Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, August 27, 1943, Page 13, Image 13

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    Camp Adair Sentry
¡rust 27. 1943
P?.ge Fourteen
He Bought the First Bond
An Americcn Creed
I believe in» God.
I believe in the brotherhood of man. for all
men are sons of God.
I believe that ail nations and all people
have equal rights before God ami man.
I believe that patriotism is a national virtue
to be respected and practiced b\ every America'!.
I believe that when love and justice fail to
protect those natural right of man. we must
fight to defend them.
1 believe in the sanctity of the home and
the family; and that all forms of dictatorship
which usurp the rights of individuals must be
I believe that the peace plan coming out
of this war may not be dictated by panzer
polities or nationalistic selfishness but must be
born of a new realization of man’s right to
work and worship as he wills.
MR. S. H. BAKER, employee of the Post Signal Office, was
he first person to buy a war bond, in the new Post bank, from Miss
Zieanor Grand, war bond saleslady. This purchase was made in
addition to his regular payroll deduction and sets a fine example
Tor others on this Post. Mr. Baker has two sons in the military
service, Cpl. Pat is somewhere in India, while Sgt. Gene is now
rationed in England.—Signal Corps Photo.
3rd War Loan Drive
Will Begin Sept. 9
Adair Civilians Only
$485 From 90% Goal
September 9 is
he launching of
Lean Drive.
During the 2nd War Loan Drive
of April, 1943, installations within
the Ninth Service Command in-
ceEsed the number of Class A Pay
b y approximately
UCjiOO with an average pf over
$15 per pay reservation.
This was equivalent to $150,000
per month, or two and a half Flying
Fortresses just from the increase
for the past five months.
This record can be beaten and
oor Head Office feels sure that
■With increased effort and coopera­
tion we can go to 20,000. or a Fly-
i: g Fortress per month, just from
the increase.
Do you know that we need only
44 more employees under our pay
reservation plan and only $484.67
increase in bond deduction to
reach our goal of 99 per cent
participation and 10 per cent
reservation of gross payroll?
testant Service, 0900, 1900; Luth­
eran Holy Communion, 1000.
(’hapel 8—Avenue C ¿1 5t St. N.
QMzs Fontanczza
Cannot* Hide His
Secret Any More
In case you’ve asked T 5 Joe
“Heavy Tan’’ Fontanazza. QM Det.,
SCU 1911, why he’s wearing that
bandage on his finger, and have
been handed a gruff, “What’s it to
you?” in return, here's the story
behind the band-aid.
It happened this week while he
We can do our part in the 3rd
was performing his duties in the
War Loan Drive by at least reach­
inimitable manner of the “yard­
ing our goal.
bird” he is.
The Payroll Savings Plan de
Without the slightest warning,
serves the cooperation of every
and before Joe could get a PRI­
VATE to defend him. a packing
Buying War Bonds is a i con-
case he was supposed to check.
tinuous operation. Until this s war I
is won, each of us must do his
—Smith and Gajyies.
part—not the least, but the most
he can—not jast in one month,
but every month; not just on one 1 lars and cents, but in future happi-
pay day, but every paj day ! Vic­ I ness and self-satisfaction as well.
For your own. as well as for your
tory requires it!
The plan represents one way in ■ country’s sake, put 10 per cent of
which every employee can invest your earnings in War Bonds every
his or her share in America’s fight pay day.
for freedom.
Do your part and enroll now. In­
It’s the kind of investment that crease your deduction if it is net
will pay dividends, not only in dol- yet ten per cgnt.
EM in South Pacific Writes
What He Expects of His Off icers
Below is printed a letter from an i
e-listed man in a Pacific combat
area written to his brother who
recently became an officer. Les-
ns in leadership, that vital quali­
ty which makes officers, are plen­
tiful throughout the letter. Every
fficer and enlisted man in service
can profit by read’ng this noie.
Tne bold face type is ours.
Dear “Ole” Tom,
Your letter of Feb. 27 came this
afternoon and it did me a lot of
->od to hear from you.
