Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, April 22, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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    Camp Adair Sentry
Page Four
ant jumps back startled. There is
nothing to do but try again, ar.d
you can see the glint in their eye
slowly smoulder. Shake it loose is
the attitude and the rattling re-
jsounds throughout the office. Again
the buzzer—but to no avail.-“ t
In the process of the shaking,
something on the inside of the
gate has caught the eye. Ah! The
solution! The lock! SOOOO-O,
draped over the gate in the most
Chinese ard Americans
glorious position they fumble with
' ie as the brave people of China,
se live ,en the Preside :.t Rcxseselt said in his
the lock but accomplish nothing
lobe; because January 6 address. “who for four
except to lock the gate so not even
tead of black
If long years have with-
the buzzer has any effect.
^e their books
r'ts and starvation and
Then it is Miss Blue's’ turn to
Id be the last
ppcd the invaders time
jump up and unlock it and running
heir family
ain in spite of superior J
back to her desk she pushes the
. j r 1 -
equipment and arms.”
buzzer quickly before the desperate
:as 2 million or more
one has a chance to lock himself
:r ■ •ops, reserves of 2
out again. Hand on the buzzer,
•e regarded
at least a million
Miss Blue’ sings out time and
XXI on their he
' . V
1 guerrilla fighters.
time again Push it” but not one
d that
<e troops, chiefly con-
seems to figure out just when to
fantry. hold a shifting
push, With fancy muttered under-
That's a lousy pun. but Rita is such a flaky morsal and
ire Iik<
.’00 miles. Be-
we have even had some with­
we’ve used her so
times, pictorially, that her sponsors
ike A me
oops, China in
and crouch—ready for the
shouldn't object. By the way. what is hay worth?
1 a small but
The Ch
■rce. The Chinese tesy of her people; all the arts of i-
•ountry t
r own. Among
By this time Miss Blue’ is the
ted by the famous gracious living.
er as much as >
desperate < one and breathing a
differ« from -American Vol iteer Group.
a Wyomi
Camp Adair Civilian
T»o heroes: In China, the great
prayer she sighs “Once again,”
a Yankee
. i -- --
of 30 years'
?e of
heroes of the past were not war­ i
Employees Column
and in weary, jerking accent she
plan tat!
t fundamental-• gle to free and
nd unify his nation, riors but sages, statesmen, poet-.
manages a command — "When I
:y their
a« unified as'Chiang Kai-shek has come to be The two heroes most widely re­ (Camp Adair Civilian Employes) press the buzzer—YOU push.” And
ur own:
many dialects, i the symbol of China's unity
uni: and ’ vered today are Confucius, the1 As an additional feature of the would you believe it—at long last
•ut their w
Il to survive. When the for-1 great moral philosopher, who died counseling services available to —the gate flies open. Objective
• ame eve*-
tunes c f his country were at their over 50 years before Plato wa> civilian employes, “Cacey” will give i reached, in struts the victim with
>us. _ ard re-¡lowest ebb be said to his council­ born, and Sun Yat-sen. the found­ answers on all matters of non­ all the nonchalance of a Junior
best busi-iors: "Let the Japanese come, let er and lawgiver of the Chinese sensical unimportance that are Commando, no less.
men i n ‘he East. Like Ameri-jrhem drive us back into Tibet. In; Republic.
¡brought to her attention. The first] We, of the Post Engineer, have
cans, they are fundamentally demo- five years we will be back here j
The Winning of the West
group of questions, and the an-1 not yet figured out who was al-
- -
-~atic, ar d they conceive democracy >■; and will wrest all China from the
thereto are given herewith, lowpd to plant a device so con-
When the Japanese invaded the
not as an equality of wealth but as «'enemy again.”
rich coastal provinces. 40 million Send in your questions, boys and ducive to ill-manners and bad
tn equal opportunity to rise. They
Free China includes: All West­ Chinese trudged a thousand miles girls; Cacey sees all. tells all, language on our door step, but
keep their tie- with the land, even ern China. All the South except
know? nothing.
since it is part of the furnishings,
hen living in cities. Just as Ameri- for a few coastal cities. Central westward over the mountain«. It :
the best that we can do is to im­
an political ar.d business leaders China, north of the Yangtze valley. I was as if. to escape bondage, the Dear Cacev:
part a bit of sound advice to all
population of France had
used to beast of having been born - t< total - population
- - - is - between 200,
Last week I put in an applica­ of you who may have occasion to
i moved to the Balkans. An inland
250 million people, .
I ' empire, rich in natural resources, tion for a four-room apartment in come our way. At the sound of the
statesmen have the tradition of.
Occupied China includes: The was opened to development. For ¡Corvallis. When can I move in? buzzer, it’s the PUSH that counts.
