Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, June 03, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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    Camp Adair Sentry
Division Nine Meets
Two Rose City Teams
Iron Workers Start
Major League Hurler
To Avenge Defeat
Page Seven
Thursday, June 3, 1943.
The Timber Wolf Division base­
ball team, inactive Sunday due to
inclement weather, will return to
the diamond wars this weekend
when it meets an independent club
and a service team tomorrow and
Saturday in Portland.
The scheduled game at Albany
Ball Park last Sunday was can­
celled and will be played off at a
later date, as yef undetermined.
CIW Again
Friday the squad will travel to
Portland to engage the Commer­
cial Iron Works team on the War
Industries Baseball League. In a
pre' ious contest played in Salem,
the Wolves emerged victors, by
virtue of a ninth inning rally.
The Commercial team will start
Aldon Wilkie, former Pittsburgh
Pirate hurler on the mound. Ed
Coleman who gained long distance
clouting honors while a member of
the Philadelphia A’s and St. Louis
Browns will be stationed in right
field. Al Shone, a pitcher-outfielder
owned by the Cincinnati Reds will
start in the outergarden and be
ready to relieve Wilkie if necessary,
the balance of the team is com­
posed of former Pacific Coast and
Western International League ball
Air Base Saturday
Saturday the Timber Wolves
will meet the Portland Air Base
aggregation on its diamond at the
base and will be the first meeting
between these two service outfits.
Names of the Air Base players
are not available but the team is
composed of top-notch college and
professional players.
Friday’s contest will start at 1800
and will be played in the Vaughn
Street ball park, home of the Port­
land Beavers. Saturday’s game will
start at 1430 on the Flyers home
Manager Sgt. Jack Knott will
take his regular squad of Pvt. Gus
Gregory, Pfc. Dean Frye, Pvt. Beau
Bell, Pvt. John Sabrinsky, Cpl. John
Rich, Cpl. Gene Connor, Sgt. Virgil
Ledbetter, Cpl. Paul Armstrong,
Sgt. Lowell Calhcun, Sgt. Dale But­
ler, Lt. Joseph P. Quin, Pvt. Rob­
ert Karlin, Cpl. Ray O’Doul, Pvt.
Curtis Hohle and Pfc. Sal Bertucci.
Umpire, Pfc. Morris Luxemburg
will accompany the team.
Sea Gulls Get Revenge
On Mountaineers, 10-4
•'¿v ■
By Sgt. Art Stobbe. of the Sea Gulls
A crushing six-run blast in the fifth inning enabled Coach Lieuten­
ant Jim Nyers’ Sea Gulls to gain sweet revenge for an earlier defeat, as
they ruthlessly overpowered the Mountaineers Wednesday afternoon
on their own diamond, 10-4.
First Sergeant Al Wakefield, ♦——
tall Sea Gull righthander, was in Ross, mixed in with a cou pie of
excellent form, striking out six passes, gave Del San ter a thorough
and walking none. Except for a going over before the inning
three-run disturbance in the sev­ closed.
enth, Wakefield held the Moun­
Box score.
R H E M’taineers
taineers in check throughout the Sea Gull«
1 0 3 Belsick 3b 0 3 0
Kune ss
game, although touched for twelve Graulich 2 b 1 2 OIRolehalk s- 0 ! I
2 OIMatleck If 0 2 o
Nv»r« cf
_ o 0 C|Clarke 2b
0 O 0
Finan cf
Stobbe cf
0 0 0| Knaub, cf 0 0 3
Wide Awake Wakefield
o fl 0
1 1 0 Meins lb
Alloway 1 b
2 o 0
Wakefield also singled to right Thompson 3b 1 1 1 Sage lb
0 O o
Gulish If
1 1 0|Curtis if
to register two runs in the second, Brekas It
0 0 OlBertncci
rf 1 1 I
Hess if
1 1 1
1 o 01 Knoff c
and opened the riotous fifth with uPolivcha
0 1 O
k rf 0 Ï 0 Raught p
I 1 O l>el Hanter p 0 0 0
a double down the right field 'line. 1 Sipe c
0 t 0
1 Ressin c
0 0 OC' amer
An error, and hits by Graulich and Wakefield l> 1 2 0 Muller p
0 0 0
Nyers chased Raught. starting
4 12 6
10 13 4| Totals
Mountaineer twirler, to the sale­
Score 1» v in ni ogs
.020 OK2 OOO- ‘.0
Sea (»nils
lines. Two more hits by Gulish and Mountaiuee
1 2
OOO OOO 310— t
Nova To Fight*
Bout June 11
Lou Nova, who was a guest of
Lt. Bob Duffy and the Timber Wolf
here last week is scheduled to fight
a 10 round main event with Paul
Hartnek, rugged 200 pound heavy­
weight from Omaha, Neb., at the
National Boxing Club show in Port­
land June 11. This fight looms as a
“make or break” deal for Lou on
his comeback trail. A victory will
put him in league to fight Lee
Savold at Chicago on June 28.
