: ì I Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, May 13,1943. Page Twelve Yep! They're Leavin' Too! THE UNPRIVATE¡ CORNER............. ! One Night Heppens Hended Free Ducat ! So Pvt. Zilchski Iss Mincink to Ballet ______ Bv • T 5 Bob Ruskauff Managing Editor I I | Ont* night happens I’m hengink soddcntly comes uompink from around Soivice Club witt loose ends, ! de stage a fella. He’s wearink vvehn a fraud is hendink me free! nottink but a stale leopard. De a pas to de ballet. I m knowink i fella’s name is Adagio. Soddently notting from ballet, but 1 m in de ( de goil Dansusy is seeink Ada­ gio. so she’s hiddink. So halp mood, and de price iss right. So gredually I’m arrivink de me. on de stage is not «an single theatre, and hup iss going de coitin. piece foiniture. Bot she’s hidink. Behind nottink. Onto de stag e iss com ink oud, Dass Dope, Adagio mincink on tippy toes, gredually a Adagio iss lookink. In de exact goil, dressed 40 degrees younger middle of de stage she’s stendink den Sprink in noddink but a simple yet, and Adagio, dot dope, ain’t blue crepe de Cheney*. In de pro­ gram iss sayink de god's name is seeink her. He vonts! She’s jomp- Dansusy. Her foist name is Prem­ ing avay! She dunt vont. So he’s iere. In beck each laig looks like ■ ronnink witt jompink witt greh- she’s cerryink a New England I bink. He wonts! She’s ronnink witt leapink witt dokkink wot she boiled dinner. dunt vont. He vonts. She dunt vont. Dass Iss De Goil He vonts. She dunt vont. Oy, iss She’s ronnink here, she’s ron- diss a bizzniz! So he stotts chas- nink dere. She’s afraid somedink. ink de goil at eight toity-fife; I’m I’m saying to mineself, wot’s leavink at tan twanyy-fife. So I’m mekkink de goil so noivous, when not knowink how he made oudt! Since, in the Army a lot of the individual must be sacrificed for | the common good and since the , Army is a thing of huge movement,' hard and fast friendships are rare. I It is a matter, between men who meet and soldier and are buddies for a while, of “hail and farewell.” 1 So the case of T Sgts. Brown and Black is a strange one. From Private to T Sgts, and now into OCS together! The 2Bs left us Saturday and in this department they left more than the brief shadow of sorrow that comes in saying “So long. Soldier!” Tent city “pioneers” straight from the shoulder men . . . EM of experience and abil- ity and w ith each a huge fund of that solid American quality, humor . . . hard-workers who went directly and with under- standing to the job at hand and got it done ... it was good that the 2Bs were joined by a third staunch member of SS and PR departments—Sgt. Jim O’Con­ nell. Though not a tent city pioneer. O’Connell w as a pioneer at ’all other forms of devil-ment three such staunch compadres could enjoy. The shoes our Managing Editor willed us will be something indeed to fill on the Sentry, but we’ll try i . . . we’d like to close this tribute with a flourish, but we’re just about of a mind with T Sgt. Ed­ win Anthony Brown, who wrote as his parting message in our little book: “This would be a hell of a good spot for something clever—but my “ghost” writer is already on his way to OCS. Best of luck Bob. al- ways. Brownie.” I • ¡Shell Oil Show Here Tomorrow I Fest Variety Program Here Two Deys; Plays Theater 2 Tomorrow Night; Boasts Gal MC Post Headquarters is losing two petite and youthful “jeune filles” (that’s French for gals) this week as Eva Grostefon and Jane Wilde, w ith bag and baggage, prepare to hitch a ride to other regions. Both have become very popular in and around head­ quarters, Eva having worked in Post Adjutant, ( apt. Waite’s office as assistant clerk-steno to M Sgt. Cleve Eirkes, ard Jane having been pr vate secretary for Post Public Relatiors Officer, Lt. God­ frey. From those smiles, guess the gals didn't keep on their perch very long ... just long enough for Public Relations to snap the photo. left. Finally, the sergeant picked up a stone, put it in the rookie’s right hand: “This,” he said, “is a stone. This is your right hand. When I com- rnand ‘right, face.” you turn way the stone is. See?” The rookie saw. In fact the strategy worked so well that the sergeant gave the squad a ten minute break. I • Everybody Just Has a Whale of a Time When Pvt. Moss Gets a Pkg. As long as you are here, why not "know Oregon?" It will help to enjoy more the webloot state ' w hose w eather we w e ’ ve so liber­ The 2nd St. North and E mail ally and not a trifle unjustly man, Pvt. Harold Moss, seems to fired at with a will for lo! these be the only person receiving pack­ many months. ages from home. For instance we didn’t know He receives such things as until the other day that near-by canned food of all kinds, salami, Lebanon is known as the straw­ berry (or was it lettuce?) cen­ The rookies lit a cigarette and and cheese. Whenever Pvt. Moss gets a car- ter of the world and that Inde- moved the stone to his left hand. ton, he and the boys go to Albany pendence over on the other side Then they fell in. The sergeant of this cantonment, is the hop called for a right face. The rookie to buy bread and butter. By the time they reach the barracks, the center of the world and gives a promptly executed a left face. big hop fiesta each September. I In a deep purple rage, the boys are in excellent spirits. This is usually about eleven or Also, Corvallis was once the sergeant strode to the rookie. capitol city of Oregon. That “What in hell did you do with twelve o’clock at night; so they go to the day room, take out the bread should increase the pleasure of that stone I gave you?” our future visits. “It’s here.” said the private. and butter, and open Pvt. Moss’ ' package. Then the ordnance men “Let’s see it.” This story from Pvt. Emanuel The rookie opened his left enjoy a midnight snack! Manoff, is the kelly: hand. There w as the stone.------------------------------ The sergeant was drilling a For a moment the sergeant | Supply vs. Demand! squad of the rawest recruits and started blankly, not comprehend-| Springfield, Ill. (CNS)—“Heav­ one was so dumb he reminded us a ing. Then the horror of the whole ens! I hope he brought his ration lot of our first few Army days. thing over came him. card wjth him,” quipped Mrs. David Every time the sergeant roared “Migawd!” he whispered. “Could Eddington as she took her new- “right, face!” the dog-face turned I have made a mistake?” ‘born son to feed him. • Male Call by Milton Camff Creator of The Shell Oil Company’s social contribution to the betterment of the species EM—which is billed as a racy, rip-raring 1 '/•_• hours of rare entertainment — will hit Camp Adair tomorrow. The stay will be for two days and during that time the aggrega­ tion will give of their best at least five different times on this Post. Two Theater Shows Tomorrow night there will be two shows — at 6:30 and 8:30 p. m.. presented at Theater 2. Saturday there will be a pre­ sentation at Station Hospital, in the various wards and afterward the troupe will perform as an entertainment feature of Cabaret ; Night at Service Club 2. Headlining will be their MC— she’s a gal by gee. It’s none other than Patricia Lynn, who is also a lovely songstress. Other talent billed includes Johnny O’Brian, har­ monica wizard; Loyd Simpson, novelty pianist; Phyllisita, lady ventriloquist, appearing with Gab­ by Redwood and Bert Easley, the slitely-tipsy-trixter. And Not One Drop of Whiskey In the House Terry and the Pirates” pcutMjw tu tÁUl I I (Continued From Page 1) War while under the command of General Douglas MacArthur, commanding officer of the 42nd Rainbow Division. He wears three overseas stripes on his sleeve and was with the Army of Orcupation. During World War I, he attained the rank of Major and while active in the Army Reserve, was promot­ ed to Lt. Colonel in 1926. He was appointed a full colonel in Febru­ ary of last year while at Camp White. Col. Ferch’s executive ability is recognized in the fact that he has been influential in the organization and development of the posts where he has been stationed. Wrong Jive—Take Five FROM CROSSED WORP PUZZLE!! CODE N\E&A6E PLAINLY SAYS: I VESSEL NAMEP’JAXON'STEAAAS Z ne nation vF Post Farewell To Colonel Ferch Minneapolis (CNS)—Mrs. Jean- Wormseed oil has been found to ette Pearson, mother of a 10- be valuable in treating intestinal month:old child, filed suit for di- ailments in humans that are caused orce from her husband because he by internal parasites, brought her flowers when it was I ----------------- ------------- bacon and eggs that she wanted. | The Sentry needs reporters. ST ....I LEARN YANKEE TALK 'V A COL. GEORGE C. FERCH — Executive officer assigned to new duties. TOWARD YANKEE BEACH-HEAP... - KIPPER" IS YANKEE SUBMARINE, WHICH ARE NAMED FOR FISH... BLOCK BUSTER BOMBS WILL BE . USED. TIME OF ATTACK IS 5-OS! i 04:36