Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, October 29, 1943, Page 18, Image 18

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    Camp Adair Sentry
Friday. October 29. 1943.
Taire Six
Bomber, Men, 'Ploy'T o
9,000 In Post Showing
♦-------------------------------------------- -
(Continued from page one)
As the plans for the Field House
Former Golden Glover
fights reached the last minute
stage last evening, and as the Sen­ From Virqinia Now in
try was going to press, the troupe Trailblazer Division
had about decided that Sgt. Edgar i
and Cpl. Wilson would go it in the | In the ranks of the Trailblazer
other exhibition, with Sgt. Robin­ ; Division is a youthful scrapper
son refereeing.
whose fighting efforts were, until
Seven other fast exhibition bouts recently, confined to the boxing
were slated on the card between arena.
Post boxers, ranging downward
Eighteen-year-old Pvt. Jack C.
from the light-heavies, all of whom | Murphy of Btry. A, 883rd FA Bn.,
boast professional or Golden | has competed in Golden Glove Tour­
Gloves ring experience.
naments at Bristol, Tenn., ar.d At­
"Bomber Heavier”
lanta, Ga., and though never a win­
The “Brown Bomber” looks ner he can lay claim to never hav­
slightly heavier in the face than ing been knocked out. On the other 1
he did four years ago; he has hand, his string of victories include I
gained 15 pounds in the Army, three via the knockout route.
scales 215 now. But he claims to be
Born in Georgia. Pvt. Murphy
in prime condition.
lived for some years with his
Nicholson, who for 7 years has
been Louis' principal sparring ( 1 family in Damascus, Va. He r<-
partner and one of the few heavies 1 , ported for active duty last August
who can occasionally make “Marsel -and came to Camp Adair via Camp
Joe” turn on the heavy artillery, I | Lee, Va.
Camp Adair
// sports
Too Excited
By Pfc. Lionel Kay
70th Touch Football >
Starts Poorly in Rain t
The Trailblazer touch football schedule got off to a bad
start last week end due to the rainy weather. There was
some misunderstanding, and scheduled games were not played
regardless of the condition of the*;
------- —
been forced to kick from deep in
In spite of the slippery, wet field I their own territory. Snuggs, right
last Friday, Btry. A of the 884th i end of the Brains, dashed 30 yards
FA flashed some dry-weather pyro­ . for a score after the ball had lolled
technics to defeat Headquarters, free.
The A’s took to the air in the
18-6, in the opener of the battal­
ion touch-football schedule. The . second period and scored on a pass
“Brains Company'' scored first but ; from Mitchell to Prieb.
Resurrecting the old “Statue of
the Gunners soon found themselves
and took command of the situation. Liberty play” in the third, Mitch-
Headquarters scored late in the . ell to Grossman to Prieb was good
quarter after the A team had for a tally, and at the close of the
has also gained 15 pounds and tips
i period, Mitchell tossed another
the balances at 225. He has boxed
pass for a touchdown to Grossman.
upward of 1,200 rounds with the
A last period offense by Head­
Bob Paffrath, former Minnesota
quarters, built around short passes
The boys have been more or less back, was supposed to be civilian i
' i by S/Sgt. Officer, failed to click
making it a whirlwind trip from backfield coach of the Ft. Doug­ I
i in time, and the final score was
the beginning. They’d been on the | las (Utah) grid team this fall.
j 18-6, no after-touchdown attempts
train since Sunday in Denver, with But the day before Ft. Douglas
Approximately 460 men of Cos. materializing.
a stopover Wednesday at Fort played the Salt Lake City Air
The 725th FA Bn. opened their
BLONDE \GNES BIEN ER. A and B in the PSTU recently
Lewis, ami were tired when they Bare he was inducted into the New
Castle. Ind.. High School
touch-football tournament Friday
Army, The next day Paffrath drop-kicking
retrained yesterday.
specialist, practices
At first blush Louis looked the played in the Ft. Douglas back- after missing on two tries for events, consisting of touch foot­ with a pair of games that would
points after touchdown. The ball, basketball, softball, volley­ rate top-flight on a dry field, and
old dead-pan. He strolled non- field.
coach attributed her failures to ball. horseshoe pitching, badminton that were exceptional on the rain-
challantly alongside Sugar Robin­
excitement and stage fright, hut
drenched gridiron.
son when they left the car, im­
Back again in the service is says he will use her again in and group games.
