Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, April 15,1943. Page Four Non-Coms Elect Tonight. Then Dance? Why Buy Bonds? This Piece Helps Explain Is Safest Way to Put to Use Our Now-Tremendous National Income The income of the people of this Box of the Week country—the total of what they re­ Major Carl Forsman: “I see ceive in wages, farm income, divi­ you had a good time over the dends, and so forth—will be 125 week end.” i illion dollars this year. There Cpl. Bob Ruskauff, with a big rever was anything like this before broad smile: “Yes sir, how can in all history; never before did so you tell?” many people have so much income. I Major Forsman: “By the en­ Out of this income, we shall pay gagement ltnga under your 15 billion dollars in individual j eyes.” taxes. That leaves 110 billion dol­ The best part of this joke is lars to save or to .-pend. that it wasn’t manufactured. The But we cannot possibly make incident took place on Monday. enough things this year to spend [ that money on. In fact, there will . e only about 70 billion dollars’ worth of goods and services for < ivilians to buy. because, although there will be more people at work i: America than ever before, half : of them will be producing things I Passes on Thursday; for war. Held Finance Posts When we have bought 70 billion de liars’ worth of clothes and food A popular and able soldier and and entertainment, and so on, we officer was lost to Camp Adair with shall have 40 billion dollars left, the passing last Thursday, of Lt. lots of money and nothing to spend Col. Leo W. Belcher. 38, finance it on. money all dressed up and no officer for the Timber Wolf divi­ place to go. sion. Of course there is one way to Col. Belcher, who came to Camp spend it. We could pay more for Adair when the division was acti­ everything. We could say, “I’ll vated in August, was formerly aud­ give you $11.00 for the $7.00 pair itor and assistant treasurer at the of shoes.” That would take care University of Georgia at Athens, of it. sure enough. THAT'S WHAT and was engaged in the banking IS MEANT BY INFLATION. It business in Athens from 1925 to has the same effect on us as would 1937. a drastic cut in our wages. Previous to his assignment here. If people start bidding up prices, Cpl. Belcher had held several fi­ before they get through they nance posts in the army. He was haven't acquired any more shoes; commissioned in the organized re­ they just have less money. Not serves as a second lieutenant in only that, but all the money they 1925, a first lieutenant in 1928. have saved has become worth less captain in 1933. major in 1940, and (sometimes actually worthless) be­ received his latest promotion No- cause it no longer will buy so much. ' vember 18, 1942. There are only two ways to keep Col Belcher was member of the us from getting into trouble with Rotary club in Athens and took an that 40 billion dollars — save more, i active part in club and other pay more taxes. ■ civic activities. He graduated from As things now stand, we can the University of Georgia in 1925, count on the purchase of 12 billion where he was a member of Lambda dollars’ worth of War Bonds this Chi Alpha fraternity and Alpha year. We can be pretty sure people Kappa Psi accounting fraternity. will save another 13 billion dollars, He was a member of the Baptist in repayment of debt, insurance, church. additions to bank deposits and so His wife, and two children, Leo on. To save 25 billion dollars in a W., Jr., and Dorothy Reed Belcher, year will be a magnificent achieve­ survive. The body will be taken to ment. Athens for interment. But it is not enough! It will still leave 15 billion dollars or more with dangerous money in your pocket. almost no place to go. Either we You alone can control the purse bid up prices with it—and so throw strings and you. not your govern­ it away; or we put it in WAR ment, must decide whether this BONDS—and so save it. surplus money will evaporate into a Postpone Spending mist of meaningless figures or go Every dollar we thus save does into the security of WAR BONDS E double job. It protects the value for future use. of the dollar we do spend, and it We must make the decision at gives us a dollar to spend later on once. To win on the battlefield and when America is again at peace and lose at home through inflation is able to make all the things we want to give ourselves and the boys at but can’t have now. We must the front alike a dirty deal.—(from POSTPONE spending. We must put Reader’s Digest.) away twice as much in War Bonds BUY NOW! MAKE EVERY as we have been doing. PAY DAY BOND DAY. —Post War Bond Office. Taxes will not reach the really Camp Mourns Death Of Lt. Col. Belcher Officers of the SCU 1911 Non-Coms club will be elected tonight at, naturally, the non-coms club, with President pro-tem M Sgt. William Carmichael, one of the moving spirits of the club, presiding. After the elections, if matters work out there will be a bit of 3.2ing and perhaps some dancing such as shown above to prove that non-coms can dance. Among those proving it here are Dancing, left to right, T Sgt. Robert Reilly. Sgt. Fred Thielsen, Sgt. James L. Morgan. T 5 Ben Tow sky and "camera-shy" Sgt. Al Bangl ... and their guests.—Signal Corps photo. r -|| ♦ I He will leave about the middle of April. Good luck, Milo! Camp Adair Civilian Can you picture Mr. Jester hob- bling around on crutches ? You Employees Column J know’, Harry, badminton is a very strenuous game . . . why not take John C. Clay, Chief Clerk in the up horseback riding instead? Office of Director of Supply, will We will all miss Jane Bates of be inducted into the army some Civilian Personnel when she leaves time in May. As Mr. Clay says, “If us this week to join her husband you gotta go—you gotta go!” the past _week with a very bad who is in training at Camp Kohler, “W H Y” sprained ankle. His condition is California. Drop in and see us when I think that I shall never see much improved and it is rumored you come home again, Jane. An office like the P & C. that he will be back to resume his A place where crazy people responsibilities in the Transporta­ Oregon State Invites work tion office soon. All day beside some stupid jerk “ Early to bed and early to rise” Soldiers for Easter And w hen a joke or pun is said will probably be the slogan of We all wake up as if from dead Service men of Camp Adair are those employed at the Laundry Lt. Frank has quite a job 1 cordially invited to attend the pre­ from now on, ’ due to < v e Controlling such a crazy mob. , a „ „„ a change * in 'Easter Xesper Services to be held hours to 7:00 a p. n>. Just . ,he au