-.he gras- hut.
coastal plain. Most of the river * the refugees, besides their native
The story of American relations
Dear Homeless: July 4. 1948.
valleys. Most of the big eastern ' skills, carried with them 353 fac­
gets a furlough,
ith China goes back to 1784. the cities. The principal railroads ar.d
throws up its
_r after the Revolution ended, land adjacent to them. It is said
hand at the problem of trying to
en the first Yankee merchant­
that occupied China is like a coat, 1 of horses, on the backs of men.
keep his wife at her typewriter.
in anchored in Canton harbor. It
of which the Japanese hold only They carried their banks, their pub­ to work with a fellow who is so However, we’re glad to see the
s an American soldier of for-
the buttons and the seams. Even in lishing houses, and their school*. patriotic he takes 7 passengers in girls have a chance at a vacation,
ie, Frederick Townsend Ward,
the northeast. Chinese guerrillas Before the war. China had 108 a 5-passenger car. I have been too. Honoré Farley returned Tues-
to first taught Chinese soldiers
control the back country away from college.-, almost all in what is now- sitting on another feiiow's lap, but day from St. Joseph. Missouri, and
fight in the Western fashion, the railroads.
occupied territory. These had 32,- he is getting tired of it. and wants Dot Jezuit left with her husband,
shrine near Shanghai still
000 students. Today, in the free ' me to change places with him. He Sgt. Walter Jezuit, for Chicago
nors this “wonderful hero from
she has 73 colleges, with weighs 225 pounds. I weigh 140. Wednesday.
yond the seas who sprinkled than 40 or 50 million Chinese are
Should I change?
actually living under Japanese rule.
B. L.
ina with his azure blood.”
■ Dear B. L.: If you do, you will.
What Confuciu- Said:
The Oldest Nation
In this war the two generals
Members of the Post Engineer
- ost feared by the Japanese have
were sorry to see their
China has an uninterrupted his­
en an American and a Chinese— tory of more than 4,000 years, a plished facts—to protest against
Executive Officer. Joseph O. Craig,
\>uglas MacArthur and Chiang record no other country in the things past remedy—to find fault • O you luckless one, who has nev- leave Thursday. .April 15. to take
with bygone things.
world can match.
er set on the waiting bench and over the duties of Post Engineer
The Land the the People
The Chinese invented or discov­
witnessed the tactics of the would- at the Yakima Field Artillery
China proper has an area of I ered silk, porcelain, tea, printing, of emulating him; when you see a be caller at the front gate in the Range, Yakima, Washington.
bad n an. examine your heart.
!..Kl3,000 square miles. Outer gunpowder.
Post Engineer's office. Soldier and
The serious fault is to have civilian alike confront the obstacle
China—Manchuria, Mongolia, and ■ Long before Europeans, the
Tibet — has an area of 1.577.000 f Chinese had great cities, good faults and not try to mend them. with the same difficulty: How to It's Captain Now
To take an untrained multitude get through the d— thing?
-quare miles. The total is nearly roads, a canal that is still the
Congrats Chaplain
I into battle is equivalent to throw­
4^ million square miles — more longest in the world.
First you see them swagger up
They mined coal; they issued ing them away.
than a quarter of all Asia.
to it with a smile on their face,
It’s two bars now for Chaplain
A great army may be robbed of and confidence in their heart, and Victor E. Newman. He entered the
In China proper there were 422.- paper money; they had a public
, people in 1935, , according
_ _ „ relief system and a civil service, its leader, but nothing can rob a give it the light touch. When it Army as a First Lieutenant and
to an estimate made by the Minis- J China is famons for: Her philos- poor man of his will.
doesn’t give way, they stand back for a time conducted services in
What you do not want done to and eye it in surprise. “I’ll try the Station Hospital. His ability
try of the Interior. Outer China' ophers: Confucius, Mencius, Lao-
had 35,100,000 people. The total tse. Her poets: Li Tao-po and Tu yourself, do not do to others.
again,” you can almost hear them as a preacher was soon recognized;
457,800.000 was more than a fifth Fu. Her landscape painting, her
say, as they advance once more, therefore he was made assistant
architecture, her garden«, her por­
of the human race.
The hevea rubber tree is the, this time to push their way through to Major Lloyd V. Harmon. The
celains, her silk brocades. Her source of 97 per cent of the rub- if need be. Then “Miss Blue
The War
ri ..~” Sentry congratulates you, Captain
“We are fighting on the same cooking; the g >od humor and cour- ber used in the world.
i pushes the buzzer, and the assail- Newman!
Ancient China Yet
Much Like America
Countries Alike., Similarity
Noted in Traits and Habits
- T*.
Male Call
by Milton Caniff, Creator of "Terry and the Pirates"
y ' cant Y thatè » KCTTH*^
NUTHlH'/ i A
Blanket Roll