I. < i 5 Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, April 8, 1943. Faire Eight SOCIALLY SPEAKING a Spring Musicale Here April 18 Concert Booked t I Billfold University of Oregon Music Dept, to Offer Program Directed by Prof. Sigurd Nilssen of the Wee/c SERVICE MEN’S DATE BOOK Thursday. April 8 — Latin-American Dance night at Club 1. Instruction in rhumba and conga. Group singing at Club 2 lead by Mrs Merriam. Friday, April 9—Field House dance for enlisted men. SCU band. Girls. Saturday, April 10—“Rambles” at Club 2; “Cabaret” night, Club 1. Program styled around night club. Band, dancing and floor show. Make reservations early. For dates, call 3480. Sunday, April 11—Spontaneous entertainment and open house at both clubs. Concert hours: 2 to 3 at Club 2; 3 to 4 at Club 1. Monday, April 12—Glee Club at 7:30, Club 2 under Miss Kuh­ warth. “The Male Animal” at Theatre 1, 7:30 P. M. Tuesday. April 13—Latin-American dance instruction at Club 2. Ciasses for beginners and those who want to “polish up.*’ Game night, Club 1. Prizes, “The Male Ani- mal.” Theatre 2 at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, April 14—Bingo night at Club 2. Prizes for high scores. Square dance at Club 1, under Miss Caddy, at 7:45 p. m. “The Soldier-Artist Workshop,” directed by Pfc. Don Lynch, is open nightly except Saturday, from 7 p. m. until clos­ ing at both clubs. By Adele Adair The officers and enlisted men of k..np Adair, and their guests, are This picture introduces you to Mildred Slattery of 927, 149th St.. Jamaica. Long Island. New York. She will be married to Cpl. cc.dially invited to attend the gala Edward Kurz, a member of Co. L in the 414th Timber Wolf Division. Spring Musicale, featuring concert Miss Slattery was crowned “Miss Otis” in a recent defense plant •sind familiar operatic music, to be contest and her picture will appear on the title page of a new song: presented at 8 p. m. Sunday, April “Sweetheart in Overalls." “I know you will not have to look at this picture more than once.” declares Cpl. Kurz, “to see she’s a beauty.'“ 18, at the Field House under the After a few gasps on the telephone, he managed to inform the auspices of the School of Music of Sentry that: “We intend to get married as soon as possible—as soon the University of Oregon, and pro­ as I can get a furlough!” duced under the direction of the internationally known concert art- ousness which never deserts him wives and sweethearts are cordial­ ist, Sigurd Nilssen. past few weeks when they have except during the informal mo­ ly invited. A special section of the EM Dances on Friday I This program, arranged for ments of applaus^” will also ap­ Field House will be reserved for been held in the Field House. Ga unp Adair through the efforts of pear. officers and their guests. There is At the Field House z Joins Club Staff Airs. Margaret C. Blodgett, di­ no admission charge. Are Drawing Cards rectress of Service Club 1, will be Well-known Reperioire Newest addition to the Club 1 5- repeat performance of the show personnel is Cpl. Rudolph Jacobi, World renowned musical gems, Continuing to grow in popular­ formerly of the Special Services to be given in Portland the after­ which are known and loved by all, Seagull Regiment Has ity are the weekly Friday night Office of the “Seagulls” Regiment noon of April 18. are included on the program. Arias Top-Flight Show for dances held at the Field House for of the Ti mber Wolf Division. Ja- Featured singers include Marie from such beloved operas as “Sam­ all enlisted men stationed here. cobi is a professional showman, liogndahl, coloratura soprano; son and Delilah,” “Carmen.” “Lou­ Club 1 Cabaret Night The various Junior Hostess leagues having toured the country with Margaret Zimmerman and Betty ise,” “Tannhäuser.” “La Boheme” ‘ 1 from Corvallis, Albany, Salem, puppet and magic shows stopping Fields, dramatic sopranos; June and “Lakrne” will Be presented The Seagull Regiment of the J< hnson and Marjorie J.unor. lyric during the concert which features Timber Wolf Division will sponsor Monmouth, Independence , Philo­ at colleges and universities. He is math, Eugene, McMinnville, Dallas also adept at organization and will sopranos; Barbara Bentley, mezzo music by Mozart, Verdi, Wagner, Cabaret Night at Service Club 1 and all the other surrounding mu­ assist Mrs. Blodgett with club soprano; Lee Ghormley, lyric Massenet, Bizet and Saint-Saëns. next Saturday when it brings down nicipalities are whole-heartedly co­ maintainance. tenor; and Raymond Leonard. The artists appearing on the con­ operating by coming over weekly James McMullen and William Put- cert are pupils of> Prof. Nilssen and a stellar line-up of talent from Second Anniversary to be dancing partners. Bijn. baritones. They will be as- are co-eds at the University of the extreme north end of ramp. Music is furnished, both sweet Celebrating two years of wedded sisted by the Opera Chorus and Oregon. Eugene. Many of the per­ | Heading a star-studded cast of and swing, by the Station Comple­ bliss on their anniversary this Sat­ toe accompanists are Ruth Baker, formers are well known through­ floor show entertainment will be ment orchestra . T/Sgt. Bob urday are Pvt. and Mrs. Ted Kil­ Jt-an Phillips, Phillis Taylor and out this section .of the country for Pvt. Irving Kosher, formerly of and there is lin’. Pvt. Billard is with HQ Co., Black’s SCU band A’axine Cady. their musical artistry, and in time New York, Brooklyn and Carnegie, always a good time in store for SCU 1911, and he and the Missus Prof. Nilssen, who according to may be appearing in Metropolitan who will introduce such high-flyin’ those attending. i reside over in Monmouth. A party the New York Herald Tribune ‘ Opera roles now being sung by acts as Pvt. Foitzek and concertina; Dancing begins at 8 and ends in their honor has been arranged “possesses a fine musical and son- Lily Pons and Lauritz Melchoir. Pvt. Velarde, clown and panto- shortly before 11. Well over 1000 by Pvt. and Mrs. Herbert Niemeth, This program will be the first of mimist; the Timber Wolf Radio n the balcony of Club 1, around regular Saturday Night Rambles, Among the adder! attractions, son. numbers when they play at the the grand piano, and every effort the cabaret theme which has en­ Sgt. Birnkrant will introduce a Sgt. George Higgins and Miss dances on the post). ie being made to organize a repre­ joyed such popularity at the club new dance which he wrote for a Claudia Thompson will warble pop- One-two-three — kick ... one- sentative glee club. Holly wood studio and which has ular and «.era:-classical tunes for, two-three—kick. Conte on out. It’s since its induction. Cpl. Hayes taught voice for five Sgt. Cecil Birnkrant of the 96th i not yet !>een released by the movies. vocal fans. | Service Clubs Are Centers for Glee Club Activities, Monday and Tuesday Latin-American Dances Are the Style On Camp Adair Service Clubs' Roster Gala Show Booked for Club 2