Camp Adair Sentry Page Three Thursday, April 8, 1943. Half Million Have Seen Post "Moom Pitchers" 'B' Cards Only For Car Drivers New OPA Ruling Went Into Effect Monday; Allows 560 Miles of Driving Per Month “Effective since Monday, all sol­ diers and civilian personnel of this post are limited to B gasoline ra­ tioning cards. Also due to this OPA ruling, the military police will in the near future begin a stringent checkup of all cars to make sure that all drivers are carrying at least three other soldiers or civil­ ians.” This is according to the latest information revealed yesterday by D. F. McCarthy in the Post Trans­ portation office, who handles all rationing problems for Captain C. L. Carter. “In the past,” said McCarthy, “the boards have authorized all the One of the most common sights at this army post is theatre line and here it is (above;. Are you in it? Anyhow you probably necessary gas for soldiers to g to have been, for a total of more than half a million fans have attended Post theatres since first of the five at Camp Adair was opened and from camp.” last August 27. Equipment at Post theatres is of the finest and it is kept that way. In fact to prove it (below) is Pvt. Tom Goodyard, commended for maintaining the cleanest machines in the western area, standing by one of the two splendid projectors at Theatre I. Now he reports that the govern­ —Signal Corps Photos. ment is clamping down, claiming that a military man’s home i- on the reservation and therefore n