Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, March 25, 1943, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page Twelve
Camp Adair S
Thursday. March 25. 1943.
It's Done With Mirrors
i Tough Anti-Tankers Have Eye Tor Beauty;
j Their Garden Sets Example on the Post
The Tank Destroyer» at Camp
Adair, as well as being good sol­
«tiers, an- also clever gardener-.
The company area and training
grounds have been leveled off.
Landscaping also seem», to be in
their line. Stones «pellirig out the
name of the organization in artis­
tic fashion were placed on the side
facing th«- company street.
Springtime is Here;
Glee Club is Planned
By Hostess Kuhwarth
First Lt. Jack Clark, a member
of this company, was recently spot­
ted in the local telephone office.
While waiting for a call to go
through to his wife in Glendale.
California, he found time to« brag
about his outfit. Lt. Clark said
that they have a big job ahead of
them and jokingly remarked:
“Some soldiers refer to us as
the tank dispersers!
According to the food count
an all-time high was reached in
attendance at the George A.
White Cint-r in Portland Inst
week-end. More than 3000 serv­
ice men enjoyed th«- Snack Bar
und the various activities at
Portland’s official hospitality­
center over Saturday and Sun­
day! What was th«- Snack Bar
favorite? Pie! More than 700
of the “kind like mother use«i
to bake” vanished along with
those cups of gixsl steaming hot
java! Sandwiches . . . potato
salad . . . pickles . . . and hot
dogs . . all were Snack Bar
favorites . . . und went down
for the count!
Plans to form a Glee club ar«-
being made at Servic«- Club No. 2
under the direction of Miss Madge
Kuhwarth, the new social and rec­
reational hostess who request» that
all soldier- having a desire to sing,
come out next Monday evening at
7:30 o’clock.
At that time plans will be made
for future musical programs. When
the Glee Club is organized, a va­
nity of vocals from the old quartet
type to special arrangements of
popular« will be used. This will
form a nucleus for a burlesque op­
eretta later.
Signed up for the Glee Club al­ Another high spot in the evening's
ready art the "Three Rank«” fn m entertainment was the surpi ise ap­
Headquart« r- Company of th«- Tim­ pearance of Gypsy Rose I.e ■ Em­
ber AVolf Infantry. They are T I mons who had no trouble filling
Frank Wofford. CpI. Cieve Ken­ the mess hall, where the party was
nedy, and Pvt. Richard England« r. held, with uproarious laughter.
Miss Kuhwarth is a former musi­ Short talks by the officers topped
cal superintendent of Yakima, off a delightful evening.
Washington, when- he taught voice
Left to right, we proudly present Rita Ila« worth. Rita Hayworth and Rita Hayworth. Our
in a senior high school and super­
secret operatives tell us that Miss Hayworth (of the cinema) is a very popular "pin-up" gal in
vised music in the grades and jun­ Octet of Lovelies Will
barracks of the armed services, so rather than print three tinids as many papers we take this novel]
ior high schools.
method of having a picture for all.
Make Debut Saturday
Says Miss Kuhwarth: “Whether
a soldier can read notes or not, At Service Club 2
on hand to handle the musical por­ with the soldiers, who com«- to the Brannan and .David K. Fettes. I
makes no difefrence if he has a
tion of th«- evening’s entertainment. Monmouth center."
To be technician third gra-ll
desire to learn.”
According to ndvance informa­
I On the other hand, Mrs. Cham­ Harold R. Colson.
She expresses the belief that tion. this Saturday night’s "Night
bers is equally urgent in her in- I
there is good talent at Camp Adair Club Night” at Club 1 will again
vitation to the enlisted men of' worth, John L. Knapp, John .4
and hopes to see a big turnout next feature Timber Wolf Division tal­
Camp Adair that they visit the Lehti, Edward H. Schott, Jr.. aJ
Momlay evening at 7:30 o'clock.
ent, mainly from the Geysers Regi­
Monmouth Center on Sunday after­ Lawrence R. Youngfnan.
noon. All Junior Hostesses will be
To be corporal: Warren H. BoJ
The hilarious highlight of the
in attendance throughout the after­
Geysers' St. Patrick's
John R. Campbell, JamJ
evening will la- the initial appear­
Adairmen Welcomed noon and evening and a full pro­ M. Carpenter. Melvin L. Ciemonl
Show Termed Success
ance at the Club of the "Eight
gram of activities will be in prog­
and Francis L. Koopmann.
