Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, April 1. 1943. 7a£<‘ Eight SOCIALLY SPEAKING -:- Adair Athletic Officer Is Engaged Allied Powers' Cabaret Theme Club 2 Trimmed With United Nation Flags; Female Impersonators Win Patron Applause By Adele \dair International was the theme of f: , .net night at Club 2 Saturday tight, and the decoration* consist­ ed of the flags of the United Na- tiuis on each table, with a large arrangement of American flags on tr central table. Spring flowers vv. re also used to decorate the | Club, The floor show, the highlight of ■ th evening, featured that popular ' mr.n-about-Club-2 .... Sgt. Nick Sanaonia, who needs no further hu ld-up. Aside from keeping the ahjw moving at a fast pace as «n.cee, Nicky shared the spotlight /Ni h the other entertainers and Bang, with accordian accompani- H>< nt, an old Berlin favorite “You're Or ly Keeping Time" and the ever popular "Vesta I,a Juba” from Pngliacci. Making his initial appearance as an entertainer was Pvt. Tommy B, elli, officers’ barber, who sang Continued on page 9, column 1 Community Sing a! Club No. 1 Monday Singing, not because you have studied music for the past ten years, but because you LIKE to sing, has prompted Miss Madge Kuhwarth, social and recreational hostess at Club 2, to organize a series of Monday night “Sings," starting each week at 7:30. Last Monday night marked the initial get-together, and from the turnout, there was every indica­ tion that this planned Service club feature will proceed with a bang. A group of soldiers gathered around Miss Kuhwarth at the piano and blended in singing everything under th sun from “Swing Lo, Sweet Chariot” to “Beer Barrell Polka.” No stress is placed on vocal qualities or the individual’s ability to read music. All you ne«*d is the desire to get together with your buddies and sing. This was proven Monday night. No wonder the Timber Wolf Athletic Officer i.- nearing a smile a mile wide these days. 1st Lt. Robert C. Duffy, ex-l'uhers!ty Before next week’s “Sing.” Miss of California basketball star, now stationed at Camp Adair, has Kuhwarth has promised to have the anncui red his engagement to Miss Vera Smith, daughter of Mr. words to several popular favorites and Mrs. Ted it. Smith of Olympia. Wash. Romance started three mimeographed, and has offered to years ago when Miss Smith was flying out of San Francisco: now secure more sheet music for har­ she is Chief Stowardes .. btisrsl at Portland, in charge of United Airlines hostesses who fly from there. Lt. Duffy is the son of mony work, if such is desired. R. S. Duffy of Richmond, t ai. Nodale has been set for the wedding. So, come on over to Club 2 next Cut, courtesy •'The Oregonian” Monday night and join in the sing­ ing. It's lots of fun, and if you have any troubles or cares, remem­ ber the best way to get rid of them is by singing them away. Square Dances Are VogueatClub 1 The square dames really serve a two-fold purpose . . . primarily, they offi r a barrel of fun fur the participants, and secondly, the various girations provide enter­ tainment ami often amusement fol the on-lookers. It was “Swing Yurrr Partner” an 1 “Star to the Right" last Wed­ nesday night at Service Club 1. And it will be the same every' Wednes­ day night. .for the benefit of those needing th«»«* phrases decoded, they refer to the figures called during the aare dances, a weekly success at th* club, directed hy Miss Ann Ci.idy, social and recreational ho- tess. From Oregon State college in Corvallis came a contingent of about 25 co-eds, all schooled in dancing the Virginia Reel and other square danceS. Miss Betty Thompson started the ball rollin’ by instructing the soldiers in the dancing fundamen­ tals and explaining the various “figures” (not referring to the dance partners!) She congratulated the fellows on their quickness in learning the *t«*ps. and the dance proceeded hitch-luss. Talent, Inc’ Sends Out 3 Shows Tonight Powell; Pvt. Ray Cattaneo of the Musicale on April 18 SCU Dance Band who will present several accordian selections; and Listed at Field House one or two additional acts. Thirdly, right here on the post, According to an announcement at the Red Cross Auditorium at the made this week by Mrs. Blodgett. Station Hospital, th«* Medics will I Service Club 1 directress, plans are likewise be entertain«! tonight, underway now for the appearance with a show similar to that pre­ i nt the Field House, on the evening sente«! at Club 1 last Saturday I of April 18, of a gala musical pro­ night. gram featuring singing and instru­ Featured will lie the Hill Billy mental numbers by talented co-eds Trio ... Pvts. Shew. Belville and from the University of Oregon. Eu- Head; the “Eight Gorgeous Hus­ ' gene. sies", chorines extraordinaire; Cpl. The program is being arranged Hay, the "Singing Soldier" ami his by Prof Sigrid Nelson, professor accompanist. Cpl. Bartley; ami Pvt. of voice of the Music Department, “Gypsy Rose Lee” Emmons, who and will be prislucet! by Miss Maude will lie master of ceremonies. All Garnett, director of music at the these performers ar«- from the Gey- university. sers Regiment of the Timber AVolf Arrangements for this musical Division. program to l>e presented for the In addition, from the station com­ officers and men of Camp Adair, plement comes a musical portion are being made by