Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, May 20, 1943. Page Six Timber Wolf all Club Turns in 4th and 5th Straight Wins Portland U. Is 5f h Wolf Victim Big Time Names On Both Clubs Touted Commercial Iron Works Team of Portland Sunk With Final Score 8 to 7 'Wolf Nine In Double Mountaineers Batter Header Sunday, Salem Out 17-5 Ball Victory CpI. Rich Whams Out 4 for 5 Including 2 Triples, Double and Single; Connor Stars The Timber Wolf Division nine The Timber Wolves racked up ran its winning streak to five their fourth consecutive win at straight games Monday at Port­ George E. Waters Ball Park, in land as they easily downed the Salem, Sunday afternoon, when ---------------------- Seagulls No Match University of Portland aggrega- they staged a three-run ninth inn­ tion 9 to 1 to continue undefeated For Schnier's Men ing rally to down the highly rated this season. Commercial Iron Works team of Lefty Karlin notched his second Portland. 8 to 7. The Mountaineer Baseball Team win as he allowed one run and three Each team started a former big showed plenty of class in their 17 Battling a team composed of high talent and called the Salem to 5 win over the Seagulls last hits during his seven inning stay league star on the mound and at on the mound. Sig Langsam re­ All-Stars, the still-undefeated Timber Wolves will play a double­ Friday afternoon. first base, with the Commercials Using all their player strength lieved him in the eighth and gave being one up with a right fielder. header Sunday afternoon at the George E. Waters park in Salem, The games bid to be among the (even the water boy, who incident­ up two hits in the last two frames. Sgt. Jack Knott started for the ___________________________________ Corporal John Rich was the hat­ brightest yet. and especially as ally got two hits) they never let up Division Boxing Tourney Wolves opposing Aldon Wilkie, until the eighth inning when the star of the contest as he clout- they fall at a time when EM and former Pittsburgh Pirate left Postponed to May 31 Seagull manager hollered "Uncle ” t wo triples, a double and a Officers may reach the Capital city hander. Roy “Beau” Bell, former The Timber Wolf Division and take their ladies out to the and called it quits. By the way single in five times at bat. Gene Cleveland, St. Louis and Detroit Boxing Championship matches ball park. For EM. the price is there were three men on the bases Connor poled out a double and two outfielder, held down first for the have been postponed until the singles in four times up. only 25 cents admission (with your at the time. Wolf nine with Jim Keesey, Phila- I McConnell, diminutive left field­ week of May 31 to enable more Stingy Hurling lassie free!. Busses will do round­ dephia A’s, on the initial sack for of the men to witness the bouts. The Mountaineers never let er turned in two sparkling catches trip to the park from down-town ' the Portlanders. Ed Coleman, Phil­ their arch-rivals get started. With to rob the Wolves of safe hits. Salem. AO Lt. Robert Duffy re- ' i adelphia A’s and St. Louis Browns, brilliant catches and perfect • The Wolves got off to a four ports. was in right field for Portland. I MPs Blaze Up throws plus the stingy pitching run lead in the first frame as First game will start at 1:30 p.m. Early Lead of three ace chuckers—Destdier, Gregory singled Frye singled but 16-12 Hdq. The All-Stars will pitch their The Wolves went off to a five Lamie, and Rought. the Seagulls was caught off first with hidden potent Bill Hanauska, a farm-hand run lead as they garnered four never had a chance. They were ball trick. Rich hit to right driving of the Brooklyn Dodgt rs. tallies in the first and added allowed only five hits for their in Gregory. Connor doubled to left The 'wolves will probably elect afternoon’s work. After a series of ups and downs another in the second. Gregory. scoring Bell who was safe on an Frye, Bell and Sahrinsky each the past week which had some of Pvt. Bob Karlinas starter. with It looks like Lt. Schnier