Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, May 20,1943. 4 Hold Everything Art Workshop Prepares For Exhibit Show Coming Portland Museum Vaudeville Stars Will Appear in Revue Here On May 29, 30, 31 Will Stage Show Adair Art Works Are Being Sought A blue ribbon event in entertain­ With bustle and flourish, the ment will occur at Camp Adair soldiers of the “Soldier Artist on May 29, 30 and 31, when the Workshop,” conducted nightly by new USO-Camp Shows production, T 5 Don Lynch over in Service “Hold Everything,” will be pre­ Club 1, are getting their works in sented with a cast of top-flight shape for the coming “Artists at entertainers recruited from the Camp Adair” exhibit at the Port­ upper circles of the amusement land Art Museum. Opening date is world. Produced and staged on set for the first week in July. eS»*. •SXSX.'S EK/ Broadway, “Hold Everything” is we SB!*-... A e T à Titles for entries should be sub­ t a full evening of excellent and mitted no later than June 17 and n À amusing entertainment. WB i all exhibit works must be at the .. í 4 ! M 1 From Broadway shows and big- workshop by June 22. This will time vaudeville is the comedy danc­ enable the group tl at has been w V- ing act of Chester Fredericks & Co. designated to work jn mats and ' WWF Fredericks is assisted by his part­ frames to complete the job in time ner, Kay Wilson, who is his foil for the show. . : ..:v: V-- for a line of fast, rapid-fire talk This exhibit, arranged by T 5 and patter. Sensational falls and Lynch through the courtesy and slides feature his dancing routines, cooperation of the Museum direct­ one of which is an hilarious traves­ or, Robert Tyler Davis, will place ty on jitterbugs. before the art patrons of this Another big-time comedy act in northwestern section of the coun­ Grouped around that lovely blonde ... Miss Alice Steffgen ... are the artists associated with “Hold Everything” is that of Young try the advancements in art made Cpl. Lynch's “Soldier-Artist Workshop” conducted nightly in Service Club 1. Standing, left to right, and Kaye, who call their side-split­ at Camp Adair. All soldiers who are Sgt. Tommy Ryan, Pvt. Marvin Halve. Pfc. Artie Palermo and Sgt. R. C. Johnson. Seated are I ting act, “Slowly I Turn.” Young’s have done art work, and who are P'ts. Moran, Ray Allen and Dave Stall. These artists are getting their art works into the final attempts to mimic Charlie Kaye's at present stationed here (as well finishing stages in preparation for the approaching summer exhibit in Portland starting in July. —Signal Corps Photo. recital of his life story are con- as those formerly stationed here) vulsing as are the mapcap antics are urged to submit their work and falls he takes in his recount- for this show. All phases of art Informal Dance at ing of the tale. are included ... oils, pastels, water Club 2 Tonight That grand veteran, Paul Nolan, color, charcoals, pen etchings, car­ As we go to press, Mrs. Mer­ is another star attraction of the toons, wood and leather craft and riam announces that there will A top-flight dance band, as hep band. Tonight, more gals will be , show. Called the Juggling Jester, clay modeling, and allied branches. be the first in a series of Thurs­ Nolan displays the juggling wiz­ A catalogue will be printed as to playing the sultry rhythms of on hand ,and Miss Caddy (whose ' day night informal hops at Club ardry which has kept his name in a guide to the exhibit and in order beguines, rhumbas and sambas as brainchild this is) hopes that some lights all over the world for two that it can be published in time jive and boogie-woogie, made its of the gals working on the post will 2 where she is directress. A 16- piece dance band will be on hand decades. for the opening, titles are requested debut at Service Ciub 1 last week stay over for the evening and par­ to make with the jive and every when the regular Latm-American ticipate. From the Qlympia Theatre, Mi­ early, as mentioned above. As our Adele Adair might say, effort is being made to have ami, Florida, direct to this show A great deal of enthusiasm has dance classes were held. Lt. John come the Three Rays, three beauti­ already been evidenced and it is Hammes and Miss June Powell, “Shakin’ those maracas really some girls come over from the ful and talented young girls in an expected a representative grouping , both professionals, are the in- sends me . . . and there’s nothin’ neighboring towns as dancing acrobatic, comedy knockabout act of art works will be submitted for | structors, and will be on hand like helpin’ to cement that good- partners. Girls working on the post who that makes one wonder how such the show. For additional details, again tonight, WITH THE BAND, neighbor policy!” would like to attend are cordial­ dainty young ladies can stand up contact T/5 Lynch at Post Special for more lessons. ly invited to do so. under such tumbles and falls. This versatile new- divisional Free Soldiers' Dance Services and watch the Sentry I Direct from a record run of 27 columns. band is under the baton of Sgt. weeks at the Sherman Hotel, Chi­ Oscar Gariessen, and formerly en­ This Saturday Night Pfc. Gus Cerase cago, is Frank Payne, the new sen­ tertained at the Tacoma Country FANCY MEETING YOU! More than 300 Junior Hostesses Turns Producer sation in the field of impression­ Club and Queen City Yacht Club. Coincidental was the way two (count ’em) will be on hand at “a ' ists, whose mimicry of movie stars Their specialty is Latin American old friends met last Saturday. free