Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, April 08, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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    ’amp Adair Sentrj
Thursday, April 8, 1943.
Talent From 96 th Div
Will Highlight Show
t Mary
Re-finished EM Rendezvous Marks
Completion of Camp Adair Project
By Sgt. Raj mond C. Johnson
Working like beavers to add the final finishing touches to the
newly-painted and redecorated, refurnished and rearranged Service
Club 2 this week have been the staff headed by Mrs. Florence Merriam,
directress, Miss Madge Kuhwarth, social and recreational hostess; Miss
Eleanor Trindle. cafeteria hostess; Miss Helen Shumal
hostess and their cooperative and
Last Saturday night, what Holly­
wood would term a “sneak preview”
Fabulous T Sgt. Brown
was held in the form of a preview*
Gone on Furlough
opening . . . for the regular Satur- 1
“Brownie” . . . or, technically,
day night high-light, “Saturday
E. A. Brown, editor of
Night Rambles,” built around a
cabaret theme, was sponsored. Next the Sentry . . • . who seems to
Saturday night will see the Grand know everyone and everything
Opening . . . with a knock-out at Camp Adair ... is on a well-
variety show lasting more than an earned furlough, most of which
hour to augment the evening of he planned to spend in the vicin-
ity of Portland, his home town.
fun, frolic and dancing.
Thus, the man who walks and
By this time, all renovations will
talks with generals and privates,
tv x
■have been completed, says Mrs.
* 8
who can meet and conquer ap-
■ Merriam, and this also marks the
' . ÿs
patently any situation, who
■completion of the Service Club
knows Ginger Rogers and has
[project ... a plan designed by the
Jimmy Fidler on his list of
joyous mood of revelry and good times prevailing at the "Service Club 2 Rambles,” a regu­
[Post Commander, Col. Gordon H.
friends, is basking in the Ore­
night feature built around a night club theme, is indicated here. Tables are grouped
J McCoy, as a means of “giving the
around the dance floor as T Sgt. Bob Black’s SCLJ Dance Band gives the down-beat for dancing
(enlisted men of Camp Adair the
floor shows featuring top-notch performers, civilians chose entertaining as a vocation, are
same club facilities afforded the
THE event of the evening. Soft drinks and sandwiches are available.—Signal Corps photo.
officers.” Club 1 was completed ate flowers in season add even
peace and quiet. This lounge is i.lsQ
If We Had a Picture
All This And
Library Is Re-done
used as a writing room.
a few weeks ago.
The library, located in the south
Income Tax Too
Of Miss Rogers, Maybe
Cheeriness Is Decorative Theme
Cafeteria Ranks Tops
Despite the Ides of March
We Could Use Here?
ed and rearranged. The weekly
In charge of Cafeteria 2 is Miss
(income taxes, y'know), 2(58 war
Brightness and the "lift” that circulation of the library is high Trindle, new hostess. With the re-
bonds totaling $15,650.25 were
The Hdq. Company mascot of
• colorful furniture and accessories in the hundreds of volumes, and opening of the club, and its an­
issued during March through the Mountaineers Regiment of the
I can bring, have transformed Club there is everything to chose from nexes, the cafeteria will come into
the Camp Adair Post Office, Timber Wolf Division,. Ginger by
2 into what promises to be a popu­ ... from Tolstoy and Homer to
its own as a popular eating place, according to Lt. George W. name, finds a place in this col­
lar and crowded enlisted men’s Hemmingway and Mitchell. Books,
where good food at moderate prices Hynes, camp postal officer.
rendezvous. A quantity of new fur­ two at a time, may be taken out
is the motto. Well-balanced menus
This was a $3,00(1 jump over
Why? Because Ginger is news.
niture, of the modern trend, has for a two-week period ... and there
will be offered daily, at special the month of February.
Last Saturday, Ginger took a
been acquired and the dominant is always something on the shelves
prices, along with the regular res­
bath. That is, she took a bath with
tone of the wall colorings . .. aqua that the soldier wants to read.
taurant dishes which are made to
aid of Supply Sgts. Condron
green ... has been enhanced and
Current newspapers, magazines order. With the re-opening, Camp
once was an M.P. by the name of and Burden, and whether or not
carried out by accents of dark and periodicals together with army Adair can indeed feel certain that
Gus Nicholas. He, was a good M.P. the sergeants needed p bath, they
green and maroon in the overplaids newspapers from other posts, are
it possesses two of the finest eat- He didn’t go to town on duty to certainly got one, along with Gin­
of the draperies and the furniture also on hand, and special displays
I ing establishments to be found any- arrest innocent soldiers or break ger.
coverings. Occasional pieces such I are arranged frequmitly to en­ I where.
up perfectly healthy disturbances.
In fact, at one point, it looked
as tables, hassocks and book shelves courage and suggest specific read­
I Thus, when Club 2 officially He stayed in camp and tended to very much as if Ginger was giving
add to the “clubby” appearance, ing.
opens next Saturday night . . . with his day room which he kept spic the sergeants a bath!
and indirect floor lamps and
The upstairs portion of the li­ the opening policy being “of the
and span and mighty attractive.
(Ed. note.— And now, having
bracket lamps give the club the brary houses a reading lounge with
enlisted men, by the enlisted men Just to break the monotony, he stolen this yarn from the Moun­
appearance of a large, well-planned easy chairs, and large library tables and for the enlisted men” ... to
used to dust and polish the Provost taineer’s weekly publication, we
living room. Vases on tables, and where research can be done in
paraphrase a well known state­ Marshal’s office. He even super­ must confess—we don’t know whe­
hanging wall vases with aupropri-
ment, it will swing into spring vised the firemen in stoking the ther Ginger is bear,, dog, cat, pet
, with reborn enthusiasm and zest. furnaces in the company barracks. an,telope or Rogers.)