Btry. C took the decision
The all-star softball team of Co.
mersed in Sunday's New York SSgt. Earl Cady who won the New Castle’s next game.
B won in the 10th inning when they Service Btry., 12-0, with a
Daily Mirror comic section, which featherweight title of the Ameri- I
broke the tie with a seven-run breaking offense that belied the
features none other than that other [ can Expeditionary Force in France
rally, Pvt. Moa’s heavy hitting soggy underfooting. Their pass­
pugilist of Ham Fisher reknown. ' the same night a marine n a m e d |
Joe Palooka.
and defensive fielding were a fea­ ing attack, too, ignored adverse
| Gene Tunney took the light-heavy­
Sgt. Barrows Blossoms
ture of the game. Final score was weather, and the backfield of Bloys,
-weight title. Cady is stationed at
Littlejohn, Woods and White did
| 15-8.
But at a ham-and-egg Service Ft. Bragg, N. C.
plain and fancy stepping.
Club lunebeon the Bomber bumped
Co. B also won the touch foot­
A and B Batteries wound up in a
into none other than the 14 sol­
ball game by a decisive score of
Sid Gordon of the New York
diers who had "processed" him
36-8. Pvts. Fields and Grundy scoreless tie that will be played off
Giants has been inducted into the IV Corps PSTU is the Co. A all­
buck at Fort Upton, N. Y. From
; starred with their razzle-dazzle soon. The A’s outrushed their op­
that moment the heavyweight . Coast Guard.—(CNS)
on all comers from Cos. A and B plays and kept Co. A in constant ponents but the B defense always
stiffened in the vital areas.
champion grinned and blossomed
in thirty games and have over­ trouble.
The A attack was sparkplugged
Don't miss “Humpty Dumpty,” whelmed all of their opponents.
He talked with, for Louis, anima­
Each company divided evenly
by Kiraly at right half, who
USO show coming next weekend.
The Chinese boys recently met
showed real ball-toting ability.
In the afternoon the troupe ap­ It’s free!
an all-star combination from Co. played, and the participants left Taylor, at right guard, was the
peared at the Station Hospital and
*»vril Al*«,
and won
five VMV
out X»*
of OIA
six games.
Sgt. Louis gave brief talks at sev­ t >ns< vrs to play hosts to the | The Chinese team features team­ taking everything for their com­ | outstanding defensive player on
I the field and time after time
eral of the wards- something he fighter who. no doubt, has won
work and aggressive play. They are pany in the next tourney.
smeared B plays for losses. S Sgt.
does at each Post appeal ance.
them much coin of the realm dur­ experts at setting up the ball and
Sanchez is captain of the A’s and
Around 4 o’clock they ate again ing the past eight or nine years. spiking it over the net.
Haas called signals.
ami how! as guests to a heavy Lt. W ilburn L. Whiting was in
Pfc. On Wong is the captain
The razzle-dazzle offense of
weight steak dinner, prepared by­ charge of these festivities.
of the team. Wong has been in
Btry. B was built around CpI.
Mess Sergeant Wilson Jenkins and
This was al) of import until 7 this country five years, He has
his trusty mess hall assistants of p. m.. when the fights got under­
1 he main topic of conversation i ; Price at quarter with Madsen, Coll
the 740th Sanitary Company. The way at Field House. Then there had a year of college training in in Post Finance Office is the po- I and Kelly as his backfield mates.