Washington State College is at
the ehd of the trail as far as foot­
ball goes. Coach Orin E. “Babe”
Hollinbery may be lost to the WSC
team because of a salary feud, the
Chronicle stated. The “Babe” who
was getting $10,000 a year has
been cut to $5,000 and no com­
promise has been offered by the
athletic department. In meeting a
few days ago the athletic depart­
ment passed a resolution that WSC
have no varsity football program
next fall.
SGT. JACK KNOTT, manager
of the sensational Timber Wolf
baseball team, which is playing
two games in Portland this week
J (As crystal-balled from the
daily boxscores)
By Sgt. Edwin Gottfried
Ed. Note: This is the first of a
series on the odd doings in base­
ball that occur during the games
played in the Major and Minor
Leagues. Sgt. Gottfried’s deduc-
tions are made merely by reading
an ordinary boxscore and picturing
parts of the game as if he was
actually a spectator. Sgt. Gottfried
will be glad to answer any ques­
Bing Crosby’s 4-year-old Don tions that you might have on the
Bingo won the $30,000 Suburban subject of “baseball.” Simply sub­
Handicap before the bettingest mit your questions to Sgt. Gott­
fried, care of The Sentry.
crowd in racing history.
Timber Wolves Start
3 Softball Circuits
Division League
Starts June 16
Four Teams to Each
League; Winners to
Meet in Round Robin
The Timber Wolf Division
Baseball League will begin play
on June 16. The league will be
composed of five teams—the
Sea Gulls, Mountaineers, Gey­
sers, Artillery and Special
Lt. R. C. Duffy, Timber Wolf
Schedules and league rules Division Athletic Officer, has an­
In a game played last week, Mil-
Lou Leaves
nar of the Cleveland Indians was will be sent out to the unit ath­ nounced that three softball leagues
the losing pitcher, yet officially he letic officers next week.
will open activity June 9. They will
gave up no hits nor did he pitch
be the Infantry, Artillery and Spec­
“Red Scarf” Ace Bags 10
any part of an inning. To add to the
ial Troops Leagues.
The War Department announces
confusion, his team scored three
The Sea Gulls, Mountaineers,
runs for him in the top half of the that the ace fighter pilot of the Geysers, Engineers and Pill Rollers
first. Scanning the boxscore a little | U.S. Army Air Forces in the North will compose the Infantry League.
more closely, I discovered that Mil- ' African campaign was 25-year-old The Bees, Boneheads, Redlegs,
nar had issued four walks. There Major Levi Chase of Cortland, New Falcons and Generals will be the
York, who shot down ten axis
was the solution.
members of the Artillery League.
His squadron which calls
Milnar had walked the first
Hq. Co., Snoopers, Storekeepers,
four men to face him, forcing in itself the “Red Scarf Guerillas” de­ Balls o’Fire and Sigs will consti­
one run. He was then removed stroyed a total of eighteen planes tute the Special Troops League.
for another pitcher without hav­ in a two week period.
Round Robin Style
ing given up a hit or having
Each team will play three games
pitched any part of an inning.
Scratched In The Fifth
Lt. Vernon Boling from the 172 with each of the four other teams
To be the losing pitcher, at least
four runs had to be charged against i Ordnance Depot in the IV Corps in its league and at the end of the
Milnar. The three men on base lat­ ¡returned last Tuesday from the league season the championship
er scored during the same frame, Ordnance Training School at San­ club will meet the winners of the
with all the runs being charged ta Anita (remember the ponies?), other two circuits in a round robin
against the starting pitcher. Since California. Lt. Frank Petersen has to determine the Timber Wolf Divi­
Cleveland never did catch up, Mil­ now been sent to the same school. sion titleholder.
