to staff ser-, the Post Office will keep their de- 15 years. Unusual among the AGCT
meister; S/Sgts. Joseph Barrett, at figuring out how to haul 500 geant.
| partment open daily as long as the scores listed on their classification
Harold Stuver, George Wilson; men in ten trucks. And the way
These men are seasoned, exper- ‘ volume warrants.
forms was the high mark of 152
T/3s [.adore Ariatti and Orval
ienced soldiers who have already J On Christmas day, every attempt for a former railroad employee.
Price; Sgt. Ward Hutchison, Pfc. testimony to the unlimited calls given real service to “Uncle." They will be made by the 274th to have
• • •
Ralph Rainwater. — T/5 Douglas for their services.
are now prepared to carry on with all packages and cards delivered
Sgt. Dillard claims his outfit is the 70th.
E. Everman.
before 5 p.m. so that the men who Old Home Week
the best and toughest motor pool
The 275th extends a hearty wel- remain in camp will have the greet-
Officers and wives of the 274th
in the division: As proof he cites come to them confident that they ings and gifts intended for them Inf. played host to friends in the
Acting Cpl. Louis Pezceli, C an instance: he led ten 1'-- and will be soldiers of whom the regi- by the folks at home.
361st Inf. at a party and dance in
over a certain hill in ! ment wilI
Btry 8H2nd FA. former Cleveland, j2H-tonners
All men are reminded that out- honor of the “parent” regiment
Ohio, man is one of the few Btry i a blackout drive one night. Every •
I going mail and packages should last Saturday night at the 274th
C men who have had previous J one made it. The next day he went
j be posted not later than December Officers Club.
military training. Acting Cpl. Pez- 1 back to check on what they had j Joliet. Ill. (CNS)—An inmate of 1 to insure delivery in the United
Music for the affair was provid­
cell received an honorable die- ' gone over. He couldn’t make the the State prison here has asked for States before the holiday.
ed by the much-sought 274th or­
charge on May 5, 1940, and was same place in a jeep.
____ ♦ * that
• this
his _________
release on ___
the grounds
chestra with leader-pianist Pvt.
• • s
called again for service on August '
Northern Illinois city is too far Alaskan Fillers Arrive
Ken Davies exhibiting an expand­
16. 194". During his first hitch in
from his relatives in St. Louis.
• Receipts of Alaskan Defense ed musical repertoire.
the army, Acting Cpl. received the
Last week the cooks and bakers i
rating of buck Sergeant. Serving
These 22 EM Won Good Conduct Medals
in the new army, he thinks the of the 275th were given a chance I
training the present army is get­ to work up a sweat outside of the |
ting is a lot harder than was his mess-hall.
The boys who dish out the stuff
previous experience.
He seems to l>e thriving on hard that keeps you GIs energetic
Work, as he has gained 32 pounds enough to make that obstacle
since he came back into service. course three times after a good
In civilian life, Acting Cpl Pez- ‘ hike, had the opportunity to test
celi was a supervisor for the Chi­ the efficiency of their caloric dis­
cago Pneumatic Tool Company. pensations when they cavorted over
the olistade course.
His favorite pastime is bowling
Of course, none of them fell or
Pvt. Michael Ventura
dropped into the swinging-rope
next week's Sentry water pit. It was just that some of
will l*e out on Thursday, Thanks­ of the boys were so sweated up by
giving day
the time they reached it. that they
Free Movies for
Hospital Medics
Sergeant of 275th Motor Pool Says
It's Best and Toughest in Division
274th Post Office Ready for Rush
As Christmas Bundles Start Coming
770th Ord. Gives
Conduct Awards
Signal Corp«
Hit H)l.LOWING 22 I M of Hq. Co.. SCI 1911. were presented good conduct medals at formal
retreat ceremonies Monday: back row. I to r. S/Sgt. George R. Green. Los Angeles; Sgt. Stanton
F. Sei» ay. Deadwood. S. D.; Sgt. James Shackleton. West Orange. N. J.; S/Sgt. Adolph V. Bangl.
Jamaica. N. Y.; Sgt. Bernard K Hohl. Plainfield. N. J ; Pfc. Thomas Borrelli. Astoria. L.I.; Sgt. Jack
G. Wolff. Brooklyn; middle row. Pvt. I towaid G. Johnson. Dubuque. Io* a; Pfc. John L. Kuchan Ana­
conda. Mont.; Pfc. William J. Brown. New York City; Sgt. William C.'Weanes. Tacoma. Wash.; T/S
Clifton L. Sheldon. Westmont. N.J.; T/$ George M. Simmons. San Francisco; front row. Sgt. Charles
H. Wild. Flagstaff. Aril.: S/Sgt. Fernando Y. Rexes. 1.» Pinas. Philippine Islands; S/Sgt. Ralph M.
Sal van«, Hoboken. N.J.; Sgt Bernard Axelrad. New > ork City; T/4 June W . Rash. Tale Lake. Calif.:
Cpl. John J. Lyons. Fast Orange. N.J.; Pfc. Jahn kostelnik. Wolf Run. Ohio: T/Sgt. George B. Stuart.
New York City. Not pt.tared is M/Sgt. Lawrence T. Sinnott of Ha.I.mere. Md„ QM ret who has
seen 77 yean service in the armed forces.