China and was a member of a tentially record-breaking basket- I
• * •
“Mosquito Destroyers” out • did was plenty of impact.
home guard unit trained to re­ ball team being formed under the
The Signal Co. and the Recon
sist the Japanese. Before enter­ encouraging patronage of Lt. Col. Troop played a scoreless tie on a
ing the Army. Wong worked in Lee R. Woods Jr., Post Finance Of- ' muddy field and will meet again
the shipyards as a welder.
to play off.
Another star of the team is Gim
The team is supervised by I All games postponed last week­
T. Lee who has been in the United M Sgt Larry Sinnott and coached end will have to be played off by
By Pvt. Paul Rosenberg
high-scoring victories.
States but two years. Lee is also by S Sgt. ‘‘Lush’’ (for luscious, the closing date of the second
In a weekend of terrific football
Coach Clark Shaughnessy's T- a skillesi basketball player. Other
play many surprising upsets were formation proved of no avail members of the team are Sang and not what you think) Haldan. | round, November 1, or games for­
h rom out of the grey, overcast J feited. The tournament has to go
uncovered throughout the land. against Penn State as hir Mary­ Tom. Ben Lung. On Lae G«r. and
Oregon skies, along with the wind along according to schedule, rain
Outstanding game was Michigan's land team was trampled. 45-0.
Henry Tom.
and the rain, have come shoes, like ‘ or shine, and in the future, all
swamping of Minnesota. 49 6, to
Navy, after being held until the
All of these men were born and pennies from Heaven, and 15 uni­ games will be played off during
conquer the Gophers for the first last quarter by a powerful Georgia educated in China. They report
the week scheduled.—Pvt. Edmund
time in ten years and make up for Tech team, unleashed a vicious that volleyball and basketball are forms in a heavenly (?) green and '
their loss to Notre Dame. Spark- passing attack guided by Hal Ham­ both popular games in their na­
plugged by Ellery Hirich and Bill berg. to defeat the Engineers. tive country. The men were sent to
Daley, the Wolverines scored at «8-14.
the IV Corps PSTU from the 91st
" ith a team that spelled power, Division to receive schooling in
Southern California barely eked the St. Mary's Navy Pre-Flight English.
out victory over Alonso Stagg's School charged to a lop-sided. 39-0
W hen you can buy the
College of the Pacific, 6-0, going victory over the University of Cali­ NEATEST TRICK OF THE WEEK
most modern glasses
ever in the last few minutes of the fornia.
Seattle (CNS) — Preparing to
game to score the only touchdown
Sticking our editorial neck out. ' fingerprint a recruit sailor, Phar­ on the market right
in a contest witnessed by 75,000.
we make the following predictions macist Mate Roy Schaeffer, told
here on the post, at a
The eleven of the day. Washing­ on tomorrow's games:
| the gob to wash his hands.
great saving.
ton, proved itself a threat on the
Notre Dame over Navy, 20 -1.3; j “Both of them?” the sailor asked.
Pacific Coast by walloping March Army to nose out Tenn. 14-13;' Schaeffer thought that one over
Field. 27-7.
Northwestern to trounce Minne­ a minute.
Open 1600 to 2100
Notre Dame remained undefeated sota. 26-7; Georgia Tech one touch­
“No," he said. "Just one. I want
and untied and still the number one down better than Duke. 13-8; to see how you do it.”
team in the nation by pounding IL Southern California to shellac Cal-1
Optical Shop
lmoia, 47-0. With the leaving of An­ ■forma. 33-6, (and California will
Army ~
Eye Doc: "Can you see
gelo Bcrtelh this week, the experts be lucky to get six); Tulsa in a anything without your glasses?
are waiting to see if the Fighting landslide over Southwestern Texas,
Recruit: "With no glasses, 1
Irish can continue their string of 40-7.
can't even hear!”
Also Serving Now
B Co., PSTU, Wins
Most Team Events
During Field Day
All-Chinese Team
Champion PSTU
Volleyball Six
Post Finance to
Have Crack Five
Upsets Feature Nation's Weekend
Grid Bill; Irish Still No. 1 Team
Don't be old fashioned