Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, May 06, 1943, Image 1

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• I ■
By special arrange­
ment, USO programs
for towns surrounding
Camp Adair will be
published each week.
You will find them tab­
ulated on page four.
A weekly journal de­
voted to maintaining
morale with the respon­
sibility of circulating
post information and
news at Camp Adair,
Vol. 2. No. 3.
Camp Adair, Oregon, Thursday, May 6, 1943.
$1.50 a Year by Mail
Lusty Entertainment
Booked for Our Post
Jobs Like This Pop I p'
Wanted: — Experienced pop
corn machine operator for eve­
nings and holidays only. See Mr.
Rust at Service Club No. 2.
Full House Previews
Desert Victory Film
German Rout Shown,
Also 'Fox's' Photo
Visits Adair
'Splendid!' Comment
AsSCU 1911 Parades
Sees Formal Retreat
With Colonel McCoy
Plenty of entertainment and spe­
cial events are in the offing for
he officers and enlisted men sta­
tioned in this Willamette Valley
i irmy post. Highlights include:
“Hullabaloo,” a star - studded
USO-Camp Shows unit w h i c h
opened last night, and is being pre­
sented again tonight at Theater 5.
■ There will be two shows, the first
at 6 and the second at 8:30 p. m.
Those who saw it last night say its
well worth seeing.
Mother’s Day Observance
This was the comment of Ma­
jor General Kenyon A. Joyce,
commanding general < f the Ninth
Service Command, following th»
formal retreat and review of
SCIJ 1911 troops on the post
headquarters parade ground
Tuesday. General Joyce, who was
here for a brief visit.' attended
the retreat with Col. Gordon H.
McCoy, can’p commander.
Commanding General. Ninth
Service Command, congratula­
tory in visit to Post.
New Timber Wolf
Series Beginning
Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 9. '
The general whs warm in his
I will be observed on the post at the I
praise for the military precision
“Desert Victory,” epic on-the- ! clubs. Club 1 will have a mother-
with which the event was conduct­
Orientation Course
scene movie of the Tunisian cam­ i son reception . . . with mothers
ed. and on the mpearance of offi­
paign, played to a full house at > having sons in the service invited I
Over Station KOAC
cers and mon who took part. All
U_._ as
— “
.< proxy
-------- » ” ----
theaters 1 and 2 last night. It is heie
units of SCU 1911, including the
billed for theaters 3 and 4 on Fri- J “proxy” sons stationed here,
The Timber Wolf Division Spe­
post band, were present.
lay and Saturday and No. 5 on j “Desert Victory,” a gripping mo- cial Service yesterday announced
General Joyce, whose headquar­
Sunday and Monday.
> tion picture account of the African that on next Tuesday at 5:45 p m.
ters are in Fort Douglas, Utah, has
Lt. William Benson reports that I campaign, will be shown at the they will begin a new series of
been in military service since May
>aiiuus post Theaters until and
e picture graphically shows the ' various
13, 1898. He was promoted to
out of Field Marshal Erwin Von I including May 10. See your movie
Brigadier General November 1,
i advertisement for theatre and time.
Rommel in the desert!
to keep the listener in touch with 1936. and was made a major gen­
Gala revue staged by the Shell
The lives of several cameramen
the current developments of the eral November 1, 1939. He is a
'f the British Eighth Army, the Oil Co., is booked here tentatively I
graduate of the Army War college,
wa r.
Royal Navy, and the RAF were for­ for May 14 and 15. Details later.
This series is prepared for radio served on the staff of the college,
feited in the filming of “Desert 1 “My Sister Eileen.” popular
hv Sgt. John C. O’Neil and Cpl. and is a distinguished graduate of
Broadway comedy, will be staged
Donald A. Chapman of the Timber the Infantry-Cavalry school. He
Before your own eyes you can here Sunday, May 16, by co-eds
Wolf Special Service Office; and holds the Distinguished Service
see why Rommel lost 75,000 men, from the University of Oregon, Eu­ is under the supervision of the Div.
Medal and tlie Purple Heart award.
jm O tanks, 600 pieces of artillery, gene. Advance story on pags 9.
Special Service Officer, Major N.
Following a brief inspection of
An end-of-the-month USO-Show
nd a thousand planes.
George De Dakis.
the post, General Joyce departed
The picture shows the hard- is booktd from May 29 through 31,
Wednesday morning. While here he
smashing British Eighth Army to feature Ray Herbeck’s orchestra
the guest of Col. and Mrs. Mc­
Lt. Godfrey Explains
routing the Italians at Tripoli. The and an all-star show.
Coy at their home in Salem.
“Fox” himself is photographed.
For other events in the social P.R. Before Kiwanians
Camp Adair’s Dogs of War get
None of the picture was “studio” and recreational realm, read the
their basic training — by practical
It was filmed right on ! “Service Men’s Date Book” on
“The Army does not seek pub­ Now It's Okay to Toss
Here Sgt. Nick Paolucei hangs the front while the action was tak- Page 8.
licity; but does seek, in the interest1 Away the Saddle Soap?
