'amp Adair Sentry Thursday, April 22,1943. earn Work Will Win /ar, Says Gen. Cook Page Eleved son, S/Sgt. Jones, S/ Sgt. Johnson ' as mess: We ever complained st; To M. Sgts. Birkes and Our and Sgt. Cochrane, found all was home, in a restaurant when our Dear Readers “jake with Jake." Sgt. Jacobson food is not up to par, we usually' was “high man on rifle range with Like LaGuardia, when the leave it lay, pay the check, aftd 177. Of the men firing for record, Sentry makes a mistake we walk out. It is only fair, thej. Pvt. H. Cristenson was QM’s “Sgt. make a dandy. that somebody second the motion York" with a total of 184. So we bow to admit the facts that “We all resolve to stop beef­ — NOT brought out in our fea­ ing and lay off the cooks." ture on the brothers M'Sgts. In my book, they are indeed » Birkes last week, that (1) John­ punished lot. Hhaving to contend ny and Mrs. Birkes’ charming with the likes and dislikes of sev­ By Cpl. “Dubby" Dubaff daughter Janice is 10 months eral hundred men is a job YOU' Hq. Co. SCU 1911 and not four years of age and can have. It isn’t at all funny to (2) (and more grievously gals), be up before the rooster and start SPORTS DEPT. The Hq. Co. our Sergeant Major, Cleve, IS the day sweating over a hot stove, Non-Com Softball team heat the married and what ia more, hap­ for a lot of ungrateful mugs who All SCU Officers by a score of 4-2, pily so. Now you can send last do not realize that although it .* in a close pitchers’ dual last Fri­ week’s Sentry home to the little true the Army cooks cannot oe compared to Oscar of the Waldorf, day afternoon. Going ail the way lady, Cleve. they nevertheless are doing the? for the officers, Capt. Gilbert H. Aaron Lopatin ’ s fielding and hit ­ Waite tried desperately to hang best they can and getting no word a KO on the undefeated Non-Coms. ting from a sitting position, Lt. of praise from anyone. ‘‘Get out of the way, or I’LL RUN George Kressaty’s “good catch" No other outfit have to staad YOU OVER,” yelled the Captain at and constant advice to Major Ru­ <>ur shortstop, Five-by-Five, Flash dolph (square deal) J. Ayres on for the constant abusive and Nick Sansonia, who was hugging how to umpire the game, and our suiting remarks from their fell v the baseline. Nick didn’t GIT, and 1st Sgt. Ray Atkins* homer, that soldiers. So why not he BIG, mm. so we want to remind him of AW put the game on ice. The best your ! reporter could do was two errors If you have enjoyed your meal, No. 64, in re, insubordination. Tch-Tch,such a nice guy, and he on second, '. Yes, indeed, we accept speak up and “Tell It to the Cook»." had a beautiful voice, too. The the challenge for a return match, If you haven’t, “Tell It to tr.a highlights of the game were Lt . J KITCHEN DEPT., also known Marines." I Timber Wolf Commander Stresses Knowledge of What Other Fellow Out of the HO. Well Is Doing a Military Necessity ■ Individuals in different branches* ■ of a regiment should know each | QM’s contribution to world fam- ■ other by name and have knowledge i ous faux pas is the following report |of what each separate unit does in ! made by Sgt. Manny Fenner during ■ combat. Team work is the essence a recent retreat: “Two presence’s I in training, solving eventual com- absent, Sir!’’ (bat problems — in achieving ulti- To add to the good news from Imate victory. North Africa, we hasten to an­ ■ These were among pertinent facts nounce the fact that all of the QM (pointed out in a recent brief but . members of the second rifle class (potent address in Theater 2 before , returned from the rifle range. (In (various companies of the Moun- : spite of the many “wandering wea­ (taineer regiment, by Major Gilbert pons”). Surprised us too! IR. Cook, commander of the Tim- While out there, one pit man, (berwolf Infantry division. j when he was told John Bagnell was I General Cook expressed his ad- shooting at his target, exclaimed: | miration of the training progress “And me without a book!” | which the Regiment has already The finish of a “private” exhibi- I made so far, although stating there I tion