Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, April 01, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    Camp Adair Sentry
Portland Art Museum
Setting for Concert
This Sunday at 3 P.M.
Thursday, April 1,1943.
Page Five
. . . And We'd Be Smiling Too . . .
The Portland Museum of Art this
toniing Sunday, April 4, at 3 p. m.,
"ill present a free concert featur-
In- two musicians from Salem, well-
known throughout Oregon. They
are Frances Melton, pianist, and
president of the Oregon Music
Teachers association, and Melvin
Geist, tenor, and Dean of Music at
Millamette University. Both have
done distinguished concert work for
several years, Mr. Geist mainly in
the mid-west and south, and Mrs.
Melton in the Orient.
Selections on the program include
a wide array from Brahms to Mac-
Soldiers from Camp Adair are
cordially extended the invitation to
attend this concert if they are in
Portland Sunday afternoon.
Army Institute Now
Includes 79 Schools
Many Correspondence
Courses Available
The Army Institute recently
changed its name to the United
States Armed Forces Institute. This
school for Service personnel is lo­
cated at Madison. Wisconsin, ami
provides instruction by means of
correspondí nee. In the last six
weeks there has been a 50 per cent
increase in registration.
Seventy-nine colleges and uni­
versities are cooperating with the
Institute in this educational pro­
gram. A service man can receive
academic credit which will be ac­
cepted for graduation or degree re-
qtii cements.
When a student completes an In­
course, he is given a certifi­
... I he Battle to See You With.
cate of proficiency from the com­
That petite, little package of
mandant of the Institute, presented
personality and charm, known to
to him through his organization
many as "Little Red Riding Hood"
commander. Upon completion of u
(because of her scarlet raincoat)
course, this accomplishment is list­
and to those at Post Engineers as
ed on service man's qualification
Anne Newill, is now a receptionist
at the Engineers building. For the
For OSC Students
past two or more months, "Little
Commandants of various Offi­
Annie has been a messenger and
cers’ Candidate Schools have rec­
in her travels has built up an en­
ommended Institute courses to pros­
viable host of friends and acquaint­
pective OSC students. Men in the
service have found that they can
So, “Little Red Riding Hood”
prepare themselves for advance­
vanishes from circulation, so to
ments through the Institute cour­
speak . . . but she’s very much in
the thick of things at her recep­
Costs are low and vary accord­
tion desk.
ing to specific courses. Each course
taken under the Institute itself
costs $2, which is paid by the en­
With the Medics
They were with the Army but not exactly in it. until recently, when Capt. Gilbert A. Waite,
rollee. The Government will pay
Post Adjutant, pinned on the bars which made them Li. Lydia Kuehler (center) and Lt. Helen John­
one half of the text and tuition fee
T 5 John E. Sheehan
son. attached to the Camp Adair Station Hospital. Both were former Civil Service employes and have
up to'the amount of $20; there­
been at this Post since August. Lt. Kuehlet* is formerly of Denver and Lt. Johnson from Corvallis
for if a course costs more than
and is a ’41 graduate of OSC.—Photo courtesy Oregonian.
$20 the student must pay the dif­
I’m writing this column this the main battles, who the generals while waiting to go on the firing
Complete information on lists of
time not only as a "Medic” but also were, and just how many miles line. With a second-hand ping-
courses, participating colleges and
as a patient in the hospital. The farther back the Germans were pong ball and a piece of stump
universities may be obtained at the
mASles bug bit me—and it really thrown yesterday. Oh. yes — he’s for a bat. Jim Molloy. Howard
libraries of Service Club 1 and 2,
bit! — German measles at that -— single, too!
Line forms to the Giles, Trim Trimingham and Don
Pfc. F. Smith—Sgt. M. Gaines
by writing directly to the Armed
it certainly is a good name for right, girls!
\_________ ______________________
Forces Institute at Madison. Wis.
A tip for something to do—how the way they hit the pill around. Yes, we've made another edition
Soldiers who go oversea* can
Hal Brandt with his pitching arm
It seems that the week end be­ about a weinie roast? Avery Park
How!! we do not know
stilb continue their
as "loose as a goose” shows
fore last S Sgt. Johnny Schaefer
To the Sentry, we’re no addition through this plan. Only one subject
almost lost a perfectly good wife.* Corvallis). Yours truly was "among
Except to drag them low.
can bi» taken at a time.
test man on the Finance “pitch­
Jfthnny and Claire (that’s the wife) those present” last Sunday night,
ing" staff according to a rumor
So. till they get real mad
went for an outing to the Coast and we really had a swell time, spread by Lucius Latrine.
been heard laying the loaves in the
And throw us off this page
with seme friends. They were play­ you ought to try it!
T -6th Johnson and T z4th Ted
aisle (where we hear they belong)
Some more promotions we just Halden left last week for enlisted We're printing this ‘stuff- so sad with the following: “It must lie a
ing tag on the beach when sudden­
So, go ahead and rage.
ly Claire lost her sense of direction dug up—Cpls. Ueal L. Holleman men's advanced Finance School at
circus when those two guys come
and went plunging into the Pacific and Merton R. Goughnowm are now Duke University where they will
to town.” Some innocent ‘golil-
to be hauled out swiftly by a great­ Sgts., and Pfc. Ned Brockway has learn the latest tricks of Finance
We’d like to report what we bricker' always asks “Who” only to
ly* amused husband.
She didn't gone up the scale to the T 5 level. work, We hope that both will be HOPE is a coincidence! After be hit with “Barnum and Bailey.”