* Reservations for next Saturday’s
One day he decided to go a little
fun frolic, which will be staged by farther. He began digging up the
T/4 Cec Birnkrant of the 96th soil around the barracks and com­ £M Eat; Miss Howard
T)iv. SSO, should be made as early pany orderly room to plant u lawn Due to Learn Better
as possible. For dates, call the and flowers and pretty green
Adair Date Bureau at 3480.' plants, He worked for days and
So popular was the “Fool’s Day
Miss ,Margaret Upward, Com­
“Unicyclist Unsurpassed” Sgt.
Frolic” presented a week ago to­ Woods amazed the audience with
days and finally finished the job. munity Firnwro’ Upion Program
Then the rains came and softened Chairman, is inviting eight soJ4**i»
night at the Station Hospital Rec his balance on one-wheeled cycles,
Military Police
up the soil so his plants could to have dinner at her home in Reig?e»
Hall, that a j epeat performance and his act was followed by Kathy
thiq evening, Those attending the
was given aga'j last night for the Cheshire, “Songbird Superb.”
Barracks Banter
His job completed, Gus went affair arp Cpls. Jim O.’Cpnnel), Ed-
patients. Each and every perform-
Featured toward the end of the
away on a well earned week-end win. Cusack* (uncle) .Geprge Smi
?r turned in a top-rate act and the show as a fitting climax, were
By Pfc. Frank C. Martin
pass. He returned to find that cer­ lHQps apd .Pvts. Mahon Telia, Ipn
thunderous applause attested to the* those eight gorgeous “Wolfettes”
An alpiQst complete change in tain miserable culprits, while chas­ Barnard, Humphrey Strickland, pad
genuine, side-splitting entertain­ ... those buxom darlings of the
ment offered. This show was sent dance. By name, they are Cpl. Wat­ personnel has taken pface in the ing errant baseballs, had left foot­ Frank Jones.
prints inches deep all over his
»ut by “Talent, Inc.” and was ar­ son and Pvts. Hayland, Mulligan,
men who used to drive the reliefs landscaped area. Did he cuss them? you speech in behalf of Captain
ranged by Mrs. Margaret Blod­
McCloed, Goucher, Fitzgerald, Em­ to town and to the gates, who de­
This isn’t a real fairy story. Cer­ McKay. Pvt. Mahou Tullis is to
mons and Murphy. These “Geyser
livered the lunches, picked up pri­ tainly he did! And they deserved entertain at the piano. Pvt. Don
I “Mistress” of ceremonies was
Gals” are attached to the Service soners and drove for countless oth­
■ ’vt, “Gypsy Rose” Emmons, who
it! It was a dirty trick and I feel Barnard and Frank Jones will offer
Company under Capt. John French, er missions, are now performing
a harmony.
like a heel!
■s a female impersonator, intro­ and are always a panic when they
regular military police duty in town
duced the show and the perform­
ers. The “Hill Billy Hotshots” . . . appear.
and on the gates—all the men, that
April is celebrated for many way he has been acting up of late,
BJfc. Shew and Pvts. Belville and
things, none of greater importance it will be at least that long before
■ lead, appeared first. They were brought forth his "Clowning Colos­ derson, Cliff Slack, Bartell Ander­ than the birthday of Master Serge­ he is ready to throw over the
■ollowed by a striptease “Faces We sal” and had the audience in an son and Dispatcher Raymond Do­ ant Gillis Narramore. To let this traces and get out of harness.
issue of the Sentry go by without Happy birthday, Sergeant Nar«a«
■ an Do Without” by Sgt. “Snake­ uproar with his act which was as lan.
dips” Griffin ... who caused a
In place of Ed Smith, Jimmy Del mention of the fact that Sergeant more, and may you have many
The above mentioned talent rep­ Grosso, Bill Kanski and Jesse Hall, Ngrramore enjoyed his 44th birth­ more years of service in the army!
danic with pictures of the Axis
dartners stenciled on the seat of resented various regiments of the who are now on town and gate day on April 5 would be to invite
Timber Wolf Division. The orches­
dis . pan ties.
disaster on the person of ye cor­
Sing, You Sinneis!
patrols, are Garland Porter, Henry
fl Cpl. Hayes, “The Singing Sol­ tra represented the SCU and was
, Misji Mgdge Kuhwarth, rec­
dier,” appeared next and was ac- under the baton of T/Sgt. Bob Bjaaland, Otto Saylor, John Flynn,
Twenty-six of Sergeant Narra-
reational hostess at Service
dompa^ied by Cpl. Bartley at the Black.
Victor Wiese, Andrew Kaiser, Wes­ more’s forty-four yegrs have by-en
Club 2 announces another GJep
diano. Pvt. Maus then showed his
Make-up was created by Pvt. ley Gooding and John Latane. Evi­ spent in the service of his Uncle
CJub and Community Sing
Bugging talent, and was followed Clensos and Pvt. Linahan was dently they
doing all right. Sam’s army. In al) probability 26
hearsal thjs Monday evening
Boggling talent, and was followed i technician. Both are on the CJub 2 None of the reliefs have been lost moi’g years will be spent in a simi­
at 7:30 p.m.
Bordianist Exceptionale.”
lar caparity. Judging from the
as yet!
• Fool's Day FroHc- So Fine, Repeal;
I Performance Was Given last Night