O regon sta ^ f librai A weekly journal de­ voted to maintaining mo.r*'e with the respon­ sibility of circulating Post information and news at Camp Adair, Oregon. MAR. 2^* i WXaage- (^nua?34» atier General Bryant E. Moore, assistant commander of the Timber Wolf Division. wa« presented with the 'iher -tar last Saturday amid imp’-c «iva ceremonies. After presentation of the medal the enti e division passed in review before the General Staff. Above is the limber Wolf Color Guard and General Moore. Public Relations photo. This /$ For You and Me, Soldier! “Just a minute there, Soldier! Were YOU one of thos? 4,000 men? Did YOU receive some of that $60.000.00? Well, if you aren't—and if you didn't—it’s a safe bet that your buddy was. and did. If he didn’t, some soldier in your Company or Battery did. At any rate, you know some one in your outfit who was in that group, and who got part of that money. “What am I talking about? I hoped yoq would ask that ques­ tion. I’m talking about the 4.000 men in this camp—Camp Adair— who have received assistance from the American Red Cross. I'm telling you that the Red Cross Field Office (and don't pretend you don’t know where it is!) here in our camp has put out $60.000.00 to soldiers in emergency situations, since the camp started a few months ago. That's a lot'of money! And every cent of it went to help some of you guys who were in an awful hurry to get home Tiecause some one you loved very much was ill-—or had passed away. Remember? Sure you do. You remember when that telegram came. Y’ou recall the worry and anxiety, how you sweated; you remember that sick feeling you had inside! And you won’t ever forget the sincere gratitude you felt that the Red Cross was here to assist you at such a time. ‘Sixty tho usand dollars!— used for emergi ncies ri icht here in Camp Adair! Multi inly that bv all the earn ps of simile .« ixe in the United States, and yn page 10, column 3.) Fashion Note: The Well-Dressed Nurse • To Discard Prim Starched Gown for OD The Fashion wires are buzzin*, cousin, with news of the cheerful new uniforms to be worn by Army nurses. For these latest creations are the joint inspiration of the Quartermaster Corps and the world's foremost de igners of wo­ men's clothes. The idlea was to combine the hardheadled practicality of the QM*« wit h the kind of line and fabric th;at» make a girl look her he«t. So your wc-ll-drei-sed Army nume wil 1 discard her prim white ptarehed uniform for a brown and ite pin-striped seerwekar, for rseas duty. Here at home a brown uniform of the same design as the present white, will be all the vogue. On the street the Nurses’ Corp« will l>e bedecked in real OD’s . . , following the fabric and pattern ideas used by all women in the army. The nurses will, however, have the benefit of that perpetual female prerogative - - their hat* will be for nurses alene. And this tops it: For work in theaters of < '»«»rations Army nurse will swaddle themeelvea in that olivi* drab herringbone that you have in your own fatigues. It’s a pood thing a man still has the cigar to himself!