Camp Adair Sentry CHAPLAIN'S COLUMN TIMBER WOLF DIVISION CHAPEL SERVICES Sunday, May 9, 1943 Chapel No. 7, C & 1st Street North ♦Catholic Mass .......................... 0900 General Protestant Service 1100 Bible Study Class ................. 1900 Evening Service ..................... 2000 Chapel No. 8, C & 5th Street North ♦Catholic Mass 0900, 1000 & 1200 Protestant Service 1100 & 1630 Catholic Eucharistic............ 1300 Catholic Novena ..................... 1400 Protestant Discus n Club 1830 Catholic Confess 1630-1830 & 1900-2130 Saturday Chapel No. 9, C & 9th Street North ♦Catholic Mass ...... 0800 and 1000 Protestant Service 0900, 1100, 1930 ♦Catholic Mass every week­ day except Saturday .. . 1830 Catholic Confessions, Sat­ urday 1800-2030 Chapel No. 10, D & 9th St. North ♦Catholic Mass .... 0900 and 1130 Protestant Service ............... 1000 Protestant Communion ...... 1050 Catholic Confessions, Visit Chapel No. 11 1530-1700 and 1900-2100 Saturday Chapel No. 11, D & 5th St. North General Protestant Service 0930 *Catholic Mass .......................... 1030 Christian Science ................... 1130 Catholic Daily Mass ............ 1715 i May devotions following Daily Mass. Catholic Confessions, Satur­ day . 1530-1700 and 1900-2100 ‘Confessions before Mass. Thursday, May 6, 1943. in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive” (I Cor. 15:22). Among the citations which will comprise the Lesson-Sermon will be the following from the Bible, “Now I say, that the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord I of all; and because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” (Gal. 4:1,6). The Lesson-Sermon will also in­ clude the following correlative pass­ ages from the Christian Science . textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy: Whatever indicates the fall of man or the opposite of God or God’s absence, is the Adam- dream, which is neither Mind nor man, for it is not begotten of the Father . .. God is the creator of man, and, the divine Principle cf man remaining perfect, the divine idea of reflection, man, remains perfect” (pp. 282, 470). They Can Climb, Jump and Obey 1845 Jewish Service, Hospital, Chaplain Chill 1930 Jewish Service, Chapel No. 2, Chaplain Chill 2015 Jewish Service, Post Chapel, Chaplain Chill 2100 Jewish Service, Chapel No. 7, Chaplain Chill Sunday, May 9, 1943 0900 Catholic Mass 1000 General Protestant Service, Chaplain Harmon 1045 General Protestant Commun­ ion, Chaplain Harmon 1115 Mormon Service, Sgt. Alma Nielson Services for Quartermaster Troops in Tent City- 1015 Catholic Mass 1115 General Protestant Service Chaplain Harmon Services at Hospital 0800 Catholic Mass 1000 General Protestant Service, Chaplain Whetsell DEADEYE DIVISION RELIGIOUS SERVICES Personnel and enlisted men are urged to attend religious services regularly at the following chapels: Chapel No. 2—D & 3rd St. South Morning worship-—0915. Jewish service—Friday at 1930, Chaplain Chill. Chapel No. 6—C & 4th St. South Catholic masses—0700 and 1100. Catholic confessions — Saturday at 1830. General service—0900. Chapel No. 11—D & 5th St. North Christian Science service—Sun­ day at 1100. Christian Science service—Wed­ nesday it 1900. “Adam and Fallen Man” will be the subject of the Lesson Sermon in all churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, May 9. The Golden Text will be, “As ' 1 [Mil 1 I -.. ■■■ 1 IA; 1 HI 3 m E F , Ml The men in picture who are at Service Club 2, waiting their turn to make records, have the right idea. Seated in the center is jovial Eddie Davis, representative of the Pepsi Cola Company. Mr. Davis is smiling as he listens to the Speakaphone message which Pvt. Caesar Carminucci i< sending to the folks back home. It is Davis’ duty to operate the machine and make sure that r military information is given out. Reading left to right in this picture and standing next to Eddi? Davis are the following: Sgt. George Thell, Pvt. Eugene Smolinski. Pvt. Herbert Bloom and CpI. Edd: * Appel. If you want to make your loved ones feel good, why don’t you drop down to Service Club L and make a record to send to your mother, father, sister, brother or girl friend—they can hear y&_ as plainly as if you were talking on the telephone. (Continued Fr«m Page 3) teresting dogs. Take “Shadow” as an example. This pup is a thor­ oughbred Kerry Blue terrier, who holds the reputation of being the meanest, gamest, and “fightingest” dog. He will literally tear a per­ son apart at the slightest false movement. There’s also a great Dane called Ajax who is adept at hurdling as are the .rest of the dogs. The things these “almost-human” animals can do, seem almost unbe- lievable. Meet the Duchess In order to give a better pic- ture of the average dog, let’s look into the background of “Duchess,” the queen of the kennels. Poor girl, a house dog in civilian life, she entered the army without warning. Her master, Mr. Paul POST CHAPEL SERVICES Quay of Cleveland, Ohio gave her Avenue D and 3rd Street North to Uncle Sam for the duration, and Friday, May 7. 1943 »Wf» Mit MU she was sent to Ft. Robinson, Ne­ braska. There under the guidance of Sgt. Paolucci, she received her basic training. For the first two weeks | the trainer’s work merely consisted ' of keeping the kennels clean and r*» + 4 1 w» t in acquainted ri z. 11 i vx 4 z-i ^1 with 4 the Lx zx z dogs, ’lz'Ar'xzc« ' getting I Basic Begins Then all the dogs were put through four weeks of basic training and at that time, man’s best friend was leading a dog’s life. In this period he learned to “Heel,” which doesn’t mean “Heel” Hitler, but refers to walk­ ing by the trainer’s side without leash. Sitting was also taught, but this 1 I I i comes natural to the average ani- , Adair as “Dogs of War”—prepared for a real fighting dog’s life. ma I. The teaching of staying is a little more difficult. In this position the Three Stripes to O’Connell dog must not move until given per- Promotion of Cpl. James O’Cmt- | mission to do so by a hand signal. nell of Eugene to sergeant was M- The last move taught is to get the nounced here Wednesday. Sgt. dog to lie down. O’Connell is in Post Public Rela­ After these four weeks were tions and was formerly in Post Spe­ completed, the Duchess and her cial Services. He served in the Post pals were given two weeks of ad­ Guard company for his basic train­ vanced training. Here they received ing after enlistment at Camp Adair instruction in attacking all intru­ last December. He will leave in a ders whether during the day or few days for Quartermaster O.C.S, evening if given the signal to do While in Special Services Sgt. so. At the completion of this basic O’Connell was on the staff of Tae and advanced training, the Duch­ Sentry and also assisted in staging ess and her buddies were ready radio and other entertainment for duty. They were sent to Camp features.