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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1943)
Nr.GOMSTA m irr?*PY FOOTBALL IS HERE Don’t miss “Stars of Tomorrow.” at tub 1. Tuesday. S p.m. . . . and. to- morrow, the double-header tooths'l L'timc at Oregon State t ollege grid. Corvallis—-ealleife and professional game-. Also—next week, the answer tu the "werewolf’' pictures, this page. Wot an answer. But—wotta picture. Vol. 2. No. 30. Thanksgiving Menu: Turkey Post-wide Bill of Fore Given; for SCU Day to Be 'On Short Staff' Camp Adair. Oregon. Friday, November 12, 1943. ✓ HAS HEYER AIM IN LIFE I $1.50 a Year by Mail HELP WANTED—BADLY! An urgent call is out. accord ing to Capt. Moore. Post Ex change Officer, for girls to do sales and clerical work in Adair’s Post Exchanges. Soldiers’ wives are especially I desirable for this type of work and will be given preference. So, soldiers, if your wives want to work, send them out to camp. There are lots of jobs to be hail. 91st Division in Albany Parade --------- Armistice Day Fes tivities Sponsored By American Legion To the crisp tempo of its mili- tary band, the 91st Infantry Divi- sion made its first dress-appear- a nee before the people of Albany as it led an Armistice day parade through the city yesterday morn ing. Major-General Kenyon A. Joyce, i Infantry and artillery troops of until recently Commanding General i the Fir Tree Division, together with of the Ninth Service Command, has | the 91st Division band, paraded ns been appointed Acting Deputy . part of the Armistice Day festivi President of the newly-formed Con- ; ties which were sponsored by Post trol Commission for Italy, accord- No. 10 of the American Legion. ing to information made available ' The infantry units consisted of by General Eisenhower’s North I the 1st Battalion of the 361th In- I African headquarters. fantry Regiment and were under As the active head of the Com the command of Lt. Col. H. W. mission, General Joyce is directly Reynolds. There was included a responsible to General Eisenhower. platoon from the A-T Co. The The purpose of the Commission Redlegs were a motorized battery PVT. HAROLD HEYER. D Co.. 276th Infantry Regiment, I is to carry out the terms of the from the 347th FA Bn. shows what the Japanazis will be looking into when the Trail armistice and to align Italian econ As the parade moved through blazers swing into battle action. He scored 187 of a possible 200 omy in complete support points on a heavy machine gun.—Signal Corps photo. the center of town, crowd* gathered on the sidewalks, welcoming the division with much enthusiasm. A Repulsive?-He's Gl! Memory Still Lingers on murmur of appreciation went up as the troops did a brisk “eyes right” in salute to their commanding offi cer, Major General William G. DOGGIE LIST AT I.ivesay, who reviewed the parade The memories linger on' MPs IS INCREASED from the Albany Victory Center, ¡ For nearly one thousand men of The number of tenants in the ;he 3rd Battalion of the 274th In On the stand with General Live- Camp Adair “dog pound’’ has fantry who spent a week-end holi say were Brigadier General Ralph shov.n a marked increase since day in Portland the memories will Hospital, commander of the 91st the arrival of the 91st Division. .probably highlight their social ac- I Division Artillery; Mayor C. G. Strange to new surroundings, it : tivities in the Army. Knodell of Albany; Ray McCor is probable that many of the The Oregon State College Army- mack, commander of American Crowding a month of activities dog mascots have strayed from into the 24 hours in which they Specialist Training Unit starts its Legion Post No. 10 in Albany; Col. their owners and units only to were on their own, these men made round-robin football tournament Rudolph Broedlow, CO of the 361th be impounded by the MPs. tomorrow with a double-header on Regt., and Lt. Col. Kelly of the i Portland seem as if New Year's Post regulations require that Eve had arrived prematurely. the college gridiron. Many of the Portland Air Base. players were formerly ranking col dogs not reclaimed within a Arriving shortly oefore noon on Also participating in the parade period of 3 days must be de Saturday, the men set up their lege and professional stars. were several WACa, commanded by stroyed, so anyone desiring the quarters, were inspected and dis-1 Service men will be admitted Lt. Margaret Steelhead, and the return of a dog should call 2831 .missed and then lost themselves in; free to the games, which start at Albany and Lebanon High School at once. » 1.