has a error. Rich scored on a passed ball -i*d Langsam. who earned the winning combination who can hold singled, Connor got a life on a their supporters wondering whether first win over Oregon University, their own with the best of them. I with Connor taking third. Connor fielders' choice as Frye went out. they were the best or the worst , came in with the fourth run as he Detachment and Sgt. Jack Knott are slated to The infield, with Batuccia. Clarke. An error by George and a Field­ team in camp, stole home. life with a see action. Bolchalk and Christopher teamed I ers choice by Calhoun shoved softballers came They picked up another run in i Of special interest. Sports Editor , together like clockwork. The out- Post Head- over Sabrlnsky and Connor to bang, walloping the third when Rich tripled to left • Al Lightner of the Salem States- field, Matlock, McLaughlin and end the scoring. They picked up quarters team by center and Connor singled him a run in the second as Gregory S Sgt. Joe Oenning pitched for 1 man wil lmanage the All-Stars so, Cromwell also played plenty of home. They were blanked for the doubled and Bell singled. That the Detachment and limited the op­ whether they win or lose, they will ball. They hit that ball far and next three innings although in one ended the Wolves scoring until position to 4 hits while the MP's ‘ ( get a break in the story (wow! is wide. frame they collected three hits I lambasted the offerings of Pitch- this treason!) The boy that led the way was the ninth frame. I lank* Mountaineer catcher Meins, . without a man crossing the plate. The fifth inning saw the Com­ ers Kaplan and Atkins of Head- I cutting down runners who ven­ I The Portland Pilots garnered What All-Out War Means mercials garner six runs to go into quarters for 15 hits, including their only run of the game in the the lead as they collected five hits, homeruns by Jordan, Dorr and | If the United States has an tured too far and using the wood , fourth as Schroer singled, Uhle to slam out four for five. an error, a base on balls and two Fitzgerald. army of 7,500,000 by the end of doubled and Schroer scored after The Gulls played good ball at The Detachment softballers have 1943, as is planned, the nation will fielders’ choices. Quin went on the Armstrong’s catch of O’Toole’s fly times but were always in trouble hill for the Wolves and gave up a a busy schedule ahead with games have expanded by 6,000,000 in two with the Mountaineers slamming in deep center. run on a walk and a single, to give arranged for this week with a years. Unofficial estimates place the old pill around Wakefield,! Frye tripled in the seventh and Station Hospital team and with the German army at 9,000.000 in­ them a two lead. starting Gull pitcher, got by for scored on a passed ball to give the the Ordnance “Bombers” who last cluding the air force. The Russian Armstrong Again two innings but when they got the U olves another run. The ninth week took the measure of the MP’s army, with trained reserves, is es- Bel) walked to start the last range it was all over. With a little inning saw them push three more in a close game. i timated at 17,000,000. A recent re- I smoothing up of the rough spots frame. Rich reached on an error runs across as Bell singled, Rich ! port says training in Russia now the Mountaineers have plenty of and Connor on attempted sacri­ doubled, Connor walked, Arm­ American generals die with their begins when a boy is eight years championship qualities. fice bunt reached first to fill the strong singled to send Bell and boots on. A recent casualty report old. » bases. With the tying and win­ Rich in to score and Connor tallied ' One-I*egged Marine ning runs on the bags Armstrong by the War Department shows that the last run on Sabrinsky’s fielders 27 Generals and six Admirals have The Great Salt Lake and Dead Wins Jitterbug Contest choice. came up and poled one out to the been killed, wounded, are missing Sea are the two bodies of water right center field to drive in