«••»to the leash while Pfc. William ing place. It’s the real thing!
of public welfare, to give all infor­
Frederickson pretends that he is
mation to civilians which would
There’s a new type of inside-out
Irving to get aw ay.
“Shadow,” the Kerry Blue ter-
not serve as information that might (;.I. shoe. The Quartermaster says
When you have a few moments
rier. angrier than a swatted hor­ containers will increase their
prove valuable to the enemy.”
| that the leather in the uppers is
spare, ask Cpl. Rudolph Jacobi
net. is climbing the ladder at full duction by about 20 per cent more
This was the gist of a speech turned inside out so that the
speed to capture and tear to bits this year with existing equipment over at Club 1 about his “shoe"
presented Tuesday noon before the ' smooth side is inside. It’s supposed
this would-be intruder. (See story
trouble. It’s a good yarn, but should
Kiwanis Club of Salem by Lt. to be easier on the foot ... the
and photo layout on page 3).
come first-handed from him.
George H. Godfrey, Post Public Re- vough outside lasts longer and
lations Officer, in clarifying the re- WOn’t ever have to be polished
laticnship between Army Public Re­
and the press and civilian
Mother’s Day will be marked
civic organizations.
in a very special way at Service
Club 1. And it’s all Miss Ann
The Elks Lodge invites Brother
Bidding to rate top snorts bill­
Caddy’s idea . . . which we think
Elks stationed at Camp Adair and
for the week, will be Sun­
and is used today in that same.
By Thomas J. O’Hara
is pretty darned swell.
Corvallis Air Base to a cabaret
day’s baseball game in the Eu­
One of the oldest of axioms venerable form.
A group of about 50 mothers
dance Saturday evening, May 8th,
gene Civic Stadium, between Lt.
Field Oven
states that an Army travels on its
from this area, who have sons
in the Elks Temple at Corvallis.
Bob Dufl'y and Sgt. Jack Knott’s
The oven, though it has many
stomach. Another states that bread
serving in the armed forces
You should bring your wife or
Wolf team and an all-
is the staff of life. According to varieties consists of the same
throughout the world battle
sweetheart. There is no charge for » star nine from the Cascade
zones, has been invited over this
elementary logic one of the most general type. A square or oblong
this dance or for the refreshments
League. Four p. m. For particu­
Sunday, from 4 until 6 for a
important branches of the service, pit of varying dimensions is dug.
served. Admittance by membership
lars, see sports section.
party. They will be “proxy”
therefore, would be the makers of In each wall there is excavated
card only.
mothers for as many soldiers
a minor or secondary pit. This is
I refer to our own QM Bakers' usually four feet by four feet. i stationed here, who will be
Timber Wolf Air Show Tonite
“proxy” sons for the afternoon.
This secondary pit is the place
As many men as possible are
Under the tutelage of T/Sgt. wherein the actual baking is
The Timber Wolf Division tonight will present their regular
to get in touch
weekly radio broadcast, “Time Timber Wolves, on the Air,” over
James Livingston of Co. A, I was done. It is lined with bricks or i
IMMEDIATELY with Miss Cad­
radio station KOAC, Corvallis. Oregon. This is the 21st program
taken to a demonstration of Army mud and a fire is built therein.
in the series. Beside the regular feature, the Timber Wolf Bulletin
The bread-dough, kneaded into
bread baking. In order to give a
Board (concernwig news of etMetic events), the show vs ill consist
that full cooperation on the pail
loaves, is placed inside. It
concise description of the process
of music by the Timber Wolf Divarty Band, rnd introduce as guest
of the EM will be seen.
stars ... Betty Jo apd Lona Lou Bou*ka of the KOAC staff, who
takes about four hours to bake one
I shall explain a step at a time,
Each mothei will receive. a
will be featured in a short, short story entitled. “Our New Tele­
The oven used in field baking loaf.
phone” ... and V arrar.t Officer Rubel, conductor of the Timber
corsage and refreshments will be
The preparation of the dough is
was originated somewhere in the
Wolf Divarty Band, who will sing and play the songs you love to
hear. in his own debgMful style and manner. These shows are
dim. lost mi*ts from whence time another matter entirely. The in­
Why not see Miss Caddy over
written, produced and directed by Svt. John (’. O'Neil, and Cpl.
gredients are mixed in a dough­
first dawned.
at Service Club 1. We repeat
D«mald A. Chapmrn «f the Timber Wolf Div. Special Service Office;
It was developed and exploited bough. If such a trough is not . . . . it’s a’ “darned swell” idta!
and are under the supervision of the Div. Special Service Officer,
I y tile rharoiihs of Ancient Egypt Continued on page 12, column 4
Major N. George De Dakis.
Scribe of 'New Tent Cily' Disserts
On Bread; and LI. Friedman's Oven j