Miss Pauline McWill, from the back at this station again and are watching the Q.M. “Rifleteers" for (Editor's note: If that up and com­
have an extra change of clothing
with her, but a fire was built and Out-Patient Clinic, is now sport­ looking forward to the Senator’s ONE day out on tip' range, Lt. ing new comedian by the name of
Claire was as good as new in no ing a brand new diamond! The day by day description of what Brazelton. QM's C.O., was reported Joe Miller sends us hi* latest gags
lucky fellow is an architect in went on at the school.
ill. (Editor’s note:) We disagree (and the above does gag!!) we’ll
time at all.
T 5th Albert Dehner and T / 4th with the lieutenant. We think the print it. In the future, this column
Sgt. Matthew Tierney has start­ Seattle. As far as we know, no
ed a new fad at the Hospital. Mat definite date has been set. Lots of Walt Momyer left last week for a safest spot is right in front of the will be called "Anything Goes” from
new station somewhere in sunny target! Last item contributed by the material of the same name.)
has been collecting match covers luck, kids!
( ?) California. We haven’t heard Pfc. J. J: Fontanazza (who wants
partaining to all branches of the
from them yet but think that they to leave anyway).
Last Saturday's stand-by inspec­
Military forces for over two years.
Frenzied Finance
must still be busy getting dry after
tion must have had other humorous
He has over 1000 of them now.
If. as you pass the QM 1911 bar­ happenings connected with it but
leaving Camp Adair.
Same are front ships and sub­
Sgt. Fred Ashworth
you hear strange noises, the following is all we've heard of
marines that have made history
Most hated dish of the Finance don’t be alarmed. It’s not the men so far. Picture the play!!
since that time, and he even has
Place: QM Barracks, ldd’a,
Lost! One Frenzied Finance col­ department is pepper flavored with going berserk and beating their non­
same from Canadian ami British
umn. We failed to make the dead­ spaghetti. We had it the other night coms!! It's only their bones (Ixith ‘sleepy latrine.'
private's and non-com’s) ‘protest­
Time: After dark. Friday night.
line last week as “rootin', tootin’, and were we "Burned" up.
any they don’t want should send
Traffic Regulations!
ing’ against the unmerciful beating
Cast: Jim Lemons (with hair)
shootin’ ” Fighting Finance was
them to Mat.
Attention Sgt. Louis Geirman. they took in the first practice ses­ Four Soldiers (?) (with ‘barber’s*
out on the range and work in the
Congratulations to T o James office and news columns were sus­ According to traffic regulations of sion of the softball teqm. The day ideas.)
Murphy. Pfc. Louis Angelo and pended.
the state of Oregon, making a U- after the ‘fray,’ therefore so many
It seems that Jim, in the hustle
Victor Gutierraz on their new
(■Charlie horses,’ people were talk­ and bustle of getting really for
In place of final statement», fur­ tum is illegal Get it?
With the echo of rifle (and other ing (as people always do!!) of the next days big event, hadn’t
loughs and payrolls, the fellow*
(Your editor's substitute takes were talking of (can you imagine? ) shots) ringing in our ears
, converting the outfit over to a found time to get his ‘hanging
over from this point on.)
locks’ (hair) clipped. Was all lost
Horse Brigade.
Maggie's drawers, butts in the pit', cease firing until nuxt week.
Pfc. Eddie Haupt, from the In­ bulls and firing lines. We ail had
for Jim? Nay!! To his rescue, (or
formation Office, took a bride last a lot of fun and really settled the
An 82-year-old Galesville, Wis.,
To overcome the bail features of was it a reaaital) rami- the queer
Saturday. Who is she? Well, your question about whether or pot the mechanic. witb»a single machine in the above practice, (11 Possible quartet, (Bob Stair, Jini Terry,
editor thinks you better ask him fellows would at. “Home on the his home, turn' out parts for naval fractures and 100 DEFINITE Burkett, Jim Jones) arm<-<| with
ordnance as a war production sub­ bruises—assorted ail*-« ‘ We have a M-issors, razors, anil funny idea* of
yourself—you’ll really be in for a Range."
Shucks! Wish we could
good point to bring out. Knowing how a head should be trimmed, they
Pvt. Howard Giles although a contractor.
duty, we're bringing said point went to work!! Much later in the
put that in -
Dehydration in 1943 will take out. For the first time in Camp night, Jim was seen sneaking up­
An interesting Medic you ought prize in the Finance Section when
» know is Cpl. Aten Theiler. dis-1 he rang up a score of 164. Pfc. Ed four times as many vegetables a* Adair's young ami hectic life, Pvt. stairs with his head bloody l>ut un­
pauher at the Motor Pool. (Alan) Smith followed closely with 163 and in 1942 and most of this dehydrated Howard Beasley, (that ‘old South­ bowed" (P.S. In spite of the ‘clip­
,u*t made corporal a few days ago. Pvt. Marv Martin had a 154 to his food will go for Army and Lend- ern gentleman’ from the Custodial ping’ he took he passed Satur­
incidentally.) Cpl. Theiler has been | credit. The rest of the fellows ail Lease nueds.
Office) war seen traveling at a day'* inspection '«hin-ifig.'
Fashion Notes: John Bagnell, be­
.. twice
> . ;— - . w()r
ked , qualified with scores well above
pace faster than his usual ‘Step n
--WO1 4 the world
sides sporting lus new Pfc. atrip«,
TTway. too —
- and for the four I the minimum required.
Ordnance Division siogun- "The Fetchit Crawl.’ ”
is wearing hi* mustache (at least,
prior to his
Mike Kruger, full doughboy an«’ we think that's wbat it let with,
,ki instructor at •»pent on the range •»• the ball the impossible take* a little long­
jMmy he was a
half-wit of the Q.M Bakery, has what •aems to be, pleat* in it!
San Valley. He can tell you »111 game played by the Finanre team