Thursday, May 20,1943. Camp Adair Sentry » i » Overseas Mail Law Sees Vital Change Billfold Girl Chaplain Higgins Replaces Newman The Lodging Problem: Note From Independence E. L. Gray, secretary of th® Independence Chambei of Com­ merce, yesterday revealed re­ opening of the 66-room Beaver Hotel in Independence, who*e new owner-manager, G. L. Bl: <- sett, has announced weck’y rates will be available to whre:< of officers and enlisted per- sonnel. Likewise, (•ray issued invita - tion for all EM to enjoy faci? • ties of the Civic Service Cente at Independence. No Longer Need CO's OK to Send Parcels Teacher Has Eight Years Experience CHAPLAIN'S COLUMN You no longer have to get your Chaplain James J. Higgins, Commanding Officer’s O.K. to get Lt. who came into the Army packages from home. That import­ May 11, has !>een chosen to replace ant change in overseas mail regula­ ! Captain Victor Newman. Chaplain tions has jqst been announced by Higgins was born in Kansas City, POST CHAPEL SERVICES the War Department . .. following Missouri. Avenue D and 3rd Street North a long editorial campaign by This is only 70 miles from Major Friday. May 21. 1943 YANK. Harmon’s home, Topeka, and the 1845 Jewish Service, Hospital two chaplain* have many mutual The new regulations say that planes going hack to the State . 2015 Jewish Service, Post Chapel 1 friends. Chaplain Harmon said that people in the States can send a These ships and planes tarry Sunday, May 23. 1943 he was very pleased to have Lt. j package to a soldier overseas if ! their biggest supply loads wren 1’900 Catholic Mass, Ch. Higgins Higgins as his assistant. they’ve received a letter from the (they leave the United States. There 1000 General Protestant Service, For the past four years Chap- soldier asking for whatever’» in are other reasons for delay in gfet- Chaplain Harmon lain Higgins has been teaching his­ the package and they show at the ting miiN. There’s always some di­ 1045 General Protestant Commun­ tory and civics at St. Joseph Col­ post office the envelope carrying lay when material is being rend ion, Chaplain Harmon lege in St. Lbuis. For four previ­ the APO cancellation mark. and approved by censors. Sowi- 1115 Mormon Service, Sgt. Alma ous ydars, he was an instructor at There’s been no change in re­ times Headquarters decides that Limelights the belle of the Bell Nielson Fontbonne, a girls’ Catholic school. Telephone Company of Pittsburgh, strictions on the size of the pack­ for security reasons mail to cer­ Services at Hospital The Chaplain attended St. Jo­ Pa., the former Ruth Martin who age. It can’t weigh more than five tain areas or certain units must be 0800 Catholic Mass, Ch. Higgins seph ’s College in St. Louis and the deserted this title by becoming the pounds, be longer than fifteen held for a while. One of the most 1000 General Protestant Service, Catholic University in Washington, wife of Lt. Jay Confer, special ser­ inches, or more than 36 inches in important angles is that most erctr- Chaplain Bartell D. C., and received his master’s vice officer of the Timber Wolf length and width combined. Post seas mail has to be transported rn Catholic Confessions, Post Chapel | degree in history before he began Mountaineer regiment. He succeeds offices at home will accept only ships because there’s so much of it Saturday 1800-2000 to teach. •Lt. Robert W. Saunders who is one package a week addressed to —20,000,000 letters and packages the same soldier. Chaplain Higgins has four sis- leaving for school shortly, a week was the last official court. TIMBER WOLF DIVISION Right on the heels of that an­ Which means that sometimes mail ters. Margaret, 29 years of age,! Mrs. Confer and her husband met CHAPEL SERVICES is a nun, Mary, 24, Nellie. 22, and on a blind date on the Sunday night nouncement is a report from Army has to pile up at harbors while Sunday, May 23, 1943 (Teresa, 17. He sa>d that all wish of November 29. 1941. Five months Post Office Headquarters giving convoys are being assembled .... Chapel No. 7, C & 1st St. North the war would get over in a hurry; later on April 4, 1942, they were some interesting facts about the or while waiting for convoys '.<> ’Catholic Mass ........................ 0900 so the boys can get home. overseas mail picture as a whole. come in. There’s never any b&O’C- Mr. and Mrs. General Protestant Service 1100 I Favorite recreations of the chap­ Mrs. Confer enjoys dancing, APO explains that the biggest rea­ log of mail if there’s any kinc of Bible Study Class ................. 1900 lain are tennis and handball. He swimming, and the Lt. says that son why letters from men overseas ship available. Evening Service ..................... 2000 also has a “Smathering” knowledge she also has one for Ripley: “His lots of times get home faster than Chapel No. 8, C & 5th St. North letters written to them is that of the piano. OFF SICK LIST wife likes to cook.” ’Catholic Mass 0900, 1000 & 1200 ( there ’ s more space on ships and When Chaplain Higgins entered Miss Ann Caddy returned to d‘.ty iJli Confer’ O Lt. s hobbies HUULHCB <11^7 are VlCt dancing, 11V 4 I i , Protestant Service . 1100 & 1630 the service, he had to cut classes golfing, and au types of sports, Tuesday morning, at Club 1 whev Catholic Eucharistic ............... 