Mrs. Blodgett, of the 8CU Dance Ba ml. amt will and further announcements, to­ feature T Sgt. Bub Black, director, gether with th«« program to be at the piano. And. last but not presented, will appear in next least. Cpl. Erldie Jacohaen. equilib- I week’s Sentry. num artist front the Dtith Division > Headquarters, will perforin. Oh Dear. These Lighting effects will lie achieve«! ( Draft Boards! by Pvt Bill Lenahan am! make-up I artistry will he in lh«* hands of Camp Pa kett. Va. (UNS)—Sig- Pvt. Steve Clensos , u*en months after entering the I .servies*. Me. John Ka-«no, sta- While waiting for point ration­ 'tame«! here. rweived his draft ing to go into effect, an End. Okla , broa«l »X a-e. Inviai umting the grocer found that a placarli. “U»e , matter. Kaseeo discovered h«* had Yopr Commun Sense,” posted in ( been serving another man’s time in his canned gsasls ihpartraent. ' tbs Army! »ervvsl to restrain would he fora! In his home town of Mellen, honnir I ». , Wi«.. there are two J,ihn Km-« mis BPOE, Bond Rally and Medics to Be Visited Talent, Inc," the bureau that Assumes ull the headaches for lin­ ing up Camp Adair talent for out- of-town performances, has been bi sy this week arranging for a tr'o of show* to I m 1 presented to- night. Chief booking agent, at pres­ ent, is Mrs. Blodgett. At the McMinnville F.lks Club t, i.ight, acting on the request of Mr. Volstead, Sgt. Nick Sansoms ar I hi* accordian will often the shew Also leatured will he Pvt. Bernard Kovler, a tenor from the T uber Wolf "Seagull*"; INrt Erv. in« K «»her, also the "Seagulls," wto will be master of ceremonies; T/4 “Chuck" Healy of the Timber Wulf SSO. and hi* wife. Ginger, W o will dance, and Pvt. Jim Hur- an, of the Timber Wolf Division. wRo will present hi* magician act. highlighting the Victory Bond Jv bilee under auspice» of the Al- b.viy laons* Club will be the ap­ pearance of a half-«iosen top notch acta from the post. Featured will be Pvt Jack Gates, iiantoiniine SK.t; Miss June Powell of Service Cl lb I. who will do her Mexieau **I m M" and "clap" dances in native •Mdune: Pvt Mahon Tulb<. ptan- la', who will accompany Mis» These fiances are a regular week­ ly feature at the club. The start about X o'clock and continue until marly In which spells curfew for the collegiates. Punch is usually servofl, with Mias (.addy at the serving table. A New Orleans newspaper pub­ lished a map of the city, showing unusually bad spots in city street paving, which are costing motor­ i ists hundreds of pounds of vital rubber because of wear and tear on tires. Geysers' 'Gals' Score at Club 1 •8 Gorgeous Hussies Make Debut at Club. Oh, So Scantily Ciad In Baby Pink, Blue Eight gorgeous hussies, clad in pink and blue ballet skirts and “bras.” matching floral headpieces and GI shoes, were the hit of the evening at last Saturday night's “Spring Serenade" Cabaret Night at Service Club 1, when they made their debut in local “night club” circles. They were featured in the finale number of the floor show put on by the Timber Wolf Division, and their appearance made the rafters of the club ring with female screams and male guffaws. Precision toe work, with high kicking in time with “Narcissus” was well executed and their routine represented many hours of train­ ing. That they will appear in the near future, is a safe bet. The pace of the evening’s enter­ tainment was set with the appear­ ance of the “mistress” of cere­ monies . . . Pvt. “Gypsy Rose Lee” Emmons, sultry and dazzling in a billowing dainty blue formal. “She” introduced the various acts. Opening the show were “The Three Ranks,” Sgt. Wooford, Cpl. Kennedy and Pvt. Englander, who won a round of well-deserved ap­ plause for their close harmony work on a eouple of popular tunes. They were followed by the “Hill Billy Hotshots," Pvts. Shew, Bel­ ville and Head, wh1- entertained Continued on page 9. column 1 SERVICE CU BS’ DATE BOOK Thursday, April 1 — Open house at both clubs. Gaine night at Club 1. Prizes for high Bingo scores. Art class at Club 2. Friday, April 2— Gala Enlisted Men’s Dance at Field House, from 8 to 11. Good music, lovely Junior Hoste«« partners. Open house at both Service Clubs. Art class at Club 2 in "Soldier-Artist Work Shop.” Saturday. April 3— Night Club or Cabaret nights at Clubs I and 2. Timber Wolf Band an«! talent at Club 1; 96th Band and talent at Club 2. Miifce your reservations early. Contact “Date Bureau" at 34X0 if you want a gal. Art class at Cluh 2. Sunday. April 4— “Concert Hour.” broadcast from KOAC, Corvallis, and dedicated to Camp Adair. From 2 to 2 at Club 2. Followed by impromptu entertainment and open house for visitors. Popular reeor«ie«l music from 3 to 4 at Club 1. followed by informal program. Open house for relatives an«! visitors. "Artist Workshop" open all day at Club 2. Monday. April 5— Men's Glee Club rehearsal at Club 2. Informatl activities at either club. Art class at Club 2. • Tuesday. April 6— One. two. three, kick! It- Lati American dance night at Club 2. Instruction in these dances given from 7 to 9 by T 4 Cec Birnkrant. Gals on hand as partners. Art class at Club 2. Wednesday. April 7— Swing your partner! Square dance night at Cluh 1. < >-eds from Oregon State to help you over the rough •pots. From 8 until 10 p. m. Refreshments served. Art class at Club 2. Game ami bingo night at Club 2, starting at 8 o'clock. Prue».