dance for soldiers which will I Responsible for arranging and and others is as amusing as it is Miss Marge Kuhwarth, answer­ dance numbefs . . . and take it be held this Saturday evening be­ accurate. ing the 'phone, recognized a famil­ from us, they’re as the Spanish tween the hours of 8 to 11 at the producing last Sunday night’s in­ “Hold Everything” will be pre- iar voice . . . and so did the person would say it, “hace mucho calor” Memorial Union Ball Room located formal show at Service Club 2 was sented free of charge. (whatever that means ’ ). on the other end. He was Loyd at Oregon State College in Corval­ PFC Gus Cerase, Mrs. Merriam’s Tonight, additional samba steps lis,” announces Mrs. Larson from little helper around the club. Simpson, who was in camp with 1 « . will be demonstrated by the in ­ the Shell Show. Both he and Miss the Defense Recreation Office. Colombo, the capital of Ceylon, He started the ball rolling by Music will be furnished by the getting a pianist seated and play-’ was named for Christopher Co­ Kuhwarth were in school together structors and classes will be taught this newest dance craze from be­ Timber Wolf orchestra. The dance ing at the piano. With this accom­ and hadn’t met in several years. lumbus. low the border. will be held under the auspices of plished, he operated the spot lights .i Last week, a dozen and three of the Corvallis Defense Recreation for the succeeding spontaneous • the fair sex from nearby Mon­ Committee. numbers with professional knack, mouth miandered over to the club It was one of those typical eve« to participate . . . and for the on ­ Pluto, the planet most distant nings at the club, with one enter- Thursday, May 20... lookers, who didn ’ t dance, the eve ­ from the sun, is next smallest in tainer encouraging another to per- Latin-American dance classes, with band, at Club 1. Gals. ning was unusual in that it of ­ size to Mercury, planet nearest form, and a continuous show was,., Informal hop at Club 2. Band and gals. fered a new and easy-to-listen-to the sun. in progress until closing time. , j Friday, May 21... w-.'l EM dance at Field House, 8 ’til 10:45. New band. Girls. > '■* Open house at Service Clubs. ' ♦' . Saturday, May 22... Cabaret Night, Club 1, featuring coeds from University of • r . *v’ 1 Oregon and Oregon State College plus Timber Wolf talent. * Jl “Saturday Night Rambles” at Club 2, with new divisional band and featuring talent from Tank Destroyers. By Sgt. IL C. Johnson reading, is packed with hilarious as Gardner Williams, Hele 1 Holden, • / I Sunday, May 23... Deafening applause and laugh­ well as suggestive humor, which Helen Johnson, Edwin Michel, Open house for visitors and families of soldiers at both ter, which caused the cast to pause when handled subtly by the actors, Chick Chaloupka, Jack Titus, Service Clubs. sets a comic mood for the audience Charles Pojjtz, Ethan Newman, Free movie show at Club 1 followed by informal program. before it could continue with the ... a mood which carries even to Marie Hewitt, Robert Over, and Spontaneous show at Club 2 directed by Pfc. Cerase. lines, marked both stellar perform­ the final curtain. Each comic high­ “Duncan,” the dachshund. All (ex­ J Monday, May 21... ances of the laugh-studded comedy I light in the lives of these mid­ cept Duncan) are members of the Song fest at Club 2 directed by Miss Kuhwarth. of two misunderstood sisters........ western farm gals, innocently ef­ drama department of the Univer- Tuesday, May 25... “My Sister Eileen” ... as produced fected by the bizarrness of Green­ ! sity of Oregon in Eugene. Cpl. Herbert Hay’s glee-club and interpreted by members of the wich Village, was played well and Arrangements for securing the Bingo and games at Club 1. University of Oregon drama de ­ to the complete satisfaction of the i play for Camp Adair audiences Informal program arranged by Mrs. Merriam at Club 2 partment la,st Sunday afternoon audience. | were made by Mrs. Margaret Wednesday, May 26... 'and evening. “Eileen,” the title character, was , Blodgett, Service Club 1 directress, Square Dance at Club 1 d.rected by Betty I.. Thompson from [ The characters, with their nat­ portrayed by Miss Dorothy Wey- who can hereby add another fea­ Oregon State College ural flair for acting, were each and gandt, and her sister, “Ruth,” was ther in her cap for. planning an­ Spontaneous talent show at Club 2. ' every one excellent in their charac­ Nelda Rohrback. Other members of other bang-up entertainment fea­ • Cpl. Don Lynch’s “Artist Workshop” night in Club 1. terizations, and the truly profes- the cast included Robert Farrow, ture for the Adairmen and their ** Voice recordings, letter, made at Club 2 nightly by Eddie Isional hand of director Horace Ralph Stover, Bobby Jo Quigley, officers. Lt. Walter Sindlinger, Davis, courtesy Pepsi Cola. i Robinson made the play one to be Frank Loomis, Gordon Cochran, Service Club Officer, was in •♦•Upwards of 100 contestants already signed up for Timber Wolf 1 remembered for many months to Jack Leonard, James Bronson, Jim­ charge of setting up the stage-wet Division boxing tourney to begin week of May 31 at my Toner, William Wood, Betsy and making accommodations or come. Field House. 1 “My iSster Eileen,” even on first Steffen, David Jahn, Ken Griffith, the cast and production crew. 'Our Adele Likes to Hear the Maracas Being 'Shook'; It's Time to Rumba! SERVICE MEN'S DATE BOOK 'My Sister Eileen', Sparkling Broadway Comedy, Is Presented To Enthusiastic Adair Audience by Univ, of Oregon Co-Eds