-3C. ‘ the Saturday afternoon crowds Mho? Sere, we know who. but band*. Many fine unclaimed dogs are ' downtown. For complete story, see p. 6. we are coy. Wait until next week. Following the parade there was available to anyone who will un Armed with free tickets for Then the Sentry will expose who an Armistice Day program in the dertake to care for them. really is this character. Then he Do your Christinas shopping at first-run movie houses, many took will not longer frighten little girls Albany High .School auditorium. the PX. advantage of the matinees and and children in Albany, Corvallis, Maj. E. C. Townsend, G-2 of the evening shows. Salem. Monmouth. Peede*, etc. Ju«t 70th Division, addreaaod the crowd ed hall. Lt. Margaret Steehead, Restaurants, cafes and hotels re- hold your breath, reader-! WAC recruiting officer from Port , ported land-office business while Both service club* and both cafe land, also spoke to the assemblage amusement spots in nearby Port- : land suburb* attracted many. Pop- terias are open to anyone on the in connection with the recruiting ular among the latter was Jantzen Post and not restricted to the men of women for the Women's Army Corps. With the dust and sand of the new home of the 91st have gone Beach, which featured Benny Cur-, of •”>' particular organization. tex's famous dance band. something like this: recent maneuvers out of their eyes Private parties held the interest “Out of a bedroll into a bunk — and ears, sporting the olive drab of various groups of the men who ’swunderfui.” once again, the men of the 91st “Look! — trees and grass—no chose to celebrate with their Soldier, if you can’t arrange for livin'» quarters in Division have settled down to the more sagebrush and sand.” friends. advance, if you haven’t a .fairly good sized nest-egr comparative calm of garrison. "The Service Clubs are fine." saved up or if you have children, tell your wife to stay Platoons are drilling, offices It all boils down to — Home, P.S.—HE CAI GET THE at home. humming, reveille and retreat are where you hang your hat, wher SPRINKLER IN ALBANY The housing problem is desperate. I know the situ again a part of the day's routine— ever it is, regardless how new it i* Portland. Ore. (CMS)—Pvt. Bill and the vocal reactions about the — is still sweet. ation in Corvallis and reports from Albany and Salem Lewis hitchhiked 200 miles recent indicate it’s just as bad there. THERE ARE NO ly and arrived here two hours late ROOMS! for his own wedding. The wedding had been scheduled for 8 P.M. but Would you like to have your wife sit up all night Monitored by T/4 Jr+n Stump Lewis misted the la«t bus from in a bus station with your baby in her arms because DISINTEGRATION OF THE ENEMY was see- in the crucial his camp and took to the road. He there were no vacant rooms ? period of the war-in-review and on the battlefront* of the world this traveled by garbage truik. ambu We made a spot check of the hotels and bus depots week .... lance. an ancient Fore and a street a few nights ago. Some hotels won’t allow anyone to DECISIONS REACHED at the Moscow conference. declared sprinkler ar.d reached the church (Continued or. Page 2, Columns I and 2) (Continued on Page 2. Column* 4 and 5> at 10:15 PM. Thanksgiving Day is 13 days in the offing and with it— Your festive board will groan, with turkey and trimmings! Through offices of the “Field Commissary” xve are able to give a sneak preview of just what is in store for you at dinner on Thanks giving Day. This applies through out the Post. Although divisional plans have not been revealed, troops of SCU will have a "Short Staff Day” on November 25 The menu arrangement is ours but the food belongs to the Quar termaster, with inspiration pro vided by the spirit of the occasion, your own mess sergeant will un doubtedly provide some of his own embellishments. MENU Waldarf Salad Roast Turkey Giblet Gravy Sage Dressing Cranberry Sauce Mashed Potatoes Escalloped Corn Sweet Potatoes Bread & Butter Relish Pumpkin Pie Nuts & Candies Coffee Gen. Joyce Given Post Over Italy Of Portland Holiday Free Football at OSC for Adairmen Back From Maneuvers, 91st EM Praise Adair I No Place Like Home The World This Week