between M Sgr. G. E. Jacob- I is still much room for improvement. I Strive, he emphasized, for team- I work. The rifleman is hindered to a I great extent unless he is aided by I artillery and mortar fire. Where are these mortars? Where is the artillery? Who is their command- TELEPHONES er? Where should you go if you S • need help from them? These are * ? South C at 8th the thought - provoking questions t Evenings: 6:00 and 8:00 No. 1 — 2243 which General Cook stated should Sunday Matinee: 1:30 No. 2 — 3243 be answered by members of the > No. 3 — 3293 I various companies before a well bal­ North 7 at 6th anced combat team can be put in the * No. 4 _ 2940 Evenings: 6:45 and 8:45 field. ? No. 5 —2293 Sunday Matinee: 2:15 Another item is the responsibility , of every Company Commander to ■ see that the members of their com­ mand should understand their weapons, know how to clean them thoroughly, and have them ready BRIAN DONLEVY to function whenever called upon. WALTER BRENNAN Late Is Too Late e> It is too late when you arc on .MOVIETONEWS patrol duty and your gun jams / ?■ due to lack of care. General Cook stated that there is the differ­ RETURNED! ence between your life or the eneftty’s. General Cook in the concluding moments of his talk, expressed his ‘ GARY COOPER deep appreciation of the efforts of the men so far in their training. THERE’S SOMESTHING With a cheery note, he said: “We ABOUT A SOLDIER will go over and we will come back to form a new American Le­ I DOUBLE FEATURE I gion.” Camp Adair Theatres THEATRE NO. 1 THEATRE NO. 3 THEATRE NO. 5 North D at 7th Evenings: 6:00 and 8:00 Sunday Matinee: 1:30 South I) at 5th Evenings: 6:30 and 8:30 Sunday matinee: 2:00 THEATRE NO. 2 THEATRE NO. 4 1 THURS. April Theatre Avenue Evenings: 6:15 and 8:45 Sunday Matinee: 2:15 DOUBLE FEATURE "HANGMEN ALSO DIE" It —plus— "Henry Aldrich Gets Glamour" 22 FRI. April 23 i QUARTERMASTER “QUOTES and QUERIES" Pfc. F. Smith—Sgt. M. Gaines j 1 N M hile the editors still sleep I Again into these pages we creep To say, if the following does bore i Remember brethren this is WAR! i Remember how Sid Rosen with­ stood all Tent City’s hardships? You do! Well it’s our duty to in- i form you he recently spent two ! days in the Station Hospital as re- I suits of coming off second best in a ' battle with one of the Service Club | No. l’s super-duper ICE CREAM SPECIALS! Joe “Boston Blackie” Fontannaz- za has now acquired “Shell Shock’’ for an alias as a result of his SEE­ ING a gun for the FIRST TIME! Stan Kritsa, former barracks ord­ erly, has now taken over our day room. Most trying part of the job is taking care of the EIGHT BALLS. (Both ON and AROUND the table!) The gambling bug has hit the QM so strong that they're now betting on W in, Place and Show in the < how line. (And Two Ton Tony GWentb wins ALL Three spots ... Except on those days that he eats in the PX’s). To get back to the gambling, they also bet you won’t get up in the morning — and then | tie you in bed to cover their bets! SAT. SUN. April "TONIGHT WE RAID CALAIS" April 26 TUES. April 27 "The Moon Is Down SIR CERIC HARDWICKE IIENRY TRAVERS Hangmen Also Die BRIAN DONLEVY WALTER BRENNAN ANNA LEE PRIDE OF THE YANKEES —plus-- "Henry Aldrich Gets Glamour" MON. u "LADIES DAY" April 24 25 ' "PRIDE OF THE YANKEES" • LADIES DAY" GARY COOPER THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT A SOLDIER MOVIETONEWS "At Dawn We Die it DIVING DAREDEVILS PIGS IN POLKA ANNABELLA JOHN SUTTON MEXICAN POLICE PARADE • MOTHER OF PRESIDENTS • COMMUNITY SING • MOVIETONEWS "PRIDE OF THE YANKEES" "At Dawn We Die" "TONIGHT WE RAID CALAIS" RETURNED! H Hangmen Also Die BRIAN DONLEVY WALTER BRENNAN ANNA LEE GARY COOPER THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT A SOLDIER • • DIVING DAREDEVILS • PIGS IN POLKA • MEXICAN POLICE PARADE RETURNED! ANNABELLA JOHN SUTTON "She Has What It Takes" —plus-- "Taxi, Mister "At Dawn We Die WED. MOTHER OF PRESIDENTS "REAP THE divini ; daredevils COMMUNITY SINGING April WILD WIND" • MOVIETONEWS 28 MOVIETONEWS SAVE!—BUY THEATRE DISCOUNT BOOKS! i>I.SU VALUE FOR $1.20 ■•Y