the Timber V"iver»ity of ' San Francisco (CNS)—A Marine Wolves AR R ~ I—J , AB B H clinching runs. He almost or captured since the war began, on earth saltier than the oceans. i SS .) i i Cullen 21> 4 n o with an artificial leg won a jit­ Gregory Erye 2 b .5 Smith cf ..... stretched the hit into a home run o O i terbug contest at a nearby Navy Beil n> * «'hroer i .4 1 I being out by a step at the plate. .5 1 j Vhle 3 b 4 o I yard recently. After the dance * if 4 O’Toole lb 1 o 1 Fifteen hundred fans, both ser­ i o Churich r 3 (» 1 number was finished he and his 4 0 i I Armstrong cf McConnell If 4 n o vicemen and civilians, witnessed 1 0 0 Whelan if young lady friend sat down and he smith c 4 o o 0 o Pienovi p the contest. 1 But ler f (6) (> o 0 rolled up his trousers to display the Karlin p .2 0 1 1»> axle ji I 3 3 o 1 Major General G. R. Cook, com­ 1/ ng- *ni p( 8 )<> 0 O' artificial leg. Perez* .... e 1 o 0 mander of the Timber Wolf Divi­ The case was reported to a meet­ T ot.ils 40 9 16! Totals 33 1 5 sion. and his daughter, CeCe Cook, ing of the American College of * Butt* d for Karlin in 8th. occupied a box in back of third Kuns butted in: Ruh I. Connor 2. Arm- Surgeons by a Navy medical officer str* ng 2, Kobrinsky 1, O’Toole I. TFiree base. to show how well artificial limbs base hit«, — h’it h - 2. rrve 1. Two base hits. •Connor 1. Rich 1. I’hle 1. Stolen ba*es, Timber "ommercial Iron are fitted with a new technique . C< iinor 1, Armstrong 1. Bases un ba’N Wolves AB R H Vorks AB R H 4 1 0 Gregory *.»> 4 2 2 icore»1 ss now in use. It is based on precision | I off I>*‘:tg!e 2. Karlin I. Struck out bv. Iieaele 6. Karlin 2. Langsam 2. Hit by ¡•’•i. 2Í* 5 0 1 Reynolds 21* ..a 1 1 fitting of the limb stump to a pitcher. Smith, Churich. Winning pitcher 3 o 2 Keeney 1b pel! lb 1 2 Losing pitcher Pienovi. Umpire*. Rich rf . . 1 1 o Huxford rf 1 0 0 sheath. Formerly the sheaths were Karlin. I.ux*niberg und Westover. Subrinxkj rf 3 1 l'Colemun rf 4 1 2 Cocr.ora If . .4 n 11 "imer»n >■ 4 1 1 made in standard sizes only. Now o o 1 An. -tronc rf 5 0 1 Johnsen 3b they are produced for each individ­ i 0 1 You m e 3b Detroit (CNS)—Margie Hart, a Cxlhoun r U 0 O *P»*-z :;b .0 0 0 shone p-cf » 0 fl ual case. By using the procedure, former burlesque artist, said it cost Bel1 ieri 31* 3 0 0 I'e. ein If 4 0 0 3 (1 OlHpIt cf Kn -t p 1 1 0 fighting men who have lost legs her $900 weekly when she switched 2 1 1 O 0 O Wiltie j* f,”ji p have learned to walk and even run from stripteasing to the legitimate ♦ R • 1er 1 0 O' within 10 days. stage. The reason she changed, she *. tai .36 8 91 Total 40 LU said, was because she had recently * n tor Butler Sth. Hit for Bertncci 8th. High tide at new and full moon gotten married and “It just isn’t T. ree bu«e hit—ArroKtrong: Two 1 it-—Gregory. Shone: Kuna butted ill. is called spring tide; that at the right for a married woman to do . i.' ' * ong < 4 1 C'u Ihoun (2 ). Subi in*ky . first and third quarter, neap tide, that kind of work.” < 1 Er*’e <1 ) : Stolen base Rich : Karri Hot (And Inexpensive) Action Promised In All-Star Games Finally In Win Over Co. Softball Demons fit« hit- -Connor.-*: Bases on hall* off Kno" (!>. Quin (3). Shone (4): Struck nut not* (2), Quin (1), Wilkie (3), Sh* •> (T! Erioru. Gregory (2), Bell (1). < • ze (3) Keesey ( 1 ), Yon nee (2). (1) Winning pitehe*-. Quin; Losing >»it'. er. Shone. Umpire*. Lttxemberg and Average daily listening time for raaio programs has increased from three to five hours on farms since the beginning of the war. | M-Sgt. Schickedanz' Homer Wins Ball Game i » A larruping home run in the seventh by M/Sgt. Raymond Schicke­ danz broke up Monday evening's ball game, with the Station Hospital un-t nine defeating SCI 1911 MPs, 3-2. The MPs scored in the first and seventh, the hospital team got 2 in the fifth. The Hospital Unit team, which also has won two games to one for Medics of SCI 1911, feels fortified to announce it will accept any j challenge. Call manager. S Sgt. Samuel E. Sapp, 4121.