Camp Adair Sentry QUARTERMASTER “QUOTES and QUERIES’’ Pfc. F. Smith—Sgt. M. Gaines k___________ _ ______________ Happy Birthday Dear ‘old’ Sentry You’ve passed your very first year If you think that was tough Try the second, with this pair here! Since this is the Sentry's first anniversary edition, we wonder if you readers would mind us “Old Adair Men” (IO* 1« months) rem­ iniscing back to the days when we first arrived here; when barracks aijd the present day Sentry were just dreams. REMEMBER back there when Cpl. Dom Arbia, Major Brandt’s driver, didn’t drive for Major Brandt! Or for that matter wasn’t a Cpl. but a “goldbrick” like the rest of us! Remember? It was there also that he started corresponding with a Miss Renee Ring of Roseland, N. J. (have we got spies!! Who’s this guy Win­ chell?) Which correspondence, by the way, has progressed to the stage where they now exchange opinions on things in general. (Dom borrows his for the occasion.) Remember back in his “younger days,” the hazard Bill Shnelwert made with his extra large PRO­ BOSCIS (nose to youse guys) sticking out of his tent? Remember S/Sgt. Milt Wein­ stein (who in those days was JUST Milt Weinstein) and the trials and tribulations he went through for Tent City’s mascot, Stinky? In those days, it was Milt who lead the DOG’S life! Remember? Speaking of “Stinky”—Remem­ ber the trouble Bill Shnelwert, he of the before mentioned “enlarged nostrils,” and Mike Gaines, he of these mutterings and the Station Hospital, had getting him back from Salem, where they bought him for 75 cents. It was in the dead of night, and both are Limited Service because of their eyes! Fig­ ure it out for yourself. Remember the disappointment on both sides when we received our first passes and went to Corvallis? We expected a larger town and they in turn expected SOLDIERS! Remember? Remember Murray “Michael An­ gelo” Kruger, who disappeared every morning into a tent outside the, then, partly constructed QM Warehouses, not to be seen again till noon. (Chow time—don’t you know!!) After chow, back again like a groundhog who’s seeing things, Mike would go. Night would find Mike, (which is more than the Non-Com’s could do (emerg­ ing from his canvas home with a board with ONE NUMBER on it!! Remember? Remember way back there when Sgt. (only then he was Cpl.) Van was resting peacefully (like Sgts, always do!!) little dreaming of the part he was to play in Adair’s “growing pains.” Namely, “Bull Gang Pusher,” “Foreman of the Bar QM Stables,” and last but not least, the role for which he was Male Call Thursday, April 15, 1943. Page Seven most suited, “Hector, The Gar­ REMEMBER THE FLOOD? WHAT FLOOD? bage Collector!” Remember? Remember the “reading rooms” at the east end of Tent City? And the greenish concoction that S Sgt. Moss (then Pfc.) would pass out as coffee? And then WE would PASS OUT! And Tom Duddy, now a "fugi­ tive” from Adair, (he left on a cadre). He was Author, Director and Cast of “Famous Latrine Rumors No. 1-1000 From Adair.” Included amongst others was the famous “QM 1911 is going en masse to North Africa.” Remem- : ber?” Remember the day Will Hamm, Dom Arbia, Howie Blitting (since gone to OCS) moved Post Head­ quarters from Corvallis into camp? Driving this detail, which we’ll never forgive, was John “Mad Russian” Deskievitch! If Head­ quarters came unmarked through that creature’s driving, we’re afraid all our secret wishes will go for naught, fellows' Remember? And the tough time we had getting Tom Ryan to use the make­ shift showers alongside the tents? He wasn’t afraid of the showers’ themselves, it was the WATER that frightened him! Remember the first dances in Corvallis with the Oregon State co-eds? And the threats, of re­ Spring is at Adair, and to stay the Oregonians tell us, until followed by summer (and gentle signing from school rather than showers. But it flooded once (we can tell it now), though this was unusual. And civilian gals on the post took refuge for three nights about Jan. 1, in these comfortable uuarters at Service Club to face those “Horrible Hoofers” 1. Did they like it? ----- , yes They loved it. This Public Relations Photo proves it. again! Remember that “drought” of get in 15 practice rounds Best shoto ■ Off on furlough this week, is two days without rain last sum­ Post Ordnance were Pfc. Chuck Hammett and Pri- i T/4 Eddie Hoyt. It's “Back Home mer, that the natives told us was Post Scripts vates “Jake” Jacobsen and “Major” J Again In Indiana” for Eddie and unusual? And we didn’t believe , Brown. Outstanding contender for wife Betty. When last seen, Eddie them! Remember? Chief event of the previous week ; the booby prize was “Field Soldier” was headed for the depot with that was the transfer of Tech Sgt Leo­ Johnny Adamson. Blame it on the “Wabash” look in his eyes and We hope we haven’t bored you nard A. Tanner, chief clerk, and gremlins, Johnny. Further episodes “Terre Haute” on his lips. with our ancient history Challenge is hereby made to the First Sergeant of the detachment ’ of “They Gave Me A Gun,” or We promise, for the second year ever since those dear, old, tent city . “Home On The Range,” will appear; Frenzied Finance to a softball game of it, you may be free. to decide the championship of Bar­ days. Taking his place will be T/3 l in subsequent editions. So, once again, one year OLD Ralph A. Gleissner. rack 465. The prize?—a quart of Sentry, we say to you, The other Saturday, the intrepid Strange mutterings came from linament to ease those creaking old Good luck! But let’s hope we’re all Sons of the Flaming Bomb went to the bunk of “Hop-a-long” Studdert, bones. home before you’re Two! the range to complete their course last Wednesday night. They sound­ in rifle marksmanship. But, rain ed like “Four Sixes” and “I’ll play I Best Wishes Dept.----- The golden bear of California, a and fog necessitated the postpone­ these” It seems that Studdert went I To our C.O., Captain Emery I. variety of the grizzly, has long ment of firing until some future to bed that night a poorer, but a I Jackson, on his recent promotion. been extinct. day. However, we did manage to much wiser man. i To T/3 “Bud” Gleissner. new Chief Clerk and First Sergeant. To Sergeant and Mrs. Frankie LESSON 102 IN STREAMLINING L. Veitschegger on the birth of a I nine pound son and heir—their first. ! I To Private and Mrs. David L. , Cheney on the birth of an eight ■ pound girl—their third. To civilian emplayees Earl Mus- tonen and Milo Lawton. awaiting induction into the service. That’s about all for now. Meet' i you again next week. i If you’re captured, don’t let tho j enemy talk you into speaking over i the radio “so the folks at home j know you are all right.” The War Department recently prohibited soldiers from “making­ use of enemy wireless broadcast­ ing facilities,” so you’d probably face court martial when you got back, * , i But the most important reason is that the enemy uses such broad­ casts for propaganda. We only used this picture because T 5 Don Lynch, recognized here and there as an artist, said she displayed dynamic tension. by Milton Caniff, Creator of 'Terry and the Pirates” \ Abaca, a banana,like tropical plant, is the source of Manila hemp I fibres. Lackey in Khaki WAACY