One would think that one would
have a great deal to say, after
haying the experiences I have had,
>ut when I sit down to W’rite I feel
lost because there is so much,, yet
so little a man can say from a place
like this. I mean by that, that the
vnole letter must be generalised
so its contents would be of no
value to the enemy if he should get
his hands on it.
You will be an officer soon, Tom,
and will therefore have a much
greater responsibility than you
nave ever had before, so let me, as
your brother, put in my two cents’
worth before the ordeal starts.
It will be impossible to make all
of your men tike you, but you cun i
make almost all of them like you,
and that is one of the most impor­
tant things an officer must do.
If you should be asked a question
to which you do not know a defin­
ite answer, don’t “beat around the
bush” with long and involved ex-
I believe that every service man has a right
to the job he left to light for his country.
1 believe that Capital, Management and
Labor have not only rights but also obligations;
and that post-war reconstruction demands a
closer cooperation of them . . . where the individ­
ual rights of each must be sacrificed to the larger
rights of the American people.
I believe that we are going tv win this war,
and <Vhen we-do wo must consider the rights of
conquered nations with the American /airplay
and divine charity that is our national heritage.
And J pray that Almighty God in His mercy
will strengthen me and my comrades to achieve
these ends with unswerving fidelity, and give us
the courage to die rather than betray our sacred
t/ust and solemnly sworn duty.
—Chaplain Malcolm S. Iliera,
96th Division Artillery.
Catholic Mass, 0900; Confessions,
Service, 0800; Protestant Service,
Avenue I) and 3rd Street North
8:30 a. m., Confessions; 9 a. m..
Catholic Mass; 10 a. m., General
Protestant Service; 10:45 a. m.,
General Protestant Communion;
8:15 p. m., today, Jewish Service; I
7:30 p. in., Wednesday. Service
Men's Christian League Service.
Red Cross Auditorium
Chapel 9—Avenue C & 9th St. N.
Catholic Mass, 1100; Confessions,
Saturday, 2000-2100.
Service, 1000.
Chapel 10 Avenue 1) & 9th St. N.
Catholic Mass, 0830, 1000: Con­
fessions, Saturday, 1900-2000.
Protestant Service, 1100.
Chapel 11—Avenue D & 6th St. N.
Catholic Mass, 1115; Confessions,
Saturday, 1915-2000.
Service, 1000.
Jewish men of the 96th Division
are invited to attend Jewish Ser­
vices at 2015, today, at the Post
Chapel. 3rd Street North and D
7:45 a. ni., Catholic Mass (Con­ Post Chape;—-Ave. D & 1st St. N.
fessions before Mass); 10 a. m.,
Jewish Services tooay at 2015.
General Protestant Service; 6:45
( hapel No. 2—Div. Hq. & Special
p. m.. Friday, Jewish . Service.
Troops—I) Ave., bet. 3rd & 4th S.
’Catholic Mass, 0800; Confes­
sions, Saturday, 1900-21( 0 at Cha­
(hapel 7—Avenue C & 1st St. N.
pel No. 3, before Mass at Chapel
Catholic Mass, 1)700, 1100; Con­
No. 2. Protestant Morning Wor­
fessions. Saturday, 1950-2100. Pro-
ship Service at 10.00 & 1100.
i (hapel No. 3—Division Artillery
I) Avenue and 7th Street South
General Protestant Service. 1030;
Evening Worship, 1930;
Losts — Founds
Wants — Sales
et cetera
Chapel No. 4
276th Infantry
Regiment—C Ave. & 12th St. S.
LOST: 17 jewel, Bulova wrist
Protestant Service, 1100; Pro­
watch, gold band with initials CLH. testant Evening Service, 1830;
Lost in field. Watch was at switch­ “Mass, 0930.
board of Regt'l Hqs, 274th Inf. Chapel No. 5 — 275th Infantry
Contact S.S.O. of 276th Inf. Re­ Regiment—C Ave. & 8th St. South
ward. Tel. 2111.