1300 short and says: “I feel very new to Among his favorite recreations are letters during his high school ca­ she handles the social and recrea­ Catholic Novena .......... 1400 the Army, but hope that I will baseball, basketball and football, reer. Lt. Confer said that the happi­ tional end of things, after befc.g Protestant Discussion Club 1830 have an opportunity to teach in During his civilian days, he est moment in his life came when confined to her home in Corva. x Catholic Confessions, the Service.” 1 worked in the pay office of the he was able to “Confer” the title for nearly a week with a severe Saturday 16830 and 1900-2130 I Crucible Steel Company in Pitts- of Mrs. upon his wife. I cold. Chapel No. 9, C & 9th St. North matter, and have but one Mind, burgh. Pa. He was getting ready Editor’s note: Lt., from the ap­ ♦Catholic Mass .......... 0800 & 1000 i The nation-wide “carry-yc j?- even God; for this Mind forms its to take his certified public account­ pearance of this picture, your wife Protestant Service 0900, 1100, 1930 down likeness” (p. 216). ant examination at the time he still possesses that spark to ring bundles” campaign brought abr;t ’Catholic Mass every weekday joined the Army. the “belle” of any man’s heart. a delivery mileage cut of 500.?/O except Saturday [................. 1830 I TOP KICKS! Get a Sentry re- In school the Lt. was quite in- Better keep those Timber Wolves miles by a popular-price store in Catholic Confessions, ’ . .— in • ------- .----- •_ tfcrefted in sports and earned nine away from her! Cleveland, Ohio. porter your outfit, j Saturday ... 1800-2030 I « Chape) No. 10, D & 9th St. North ’Catholic Mass 0900 & 1130 / Protestant Service ............... 1000 Protestant Communion 1050 Catholic Confessions, Visit Chapel No. 11, Saturday 1530-1700 and 1900-2100 Chapel No. 11, D & 5th St. North 1 C South D at 5th 1^1— North D at 7th 1 South C at 8th TELEPHONE General Protestant Service 0930 J Evenings: 6:3# and 8:30 1^4O« I Evenings: 6:00 and 8:00 ■ Evenings: 6:00 and 8:00 ♦Catholic Mass .................... ..... 1030 Sunday Matinee: 1:30 Sunday Matinee: 2:00 Sunday Matinee: 1:30 No. 1—2243 Christian Science ................... 1130 No. 2—3243 |xj _ Theatre Avenue also .Wednesday at 1900 I klÄ 9 North 7th at 6th No. 3—3293 • NO» “ Evenings: 6:45 and 8:45 MV« Evenings: 6:45 and 8:45 No. 4 — 2940 Catholic Daily Mass 1715 Sunday Matinee: 2:15 1 Sunday Matinee: 2:15 No. 5 — 2293 May devotions following Daily Mass. “THE FALCON STRIKES BACK” “THIS LAND IS MINE” *‘MY FRIEND FLICK A” Lutheran Service ...................... Tom Conway Harriet Hilliard Thursday Charles Laughton -4 Catholic Confessions, Maureen O’Hara George Sanders Roddy McDowell Preston Foster “REDHEAD FROM MANHATTAN” May 20 Saturday 1530-1700 & 1900-2100 Rita Johnson Lupe Velez Michael Duane MOVIETON EWS ^Confessions before Mass. ♦ » ♦ . Of The Week What's On At Christian Science Churches “Soul and Body” will be the sub­ ject of the lesson-sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, May 23. The Golden Text is, “We all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (II Cor. 3:18). Among the citations which com­ prise the lesson-sermon is the fol­ lowing from the Bible: “Now he that hath wrought us for the self­ same thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the spirit. We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord” (II Cor. 5:5,8). The lesson-sermon also includes the following correlative passages from the Christian Science text- book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy: “When you •say, ‘Man's body is material,’ I say with Paul: Be ‘willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.’ Give UP your material belief of mind in J . • / > 4 ♦ X*. CAMP ADAIR THEATERS “FOREST RANGERS” Friday May 21 Fred Mac-Murray Paulette Goddard Susan Hayward “THE BOY AND THE WOLF” “SKI SOLDIERS” “PRIVATE PLUTO” “THIS LAND IS MINE” ♦ ♦ ♦ Charles Laughton Maureen O’Hara MOVIETON EWS George Sanders “FOKEST RANGERS” ♦ «> sjc »:« »> Saturday May 22 Sunday May 23 “THE FALCON Tom Conway STRIKES BACK” Harriet Hilliard “REDHEAD FROM MANHATTAN” “THE MORE THE MERRIER” Jean Arthur Charles Coburn Joel McCrea ♦ ♦ ♦ Monday May 24 Tuesday May 25 Wednesday May 26 Fred MacMurray Paulette Goddard Susan Hayward MOV I ETON EWS “THEY CAME TO BLOW UP AMERICA” George Sanders Anna Sten PROFESSOR SMALL & MR. TALL RAY McKlNLEY & ORCHESTRA “FOREST RANGERS” ♦ * * Fred Mat-Murray Paulette Goddard Susan Hayward “THIS LAND IS MINE’’ Charles Laughton Maureen O’Hara AnnaSten “THE MORE THE MERRIER” Jean Arthur Charles Coburn Joel McCrea PROFESSOR SMALL AL MR. TALL RAY McKlNLEY & ORCHESTRA 4 * » “CRASH DIVE” “THIS IS AMERICA” Tyrone Power Anne Baxter James Gleason * « ■> rift MOVIETON EWS MOV JETON EWS George Sanders MOV IETON EWS “THE BOY & THE WOLF” “THEY CAME TO BLOW UP AMERICA” George Sanders “THE BOY & THE FOLF” SKI SOLDIERS “THIS IS AMERICA” MOVIETON EWS ✓ “GOOD MORNING, JUDGE” Dennis O’Keefe Louise Albritton "A GENTLE GANGSTER’ Barton MacLane “THEY CAME TO BLOM UP A M ERIC A” George Sanders Anna Sten PROFESSOR SMALL & MR. TALL Rav McKinley'and Orchestra “MOTORING IN MEXICO” & • " r , » i • • ®2. i ■ ( ♦ • z.i4t ■’ sd ■ - • • tía.' Kz” 1