OREGON STA I FOOTBALL SATURDAY Men in-siniforni (officers also) will ’>e admitted free to Saturday’s double- header football games at Bell Field. Oregon State College, Corvalbs. The 5b- piece OSC army band will play- iour gal will cost you a quarter admission fee. Time, 1:33 p. m. Story. Sports page. Camp Adair, Oregon, Friday, November 19. 1943. Trailblazers Welcome Alaskan Campaigners _______ Gen Dahlquist Greets Group; To Teach Combat Lessons NO MORE FIELD JACKETS OFF POST Field jackets may no longer be worn by military personnel leaving the Post. This applies to all includ ing married men maintain ing residences in town. Class “A” uniform is to be worn in town at all times. *------------------------------------------------------------ Scrambler I Photograph Ban Lifted on Post ALL UNITS TO BENEFIT $1.50 a Year by Mail All Post Will Observe Thanksgiving Holiday ---------------------------------- + I New Musical Booked For Early Showing Training 'Recess' As GIs Eat Turkey Feast; Plan Many Programs SPECIAL 'Clear the Way' to Be Shown Dec. 6 and 7 SERVICES s Knowledge that only actual com By Cpd. Ben Hirschkowitz bat can bring to a fighting man is Entertainment, a radio broad now being passed on to men of the cast. athletic events, chapel serv Trailblazer Division by 168 veter “Clear the Way,” new uso- ices, a Service (Tub dance and last --------- I ans of the Alaska campaign who —but net least, oh, brother!—the Military personnel may now take Camp Show musical comedy, is en were welcomed into the 70th by its all-important turkey dinners are photographs on the Post for "re route to Camp Adair and is sched on the day's agenda for Thanksgiv. commander, Major General John E. creational purposes” provided that uled for presentation at Theatre ing day at Adair, next Thursday, Dahlquist, Monday afternoon at recently promulgated regulations No. 2 on Dec. 6 and at Theatre No. Here is the “picture ahead:” the 276th Regiment Recreation are adhered to. Hall. 5. Dec. 7. ( 11 Trailblazer General Dahl The use of cameras or photo Speaking to the ‘husky-men’ who In revue form, the new show quist has ordered a half-holiday for graphic equipment by civilians or possess an air of self-reliance that features chatter of smart come the troops of his command, giving civilian employees is still banned I only a battle veteran has, the gen dians and the songs, dances and the hoys of the 70th a little extra unless special written permission eral said: specialties pf performers that have something to be thankful for. is granted to the individual by the (2) Of special performed in some of the leading “In welcoming you, I want to tell Post Commander. interest to Camp sprits in the nation’s largest cities. you a little about this division. 1 1 Films remain difficult to obtain Adair visitors and You men have all had foreign serv High spot of the musical revue and just where they might be to men who would ice, as difficult as that of any of readily obtained the regulations is a brilliantly oostumed and color- like to do a bit our forces. If all you men are like ful Oriental Magic act featuring do not state. of entertaining on those of you I have already met, The camera must first be regis the magic of the mystic East their own is the the 70th is fortunate. I am sure you I tered with the Post Provost Mar which promises to keep the au fact that both will soon find that this division, shal and its use is restricted to the dience “on the edge”— Service Club too, is one of which you will be taking of individuals or small | Admission—Free! It's the USO Cafeteria* will proud to be part. offer a special dinner at reasonable groups of individuals not in for- custom, IQ? It's Plenty! cost prepared and served in the mation and with no equipment finest Thanksgiving tradition. “I doubt whether any other other than personal equipment such TWO OF A KIND (3) Chaplains throughout the as uniform and accessories. • division in the Army is higher (Continued on page 7. column 4) Pvts. Ralph Stansel and Mar Details of Post installations must or even as high as the Trailblaz Tr»i!hla7*r T’h'tto RISING TRAILBLAZER is be kept out of all pictures. No vin Hail of Co. I. 275th Infantry, er in intelligence and ability. Ac Pvt. Louis P. Dunn. 570th Signal 1 picture is to be taken which would are both pretty bright boys. cording to the Army General Co., who shinnies a high pole to Classification Test, the average BUT, they slept in the same fasten a wire. Read more about . in any way reveal the size or lay- ' of the 70th is well above 100. field communications on page 9. I out of the Post or which shows barracks and trained in the same reservoirs, pumps, guard posts, 1 platoon for two months before That of all our combat units is magazine areas, warehouses, sew they discovered that back in above even the Division's aver They had the SRO sign out at llllllllllllillllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllll age.” age disposal plants or power sta civilian life they had both Service Club 1 twice last week— General