“Mass, 1100; Confessions, Sat-
urday, 1900-2100; General Protest­
LOST: A brown, part - hound, ant Service, 1000; Protestant Eve­
year-old pup. White chest and feet. ning Service, 1900.
Answers to name “Mac.” R ward
Chanel No. 6 — 274th Infantry
for return. Write or bring him
Regiment—C Ave. & 1th St. South
1 mile north, and 1 ‘L- miles west
“Mass, 0800; General Protestant
second house on grav­
Service, 0900 & 1000; Evening De­
eled road. L. T. Lucas, Route 1.
votions, 1900.
Box 69, Dallas.
N.B. “(asterisk) denotes Con­
WANTED: Used 35 mm. camera. fessions Before Mass.
planations, or try to evade the is­ you will have to do when you
sue, or make the subordinate syem reach the war zone, but just for an
foolish for asking it, but simply example of the sort of attitude an
say, “1 am not sure of it, so I will officer should have toward the en­
look it up and let you know as listed man. let us say you a flying
soon as possible. 99
a plane:
Never neglect to do anything
The rear gunner (who may be
you say you will do, even for the a corporal or a sergeant or some­
most stupid-looking private.
I thing) is depending on you for his
The most popular officers we life, but so are you depending on
have here are the men who will sit him for your life.
down with an enlisted man and
Just being a “good ftl^iw” is
teach him anything he happens to not enough to hold the respect of
say he would like to learn about an enlisted man because with all of
field artillery and survey. Never his poor grammar and apparent
feel as though your time is wasted lukewarm attitude towaids things
in doing such things because even military, he is a close observer
though some of the men are incap­ and he wants his officers to be
able of learning, you will be giving flawless.
the men who are capable concrete
You must know your job because F4-5 lens or faster. Will pay up to |
Christian Science
proof of the fact that you are the you will have to take an examina­ $20. I. C. Milhous, 560 W Main,
i “Christ Jesus” will be the subject
one who will help them.
tion every day and your grades
of the
Lesson-Sermon in all
Never lose your temper, or j w ill not be put down, but will be
APARTMENT Nicely furnished Churches of Christ, Scientist, on
your patieuce with anyone for curried uround in the hearts and
apartment for rent in Sunday, August 29.
anything, , yet stand firm and minds of your subordinates
The Golden Text will be, “Thou,
' Independence. Call Post 2888 for
don't let i anyone run over you. . Re- throughout your entire career.
Beth-lehem Ephratah, though thou
member, when you lose your
I know you do not need my ad­
be little among the thousands of
temper, the men lose their re- vice, Tom, because your past rec­
VV ANTED: Electric flat iron, call Judah, yet out of thee shall he
ord as far us I cun see has been
Pvt. Sandlin at 2942.
cometh forth unto one that is to
Never try to impress the men exemplary, but I am writing this
be ruler in Israel; whose goings
with your rank (they know you becuuse ull of your friends and
LOST OR BORROWED—Heavy forth have been from of old. from
have it). Some of our best offi- coinpunions from now on will be
screw driver belonging to Janitor everlasting” (Micah 5:2).
cers come into the C.P. at night officers, and enlisted men are
in Post Headquarters. Finder or
Among the citations which com­
and carry on friendly eonversa- bound to lose their individual per­
borrower please return same to prise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol­
tion with enlisted personnel for sonalities and become simply a
Pfc. Alvin Ruge, Post Headquar­ lowing from the Bible: “The Lord
hours at a time, and have no class in your eyes, so, never forget
| thy God will raise up unto thee a
trouble maintaining discipline and that your nun brother is serving
’Prophet from the midst of thee, of
respect the next day, or even that as a private in the Field Artillery.
LOST: Tuesday, three keys on thy brethren, like unto nje; unto
night if the occasion culls fur it.
ring. Return to T/Sgt. ( lifford him ye shall hearken” (Deut.
I don’t know what sort of things
Phare, 70th Recon.
I 18:15).