Afairettes” ... an octet of “long
To All-Day Program ress throughout that time.
To be technician fifth grade!
I he Timber Wolves’ Geysers’ stemmed American lieauties” (says
Dr. C. A. Howard. President of
They are
< ompanies got together last week their press agent.)
Jhe Monmouth USO, under the the Oregon College of Education, Kenneth S. Carter. Raymond .1
for a St. Patrick's day party that dancers but that’s all we’ll tell. direction of Miss Ruby Ann Lor­ has recently been appointed Chair- Henry, Harold Kaczynski, Roy V
B«-tter go and see for yourself. encs, plans to take part in the man of the Defense R«-creational Misner. Joseph P. Mulhern, Clem]
will long I m - remembered.
are under the direction of National Open-House program on Committee and is in charge of a ent P. Murphy, Frank J. Ratayj
Making an initial appearance
were those "Long-Stemmed Ameri­
Sunday. March 28. which will be brief afternoon entertainment. Rob- Clyde H. Schindler, Donald 11
Ranks” . . . Sgt. a feature of all centers on that1 ert S. Farrell, Jr., Secretary of Thompson and Leroy W. Towne. I
can Beauties" that were referred
Wofford. Cpl. Kennt-dy and Pvt.
to in last week’ "Sentry” and now
day in a nation-wide effort to State for Oregon, will be a guest
To be private first class: Lem
Englander will offer a vocal num­
their identity can be revealed
bring the armed forces anil local speaker. Sp«-cial music from local nart W. Anderson, Henry B. Black]
ber or two; there will be a hill­
Reading left to right, like Radio
communities into a friendly, co­ and camp talent will be included. John W. Boykin, Otis L. Briney]
billy trio compose«! of Pvt. John
City Music Hall’s famed Rockettes,
operative understanding and fel-'
Roger R Bromley, Mai-vin K. But]
Head. Pvt. Georg«- Belville and Pvt.
art Pvts Hagland. Milligan. Mc­
Clarenc«- Shew; n vocal by Cpl.
ler, Claude S. Darrah, Frank SI
Timber Wolf Ups
Leod, Concher, Fitzgerald. Calamia.
Mrs. F. E. Chambers. Monmouth
Fabianski, Jr., Alcide J. Hunter!
Hay with Cpl. Bartley at the piano,
50 in Signal Co.
Emmon-. and Murphy. Chorography and an unusual feature
will b«- the L'SO chairman, and her executive
Samuel C. Jackson, Delbert N
(that's instruction in ’the dance,’ appearance of “Gypsy Rose Lee" committee are in general charge
Lane, Norman M. Laube, Selvy CJ
says Webster) was plann«-«l anti Emmons, in a number that need.« of the events. “It is the earnest i Fifty men of the Timber Wolf Marcom, David Mendelssohn. Rold
directed by Timber Wolf Cpl. Rex no explanation here.
hope of this committee." states Division Signal Company­ wen- ert R. Miller, Milton M. Newmark]
Watson and CpI. Bartley was at
Last week's Cabaret Night was Mrs. Chambers, "that ail citizens busy this week with needle and Ernest B. Petrey, Clifford H. Pfen]
the piano.
cancelled, more or less, du«- to the of the town and surrounding com­ thread and chevrons, as a result of ning, Richard J. Plettl, David B]
Ye«, the party was n huge suc­ gala re-opening of th«- club, al­ munity w-ill plan to drop in at the the following new promotions:
Rankin, Alden A. Rose. George A]
cess. Refreshments, too, were of though the regular floor show was USO on March 28, to see the re-I To be technical sergeant: Ray­ Sheppard. Newton B. Shy, Brown
th«- finest, and the program was presented as sch«-«iuled. One of th«- suits and use of their community mond E. Becker.
Tuck. Emory H. Weathers, and Er]
“spark plugged" by CpI. Watson Timber Wolf bands will also be cooperation, and to meet anil visit
To be staff sergeant: Seldon vin W. Young.
Monmouth USO Plans
Male Call
by Milton Caniff creator of Terry and the Pirates
■‘ lale ’/ ain ' t HE
Brass Warm