Camp Adair’s recent guest,
Games will be played on Mon­
pointed back up the “heavy” nar was charged with the defeat.
Wednesdays and Fridays
Modern China began when Sun
trail, fights Paul Hartnek in
Portland, June 11.—(Statesman
As records, are continuously Yat Sen in 1911 overthrew the with postponed contests being
played on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
broken, it seems that they are last Manchu emperor.
always broken by the number
“one”. The same held true this
Mountaineers Over Gray, 6-4
SCU, Att. Troops League
week when Los Angeles of the
Pacific Coast League won twen­
ty consecutive games to break
the League record by one. To
it all, they broke their own
By Pvt. Paul Rosenberg
Playing a bang - up game of doors but settled down and played
At long last, after several weeks of “pick-up” games, the SCU
baseball, the Timber Wolf Moun- plenty good ball, . They lost the team record which they equalled
1911 softball league is underway.
taineers won over the Oregon services of two of their star play­ in 1939.
The league, boasting eight teams, was organized in conclave at
State Penitentiary, at Salem, 6 to ers when Matlock, left fielder, got
In an eleven-inning game played the Field House last Saturday and the first four games will be held
4. The game was played Saturday a shoulder injury sliding into sec­
ond base and Clark, second base­ this week, Johnny McCarthy of the tonight. Great things are expected*
afternoon behind the walls.
The inmates drew first blood man, suffered a split nail on his Bost. N. made 16 put-outs, of a pos­ of the players as a trophy will be games. With Headquarters and the
when they pushed over a run on throwing hand. Both will be out sible 33.
MP’s close behind them. The ether
given to the championship team.
two hits in the second inning. The a week. Line-ups:
Cpl. “Dubby” Duboff and his teams were just battling each other
Even The Champ
Mountaineers were held scoreless
Mountaineers—Ted' Belsick, third
of Post Headquarters will to a standstill. But now that a
Willie Hoppe, world’s champ at
until the sixth, when the three B’s, base; Bolchalk, shortstop; Clark,
Ray Atkins’ Headquar­
Belsick, Bolchalk and Bertuccia, second base; Leiser, second base; billiards, recently 'received a set ters team, field No. 1, south o* league has been started the players
went to work with the stick and Madlock, left field; Bertuccia, left back during his tour of Ft. Dix, Field House, at 5:30. The MP’s will put everything into the game.
started a rally that netted the field; Cromwell, right field; Knaub, IN. J. Sgt. Ed Longacre defeated headed by Lt. Kressaty will meet And a few surpluses are awaiting
center field; Points, center field; Hoppe — not in billiards, but in up with Sgt. Dougherty and his men , some of the top teams.
locals two runs.
Cpl. Duboff predicts “with a few
The men from the mountains Sage, first base; Knoff, catcher; pool. Final score was 75-73.
of Ord at 5:30 p. m., field No. 2.
(Ed. Note: What do you
picked up three more runs in the Struell, pitcher; Desadier, pitcher.
At 6:30 Sgt. Benidictis and his mean, fellah? Breaks?) we will
seventh and one in the eighth, I “Grays” — Hoffert, second base;
Pvt. William Wells was former­ Q.M. team will begin play against be the team that’s at th« top of
when Struell, who had pitched air­ Shank, left field; Storm, center
Pvt. Baskins’ 740 outfit on field No. the league ladder.” We shall see.
tight ball weakened and was re­ field; Fuller, catcher; Horton, ly connected with the Merchant
1. The Med. Rangers headed by Sgt.
lieved by Disadier. Johnson, who shortstop; Brown, third base; Marine. He has a brother who was
Monday play will be as follows:
Samuel E. Sapp will play Sgt.
pitched for the inmates, also had Walp, first base; Ross, first base; killed during a fog in a seaplane
Haugham, right field; Johnson, while trying to land on the air­ Churchill and his SCU Med. team
plenty on the ball.
Hq vs MPs
No. 1
plane carrier Lexington in 1937.
pitcher; Baisley, pitcher.
Space? What Is That?
Runs Hits Errors
The Mountaineers were kind of
No. 1
In previous “pick-up" games the 740 vs Rangers
0 sunk during the early part of the
cramped for space for a while after Mountaineers
Med. Rangers lost only one of their
1 current war.
being used to the great put of “Grays ” .............. 4
Another Home Game!
Softball Launched!