Dahlquist pointed out tions. A photograph of a building worked for the same concern at and for the very good reason that that this is a young division. Two- must not show any unit designation. the same time in the same de two of the best shows to play this thirds of its personnel are young Photographs of units or organi- partment back in Cincinnati. Next week the Sentry will come post had hit Camp Adair. They men, the other third more mature out on Thursday, if that is any I zations in formation or the show- were: in years. thing added to your GI Thanks i Cwnttruert on page 4. column 21 The “Chinese Follie*." brought “Here is one place where we can ’ giving. We hope so. Unit reporters down from Portland’s Clover Club actually put our finger down and —this also means send in copy Sunday night and Nate Cohen’s say: Here is something we have ac- I early! radio-famed “Star* of Tomorrow” complished. I speak of our work on I The coveted title ol "Battalion with “Commander’s Squads" to be , kiddy show, woivh went over with (Continued on Page 3, Column 2) Commander’s Squad" and the extra named in ----- each „------ group, ....™ ... r. 'a bang Tuesday night. The tests, to be staged during | Sunday, particularly, GIs were reward of a three-day pass will be awarded to the outstanding squads the twelfth and thirteenth week of standing 8 to 10 deep on the main of the 70th Division's three regi basic training, beginning Novem- floor and the balcony, indicating ments. Major General John E. her 29. will be conducted by regi-'that a repeat performance at Field Dahlquist, -Trailblazer commander, mental commanders. Besides the House or the Post theaters could title and the three-day passes, regi be possible. Both show* were announced this week. Competitions will be conducted mental CO* may offer other prizes brought to Adair through the ef- If this hadn't nappened during , tr.en astced to lead the new arrival for rifle, light and heavy machine as an inducement to accurate com forts of the 9lst Division SSO and tactical problems in a blackout to the command post. gun and 60 and 81 mm. mortars bat range firing. ' (Continued on page 7, column 3) "Okay, bud!” said the GI. “Fol we’d have a good idea where to address letters to this 274th Inf. low me; but don’t make any noise.” They reached the command post Gen. Livesay Tells War Chest Committeemen That GI of the Trailblazers, and for some and— time to come. “Bud” turned out to be Major He done hi* duty though. In the black he heard a noise. He chal General Dahlquist, divisional com lenged and demanded the password. manding general, who was on a “The American soldier is funda- ! The General told the people of tion, and pride in hia obligation This was given and said guard was tour of inspection. mentally the best soldier on earth - law County that he was glad he to his country. He has dedicated but he needs more than just food could bring bis division to it* hi* life to that obligation.” and equipment; he need* you here “home country." because the 91st Major General Livesay »tressed at home to »hare with him in hi* Division is the “Northwest Divi- ',. ... . „ I . „ . . . j th* importance of giving now, and Monitored by T/4 Jid-n Stump obligation. »ion and contain* officers and With these words Major General men who exemplify the “American toW the people of I-one county: MAJOR GAINS AND MINOR LOSSES were recorded by the • . . command standard of a superior ____ :_ soldier IJ: "V ah natisi* 11 you can, a* _ Allies as the war entered its winter phase on the battlefronts of the William G. • Livesay, the —."You must evi**** wive ** all world this week .... ing general of the 91*t Infantry when you *ee a soldier with the in- J fast a* you can, and don’t stop IN ITALY. BITTER WINTER and enemy demolition* brought the Division, fired the opening gun of signia, day, and and signia, the the green green fir fir tree, tree, on on his hi* giving. giving. There There will will come a a day, Allied push toward Rome to a hah Inching forward in a hard, slow the 1944 Lane County War Chest left sleeve, you know that there 1 hope it is soon, when war fund* struggle, slight advances were made by the 5th Army on the we»t campaign in an address before com- goes ----- - a ------- man u“ who U* ha* J —— had —• expert are no • longer needed *■ . . . and . that .. . coast and by the Sth on the east American troop* hurled back three munity committeemen from all training, ha* outstanding discipline, is the thing we must all strive for Nasi counter-attacks in the mountain* near Mignano guarding the part* of the county, Monday eve- and is a well-mannered fighting now. You in your way; and we in (Continued on Page 2, Columns I and 2> ■ man. He Ho ha* pride pnde ir. ir hi* ht* organiza- organisa our»." See Picture, Page 4. ning. at the Eugene Hotel. 2 Stellar Shows 'Wow' EM of Post Out Thursday Announce Firing Squad Competition : "Okay, Bud! Follow b le" -- But Gosh, What : i If This GI Had Said Tl ìal to ! ionie Top-kick! i » Gl's Obligations Must Be Shared The World This Week i